Example #1
 def render(offers, query):
     locations = Locations.fromOffers(offers)
     mapPoints = GoogleMapPoints.fromLocations(locations)
     mapCenter = OnlineView.getMapCenter(query.city)
     mapZoom = 12 # this should be evaluated  to ensure best map look 
     offerPage = OnlineView.getOfferPage(mapPoints, mapCenter, mapZoom, 
 def testLocations(self):
     offer1 = {'address' : 'Wielicka 9',
               'longlatt' : [51, 11],
               'title' : 'Mieszkanie dwupokojowe'}
     offer2 = {'address' : 'Wielicka 9',
               'longlatt' : [51, 11],
               'title' : 'Mieszkanie trzypokojowe'}
     offer3 = {'address' : 'Sarego 12',
               'longlatt' : [53, 13],
               'title' : 'Garsoniera wysoki standard'}
     offers = [offer1, offer2, offer3]
     locations = Locations.fromOffers(offers)
     self.assertTrue(locations.has_key('Wielicka 9'), "Locations does not contain required address")
     self.assertEquals(2, len(locations['Wielicka 9']['offers']), "Should be 2 offers at this location")
     self.assertEquals([51, 11], locations['Wielicka 9']['longlatt'])
     self.assertEquals('Mieszkanie dwupokojowe', locations['Wielicka 9']['offers'][0]['title'])
     self.assertEquals('Mieszkanie trzypokojowe', locations['Wielicka 9']['offers'][1]['title'])
     self.assertTrue(locations.has_key('Sarego 12'), "Locations does not contain required address")
     self.assertEquals(1, len(locations['Sarego 12']['offers']), "Should be 1 offer at this location")
     self.assertEquals([53, 13], locations['Sarego 12']['longlatt'])
     self.assertEquals('Garsoniera wysoki standard', locations['Sarego 12']['offers'][0]['title'])