def linexpsug(): linexpsug.title = "linux-exploit-suggester2 : A perl Linux exploit suggester script" tool_dir = "/EXPLOITATION/linux-exploit-suggester" shrts.prilogspc() os.system( "git clone " + shrts.getinstalldir() + tool_dir + null) shrts.clscprilo() print( "\033[92m linux-exploit-suggester2 Downlaoded successfully \033[90m" ) shrts.spc() print("\033[92m Check " + shrts.getinstalldir() + tool_dir + " Folder\033[90m") shrts.okex()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ PASSWORD ATTACKS ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m1) Crunch 2) CeWl 3) Patator 4) Download Rockyou.txt\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m 5) Password Attacks Cheatsheets Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@PassAttacks~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": crunch() elif choice == "2": Cewl() elif choice == "3": patator() elif choice == "4": dlrockyou() elif choice == "5": passsh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ SHELLS ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m1) BlackArch's Webshells Collection 2) Shellnum 3) Weevely 4) Python PTY Shells\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@Shells~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": webshells() elif choice == "2": Shellnum() elif choice == "3": Weevely() elif choice == "4": ptyshells() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m1) Codetective 2) findmyhash\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m 3) Crypto Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@EncDec~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": Codetective() elif choice == "2": findmyhash() elif choice == "3": encsh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ SOCIAL ENGINEERING ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m1) Scythe\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m 2) Social Engineering Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@SocEng~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": scythe() elif choice == "2": socsh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ PRIVILEGE ESCALATION ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m1) All you need as Privilege Escalation scripts and exploits\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m 2) Privilege Escalation Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@PrivEsc~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": priivesc() elif choice == "2": privesh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print(" \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ INFORMATION GATHERING ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m-[!]----- Auto ------[!]- 1) DirSearch 2) brut3k1t 3) Gobuster 4) Enyx 5) Nasnum 6) Sublist3r 7) Wafw00f 8) Sherlock 9) Snmpwn 10) Striker 11) TheHarvester 12) URLextractor 13) Denumerator -[!]----- Manual ------[!]- 14) Photon 15) Raccoon 16) dnsrecon 17) Nmap -[!]----- FrameWorks ------[!]- 18) ReconDog 19) RED_HAWK 20) Dracnmap\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m 21) Information Gathering Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[94m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@EnumInfoGathering~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": dirsearch() elif choice == "2": brut3k1t() elif choice == "3": gobuster() elif choice == "4": enyx() elif choice == "5": Nasnum() elif choice == "6": Sublist3r() elif choice == "7": wafw00f() elif choice == "8": sherlock() elif choice == "9": snmpwn() elif choice == "10": Striker() elif choice == "11": theHarvester() elif choice == "12": URLextractor() elif choice == "13": denumerator() elif choice == "14": Photon() elif choice == "15": Raccoon() elif choice == "16": dnsrecon() elif choice == "17": nmap() elif choice == "18": ReconDog() elif choice == "19": RED_HAWK() elif choice == "20": Dracnmap() elif choice == "21": infgathsh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo() print("""\033[94m [ WEB HACKING ] Make A Choice :\033[90m \033[91m -[!]----- Tools ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m-[!]----- Auto ------[!]- 1) Spaghetti 2) BruteXSS 3) Jdorker -[!]----- Manual ------[!]- 4) CMSmap 5) droopescan 6) Optiva 7) V3n0M 8) Atscan 9) WPSeku 10) XSStrike 11) Joomscan 12) WPscan 13) Sqlmap 14) Whatweb -[!]----- FrameWorks ------[!]- 15) Dzjecter\033[90m \033[91m-[!]----- Cheatsheets ------[!]-\033[90m \033[93m16) Web Hacking Cheatsheets\033[90m ------------------------ \033[94mb) Back to ROOT MENU q) Leave Lockdoor\033[90m """) choice = input("\033[92mLockdoor@Web~# \033[0m") os.system('clear') if choice == "1": Spaghetti() elif choice == "2": BruteXSS() elif choice == "3": Jdorker() elif choice == "4": CMSmap() elif choice == "5": droopescan() elif choice == "6": Optiva() elif choice == "7": V3n0M() elif choice == "8": Atscan() elif choice == "9": WPSeku() elif choice == "10": XSStrike() elif choice == "11": Joomscan() elif choice == "12": WPscan() elif choice == "13": sqlmap() elif choice == "14": whatweb() elif choice == "15": Dzjecter() elif choice == "16": webhsh() elif choice == "b": elif choice == "q": shrts.prilogspc() now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print( " \033[91m-[!]- LOCKDOOR IS EXITING -[!]-\033[0m") shrts.spc() print(" \033[91m-[!]- EXITING AT " + dt_string + " -[!]-\033[0m") sys.exit() elif choice == "": menu() else: menu()
def menu(): shrts.clscprilo()