def api_calls_daily(request):
    today =
    a_year_ago = today - datetime.timedelta(days=365)

    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)
    begin_date = parse_date_param(request, "begin_date", a_year_ago)
    end_date = parse_date_param(request, "end_date", today)
    if begin_date > end_date:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("begin_date must be before end_date")

    cal = calendar.Calendar()
    daily_calls = dict(
            (dt, {"date": dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "calls": 0})
            for y in range(begin_date.year, end_date.year + 1)
            for m in range(1, 13)
            for dt in cal.itermonthdates(y, m)
            if dt.month == m and dt >= begin_date and dt <= end_date

    qry = Report.objects.filter(date__range=(begin_date, end_date))
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
    for daily in daily_aggs:
        dt = daily["date"]
        daily_calls[dt]["calls"] = daily["calls"]

    result = {"daily": daily_calls.values()}
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def calls_to_api_daily(request, api_id=None, api_name=None):
    if api_id is None and api_name is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Must specify API id or name.")

        api = resolve_model(Api, [("id", api_id), ("name", api_name)])
    except Api.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound("The requested API was not found.")

    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)
    end_date = parse_date_param(request, "end_date")
    begin_date = end_date - datetime.timedelta(days=7)

    qry = Report.objects.filter(api=api)
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    qry = qry.filter(date__gte=begin_date, date__lte=end_date)
    agg = qry.aggregate(calls=Sum("calls"))

    daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))

    result = {"api_id":, "api_name":, "calls": agg["calls"], "daily": []}

    for d in daily_aggs:
        result["daily"].append({"date": d["date"].strftime("%m-%d-%Y"), "calls": d["calls"]})

    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def api_calls(request):

    begin_date = parse_date_param(request, "begin_date")
    end_date = parse_date_param(request, "end_date")
    ignore_deprecated = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_deprecated", False)
    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)

    qry = Report.objects
    if ignore_deprecated == True:
        qry = qry.filter(api__push_enabled=True)
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    if begin_date:
        qry = qry.filter(date__gte=begin_date)
    if end_date:
        qry = qry.filter(date__lte=end_date)
    agg_qry = qry.aggregate(calls=Sum("calls"))
    by_api_qry = qry.values("api__id", "api__name").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))

    def obj_for_group(grp):
        return {"api_id": grp["api__id"], "api_name": grp["api__name"], "calls": grp["calls"] or 0}

    result = {"calls": agg_qry["calls"] or 0, "by_api": [obj_for_group(grp) for grp in by_api_qry]}
    if begin_date is not None:
        result["begin_date"] = begin_date.isoformat()
    if end_date is not None:
        result["end_date"] = end_date.isoformat()
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def calls_to_api_monthly(request, api_id=None, api_name=None):
    if api_id is None and api_name is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Must specify API id or name.")

        api = resolve_model(Api, [("id", api_id), ("name", api_name)])
    except Api.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound("The requested API was not found.")

    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)
    year = parse_int_param(request, "year")
    if year is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("You must specify a year parameter.")

    qry = Report.objects.filter(api=api)
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    qry = qry.filter(, 1, 1),, 12, 31))
    agg = qry.aggregate(calls=Sum("calls"))

    daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
    monthly = dict(((m, {"month": m, "calls": 0}) for m in range(1, 13)))

    for daily in daily_aggs:
        month = daily["date"].month
        monthly[month]["calls"] += daily["calls"]

    result = {"api_id":, "api_name":, "calls": agg["calls"], "monthly": monthly.values()}
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def calls_to_api(request, api_id=None, api_name=None):

    begin_date = parse_date_param(request, "begin_date")
    end_date = parse_date_param(request, "end_date")
    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)

    if api_id is None and api_name is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Must specify API id or name.")

        api = resolve_model(Api, [("id", api_id), ("name", api_name)])
    except Api.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound("The requested API was not found.")

    qry = Report.objects.filter(api=api)
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    if begin_date:
        qry = qry.filter(date__gte=begin_date)
    if end_date:
        qry = qry.filter(date__lte=end_date)
    qry = qry.aggregate(calls=Sum("calls"))

    result = {"api_id":, "api_name":, "calls": qry["calls"]}
    if begin_date is not None:
        result["begin_date"] = begin_date.isoformat()
    if end_date is not None:
        result["end_date"] = end_date.isoformat()
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def all_calls(request):
    ignore_deprecated = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_deprecated", False)
    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)
    if request.GET.has_key("year"):
        year = int(request.GET["year"])
        qry = Report.objects.filter(, 1, 1),, 12, 31))
        if ignore_deprecated == True:
            qry = qry.filter(api__push_enabled=True)
        if ignore_internal_keys:
            qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
        agg = qry.aggregate(calls=Sum("calls"))

        daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
        monthly = dict(((m, {"month": m, "calls": 0}) for m in range(1, 13)))

        for daily in daily_aggs:
            month = daily["date"].month
            monthly[month]["calls"] += daily["calls"]

        result = {"calls": agg["calls"], "monthly": monthly.values(), "year": year}
        return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
        # yearly = Report.objects.raw("select id, extract(YEAR from  reported_time) as year, SUM(calls) as total from locksmith_hub_report group by extract(YEAR from reported_time)")

        qry = Report.objects
        if ignore_deprecated == True:
            qry = qry.filter(api__push_enabled=True)
        if ignore_internal_keys:
            qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
        daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))

        yearly = {}
        for daily in daily_aggs:
            yr = daily["date"].year
            if yr not in yearly:
                yearly[yr] = {"year": yr, "calls": 0}
            yearly[yr]["calls"] += daily["calls"]

        result = {"earliest_year": min(yearly.keys()), "latest_year": max(yearly.keys()), "yearly": yearly.values()}
        return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def _callers_in_period(
    begin_date, end_date, api=None, min_calls=100, ignore_internal_keys=True, ignore_autoactivated_keys=True
    calls_by_key = Report.objects.filter(date__gte=begin_date, date__lte=end_date)
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        calls_by_key = exclude_internal_key_reports(calls_by_key)
    if api is not None:
        calls_by_key = calls_by_key.filter(api=api)
    calls_by_key = calls_by_key.values("key__key", "key__email").annotate(calls=Sum("calls")).order_by("-calls")
    return [
        {"key": c["key__key"], "email": c["key__email"], "calls": c["calls"]}
        for c in calls_by_key
        if c["calls"] >= min_calls
def calls_by_endpoint(request, api_id=None, api_name=None):
    if api_id is None and api_name is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Must specify API id or name.")

        api = resolve_model(Api, [("id", api_id), ("name", api_name)])
    except Api.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound("The requested API was not found.")

    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)

    qry = Report.objects.filter(api=api)
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    endpoint_aggs = qry.values("endpoint").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
    result = {"api": {"id":, "name":}, "by_endpoint": list(endpoint_aggs)}
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def _active_keys_by_month(ignore_internal_keys, monthly_minimum, cached=True):
    Returns a dict of (year, month) -> active_keys. The dict will contain a key
    for each month observed in the data.

    cache_key = "_active_keys_by_month({0!r},{1!r})[{date!s}]".format(
        ignore_internal_keys, monthly_minimum,
    if cached == True:
        result = cache.get(cache_key)
        if result is not None:
            return result

    keys_issued_period = _keys_issued_date_range()

    # We first do a (date, key) aggregation for the number of daily calls.
    # We would do monthly aggregation here if we were using a newer version
    # of django with ORM month accessors. This rolls up the per-method reports.
    calls_by_key = Report.objects
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        calls_by_key = exclude_internal_key_reports(calls_by_key)
    calls_by_key = calls_by_key.values("date", "key__key", "key__email").annotate(calls=Sum("calls")).order_by("-calls")

    # Aggregate the daily aggregates into monthly aggregates (still on a per-key
    # basis). This facilitates filtering keys by monthly usage.
    grp_by = lambda r: (r["date"].year, r["date"].month, r["key__key"])

    def sum_calls(grp, records):
        return {"calls": sum([r["calls"] for r in records])}

    calls_per_key_monthly = generic_aggregation(calls_by_key, key=grp_by, agg_func=sum_calls)
    calls_per_key_monthly1 = (
        (grp, agg) for (grp, agg) in calls_per_key_monthly.iteritems() if agg["calls"] >= monthly_minimum

    # Now aggregate the (year, month, key) into the size of (year, month) groups.
    grp_by_month = lambda ((year, month, key), agg): (year, month)
    active_keys_per_month = generic_aggregation(
        calls_per_key_monthly1, key=grp_by_month, agg_func=lambda grp, records: len(records)
    cache.set(cache_key, active_keys_per_month, timeout=(60 * 60 * 25))
    return active_keys_per_month
def calls_to_api_yearly(request, api_id=None, api_name=None):
    if api_id is None and api_name is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Must specify API id or name.")

        api = resolve_model(Api, [("id", api_id), ("name", api_name)])
    except Api.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound("The requested API was not found.")

    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)

    date_extents = _keys_issued_date_range()
    if date_extents["earliest"] and date_extents["latest"]:
        earliest_year = date_extents["earliest"].year
        latest_year = date_extents["latest"].year

        qry = Report.objects.filter(api=api)
        if ignore_internal_keys:
            qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
        agg = qry.aggregate(calls=Sum("calls"))
        daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
        yearly = dict(((y, {"year": y, "calls": 0}) for y in range(earliest_year, latest_year + 1)))
        for daily in daily_aggs:
            yr = daily["date"].year
            yearly[yr]["calls"] += daily["calls"]
        earliest_year = None
        latest_year = None
        agg = {"calls": 0}
        yearly = {}

    result = {
        "earliest_year": earliest_year,
        "latest_year": latest_year,
        "calls": agg["calls"],
        "yearly": yearly.values(),
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def api_calls_monthly(request):
    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)

    keys_issued_period = _keys_issued_date_range()
    earliest_month = (keys_issued_period["earliest"].year, keys_issued_period["earliest"].month)
    latest_month = (keys_issued_period["latest"].year, keys_issued_period["latest"].month)

    monthly = {}
    for (year, month) in cycle_generator(cycle=(1, 12), begin=earliest_month, end=latest_month):
        monthly[(year, month)] = {"year": year, "month": month, "calls": 0}

    qry = Report.objects
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    daily_aggs = qry.values("date").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
    for daily in daily_aggs:
        dt = daily["date"]
        month = (dt.year, dt.month)
        monthly[month]["calls"] += daily["calls"]

    result = {"monthly": monthly.values()}
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")
def callers_of_api(request, api_id=None, api_name=None):
    if api_id is None and api_name is None:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest("Must specify API id or name.")

        api = resolve_model(Api, [("id", api_id), ("name", api_name)])
    except Api.DoesNotExist:
        return HttpResponseNotFound("The requested API was not found.")

    ignore_internal_keys = parse_bool_param(request, "ignore_internal_keys", True)
    min_calls = parse_int_param(request, "min_calls")
    max_calls = parse_int_param(request, "max_calls")
    top = parse_int_param(request, "top")

    qry = api.reports
    if ignore_internal_keys:
        qry = exclude_internal_key_reports(qry)
    qry = qry.values("key__email", "key__key").exclude(key__status="S").annotate(calls=Sum("calls"))
    if min_calls is not None:
        qry = qry.filter(calls__gte=min_calls)
    if max_calls is not None:
        qry = qry.filter(calls__lte=max_calls)
    qry = qry.order_by("-calls")
    if top is not None:
        qry = qry[:top]

    result = {
        "callers": [
                "key": c["key__key"],
                "email": c["key__email"],
                "profile_url": reverse("key_analytics", args=(c["key__key"],)),
                "calls": c["calls"],
            for c in qry
    return HttpResponse(content=json.dumps(result), status=200, content_type="application/json")