Example #1
    def __init__(self, engine, db_config):
        super(OrmProxy, self).__init__()
        self.logger = LogManager.get_logger("orm." + self.__class__.__name__)
        self.engine = engine
        self.db_config = db_config
        self.host = self.db_config["HOST"]
        self.port = self.db_config["PORT"]
        self.user = self.db_config["USER"]
        self.passwd = self.db_config["PASSWORD"]
        self.db = self.db_config["NAME"]
        self.connected = False
        self.orm_engine = None

            if self.engine == 'mysql':
                params = (self.user, self.passwd, self.host, self.port, self.db)
                connect = 'mysql+mysqldb://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s?charset=utf8' % params
                self.orm_engine = create_engine(connect, max_overflow=5,
                                                encoding='utf-8', echo=True)
                self.connected = True
                self.logger.info('init: %s', 'Database engine MySQLdb.')
                self.logger.error('init: err=%s', 'Database engine not find.')
                raise "Database engine not find."
        except SQLAlchemyError:
            self.logger.error('connect: err=%s', 'Connect orm failed.')
Example #2
    def __init__(self, project, options):
        from log import LogManager
        from report import ReportManager
        from dev import DeviceManager
        from cli import CliManager
        from pressure import PressureManager
        from db import DBConnector

        self.logManager = LogManager(options.outputdir)

        self.reportManager = ReportManager(options.outputdir)
        self.deviceManager = DeviceManager(project.devices)
        self.cliManager = CliManager(project.clis)
        if project.db is not None:
            self.dbConnector = DBConnector(project.db).createConnect()
        self.pressureManager = PressureManager(project.isPressure, project.repetition)
Example #3
class DockerWrapper:
    DOCKER_RESTART_POLICY = RestartPolicy(condition='none')

    def __init__(self, client: docker.DockerClient, config: RunnerConfig,
                 authenticator: AuthenticationFactory):
        self._client = client
        self._config = config
        self._authenticator = authenticator
        self._logger = LogManager(__name__)

    def start_task(self, job_id: str, image: str, task_name: str,
                   task_args: Iterable[str]) -> int:
        self._logger.info('Starting task {tn} for job {ji}'.format(
            tn=task_name, ji=job_id))
        run_env = [
                addr=self._config.host, port=self._config.port, ident=job_id),
        if any(task_args):
            run_env += [
                    args=','.join([str(a) for a in task_args]))

        svc = self._get_client().services.create(
            name='{id}-{name}'.format(id=job_id, name=task_name))
        return svc.id

    def remove_service(self, service_ids: Iterable[int]):
        for sid in service_ids:
            svc = self._client.services.get(sid)
            if svc:

    def _get_client(self):
        if self._authenticator and self._authenticator.any_require_login:
        return self._client
Example #4
 def __init__(self, port, reset=False):
     self.log_file = "persist_" + str(port)
     if reset or not os.path.isfile(self.log_file):
         self.data = {
             "current_term": 0,
             "vote_for": None,
             "log_manager": LogManager()
         self.data = self.deserialized()
Example #5
 def __init__(self, job_db: JobDb, queue_len=12, thread_builder=Thread):
     self._job_db = job_db
     self._queue_len = queue_len
     self._logger = LogManager(__name__)
     self._tasks = deque()
     self._running_tasks = []
     self._jobs = set()
     self._lock = Lock()
     self._overdue_tasks = set()
     # Set up the cleanup process
     self._bg_cleanup_thread = thread_builder(
         target=self._scan_for_dead_jobs, args=())
     self._bg_cleanup_thread.daemon = True
     # Set up the completed job process
     self._bg_completed_thread = thread_builder(
         target=self._scan_for_completed_jobs, args=())
     self._bg_completed_thread.daemon = True
Example #6
 def __init__(self, db_config):
     super(MysqlDatabase, self).__init__()
     self.logger = LogManager.get_logger("db." + self.__class__.__name__)
     self.db_config = db_config
     self.host = self.db_config["HOST"]
     self.port = self.db_config["PORT"]
     self.user = self.db_config["USER"]
     self.passwd = self.db_config["PASSWORD"]
     self.db = self.db_config["NAME"]
     self.connected = False
     self.pool = None
Example #7
    def on_peer_append_entries(self, peer, msg):
        term_is_current = msg['term'] >= self.persist['currentTerm']
        prev_log_term_match = msg['prevLogTerm'] is None or \
                              self.log.term(msg['prevLogIndex']) == msg['prevLogTerm']
        success = term_is_current and prev_log_term_match

        if term_is_current:

        if 'compact_data' in msg:
            self.log = LogManager(compact_count=msg['compact_count'],

            self.volatile['leaderId'] = msg['leaderId']
            logger.info('Initialized Log with compact data from leader')

        elif success:
            self.log.append_entries(msg['entries'], msg['prevLogIndex'])
            self.volatile['leaderId'] = msg['leaderId']

            logging.info(f'Log index is now {self.log.index}')

            logging.warning("Could not append entries. cause: %s", 'wrong term' \
                if not term_is_current else 'prev log term mismatch')


        resp = {
            'type': 'response_append',
            'success': success,
            'term': self.persist['currentTerm'],
            'matchIndex': self.log.index

        self.raft.send_peer(peer, resp)
Example #8
class AuthenticationFactory:
    EXTRAS_KEY = 'swarmer.credentials'
    PROVIDER_KEY = 'provider'
    LAST_LOGIN_KEY = 'last_login'

    def __init__(self):
        self._providers = dict()
        self._logger = LogManager(__name__)

    def has_providers(self) -> bool:
        return any(self._providers)

    def any_require_login(self) -> bool:
        return False if not self.has_providers else any(
            [p for p in self._providers.values() if p[self.PROVIDER_KEY].should_authenticate(p[self.LAST_LOGIN_KEY])])

    def perform_logins(self, client: DockerClient):
        self._logger.info('Running logins for docker client')

        if not self.has_providers:
            self._logger.info('No providers present, skipping...')

        for entry in self._providers.values():
            provider = entry[self.PROVIDER_KEY]
            if provider.should_authenticate(entry[self.LAST_LOGIN_KEY]):
                (user, password, registry) = provider.obtain_auth()
                client.login(username=user, password=password, registry=registry)
                entry['last_login'] = datetime.now()

    def _setup_providers(self):
        for entry_point in iter_entry_points(self.EXTRAS_KEY):
            self._logger.info('Loading authentication providers')
                provider = entry_point.load()
                provider_instance = provider()
                self._providers[entry_point.name] = {self.PROVIDER_KEY: provider_instance, self.LAST_LOGIN_KEY: None}
            except DistributionNotFound:
                # It may be the case that we were not asked to enable/include
                # a particular provider. This is ok and will simply default
                # to either:
                #   1) Only use the enabled ones, or
                #   2) Only have the ability to fetch from public registries
                    "It appears that the feature {feat} was not enabled, skipping".format(feat=entry_point.name))
Example #9
    def __init__(self, old_state=None, raft=None):
        if old_state:
            self.raft = old_state.raft
            self.persist = old_state.persist
            self.volatile = old_state.volatile
            self.log = old_state.log

            self.raft = raft
            self.persist = PersistentDict(os.path.join(config.storage, 'state'),
                                          {'voteFor': None, 'currentTerm': 0})

            self.volatile = {'laederId': None, 'cluster': config.cluster,
                             'address': config.address}

            self.log = LogManager()
Example #10
 def __init__(self, engine, db_config):
     super(DatabaseProxy, self).__init__()
     self.logger = LogManager.get_logger("db." + self.__class__.__name__)
     self.engine = engine
     if self.engine == 'mysql':
         self.db_client = MysqlDatabase(db_config)
         self.logger.info('init: %s', 'Database engine MySQLdb.')
         self.logger.error('init: err=%s', 'Database engine not find.')
         raise "Database engine not find."
     self.connected = self.db_client.connected
     self.data_types = self.db_client.data_types
     self.operators = self.db_client.operators
     self.format_string = self.db_client.format_string
     self.thread_num = 10
     self.request_pool = ThreadPool(self.thread_num)
     self.request_time = 0.01
     self.timer = Timer.add_repeat_timer(self.request_time, self.request_result)
Example #11
        self.certfile = certfile
        self.body = body

    def __str__(self):
        return self.method + " " + self.host + " " + self.url

class HttpReply(object):
    def __init__(self, header, body):
        super(HttpReply, self).__init__()
        self.header = header
        self.body = body

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.header)

_logger = LogManager.get_logger("http_client")

class AsyncHTTPClient(object):
    def __init__(self, max_clients=10, max_buffer_size=10240):
        max_buffer_size is the number of bytes that can be read by IOStream. It
        defaults to 10kB.
        super(AsyncHTTPClient, self).__init__()
        self.max_clients = max_clients
        self.active = {}
        self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size
        _logger.info('__init__: max_clients %d, max_buffer_size %d ',
                     max_clients, max_buffer_size)
Example #12
 def __init__(self):
     self.product_manager = ProductManager()
     self.chosen_list = []
     self.log_manager = LogManager()
Example #13
class Follower(State):
    def __init__(self, old_state=None, raft=None):
        super().__init__(old_state, raft)
        self.persist['voteFor'] = None

    def teardown(self):

    def restart_election_timer(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'election_timer'):

        timeout = randrange(1, 4) * 10 ** 0
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.election_timer = loop.call_later(timeout, self.raft.change_state, Candidate)
        logging.info(f"Election timer restarted: {timeout}")

    def on_peer_request_vote(self, peer, msg):

        term_is_current = msg['term'] >= self.persist['currentTerm']
        can_vote = self.persist['voteFor'] in [tuple(msg['candidateId']), None]

        index_is_current = (msg['lastLogTerm'] > self.log.term() or
                            (msg['lastLogTerm'] == self.log.term() and msg['lastLogIndex'] >= self.log.index))

        granted = term_is_current and can_vote and index_is_current

        if granted:
            self.persist['voteFor'] = msg['candidateId']

        logging.info(f"Voting for {peer}. Term: {term_is_current}, vote: {can_vote}, index: {index_is_current}")

        response = {
            'type': 'response_vote',
            'voteGranted': granted,
            'term': self.persist['currentTerm']

        self.raft.send_peer(peer, response)

    def on_peer_append_entries(self, peer, msg):
        term_is_current = msg['term'] >= self.persist['currentTerm']
        prev_log_term_match = msg['prevLogTerm'] is None or \
                              self.log.term(msg['prevLogIndex']) == msg['prevLogTerm']
        success = term_is_current and prev_log_term_match

        if term_is_current:

        if 'compact_data' in msg:
            self.log = LogManager(compact_count=msg['compact_count'],

            self.volatile['leaderId'] = msg['leaderId']
            logger.info('Initialized Log with compact data from leader')

        elif success:
            self.log.append_entries(msg['entries'], msg['prevLogIndex'])
            self.volatile['leaderId'] = msg['leaderId']

            logging.info(f'Log index is now {self.log.index}')

            logging.warning("Could not append entries. cause: %s", 'wrong term' \
                if not term_is_current else 'prev log term mismatch')


        resp = {
            'type': 'response_append',
            'success': success,
            'term': self.persist['currentTerm'],
            'matchIndex': self.log.index

        self.raft.send_peer(peer, resp)
Example #14
class JobQueue:
    """ The JobQueue is responsible for interacting with the database and
    telling the task manager what task(s) to run next. Currently all background
    jobs to check for dead and completed jobs is in here but it should be moved
    out in the future

    # We scan for bad tasks every 10 minutes

    # We scan for completed jobs every minute

    # For now, anything above 30 minutes is stalled
    DEAD_JOB_INTERVAL = datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)

    # If set, we use this to signal that more tasks should be run
    _run_signal = None

    def __init__(self, job_db: JobDb, queue_len=12, thread_builder=Thread):
        self._job_db = job_db
        self._queue_len = queue_len
        self._logger = LogManager(__name__)
        self._tasks = deque()
        self._running_tasks = []
        self._jobs = set()
        self._lock = Lock()
        self._overdue_tasks = set()
        # Set up the cleanup process
        self._bg_cleanup_thread = thread_builder(
            target=self._scan_for_dead_jobs, args=())
        self._bg_cleanup_thread.daemon = True
        # Set up the completed job process
        self._bg_completed_thread = thread_builder(
            target=self._scan_for_completed_jobs, args=())
        self._bg_completed_thread.daemon = True

    def run_signal(self):
        return self._run_signal

    def run_signal(self, value):
        self._run_signal = value

    def add_new_job(self, identifier, image_name, callback, tasks):
        """ Add a new job to the job queue

        :param identifier: The identifier for the job
        :param image_name: The name of the image to run each task
        :param callback: The callback URL to report results
        :param tasks: The individual tasks to run
        if not tasks:
                'No tasks provided when submitting job {i}'.format(
            raise ValueError('Tasks must be provided with the job')

        self._logger.info('Adding job {i} to the queue'.format(i=identifier))
        self._job_db.add_job(identifier, image_name, callback)


        for t in tasks:
                TaskEntry(identifier, t['task_name'], t['task_args'],
                          image_name, None, None))

        self._job_db.add_tasks(identifier, tasks)

    def complete_task(self, identifier, name, status,
                      result) -> (List[int], bool):
        with self._lock:
            task = [t for t in self._running_tasks if t.name == name]
                task_id = task[0]
                self._job_db.update_result(identifier, name, result)
                self._job_db.update_status(identifier, name, status)

                # Remove this task from the running tasks
                self._running_tasks = [
                    t for t in self._running_tasks if t.name != name

                # Return the task id we had recorded and whether to start any more tasks which
                # is based on whether we are already running at capacity and whether we have
                # any more to run. We also use this time to empty out all 'dead' processes
                task_list = [task_id]
                while any(self._overdue_tasks):

                return task_list, len(
                    self._running_tasks) < self._queue_len and any(self._tasks)
            except IndexError:
                    'Was expected to find task "{tn}" for job "{jn}" but it was not present'
                    .format(tn=name, jn=identifier))

    def get_next_tasks(self) -> List[RunnableTask]:
        """ Query the queue for the next tasks to run

        :return: A list of the next tasks to run
        tasks = []
        with self._lock:
            if len(self._running_tasks) >= self._queue_len or not any(
                return tasks

            for _ in range(self._queue_len - len(self._running_tasks)):
                if not any(self._tasks):
                next_task = self._tasks.pop()
                    RunnableTask(next_task.identifier, next_task.name,
                                 next_task.args, next_task.image))

        return tasks

    def mark_task_started(self, identifier, name, task_id):
        def set_details(entry: TaskEntry):
            if entry.identifier != identifier or entry.name != name:
                return entry
            return TaskEntry(entry.identifier, entry.name, entry.args,
                             entry.image, task_id, datetime.datetime.now())

        with self._lock:
            self._running_tasks = list(map(set_details, self._running_tasks))

    def get_started_tasks(self):
        with self._lock:
            return list(
                    lambda it: {
                        'id': it.task_id,
                        'started': it.started
                        lambda it: it.task_id is not None and it.started is
                        not None, self._running_tasks)))

    def get_job_details(self, identifier):
        job = self._job_db.get_job(identifier)
        job['tasks'] = json.loads(job['tasks'])
        return job

    def _scan_for_dead_jobs(self):
        def item_filter(entry: TaskEntry):
            return entry.task_id not in self._overdue_tasks

        while True:
            with self._lock:
                overdue = [
                    t for t in self._running_tasks if datetime.datetime.now() -
                    t.started > self.DEAD_JOB_INTERVAL
                for task in overdue:
                        TaskEntry(task.identifier, task.name, task.args,
                                  task.image, None, None))
                self._running_tasks = list(
                    filter(item_filter, self._running_tasks))

    def _scan_for_completed_jobs(self):
        while True:
            with self._lock:
                job_details = []
                completed = [
                    jid for jid in self._jobs if not any([
                        for it in self._running_tasks if it.identifier == jid
                    ]) and
                    not any([it for it in self._tasks if it.identifier == jid])
                for item in completed:


    def _signal_should_run(self):
        if self._run_signal and len(
                self._running_tasks) < self._queue_len and any(self._tasks):
Example #15
 def __init__(self, client: docker.DockerClient, config: RunnerConfig,
              authenticator: AuthenticationFactory):
     self._client = client
     self._config = config
     self._authenticator = authenticator
     self._logger = LogManager(__name__)
Example #16
import logging

import falcon
from falcon.media.validators import jsonschema

from jobs import JobRunner
from log import LogManager
from .schema import get_schema_for

logger = LogManager(__name__)

class SubmitJobResource(object):
    def __init__(self, runner: JobRunner):
        logger.info('Spinning up the SubmitJobResource')
        self._runner = runner

    def on_post(self, req: falcon.Request, resp: falcon.Response):
        logger.info('Received request to create new job')
        image_name = req.media.get('image_name')
        callback = req.media.get('callback_url')
        tasks = req.media.get('tasks')
        # tasks = req.media.get('tasks')
        identifier = self._runner.create_new_job(image_name, callback, tasks)
        logger.info('Job created with identifier {i}'.format(i=identifier))
        resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201
        resp.media = {'id': identifier}
        resp.location = '/status/{i}'.format(i=identifier)

Example #17
 def __init__(self, client: DockerWrapper, job_queue: JobQueue):
     self._docker = client
     self._job_queue = job_queue
     # Not sure I'm a fan of this, probably need another refactor in the future
     job_queue.run_signal = self._run_tasks
     self._logger = LogManager(__name__)
Example #18
class JobDb:
    """ The JobDb is responsible for handling the redis job tracking
    def __init__(self, rd: redis.StrictRedis):
        self._redis = rd
        self._logger = LogManager(__name__)

    def add_job(self, identifier: str, image_name: str, callback: str):
        """ Add a new job to the tracking database

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        :param image_name: The name of the image that is used to run each job
        :param callback: The URL to POST back all results
        self._log_operation('Adding new job {i}'.format(i=identifier))

        initial_state = {
            '__image': image_name,
            '__callback': callback,
            'tasks': []
        self._redis.hmset(identifier, initial_state)

    def add_job_with_tasks(self, identifier: str, image_name: str,
                           callback: str, tasks: list):
        self.add_job(identifier, image_name, callback)
        self.add_tasks(identifier, tasks)

    def add_tasks(self, identifier: str, tasks: list):
        """ Add a list of tasks to the given job, when all tasks
        are complete, the job is considered finished.

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        :param tasks: A list of task objects
        self._log_operation('Adding tasks to job {i}:\n{t}'.format(
            i=identifier, t=json.dumps(tasks)))

        if not self._redis.exists(identifier):
            raise ValueError('Can not find item with identifier: {id}'.format(

        task_dict = {
                'args': t['task_args'],
                'status': 500,
                'result': {
                    'stdout': None,
                    'stderr': None
                'name': t['task_name']
            } for t in tasks])

        self._redis.hmset(identifier, task_dict)

    def update_status(self, identifier: str, task_name: str, status: int):
        """ Update the status of a run

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        :param task_name: The individual task name to update the status of
        :param status: The exit status of the task
            'Updating status of task {tn} for job {i} with {s}'.format(
                tn=task_name, i=identifier, s=status))

        task = self._get_task(identifier, task_name)
        task['status'] = status
        task_list = self._get_task_list(identifier)
        update = [task if t['name'] == task['name'] else t for t in task_list]
        self._redis.hset(identifier, 'tasks', json.dumps(update))

    def update_result(self, identifier: str, task_name: str, result: dict):
        """ Update the result of a task run

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        :param task_name: The individual task name
        :param result: A dict with the stdout and stderr output, if any was present
            'Updating result of task {tn} for job {i} with {res}'.format(
                tn=task_name, i=identifier, res=json.dumps(result)))
        task = self._get_task(identifier, task_name)
        task['result'] = result
        task_list = self._get_task_list(identifier)
        update = [task if t['name'] == task['name'] else t for t in task_list]
        self._redis.hset(identifier, 'tasks', json.dumps(update))

    def get_job(self, identifier: str):
        """ Retrieve the tracking dict for the given job

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        self._log_operation('Getting job {i}'.format(i=identifier))
        if not self._redis.exists(identifier):
            raise ValueError(
                'Can not find job with id: {id}'.format(id=identifier))
        job = self._redis.hgetall(identifier)

        def check_and_decode(value):
                return value.decode('utf-8')
            except (ValueError, AttributeError):
                return value

        return {
            check_and_decode(k): check_and_decode(v)
            for k, v in job.items()

    def get_task(self, identifier: str, task_name: str):
        """ Retrieve the status for an individual run in a job

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        :param task_name: The name of the individual job
        self._log_operation('Getting task {tn} from job {i}'.format(
            tn=task_name, i=identifier))

        return self._get_task(identifier, task_name)

    def get_tasks(self, identifier: str):
        """ Get the list of tasks for the specified job

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier

        :returns: The list of all tasks related to the specified job
        self._log_operation('Getting tasks for {i}'.format(i=identifier))

        return self._get_task_list(identifier)

    def set_task_id(self, identifier: str, task_name: str, task_id: str):
        """ Set the docker service identifier for the task

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        :param task_name: The name of the individual task
        :param task_id: The id of the task service
            'Setting task id {ti} for task {tn} for job {i}'.format(
                ti=task_id, tn=task_name, i=identifier))

        task = self._get_task(identifier, task_name)
        task['__task_id'] = task_id
        task_list = self._get_task_list(identifier)
        update = [task if t['name'] == task['name'] else t for t in task_list]
        self._redis.hset(identifier, 'tasks', json.dumps(update))

    def clear_job(self, identifier: str):
        """ Remove an entire job from the tracking DB

        :param identifier: The unique job identifier
        self._log_operation('Clearing job {i}'.format(i=identifier))

        if not self._redis.exists(identifier):
            raise ValueError(
                'Can not find job with id: {id}'.format(id=identifier))


    def _get_task(self, identifier, name):
        self._log_operation('Retrieving task {t} for {i}'.format(t=name,
        if not self._redis.hexists(identifier, 'tasks'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to find job with identifier {id} that has any tasks'.
        tasks = json.loads(self._redis.hget(identifier, 'tasks'))

        if not any(t['name'] == name for t in tasks):
            raise ValueError('Unable to locate task {name} in job {id}'.format(
                name=name, id=identifier))

        val = [t for t in tasks if t['name'] == name]

        return val[0]

    def _get_task_list(self, identifier):
            'Retrieving task list for {ident}'.format(ident=identifier))

        if not self._redis.hexists(identifier, 'tasks'):
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to find job with identifier {id} that has any tasks'.

        return json.loads(self._redis.hget(identifier, 'tasks'))

    def _log_operation(self, message: str):
        self._logger.info('JobDb: {msg}'.format(msg=message))
Example #19
 def __init__(self, rd: redis.StrictRedis):
     self._redis = rd
     self._logger = LogManager(__name__)
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     self._providers = dict()
     self._logger = LogManager(__name__)