def test_common_params_receiving(self): """ Tests merging of internal and external parameters if config option is given """ external_config = read_config_file('config.json') config = get_common_params(external_config) self.assertTrue('log_dir' in config) self.assertTrue('REPORT_DIR' in config)
def test_failed_report_data_construction(self): """ Test failed creation of the resulting list """ config = get_common_params(None) config['REPORT_SIZE'] = 'aaa' log_result = {} log_result['statistics'] = {} log_result['requests_number'] = 4 log_result['times'] = { '/api/v1/aaa': [0.01, 0.002], '/api/v2/ccc': [0.005, 115.21] } log_result['requests_data'] = [ { 'url': '/api/v1/aaa' }, { 'url': '/api/v2/ccc' }, ] log_result['common_request_time'] = sum( [sum(v) for k, v in log_result['times'].iteritems()]) results = make_report_data(log_result) data = report_data_array(config, results) self.assertEqual(len(data), 0) config['REPORT_SIZE'] = 100
def test_success_report_data_construction(self): """ Test correct forming of the final scope of logs """ config = get_common_params(None) log_result = {} log_result['statistics'] = {} log_result['requests_number'] = 4 log_result['times'] = { '/api/v1/aaa': [0.01, 0.002], '/api/v2/ccc': [0.005, 115.21] } log_result['requests_data'] = [ { 'url': '/api/v1/aaa' }, { 'url': '/api/v2/ccc' }, ] log_result['common_request_time'] = sum( [sum(v) for k, v in log_result['times'].iteritems()]) results = make_report_data(log_result) data = report_data_array(config, results) self.assertEqual(len(data), 2)
def test_failed_opening_of_log_file(self): """ Test raising of the exception if the file does not exist """ config = get_common_params(None) config['LOG_DIR'] = './tests' file_name = 'test' full_path = '{}/{}'.format(config['LOG_DIR'], file_name) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError) as context: open_logs_file(config, file_name)
def test_opening_gzip_file_log(self, gzip_mock): """ Test of opening the zipped log file """ config = get_common_params(None) config['LOG_DIR'] = './tests' file_name = 'test_log.gz' full_path = '{}/{}'.format(config['LOG_DIR'], file_name) open_logs_file(config, file_name) self.assertTrue(gzip_mock.called)
def test_failed_log_reading(self): """ Test case of failed log reading """ config = get_common_params(None) config['LOG_DIR'] = './tests' file_name = 'failed_log' full_path = '{}/{}'.format(config['LOG_DIR'], file_name) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError) as context: with open(full_path) as f: read_logs(f)
def test_opening_plain_log_file(self): """ Test of opening the plain log file """ config = get_common_params(None) config['LOG_DIR'] = './tests' file_name = 'test_log' full_path = '{}/{}'.format(config['LOG_DIR'], file_name) with patch("", mock_open(read_data="data")) as mock_file: open_logs_file(config, file_name) assert open(full_path).read() == "data" mock_file.assert_called_with(full_path)
def test_success_log_reading(self): """ Test case of success logs reading """ expected_request_number = 14 config = get_common_params(None) config['LOG_DIR'] = './tests' file_name = 'test_log' full_path = '{}/{}'.format(config['LOG_DIR'], file_name) with open(full_path, 'r') as f: results = read_logs(f) self.assertEqual(results.get('requests_number'), expected_request_number)
def test_success_report_existance_validation(self): """ Tests success report validation if js library is present """ external_config = read_config_file('config.json') config = get_common_params(external_config) if not os.path.exists(config.get('REPORT_DIR')): os.makedirs(config.get('REPORT_DIR')) file_path = '{}/jquery.tablesorter.min.js'.format( config.get('REPORT_DIR')) f = open(file_path, 'a') f.close() self.assertTrue(validate_config(config)) os.remove(file_path)
def test_failed_report_existence_validation(self): """ Tests failed report validation if js library is abscent """ external_config = read_config_file('config.json') config = get_common_params(external_config) self.assertFalse(validate_config(config))
def test_receiving_internal_config_only(self): """ Test receiving only internal config if external was not provided """ config = get_common_params(None) self.assertFalse('log_dir' in config) self.assertTrue('REPORT_DIR' in config)