Example #1
    def request_url_post(self, cmd, json_params, timeout=None):

            "--> Verbose : Command is |{}|, Params are |{}|".format(
                cmd, json_params))

        url = self.get_node_url() + cmd
        headers = {
            'content-type': "application/json",
            'cache-control': "no-cache"
            response = self._do_request(method="POST",
        except Exception:
            return -1, "TimeOut"

        if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
            return response.status_code, "Code" + str(response.status_code)

        output = response.json()
        verbose_logger.debug("<-- Verbose : Answer is |{}|".format(output))
        return response.status_code, output
    def execute(self, cmd, verbose_override=None, timeout=None):

        if verbose_override is None:
            verbose_override = True

        if verbose_override:
            verbose_logger.debug("--> Verbose : Command is |{}|".format(cmd))

            os.environ["TEZOS_CLIENT_UNSAFE_DISABLE_DISCLAIMER"] = "Y"
            output = check_output(cmd,
        except TimeoutExpired as e:
            logger.info("Command timed out")
            raise e
        except CalledProcessError as e:
            logger.info("Command failed, error is |{}|".format(e.output))
            return False, e.output

        # output = output.decode('utf-8')
        output = clear_terminal_chars(output)
        output = output.strip()

        verbose_logger.debug("<-- Verbose : Answer is |{}|".format(output))

        return True, output
    def get_liquidity_providers_list(self, big_map_id, snapshot_block):
        offset = 0
        listLPs = {}
        resp = ' '
        while resp != []:
            uri = self.api + balance_LP_call.format(big_map_id, offset,
            offset += 100

            verbose_logger.debug("Requesting LP balances, {}".format(uri))

            resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)

            verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is {}".format(

            if resp.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
                # This means something went wrong.
                raise ApiProviderException('GET {} {}'.format(
                    uri, resp.status_code))

            resp = resp.json()
            for item in resp:
                listLPs[item['key']] = int(item['value']['balance'])

        return listLPs
    def __fetch_current_balance(self, address_list):
        param_txt = ''
        for address in address_list:
            param_txt += address + ','
        param_txt = param_txt[:-1]
        uri = self.api + single_current_balance_call.format(param_txt)

        sleep(0.5)  # be nice to tzstats

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting current balance of delegator, phase 2, {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is {}".format(resp.content.decode("utf8")))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            # This means something went wrong.
            raise ApiProviderException('GET {} {}'.format(uri, resp.status_code))

        resp = resp.json()

        ret_list = {}
        for item in resp:
            ret_list[item[idx_cb_delegator_address]] = int(1e6 * float(item[idx_cb_current_balance]))

        return ret_list
    def do_rpc_request(self, request, time_out=120):

        verbose_logger.debug("[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL {:s}".format(request))

        sleep(0.1)  # be nice to public node service

            resp = requests.get(request, timeout=time_out)
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            # Catches both ConnectTimeout and ReadTimeout
            message = (
                "[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL '{:s}' timed out after {:d}s".format(
                    request, time_out
            raise ApiProviderException(message)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            # Catches all other requests exceptions
            message = (
                "[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL '{:s}' Generic Error: {:s}".format(
                    request, str(e)
            raise ApiProviderException(message)

        # URL not found
        if resp.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND:
            raise ApiProviderException(
                "RPC URL '{}' not found. Is this node in archive mode?".format(request)

        # URL returned something broken from the client side 4xx
        # server side errors 5xx can pass for a retry
        if (
            <= resp.status_code
            message = "[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL '{:s}' failed ({:d})".format(
                request, resp.status_code
            if "CF-RAY" in resp.headers:

                message += ", unique request_id: {:s}".format(resp.headers["CF-RAY"])
            raise ApiProviderException(message)

        # URL fetch succeeded; parse to JSON object
        response = resp.json()

        verbose_logger.debug("[do_rpc_request] Response {:s}".format(str(response)))

        return response
Example #6
    def parse_list_known_contracts_response(self, response):
        dict = {}
        for line in response.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if ":" in line and not_indicator_line(line):
                alias, pkh = line.split(":", maxsplit=1)
                dict[alias.strip()] = pkh.strip()

            verbose_logger.debug("known contracts: {}".format(dict))

        return dict
Example #7
    def parse_get_manager_for_contract_response(self, response):
        manager = None
        for line in response.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith("tz"):
                line = line.replace(" (", ':')
                manager, alias_plus = line.split(":", maxsplit=1)

        verbose_logger.debug("Manager address is : {}".format(manager))

        return manager
Example #8
 def postMessage(self, chatId, msg, msgType):
     payload = {"chat_id": chatId, "parse_mode": "html", "text": msg}
     resp = requests.post(self.api_url, params=payload)
     respJ = resp.json()
         "[TelegramPlugin] Sent {:s} notification to chatId: {:}".format(
             msgType, chatId))
     verbose_logger.debug("[TelegramPlugin] {:s} raw response: {:}".format(
         msgType, respJ))
     if not respJ["ok"]:
             "[TelegramPlugin] Error sending {:s} message: {:s}".format(
                 msgType, respJ.description))
Example #9
    def get_current_level(self):
        uri = self.head_api + '/explorer/tip'

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)
        root = resp.json()

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is: {}".format(root))

        current_level = int(root["status"]["blocks"])

        return current_level
Example #10
 def get_delegatable(self, pkh):
         uri = self.head_api + "/explorer/account/{}".format(pkh)
         verbose_logger.debug("Requesting {}".format(uri))
         response = requests.get(uri)
         account = response.json()
         return bool(account["is_delegate"]) and bool(account["is_active_delegate"])
     except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
         message = "[{}] - Unable to fetch delegate: {:s}".format(
             __class__.__name__, str(e)
         raise ApiProviderException(message)
Example #11
    def get_current_cycle_and_level(self):
        uri = self.head_api + "/explorer/tip"

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)
        root = resp.json()

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is: {}".format(root))

        current_cycle = int(root["cycle"])
        current_level = int(root["height"])

        return (current_cycle, current_level)
Example #12
    def request_url(self, cmd, timeout=None):

        verbose_logger.debug("--> Verbose : Command is |{}|".format(cmd))

        url = self.get_node_url() + cmd
        response = self._do_request(method="GET", url=url, timeout=timeout)
        if response is None:
            return -1, "TimeOut"

        if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
            return response.status_code, "Code" + str(response.status_code)

        output = response.json()
        verbose_logger.debug("<-- Verbose : Answer is |{}|".format(output))
        return response.status_code, output
Example #13
    def _request(self, path, **params):
        data = {
            key: value
            for key, value in params.items() if value is not None
        if path.startswith("/"):
            url = self.base_url + path
            url = self.base_url + "/" + path
        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting {}".format(url))

            response = requests.get(
                headers={"User-Agent": f"trd-{VERSION}"},
        except requests.Timeout:
            raise TzKTApiError("Request timeout")
        except requests.ConnectionError:
            raise TzKTApiError("DNS lookup failed")
        except requests.HTTPError as e:
            raise TzKTApiError("HTTP Error occurred: {}".format(e))
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise TzKTApiError(e)

        # Raise exception for client side errors (4xx)
        if (HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST <= response.status_code <
            raise TzKTApiError(
                f"TzKT returned {response.status_code} error:\n{response.text}"

        # Return None if empty content
        # or we get a server side error (5xx)
        if (response.status_code == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT) or (
                response.status_code >= HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR):
            return None

            res = response.json()
        except JSONDecodeError:
            raise TzKTApiError(f"Failed to decode JSON:\n{response.text}")

        verbose_logger.debug(f"Response from TzKT is:\n{pformat(res)}")

        return res
    def get_big_map_id(self, contract_id):
        uri = self.api + contract_storage.format(contract_id)

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting contract storage, {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is {}".format(resp.content.decode("utf8")))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            # This means something went wrong.
            raise ApiProviderException('GET {} {}'.format(uri, resp.status_code))

        resp = resp.json()

        return resp['value']['accounts']
    def send_notification(self,

        # Add sparkles emoji to message
        message = "&#x2728; <b>{:s}</b>\n{:s}".format(title, message)

        for c in self.chat_ids:
            payload = {"chat_id": c, "parse_mode": "html", "text": message}
            resp = requests.post(self.api_url, params=payload)

        verbose_logger.debug("[TelegramPlugin] Response: {:}".format(

        logger.info("[TelegramPlugin] Notification '{:s}' sent".format(title))
    def send_admin_notification(self,

        admin_text = "<b>{:s}</b>\n{:s}".format(subject, message)

        for c in self.admin_chat_ids:
            payload = {"chat_id": c, "parse_mode": "html", "text": admin_text}
            resp = requests.post(self.api_url, params=payload)

        verbose_logger.debug("[TelegramPlugin] Admin Response: {:}".format(

            "[TelegramPlugin] Admin Notification '{:s}' sent".format(subject))
    def send_payout_notification(self, cycle, payout_amount, nb_delegators):

        # Add sparkles emoji to message
        message = self.telegram_text \
            .replace("%CYCLE%", str(cycle)) \
            .replace("%TREWARDS%", str(round(payout_amount / MUTEZ, 2))) \
            .replace("%NDELEGATORS%", str(nb_delegators))

        for c in self.payouts_chat_ids:
            payload = {"chat_id": c, "parse_mode": "html", "text": message}
            resp = requests.post(self.api_url, params=payload)

        verbose_logger.debug("[TelegramPlugin] Public Response: {:}".format(

            "[TelegramPlugin] Public Notification '{:s}...' sent".format(
def extract_json_part(input):
        "->will parse json response_str is '{}'".format(input))

    # because of disclaimer header; find beginning of response
    idx = input.find("{")
    if idx < 0:
        idx = input.find("[")
    if idx < 0:
        idx = input.find("\"")

    if idx < 0:
        return None

    extracted_json_part = input[idx:].strip()

        "<-parsed json response_str is '{}'".format(extracted_json_part))

    return extracted_json_part
Example #19
    def parse_list_known_addresses_response(self, response):
        dict = {}

        for line in response.splitlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if ":" in line and not_indicator_line(line):
                alias, pkh_plus_braces = line.split(":", maxsplit=1)
                pkh_plus_braces = pkh_plus_braces.replace(' (', ':')
                if ':' in pkh_plus_braces:
                    pkh, sk_section = pkh_plus_braces.split(":", maxsplit=1)
                    pkh = pkh_plus_braces.strip()
                    sk_section = ""
                sk_known = "sk known" in sk_section
                pkh = pkh.strip()
                alias = alias.strip()
                dict[pkh] = {"alias": alias, "sk": sk_known}

            verbose_logger.debug("known addresses: {}".format(dict))

        return dict
    def do_rpc_request(self, request, time_out=120):

        verbose_logger.debug("[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL {:s}".format(request))

        sleep(0.1)  # be nice to public node service

            resp = requests.get(request, timeout=time_out)
        except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
            # Catches both ConnectTimeout and ReadTimeout
            message = "[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL '{:s}' timed out after {:d}s".format(request, time_out)
            raise ApiProviderException(message)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            # Catches all other requests exceptions
            message = "[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL '{:s}' Generic Error: {:s}".format(request, str(e))
            raise ApiProviderException(message)

        # URL not found
        if resp.status_code == 404:
            raise ApiProviderException("RPC URL '{}' not found. Is this node in archive mode?".format(request))

        # URL returned something broken
        if resp.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK:
            message = "[do_rpc_request] Requesting URL '{:s}' failed ({:d})".format(request, resp.status_code)
            if "CF-RAY" in resp.headers:

                message += ", unique request_id: {:s}".format(resp.headers['CF-RAY'])
            raise ApiProviderException(message)

        # URL fetch succeeded; parse to JSON object
        response = resp.json()

        verbose_logger.debug("[do_rpc_request] Response {:s}".format(str(response)))

        return response
    def _request(self, path, **params):
        data = {
            key: value
            for key, value in params.items() if value is not None
        url = join(self.base_url, path)

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting {}".format(url))

            response = requests.get(url=url,
                                    headers={'User-Agent': f'trd-{VERSION}'})
        except requests.Timeout:
            raise TzKTApiError('Request timeout')
        except requests.ConnectionError:
            raise TzKTApiError('DNS lookup failed')
        except requests.HTTPError as e:
            raise TzKTApiError('HTTP Error occurred: {}'.format(e))
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise TzKTApiError(e)

        if response.status_code not in [200, 204]:
            raise TzKTApiError(
                f'TzKT returned {response.status_code} error:\n{response.text}'

            res = response.json()
        except JSONDecodeError:
            raise TzKTApiError(f'Failed to decode JSON:\n{response.text}')

        verbose_logger.debug(f'Response from TzKT is:\n{pformat(res)}')

        return res
    def get_rewards_for_cycle(self, cycle, expected_rewards=False):

        root = {"delegate_staking_balance": 0, "total_reward_amount": 0, "delegators_balances": {}}

        # Get rewards breakdown for cycle
        uri = self.api + rewards_split_call.format(self.baking_address, cycle)

        sleep(0.5)  # be nice to tzstats

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting rewards breakdown, {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is {}".format(resp.content.decode("utf8")))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            # This means something went wrong.
            raise ApiProviderException('GET {} {}'.format(uri, resp.status_code))

        resp = resp.json()[0]
        if expected_rewards:
            root["total_reward_amount"] = int(1e6 * float(resp[idx_income_expected_income]))
            root["total_reward_amount"] = int(1e6 * (float(resp[idx_income_baking_income])
                                                     + float(resp[idx_income_endorsing_income])
                                                     + float(resp[idx_income_seed_income])
                                                     + float(resp[idx_income_fees_income])
                                                     - float(resp[idx_income_lost_accusation_fees])
                                                     - float(resp[idx_income_lost_accusation_rewards])
                                                     - float(resp[idx_income_lost_revelation_fees])
                                                     - float(resp[idx_income_lost_revelation_rewards])))

        # Get staking balances of delegators at snapshot block
        uri = self.api + delegators_call.format(cycle - self.preserved_cycles - 2, self.baking_address)

        sleep(0.5)  # be nice to tzstats

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting staking balances of delegators, {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is {}".format(resp.content.decode("utf8")))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            # This means something went wrong.
            raise ApiProviderException('GET {} {}'.format(uri, resp.status_code))

        resp = resp.json()

        for delegator in resp:

            if delegator[idx_delegator_address] == self.baking_address:
                root["delegate_staking_balance"] = int(
                    1e6 * (float(delegator[idx_balance]) + float(delegator[idx_baker_delegated])))
                delegator_info = {"staking_balance": 0, "current_balance": 0}
                delegator_info["staking_balance"] = int(1e6 * float(delegator[idx_balance]))
                root["delegators_balances"][delegator[idx_delegator_address]] = delegator_info

        # Get current balance of delegates
        # This is done in 2 phases. 1) make a single API call to tzstats, retrieving an array
        # of arrays with current balance of each delegator who "currently" delegates to delegate. There may
        # be a case where the delegator has changed delegations and would therefor not be in this array.
        # Thus, 2) determines which delegators are not in the first result, and makes individual
        # calls to get their balance. This approach should reduce the overall number of API calls made to tzstats.

        # Phase 1
        uri = self.api + batch_current_balance_call.format(self.baking_address)

        sleep(0.5)  # be nice to tzstats

        verbose_logger.debug("Requesting current balance of delegators, phase 1, {}".format(uri))

        resp = requests.get(uri, timeout=5)

        verbose_logger.debug("Response from tzstats is {}".format(resp.content.decode("utf8")))

        if resp.status_code != 200:
            # This means something went wrong.
            raise ApiProviderException('GET {} {}'.format(uri, resp.status_code))

        resp = resp.json()

        # Will use these two lists to determine who has/has not been fetched
        staked_bal_delegators = root["delegators_balances"].keys()
        curr_bal_delegators = []

        for delegator in resp:
            delegator_addr = delegator[idx_cb_delegator_address]

            # If delegator is in this batch, but has no staking balance for this reward cycle,
            # then they must be a new delegator and are not receiving rewards at this time.
            # We can ignore them.
            if delegator_addr not in staked_bal_delegators:

            root["delegators_balances"][delegator_addr]["current_balance"] = int(
                1e6 * float(delegator[idx_cb_current_balance]))

        # Phase 2

        # Who was not in this result?
        need_curr_balance_fetch = list(set(staked_bal_delegators) - set(curr_bal_delegators))

        # Fetch individual not in original batch
        if len(need_curr_balance_fetch) > 0:
            split_addresses = split(need_curr_balance_fetch, 50)
            for list_address in split_addresses:
                list_curr_balances = self.__fetch_current_balance(list_address)
                for d in list_address:
                    root["delegators_balances"][d]["current_balance"] = list_curr_balances[d]

        # All done fetching balances.
        # Sanity check.
        n_curr_balance = len(curr_bal_delegators)
        n_stake_balance = len(staked_bal_delegators)

        if n_curr_balance != n_stake_balance:
            raise ApiProviderException('Did not fetch all balances {}/{}'.format(n_curr_balance, n_stake_balance))

        return root