Example #1
    def test_initialize_logan_agent_with_config_file_path(self):
        """ Tests creation of a new Logan agent by providing a config file path"""

        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        self.assertEqual(self.agent.default_config_file_path, self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH)
        self.assertEqual(self.agent.user_config_file_path,    self.USER_CONFIG_FILEPATH)
Example #2
    def test_should_returns_user_configuration(self):
        """ Loads user configuration """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        user_config = self.agent.load_user_config()

        self.assertIsNotNone(user_config, "Failed to load the user configuration")
Example #3
    def test_should_raise_when_the_config_file_is_not_well_formatted(self):
        """ Loads default config object """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Change the default config file path with the bad one
        self.agent.default_config_file_path = self.BAD_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH

        self.failUnlessRaises(LoganLoadFileError, self.agent.load_default_config)
Example #4
    def test_should_return_default_configuration_when_requested(self):
        """ Loads default config object """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Try to load the default config object
        default_config = self.agent.load_default_config()

        self.assertIsNotNone(default_config, "Failed to load the default configuration")
Example #5
    def test_should_contains_at_least_one_default_command(self):
        """ Checks if the excerpt config is in the default configuration file """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Try to load the default config object
        default_config = self.agent.load_default_config()

Example #6
    def build_agent_with_command(self, command):
        """ Creates a new agent and get user inputs from the given comamnd

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Gets user command inputs

        return agent
Example #7
    def test_config_not_present_in_cache_the_first_time(self):
        """ Checks if the config is store in the cache

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        checked = self.agent.check_cache(self.LOGAN_CACHE_KEY)

        # The first time the config won't be present in the cache
        self.assertFalse(checked, "Actions config object isn't in the cache")
Example #8
    def test_return_the_right_path_depending_on_the_logan_specific_filename(self):
        """ Return the path for every logan specific filename """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        agent = self.agent

                         self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH, "loganrc.default file not found")
                         self.USER_CONFIG_FILEPATH, "loganrc file not found")
Example #9
    def test_should_be_able_to_save_config_object_in_cache(self):
        """ Checks whether the config object exist in cache

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Get the config object to save
        config = self.agent.load_config()

        # Try to save the config object in the cache
        saved = self.agent.add_to_cache(config)

        self.assertTrue(saved, "Failed to saved the config object")
Example #10
    def test_extract_action_inputs_from_user_command(self):
        """ Retrieves actions inputs from command enter by the user

            It makes assumption that the command has been validated
            by the Agent before the extraction

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Tries to extract actions inputs from good, empty and bad command
        action_inputs    = self.agent.extract_action_inputs_from_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND)

        # Shouldn't get 'None' as a result
                             "No action inputs found from the command '%s'" % self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND )
Example #11
    def test_should_be_able_to_get_config_object_from_cache(self):
        """ Get the config object from cache

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

         # Get the config object to save
        config = self.agent.load_config()

        # Try to save the config object in the cache
        saved = self.agent.add_to_cache(config)

        # Get the config object to save
        config = self.agent.get_config_from_cache()

        self.assertIsNotNone(config, "Failed to get the cached config object")
Example #12
    def test_should_be_able_to_process_a_command(self):
        """ Tests the complete process of execution a user command

        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)


        output = self.agent.output

                      "Command succeed when executed")
                         "Command succeed when executed")
                         "Command must failed when executed")
Example #13
    def test_checks_actions_syntax(self):
        """ Validates a command and user actions and make sure the syntax is correct

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Testing that a simple good command passed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND)
        self.assertTrue(syntax_ok, "This simple command must be good")

        # Testing that a right command with a specified context passed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND_WITH_CTX)
        self.assertTrue(syntax_ok, "This command with context must be good")

        # Testing that an empty command or action failed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_EMPTY_COMMAND)
        self.assertFalse(syntax_ok, "This empty command must be not valid")

        # Testing that a bad formatted command or action failed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_BAD_COMMAND)
        self.assertFalse(syntax_ok, "This bad command must be not valid")
Example #14
    def test_user_config_should_override_default_configuration(self):
        """ Override default configuration with user configuration """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        default_config      = self.agent.load_default_config()
        user_config         = self.agent.load_user_config()
        overridden_config   = self.agent.load_config()

        default_create_file_action_options      = default_config.get("actions").get(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        user_create_file_action_options         = user_config.get("actions").get(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        overridden_create_file_action_options   = user_config.get("actions").get(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)

        # Check if we get something from the overriding
        self.assertIsNotNone(overridden_config, "Empty - Failed to override default configuration")

        # Make sure that the default option is different from user option

        # Checks if the path option of the self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION has been overridden
Example #15
class TestAgent(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.agent                       = None

        self.LOGAN_ROOT                  = os.path.join("..", "fixtures")
        self.BAD_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH = os.path.join(self.LOGAN_ROOT, "loganrc_bad.default")
        self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH     = os.path.join(self.LOGAN_ROOT, "loganrc.default")
        self.USER_CONFIG_FILEPATH        = os.path.join(self.LOGAN_ROOT, "loganrc")

        self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION           = "create:file"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_RIGHT_ACTION     = "list:files"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_MISSING_ACTION   = "create:server"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND          = "create:file filename.txt"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_FAKE_COMMAND     = "create:file filename.txt"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_RIGHT_COMMAND    = "list:files:usr -ltr"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND_WITH_CTX = "goto:server:aws windrs04"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_EMPTY_COMMAND    = ":: anything"
        self.LOGAN_TEST_BAD_COMMAND      = "restart server wwinf9301"

        self.LOGAN_CACHE_KEY             = "logan.cache"

        self.SUCCESS_CODE = 0
        self.FAILURE_CODE = 1
        self.NO_OUTPUT    = ""

    def tearDown(self):

        # Try to remove cache file if exist
        # The file is named : logan.cache.db
            os.remove(self.agent.logan_cache_path + ".db")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def build_agent_with_command(self, command):
        """ Creates a new agent and get user inputs from the given comamnd

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Gets user command inputs

        return agent

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_initialize_logan_agent(self):
        """ Tests creation of a new Logan agent """

        self.agent = Agent()
        self.assertIsInstance(self.agent, Agent, "This is not a logan Agent.")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_initialize_logan_agent_with_config_file_path(self):
        """ Tests creation of a new Logan agent by providing a config file path"""

        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        self.assertEqual(self.agent.default_config_file_path, self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH)
        self.assertEqual(self.agent.user_config_file_path,    self.USER_CONFIG_FILEPATH)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_raise_when_the_default_config_file_doesnt_exist(self):
        """ Loads default config file path  and return a config object """
        self.agent = Agent()

        self.failUnlessRaises(LoganFileNotExistsError, self.agent.load_default_config)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_raise_when_the_config_file_is_not_well_formatted(self):
        """ Loads default config object """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Change the default config file path with the bad one
        self.agent.default_config_file_path = self.BAD_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH

        self.failUnlessRaises(LoganLoadFileError, self.agent.load_default_config)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_return_default_configuration_when_requested(self):
        """ Loads default config object """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Try to load the default config object
        default_config = self.agent.load_default_config()

        self.assertIsNotNone(default_config, "Failed to load the default configuration")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_contains_at_least_one_default_command(self):
        """ Checks if the excerpt config is in the default configuration file """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Try to load the default config object
        default_config = self.agent.load_default_config()


    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_returns_user_configuration(self):
        """ Loads user configuration """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        user_config = self.agent.load_user_config()

        self.assertIsNotNone(user_config, "Failed to load the user configuration")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_return_the_right_path_depending_on_the_logan_specific_filename(self):
        """ Return the path for every logan specific filename """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        agent = self.agent

                         self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILEPATH, "loganrc.default file not found")
                         self.USER_CONFIG_FILEPATH, "loganrc file not found")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_user_config_should_override_default_configuration(self):
        """ Override default configuration with user configuration """

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        default_config      = self.agent.load_default_config()
        user_config         = self.agent.load_user_config()
        overridden_config   = self.agent.load_config()

        default_create_file_action_options      = default_config.get("actions").get(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        user_create_file_action_options         = user_config.get("actions").get(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        overridden_create_file_action_options   = user_config.get("actions").get(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)

        # Check if we get something from the overriding
        self.assertIsNotNone(overridden_config, "Empty - Failed to override default configuration")

        # Make sure that the default option is different from user option

        # Checks if the path option of the self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION has been overridden

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_checks_actions_syntax(self):
        """ Validates a command and user actions and make sure the syntax is correct

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Testing that a simple good command passed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND)
        self.assertTrue(syntax_ok, "This simple command must be good")

        # Testing that a right command with a specified context passed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND_WITH_CTX)
        self.assertTrue(syntax_ok, "This command with context must be good")

        # Testing that an empty command or action failed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_EMPTY_COMMAND)
        self.assertFalse(syntax_ok, "This empty command must be not valid")

        # Testing that a bad formatted command or action failed
        syntax_ok = self.agent.check_action_command_syntax(self.LOGAN_TEST_BAD_COMMAND)
        self.assertFalse(syntax_ok, "This bad command must be not valid")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_extract_action_inputs_from_user_command(self):
        """ Retrieves actions inputs from command enter by the user

            It makes assumption that the command has been validated
            by the Agent before the extraction

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Tries to extract actions inputs from good, empty and bad command
        action_inputs    = self.agent.extract_action_inputs_from_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND)

        # Shouldn't get 'None' as a result
                             "No action inputs found from the command '%s'" % self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND )

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_be_able_to_save_config_object_in_cache(self):
        """ Checks whether the config object exist in cache

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        # Get the config object to save
        config = self.agent.load_config()

        # Try to save the config object in the cache
        saved = self.agent.add_to_cache(config)

        self.assertTrue(saved, "Failed to saved the config object")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_be_able_to_get_config_object_from_cache(self):
        """ Get the config object from cache

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

         # Get the config object to save
        config = self.agent.load_config()

        # Try to save the config object in the cache
        saved = self.agent.add_to_cache(config)

        # Get the config object to save
        config = self.agent.get_config_from_cache()

        self.assertIsNotNone(config, "Failed to get the cached config object")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_config_not_present_in_cache_the_first_time(self):
        """ Checks if the config is store in the cache

        # Initialize the agent by changing the default config file location
        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)

        checked = self.agent.check_cache(self.LOGAN_CACHE_KEY)

        # The first time the config won't be present in the cache
        self.assertFalse(checked, "Actions config object isn't in the cache")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_found_action_from_key(self):
        """ Test find an action by providing its key name

        # Build an agent
        self.agent = self.build_agent_with_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND)

        action         = self.agent.find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        missing_action = self.agent.find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_MISSING_ACTION)

        self.assertIsNotNone(action,         "Action [%s] not found!" % self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        self.assertIsNone   (missing_action, "Action [%s] found!"     % self.LOGAN_TEST_MISSING_ACTION)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_perform_actions(self):
        """ Tests the ability of the logan agent to perform an action

        # Build an agent
        self.agent = self.build_agent_with_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_COMMAND)

        # Find the action to run
        action = self.agent.find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)

        out = self.agent.performs(action)

        self.assertIsNotNone(out, "Nothing was performed on the action [%s]" % self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_must_return_valid_or_wrong_return_code_whether_the_command_is_correct_or_not(self):
        """ Checks return code for a good and bad command

        # TODO: Build only one agent a make it run more than only one command
        # Build 2 agents to run two different commands
        self.fake_agent  = self.build_agent_with_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_FAKE_COMMAND)
        self.right_agent = self.build_agent_with_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_RIGHT_COMMAND)

        # Found 2 related actions
        fake_action  = self.fake_agent .find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        right_action = self.right_agent.find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_RIGHT_ACTION)

        # Gets outputs
        fake_out  = self.fake_agent .performs(fake_action)
        right_out = self.right_agent.performs(right_action)

        # Checks both return codes
        self.assertEqual(fake_out .get("code"), self.FAILURE_CODE, "Command must failed when executed")
        self.assertEqual(right_out.get("code"), self.SUCCESS_CODE, "Command succeed when executed")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_must_show_output_after_command_execution(self):
        """ Makes sure that the command return something as an output
            even if is an error :p

        self.fake_agent  = self.build_agent_with_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_FAKE_COMMAND)
        self.right_agent = self.build_agent_with_command(self.LOGAN_TEST_RIGHT_COMMAND)

        # Found 2 related actions
        fake_action  = self.fake_agent .find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_ACTION)
        right_action = self.right_agent.find_action_by_key(self.LOGAN_TEST_RIGHT_ACTION)

        # Gets outputs
        fake_out  = self.fake_agent .performs(fake_action)
        right_out = self.right_agent.performs(right_action)

        # Checks both return output and errors
        self.assertEqual(fake_out .get("out"),
                         "Command must failed when executed")
        self.assertEqual(fake_out .get("err"),
                         'create: filename.txt: No such file or directory\n',
                         "Command must failed when executed")

                      "Command succeed when executed")
                         "Command succeed when executed")

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_should_be_able_to_process_a_command(self):
        """ Tests the complete process of execution a user command

        self.agent = Agent(self.LOGAN_ROOT)


        output = self.agent.output

                      "Command succeed when executed")
                         "Command succeed when executed")
                         "Command must failed when executed")

        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def test_logan_executes_action_command_entered_by_user(self): pass
Example #16
    def test_should_raise_when_the_default_config_file_doesnt_exist(self):
        """ Loads default config file path  and return a config object """
        self.agent = Agent()

        self.failUnlessRaises(LoganFileNotExistsError, self.agent.load_default_config)
Example #17
    def test_initialize_logan_agent(self):
        """ Tests creation of a new Logan agent """

        self.agent = Agent()
        self.assertIsInstance(self.agent, Agent, "This is not a logan Agent.")