Example #1
def test_asyncio():
    logger = logging.getLogger('Dummy')

    async def util():
        for i in range(3):
            logger.info('I am the util function', extra={'iteration': i+1})
            await asyncio.sleep(0)

    async def task(task_name: str):
        def inject_extra(record):
            record.extra['task_name'] = task_name
            record.extra['task_id'] = id(asyncio.current_task())

        with Handler(bubble=True).contextbound():
            with Processor(inject_extra).contextbound():
                logger.info('I am the task')
                await asyncio.sleep(0)
                await util()
                logger.info('I am still the task')

    root_handler = TestHandler()
    root_handler.formatter = text_formatter
    with root_handler.applicationbound():
        with redirected_logging():
            asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(task('one'), task('two'), task('three')))

    records = root_handler.formatted_records
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the task <task_name=one' in records[0]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the task <task_name=two' in records[1]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the task <task_name=three' in records[2]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=1, task_name=one' in records[3]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=1, task_name=two' in records[4]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=1, task_name=three' in records[5]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=2, task_name=one' in records[6]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=2, task_name=two' in records[7]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=2, task_name=three' in records[8]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=3, task_name=one' in records[9]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=3, task_name=two' in records[10]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am the util function <iteration=3, task_name=three' in records[11]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am still the task <task_name=one' in records[12]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am still the task <task_name=two' in records[13]
    assert 'INFO: Dummy: I am still the task <task_name=three' in records[14]