def RandomSleep(): sleepTime = random.uniform(1.0, 10.0) if c.DEBUG3: logger.logEntry( 'debug', ' Sleeping for {} seconds...'.format(str(sleepTime)[:4])) time.sleep(sleepTime)
def debugOutput(level, baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, resp): global spamCnt url = "{}{}".format(baseUrl, urlPath) # pretify response respDict = json.loads(resp) prettyResp = [] for curKey in respDict.keys(): curVal = respDict[curKey] prettyResp.append('{}{}: {}\n'.format(logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, curKey, curVal)) prettyResp = ''.join(prettyResp) # prettify response prettyBody = ['{}{}\n'.format('&', x) for x in body.split('&') if x] prettyBody[0] = prettyBody[0][1::] prettyBody = ['{}{}'.format(logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, x) for x in prettyBody] prettyBody = ''.join(prettyBody) # debug log: connection-data, headers, body, response logger.logEntry( level, " --- Debug output ---\n{}URL: {}\n{}Proxy: {}\n\n{}-- Headers --\n{}\n{}-- Body --\n{}\n{}-- Response --\n{}" .format(logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, url, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, proxy['https'], logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, h.GetPrettyHeaders(), logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, prettyBody, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, prettyResp))
def RespChecker(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, resp, curSpamCnt, curProxySpamCnt): global spamCnt respDict = json.loads(resp.text) try: if respDict['status'] == 'ok': return True else: try: # check for spam-detection if respDict['spam']: spamCnt += 1 logger.logEntry( "error", " Request with {} marked as spam.\n{}> Total spamcounter: {}\n{}> Request spamcounter: {}\n{}> Proxy spamcounter: {}" .format(proxy['https'], logger.NEWLINE_ERROR, spamCnt, logger.NEWLINE_ERROR, curSpamCnt, logger.NEWLINE_ERROR, curProxySpamCnt)) if spamCnt >= c.MAX_SESSION_PROXY: print('') logger.logEntry( "critical", "<--- Initiating a new Session and restarting sign up proccess --->" ) print('') SignUpNewAccount() except: # unknown issue debugOutput('error', baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, resp.text) except: # unknown issue debugOutput('error', baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, resp.text) return False
def GetProxy(): url = '' resp = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, 'html.parser') sameProxyCnt = 0 while True: proxy = {'https': choice(list(map(lambda x:x[0]+':'+x[1], list(zip(map(lambda x:x.text, soup.findAll('td')[::8]), map(lambda x:x.text, soup.findAll('td')[1::8]))))))} if proxy['https'] not in usedProxys: break elif sameProxyCnt == c.MAX_SAME_PROXY: if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry("critical", "Tryed to get the same proxy for {} times\n<---- QUITING PROGRAM ---->".format(c.MAX_SAME_PROXY)) exit() elif len(str(proxy['https'])) < 8: continue usedProxys.add(proxy['https']) return proxy
def EnterFunction(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, confCheck): respCheck = False curSpamCnt = 0 curProxySpamCnt = 0 while not respCheck: # checks if the current function is 'check confermation code' if confCheck: confCode = input("\nEnter the confirmation code: ") print("") body = "code={}{}".format(confCode, body) curSpamCnt += 1 curProxySpamCnt += 1 # check if the proxy has to be changed due to too frequent spam detections if curProxySpamCnt <= c.MAX_PROXY_SPAM: respTuple = ProxyRequest('post', baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy) if respTuple[2]: curProxySpamCnt = 0 else: if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry("warning", " Changing proxy...") if c.MAX_SESSION_PROXY == 1: if c.DEBUG1: print('') logger.logEntry( "critical", " <--- Initiating a new Session and restarting sign up proccess --->" ) print('') SignUpNewAccount() respTuple = ProxyRequest('post', baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, '') proxy = respTuple[1] curProxySpamCnt = 0 if c.DEBUG3: debugOutput('debug', baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, respTuple[0].text) # quick checks the response to known issues respCheck = RespChecker(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, respTuple[0], curSpamCnt, curProxySpamCnt) return respTuple
def ProxyRequest(methode, baseUrl, urlPath, headers, body, workingProxy): url = "{}{}".format(baseUrl, urlPath) headers = headers.GetJson() changedWP = False while True: if workingProxy == '': try: proxy = GetProxy() if methode == 'post': resp = requests.request(methode, url, headers=headers, data=body, proxies=proxy, timeout=c.NEW_PROXY_TIMEOUT) else: resp = requests.request(methode, url, headers=headers, proxies=proxy, timeout=c.NEW_PROXY_TIMEOUT) if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry("debug", " Request send with proxy: {}".format(proxy["https"])) return (resp, proxy, changedWP) except: if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry("warning", " Proxy {} failed. Trying another one...".format(proxy["https"])) else: for i in range(c.WORKING_PROXY_RETRYS, 0, -1): try: resp = requests.request(methode, url, headers=headers, data=body, proxies=workingProxy, timeout=c.WORKING_PROXY_TIMEOUT) if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry("debug", " Request send with the previous proxy") return (resp, workingProxy, changedWP) except: if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry("warning", " Previous proxy failed. {} more Trys...".format(i-1)) time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 1.0)) if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry("warning", " Changing proxy...") workingProxy = '' changedWP = True
def __init__(self): if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Creating a new Session...') self.respTuple = proxyCrawler.ProxyRequest('get', Session.baseUrl, Session.urlPathSD, Session.h, '', '') self.respJson = json.loads(self.respTuple[0].text) self.cryptVersion = int(self.respJson['encryption']['version']) self.keyId = int(self.respJson['encryption']['key_id']) self.pubKey = self.respJson['encryption']['public_key'] self.ig_did = self.respJson['device_id'] self.ajax = self.respJson['rollout_hash'] self.token = self.respJson['config']['csrf_token'] if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Shared data has been scraped') self.respTuple = proxyCrawler.ProxyRequest('get', Session.baseUrl, Session.urlPathCI, Session.h, '', self.respTuple[1]) self.mid = self.respTuple[0].text self.proxy = self.respTuple[1] if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Client_ID has been scraped') if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry('info', ' A new session has been created successfully')
def SignUpNewAccount(): global spamCnt spamCnt = 0 mail = input('Change email: ') if mail != '': if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Changed the mail address') else: mail = c.MAIL if c.DEBUG3: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Kept default mail address from config.yml') username = input('Change username: '******'': if c.DEBUG2: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Changed username') else: username = c.USERNAME if c.DEBUG3: logger.logEntry('debug', ' Kept default username from config.yml') # creating objects nAcc = accountClass.Account(mail, c.NAME, username, c.PASSWORD, c.DAY, c.MONTH, c.YEAR) if c.DEBUG2: print('') mailLen = len(nAcc.mail) + 7 heading = f"{' Account Data '.center(mailLen, '-')}" footline = '-' * mailLen logger.logEntry( 'debug', ' {}\n\n{}email: {}\n{}username: {}\n{}password: {}\n{}name: {}\n{}birthday: {}.{}.{}\n\n{}{}\n' .format(heading, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, nAcc.mail, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, nAcc.username, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, nAcc.password, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG,, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG,, nAcc.month, nAcc.year, logger.NEWLINE_DEBUG, footline)) s = sessionClass.Session() h = headerClass.PostHeaders('close', s) proxy = s.GetWorkingProxy() RandomSleep() # UserData baseUrl = "" urlPath = "/accounts/web_create_ajax/attempt/" encPassword = encrypt_password(s.keyId, s.pubKey, nAcc.password, version=s.cryptVersion) body = "email={}&enc_password={}&username={}&firstname={}&seamless_login_enabled=1&opt_into_one_tap=false".format( nAcc.mail, encPassword, nAcc.username, respTuple = EnterFunction(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, False) if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry("info", " The user data has been entered successfully") RandomSleep() # Age baseUrl = "" urlPath = "/web/consent/check_age_eligibility/" body = "day={}&month={}&year={}".format(, nAcc.month, nAcc.year) respTuple = EnterFunction(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, respTuple[1], False) if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry("info", " The age has been entered successfully") RandomSleep() # send mail baseUrl = "" urlPath = "/api/v1/accounts/send_verify_email/" body = "device_id={}&email={}".format(s.mid, nAcc.mail) respTuple = EnterFunction(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, respTuple[1], False) if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry( "info", " An confermation code has been send to the following mail address\n{}> Mail: {}" .format(logger.NEWLINE_INFO, nAcc.mail)) RandomSleep() # check confermation code baseUrl = "" urlPath = "/api/v1/accounts/check_confirmation_code/" bodyPart = "&device_id={}&email={}".format(s.mid, nAcc.mail) respTuple = EnterFunction(baseUrl, urlPath, h, bodyPart, respTuple[1], True) respDict = json.loads(respTuple[0].text) signUpCode = respDict['signup_code'] if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry("info", " The confermation code has been accepted") RandomSleep() # create account baseUrl = "" urlPath = "/accounts/web_create_ajax/" encPassword = encrypt_password(s.keyId, s.pubKey, nAcc.password, version=s.cryptVersion) body = "email={}&enc_password={}&username={}&first_name={}&month={}&day={}&year={}&client_id={}&searmless_login_enabled=1&tos_version=eu&force_sign_up_code={}".format( nAcc.mail, encPassword, nAcc.username,, nAcc.month,, nAcc.year, s.mid, signUpCode) respTuple = EnterFunction(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, respTuple[1], False) if c.DEBUG3: debugOutput('error', baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, respTuple[0].text) print("") if c.DEBUG1: logger.logEntry("critical", "<---- QUITING PROGRAM ---->")
import requests import json import time import random import logger import sessionClass import headerClass import accountClass import config as c from proxyCrawler import ProxyRequest from igPwdEncrypt import encrypt_password if c.DEBUG1: print('\n') logger.logEntry( "info", " <---- STARTING TO CREATE AN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT ---->\n") # quick checks the response to known issues spamCnt = 0 def RespChecker(baseUrl, urlPath, h, body, proxy, resp, curSpamCnt, curProxySpamCnt): global spamCnt respDict = json.loads(resp.text) try: if respDict['status'] == 'ok': return True else: try: # check for spam-detection