def execute_tests(test_suites, tests_category_path):
    Routine for execution of tests from provided test_suites
    @param test_suites: list of test suites, from which tests are being
    @param test_category_path: path to test category being executed in tests
    @returns (dict) of results from testing in {'test_name': is_passed_boolean}
    key-value pairs
    results = {}
    for test_suite in test_suites:
        tests = test_suite.tests
        suite_name = test_suite.__class__.__name__
        results[suite_name] = {}
        for test_name, test_case in tests:
            log_guest(f'Executing test {test_name}: {test_case}')
                results[suite_name][test_name] = (Fore.GREEN + "PASSED" +
                                                  Style.RESET_ALL, None)
            except AssertionError as e:
                results[suite_name][test_name] = (Fore.RED + "FAILED",
                                                  Fore.YELLOW + str(e) +
    return results
def setup_base_authserver_configs(scripts_path, tests_path, test_categories,
    Creates conf for chosen authorization server for each test category passed
    as argument
    @param scripts_path: path to the MITS scripts on guest machine
    @param tests_path: path to tests dir on guest machine
    @param test_categories: list of test categories (str)
    @param authserver_config: (dict) configuration settings for authorization
    authserver = authserver_config['name']
    conf_extension = authserver_config['config_extension']

    log_guest(f'Creating base config for {authserver}')
    for test_category in test_categories:
        test_category_path = f'{tests_path}/{test_category}'

        old_conf_path = f'{scripts_path}/{authserver}.{conf_extension}'
        new_conf_path = f'{test_category_path}/{authserver}.{conf_extension}'
        with open(new_conf_path, 'w') as conf_out:
            with open(old_conf_path, "r") as conf_file:
                conf_content =
                conf_content = PathInjector.inject_paths(conf_content)
def cleanup_dirs(*args):
    Delete recursively all content in dirs specified in args
    @param *args: directories to be removed
    for dir_path in args:
        log_guest(f"Cleanup of {dir_path}")
        if os.path.exists(dir_path):
            shutil.rmtree(dir_path, ignore_errors=True)
def create_dirs(*args):
    Create dirs from *args
    @param *args: tuple of paths to directories, which should be created if do
    not exist
    for path in args:
        if not os.path.isdir(path):
            log_guest(f"Creating dir {path}")
def get_exec_category(scripts_path, pickle_filename):
    Get exec category which is stored inside pickle file
    @param scripts_path: path to MITS scripts directory
    @param pickle_filename: name of pickle file
    @returns extracted exec category from pickle file as string
    pickle_tests_path = os.path.join(scripts_path, pickle_filename)
    exec_category = unpickle_tests(pickle_tests_path)
    log_guest(f"Test category to be run is {exec_category}")
    return exec_category
def setup_test_categories_in_test_env(test_categories, test_env_path,
                                      setup_routines, testing_options):
    Setup dirs for test categories in test environment dir
    @param test_categories: list of test_categories, for which dirs should be
    @param test_env_path: path to test environment as str
    @param setup_routines: dict, where key is test category and value is
    callback for setup of that test category
    for test_category in test_categories:
        test_category_path = f'{test_env_path}/{test_category}'
        setup = setup_routines[test_category]
        setup(test_category_path, options=testing_options)
        log_guest(f"Set up test category {test_category}")
Example #7
 def register_test_suite(test_suite, execution_category):
     Registration subroutine for registering test_suite for provided exec.
     @param test_suite: test suite instance to be registered
     @paran execution_category: execution category for test suite
     @Exception is raised if the test suite is registered already
     test_class = test_suite.__class__.__name__.lower()
     is_registered = test_class in registered_suites.keys()
     if is_registered is False:
         log_guest(f"Registering {test_class}")
         registered_suites.setdefault(execution_category, []) \
         raise Exception("Guest: Test suite is already registered")
 def get_required_configs(scripts_path, test_category, test_suites):
     Get config filenames for @test_suites
     @param scripts_path: (str) path to MITS scripts on guest machine
     @param test_category: test category for which the base config should
     be selected
     @param test_suites: suites for which we need to grab the configs
     @returns list of config filenames
     base_config = f'{scripts_path}/{test_category}.{config_extension}'
     config_filenames = [base_config]
     for test_suite in test_suites:
         filename = test_suite.config_filename
         suite_config_file = f'{scripts_path}/{filename}.{config_extension}'
         log_guest(f"Config {filename} appended to list")
     return config_filenames
def setup_test_suite_dirs_in_tests(tests_path, test_env_path, suites_to_run):
    Setup environment for test suites, which should be run in tests path
    @param tests_path: tests path, where environment for test suites is created
    @param test_env_path: path to test environment
    @param suites_to_run: dict, where key is test category and value is tuple
    of test suites
    def generate_dummy_dir_name():
        Generate random name for dir
        return uuid.uuid4().hex

    if not os.path.exists(tests_path):
        raise CleanupError("Tests dir not found")

    for test_category, test_suites in suites_to_run.items():
        tests_category_path = f'{tests_path}/{test_category}'
        for test_suite in test_suites:
            test_suite_name = test_suite.__class__.__name__
            test_suite_path = f'{tests_category_path}/{test_suite_name}'

            if not os.path.isdir(tests_category_path):

            tests = test_suite.tests
            for test_name, _ in tests:
                test_path = f'{test_suite_path}/{test_name}'

                # the test setup is prepared from relative path, so we need to
                # set current test case as current dir

                dummy_dir = generate_dummy_dir_name()
                test_env_category_path = f'{test_env_path}/{test_category}'
                test_suite._test_setup(test_env_category_path, dummy_dir)

            log_guest(f"Set up dir for test suite {test_suite_name}")
def setup_testing_configs(scripts_path, tests_path, authserver_config,
    config_extension = authserver_config['config_extension']
    Creates configuration file based on chosen testing suites.
    @param scripts_path: (str) path to MITS scripts on guest machine
    @param tests_path: (str) path to tests dir
    @param authserver_config: configuration settings for authorization server
    @param suites_to_run: dict, where key is test category and value is tuple
    of test suites
    def get_required_configs(scripts_path, test_category, test_suites):
        Get config filenames for @test_suites
        @param scripts_path: (str) path to MITS scripts on guest machine
        @param test_category: test category for which the base config should
        be selected
        @param test_suites: suites for which we need to grab the configs
        @returns list of config filenames
        base_config = f'{scripts_path}/{test_category}.{config_extension}'
        config_filenames = [base_config]
        for test_suite in test_suites:
            filename = test_suite.config_filename
            suite_config_file = f'{scripts_path}/{filename}.{config_extension}'
            log_guest(f"Config {filename} appended to list")
        return config_filenames

    for test_category, test_suites in suites_to_run.items():
        log_guest(f'Creating configuration /medusa.conf for {test_category}')
        conf_filenames = get_required_configs(scripts_path, test_category,
        tests_category_path = f'{tests_path}/{test_category}'
        with open(f'{tests_category_path}/medusa.conf', 'w') as conf_out:
            for conf_filename in conf_filenames:
                with open(conf_filename, "r") as conf_file:
                    conf_content =
                    conf_content = PathInjector.inject_paths(conf_content)
def start_testing(suites_to_run, tests_path, test_env_path,
    Main testing function, starts Constable and executes suites one after the
    other. When all testing is done, results are sent to the validator module
    to be validated.
    @param suites_to_run: (dict), where key is test category and value is tuple
    of corresponding test suites
    @param tests_path: path to tests dir
    @param test_env_path: path to test environment dir
    @param authserver_start_cmd: (str) authserver start command
    @returns (dict) of results from testing in {'test_name': is_passed_boolean}
    key-value pairs
    def copy_medusa_conf_to_test_env(src, dest):
        shutil.copyfile(f'{src}/medusa.conf', f'{dest}/medusa.conf')

    all_results = {}
    for test_category, test_suites in suites_to_run.items():
        test_category_path = f'{tests_path}/{test_category}'
        # it is required to copy medusa.conf file to test environment, because
        # this is where the authserver is going to search for the file
        copy_medusa_conf_to_test_env(test_category_path, test_env_path)

        # we need to change the dir to test_category_path because this is where
        # the authserver config is stored and being read

        log_guest('Starting authorization server')
        constable = Reader(authserver_start_cmd)

        log_guest('Starting test batch')
        results = execute_tests(test_suites, test_category_path)
        all_results[test_category] = results

        log_guest('Terminating authorization server')

    return all_results
def cleanup_mount_partitions(test_env_path, testing_options):
    Make cleanup of partitions dirs
    @param test_env_path: str path to test environment
    @param testing_options: dict with special options for testing like
    available partitions for mounting
    if (testing_options is None
            or testing_options.get('mounting', None) is None):
        log_guest("No mounting options found")

    available_partitions = testing_options['mounting'].get('partitions', None)
    if available_partitions is None:
        log_guest("No available partitions found")

    if not os.path.exists(test_env_path):

    tmp_mount_dir = f'{test_env_path}/tmp{uuid.uuid4().hex}'
    if not os.path.exists(tmp_mount_dir):
        log_guest(f"Creating {tmp_mount_dir} for cleanup of mount partitions")

    for partition in available_partitions:
        # mount points can be nested and therefore we could umount all the
        # mounted partitions in the first iteration, we have to check each time
        # remaining partitions
        all_mounted_partitions = sh.df().stdout.decode()
        if not os.path.exists(partition):
            log_guest(f"{partition} does not exist, removing from the options")

        # if the partition is mounted somewhere in the filesystem, umount it
        # first and we will mount it to our specific dir
        if partition in all_mounted_partitions:
            log_guest(f"Umount of {partition}")
            sh.umount(partition, '-O --recursive')

        log_guest(f"Cleanup of device {partition}")
        sh.mount(partition, tmp_mount_dir, '-text4')
        shutil.rmtree(tmp_mount_dir, ignore_errors=True)