def syscmd(command, expected_retcode=0): """ Execute `command` in a subshell and grab the return value to test it. If the test fails, an exception is raised. The exception must be an instance of exceptions.SystemCommandError or an inherited class. """ logging.progress('syscmd(): executing "%s" in a subshell.' % command) result = os.system(command) # res is a 16bit integer, decomposed as: # - a low byte: signal (with its high bit is set if a core was dumped) # - a high byte: the real exit status, if signal is 0 # see os.wait() documentation for more retcode = 0 signal = result & 0x00FF if signal == 0: retcode = (result & 0xFF00) >> 8 logging.progress('syscmd(): "%s" exited with code %s (%s).' % (command, retcode, result)) if retcode != expected_retcode: raise exceptions.SystemCommandError(command, retcode) if signal != 0: raise exceptions.SystemCommandSignalError(command, signal)
def _waitForAllocation(self):"Waiting for all nodes to be allocated...") INTERVAL = 5 lastOverallPercent = 0 lastOverallPercentChange = time.time() while self._allocation.dead() is None: try: self._allocation.wait(timeout=INTERVAL) return except: if self._overallPercent != lastOverallPercent: lastOverallPercent = self._overallPercent lastOverallPercentChange = time.time() if lastOverallPercent < 100: msg = "Allocation %(percent)s%% complete" else: msg = "Allocation %(percent)s%% complete, but still waiting for the 'go-ahead' " \ "from Rackattack..." logging.progress(msg, dict(percent=lastOverallPercent)) if time.time( ) > lastOverallPercentChange + self._NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT: raise Exception( "Allocation progress hanged at %(percent)s%% for %(seconds)s seconds", dict(percent=lastOverallPercent, seconds=self._NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT)) raise Exception(self._allocation.dead())
def use_log_file(log_file, process_name=None): """ replace stdout/stderr with the logfile. stderr becomes /dev/null. """ if process_name is None: my_process_name = stylize(ST_NAME, 'foundations.use_log_file') else: my_process_name = stylize(ST_NAME, process_name) logging.progress(_(u'{0}({1}): using {2} as log channel.').format( my_process_name, stylize(ST_UGID, os.getpid()), stylize(ST_PATH, log_file if log_file else 'stdout'))) if log_file: out_log = file(log_file, 'ab+') else: out_log = sys.stdout dev_null = file(os.devnull, 'rw') # not needed. #sys.stdout.flush() #sys.stderr.flush() # also not needed. #os.close(sys.stdin.fileno()) #os.close(sys.stdout.fileno()) #os.close(sys.stderr.fileno()) os.dup2(dev_null.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(out_log.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(out_log.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno())
def _checkNodeStats( self ): logging.progress( "Verifying Node stats" ) hostnames = [ host[ 'name' ] for host in self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().nodeList() ] for hostname in hostnames: response = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, self._restApiUrl + "/nodes/%(hostname)s/stats" % { 'hostname' : hostname } ) TS_ASSERT( response.ok ) logging.progress( "Got response %(response)s", dict( response = response.content ) )
def fork_licorn_daemon(pid_to_wake=None): """ Start the Licorn® daemon (fork it). """ try: logging.progress(_(u'Forking licornd.')) if os.fork() == 0: # NOTE: we need to force a replace, in case the existing daemon is # in a bad posture, eg. stuck in a restart procedure: it's not # responding to the calling CLI process, but in the wait for a # restart. This the current starting daemon will fail, then the # waiting CLI will not be awaken and will timeout and show the # "connect timeout, something is bad" message to the administrator, # which will be a totally false-negative situation because # meanwhile the restarting daemon will be ready in a perfect # state. # All of this is a timing problem, and I hope the soft # :arg:`--replace` flag will solve this corner-case situation. args = ['licornd', '--replace'] if pid_to_wake: args.extend(['--pid-to-wake1', str(pid_to_wake)]) os.execv('/usr/sbin/licornd', args) except (IOError, OSError), e: logging.error(_(u'licornd fork failed: errno {0} ({1}).').format( e.errno, e.strerror))
def browse_callback(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode, serviceName, regtype, replyDomain): if errorCode != pybonjour.kDNSServiceErr_NoError: return caller = stylize(ST_NAME, current_thread().name) if not (flags & pybonjour.kDNSServiceFlagsAdd): logging.warning(_(u'{0}: service {1} removed!').format(caller, serviceName)) return logging.progress(_(u'{0}: service {1} added; now resolving…').format( caller, serviceName)) resolve_sdRef = pybonjour.DNSServiceResolve(0, interfaceIndex, serviceName, regtype, replyDomain, resolve_callback) try: current_wait = 0 while current_wait < 5: waited.append(1) current_wait += 1 ready =[resolve_sdRef], [], [], timeout) if resolve_sdRef in ready[0]: pybonjour.DNSServiceProcessResult(resolve_sdRef) finally: resolve_sdRef.close()
def run(self): TS_ASSERT(self._isClientPingable()) host.pxeclient.node.disablePXE() logging.progress("PXE has been disabled for %s", host.pxeclient.node.primaryMACAddress()) host.pxeclient.node.coldRestart() logging.progress( "Client is being rebooted. sleeping for %d seconds to make sure client stays down", self.MAX_TIME_FOR_NODE_TO_ANSWER_PING_AFTER_BOOTING_FROM_PXE) time.sleep( self.MAX_TIME_FOR_NODE_TO_ANSWER_PING_AFTER_BOOTING_FROM_PXE) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(self._isClientPingable(), False) logging.progress( "Client is not reachable. looks like its PXE has been disabled successfully" ) host.pxeclient.node.enablePXE() logging.progress("PXE has been enabled for %s", host.pxeclient.node.primaryMACAddress()) host.pxeclient.node.coldRestart() logging.progress( "Client is being rebooted. making sure that client is booting nicely" ) TS_ASSERT_PREDICATE_TIMEOUT( self._isClientPingable, TS_timeout=self. MAX_TIME_FOR_NODE_TO_ANSWER_PING_AFTER_BOOTING_FROM_PXE)
def run(): global looper_thread looper_thread = RoundRobinEventLooper(tname='EventLooper') looper_thread.start() logging.progress(_(u'{0}: Licorn® Event Loop started.').format( stylize(ST_NAME, current_thread().name)))
def executeTestScenario(self): abortTestTimeout = getattr(self._test, 'ABORT_TEST_TIMEOUT', self.ABORT_TEST_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT) timeoutthread.TimeoutThread(abortTestTimeout, self._testTimedOut)"Test timer armed. Timeout in %(seconds)d seconds", dict(seconds=abortTestTimeout)) discardinglogger.discardLogsOf(self.DISCARD_LOGGING_OF) self._hosts = dict() suite.findHost = suite.hosts = self.hosts if not hasattr(self._test, 'host'): = if not hasattr(self._test, 'hosts'): self._test.hosts = self.hosts"Allocating Nodes") self._allocation = rackattackallocation.RackAttackAllocation(self._test.HOSTS) logging.progress("Done allocating nodes") try: self._setUp() try: self._run() finally: self._tearDown() finally: try: except: logging.exception("Unable to free allocation")
def resolve_callback(sdRef, flags, interfaceIndex, errorCode, fullname, hosttarget, port, txtRecord): if errorCode == pybonjour.kDNSServiceErr_NoError: logging.progress(_(u'{0}: successfully found a Licorn® server via ' u'Bonjour at address {1}.').format( stylize(ST_NAME, current_thread().name), stylize(ST_URL, 'pyro://{0}:{1}/'.format( hosttarget[:-1] if hosttarget.endswith('.') else hosttarget, port)))) txtRecord = pybonjour.TXTRecord.parse(txtRecord) # Store host with uuid / group, to help find our eventual favorite. resolved.append((txtRecord['uuid'], txtRecord['group'], hosttarget, port)) if favorite and txtRecord['uuid'] == favorite: found.set() else: # We already have one server in the resolved list. # If we have waited long enough, go with it and take # the best we can. if len(waited) > 12: found.set()
def executeTestScenario(self): discardinglogger.discardLogsOf(self.DISCARD_LOGGING_OF) self._hosts = dict() suite.findHost = suite.hosts = self.hosts if not hasattr(self._test, 'host'): = if not hasattr(self._test, 'hosts'): self._test.hosts = self.hosts"Allocating Nodes") self._allocation = rackattackallocation.RackAttackAllocation(self._test.HOSTS) timeoutthread.TimeoutThread(self._testTimeout, self._testTimedOut)"Test timer armed. Timeout in %(seconds)d seconds", dict(seconds=self._testTimeout)) logging.progress("Done allocating nodes") try: self._setUp() try: self._run() finally: self._tearDown() finally: try: except: logging.exception("Unable to free allocation")
def beamADirectory(self):"mkdir /tmp/aDirectory")"echo hello > /tmp/aDirectory/bye")"/tmp/aDirectory/") expectedFile = os.path.join(log.config.LOGS_DIRECTORY, "it", "bye") logging.progress("Expected file: %(expectedFile)s", dict(expectedFile=expectedFile)) TS_ASSERT(os.path.exists(expectedFile))
def sleep(interval, reason): logging.progress( "Sleeping for %(interval).3f, Reason: '%(reason)s'", dict(interval=interval, reason=reason)) time.sleep(interval) logging.progress( "Done sleeping for %(interval).3f, Reason: '%(reason)s'", dict(interval=interval, reason=reason))
def _checkBackendsStats( self ): logging.progress( "Checking backends types" ) backends = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/%s" % ( self._restApiUrl, 'storage/backends' ) ) TS_ASSERT( backends.ok ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( len( backends.json() ), 1 ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( backends.json()[ 0 ][ 'name' ], 'rack-storage' ) rackstorage_backend = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/%s/%s" % ( self._restApiUrl, 'storage/backends', 'rack-storage' ) ) TS_ASSERT( rackstorage_backend.ok ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( rackstorage_backend.json()[ 'name' ], 'rack-storage' )
def _verifyDeleteNodeAgent2( self ): logging.progress( "Verifying agent2 node deletion" ) hostName = self.vm( 'agent2' ).openStackAgent().hostName() TS_ASSERT_THROWS_ANYTHING( self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().deleteNode, hostName ) self.vm( 'agent2' ).openStackAPI().stopNovaCompute() self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackController().subNovaComputeUpdateTimeForHost( hostName, 60 ) self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackAPI().waitForNovaComputeToBeDownOnHost( hostName ) self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().deleteNode( hostName ) nodes = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().nodeList() TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( [ n for n in nodes if n[ 'name' ] == hostName ], [] )
def _verifyNodedServices( self ): logging.progress( "Verifying service monitoring enabling/disabling" ) serviceName = 'dummyNode' him = self.vm( 'agent1' ) TS_ASSERT_PREDICATE_TIMEOUT( lambda: him.consul().get( him.openStackAgent().hostName(), 'status' ) == 'ready', TS_timeout = 300, TS_interval = 3 ) endpoint = "/nodes/%s/services" % him.openStackAgent().hostName() data = { 'service-name' : serviceName } self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies(, self._restApiUrl + endpoint, data = data ) TS_ASSERT_PREDICATE_TIMEOUT( lambda: serviceName in self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, self._restApiUrl + endpoint ).json(), TS_timeout = 60, TS_interval = 3 ) self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.delete, self._restApiUrl + endpoint, data = data ) TS_ASSERT_PREDICATE_TIMEOUT( lambda: serviceName not in self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, self._restApiUrl + endpoint ).json(), TS_timeout = 60, TS_interval = 3 )
def _run(self): logging.progress("Running test in '%(filename)s'", dict(filename=self._filename())) try: logging.success( "Test completed successfully, in '%(filename)s', with %(asserts)d successfull asserts", dict(filename=self._filename(), asserts=suite.successfulTSAssertCount())) print ".:1: Test passed" except: logging.exception("Test failed, in '%(filename)s'", dict(filename=self._filename())) suite.outputExceptionStackTrace() raise
def _run(self): logging.progress("Running test in '%(filename)s'", dict(filename=self._filename())) assert hasattr(self._test, 'run'), "Test class must have a 'run' method" try: logging.progress( "Run completed successfully, in '%(filename)s', with %(asserts)d successfull asserts", dict(filename=self._filename(), asserts=suite.successfulTSAssertCount())) except: logging.exception("Test failed, in '%(filename)s'", dict(filename=self._filename())) suite.outputExceptionStackTrace() raise
def _verifyNodes( self ): logging.progress( "Verifying node list" ) nodes = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().nodeList( getVms = True ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( set( [ node[ 'status' ] for node in nodes ] ), set( [ 'up' ] ) ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( set( [ node[ 'name' ] for node in nodes ] ), set( self.HOSTNAMES ) ) vmOnNodes = set() for node in nodes: vmsOnNode = set( node[ 'vms' ] ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( vmsOnNode, set( self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().getNodeResponse( node[ 'name'], getVms = True ).json()[ 'vms' ] ) ) TS_ASSERT( vmOnNodes.isdisjoint( vmsOnNode ) ) vmOnNodes.update( vmsOnNode ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( vmOnNodes, set( self._vmNameToId.values() ) )
def stop(): """ Completely stop the event queue. This is meant to be done only one time, when the daemon stops. """ # be sure the EventManager thread will stop when we'll tell # him to do so. looper_thread.stop() # enqueue a super high priority job containing None, which will # unblock the EventManager run_action_method(). events_queue.put((-1, None)) logging.progress(_(u'{0}: Licorn® Event Loop stopped.').format( stylize(ST_NAME, current_thread().name)))
def process_dir(bucket, _dir, delete_source, extf, path_move): logging.progress("Processing: %s" % _dir) parts=os.path.splitext(_dir) bn=os.path.basename(parts[0]) filename="%s.%s" % (bn, extf) logging.progress("Generating: file '%s' in bucket '%s'" % (filename, k=S3Key(bucket) k.key=filename try: k.set_contents_from_string("") except: logging.warning("Can't generate file '%s' in bucket '%s'" % (filename, return if delete_source: logging.progress("Deleting: %s" % _dir) rmdir(_dir) return if path_move is not None: bn_src_dir=os.path.basename(_dir) ddir=os.path.join(path_move, bn_src_dir) rmdir(ddir) logging.progress("Moving: %s => %s" % (_dir, ddir)) code, msg=move(_dir, ddir) if not code.startswith("ok"): logging.warning("Can't move '%s' to '%s': %s" % (_dir, ddir, msg))
def _run(self): logging.progress("Running test in '%(filename)s'", dict(filename=self._filename())) try: suite.anamnesis['testSucceeded'] = True logging.success( "Test completed successfully, in '%(filename)s', with %(asserts)d successfull asserts", dict(filename=self._filename(), asserts=suite.successfulTSAssertCount())) print ".:1: Test passed" except: suite.anamnesis['testFailed'] = True logging.exception("Test failed, in '%(filename)s'", dict(filename=self._filename())) suite.outputExceptionStackTrace() raise
def remove(self, key, value=None, dont_check=False): """ TODO. """ if dont_check or self.has(key, value): if hasattr(self[key], '__iter__'): self[key].remove(value) if self[key] in ('', []): del self[key] else: del self[key] logging.progress('%s: %s configuration key %s with value %s' % ( stylize(ST_PATH,, stylize(ST_BAD, "removed"), stylize(ST_NAME, key), stylize(ST_NAME, value))) assert ltrace(TRACE_OBJECTS, "%s: removed '%s%s'" % (, key, ' ' + value if value else ''))
def unregister_collector(collector): assert ltrace_func(TRACE_EVENTS) with loop_lock: try: events_collectors.remove(collector) logging.progress(_(u'{0}: unregistered event ' u'collector {0}.').format( stylize(ST_NAME, current_thread().name), stylize(ST_NAME, collector))) except ValueError: logging.exception(_(u'Error while trying to unregister ' u'collector {0}'), collector)
def add(self, key, value, dont_check=False, replace=False): """ TODO. """ if replace: self[key] = value logging.progress('%s: %s configuration key %s with value %s' % ( stylize(ST_PATH,, stylize(ST_OK, "modified"), stylize(ST_NAME, key), stylize(ST_NAME, value))) assert ltrace(TRACE_OBJECTS, "%s: overwritten '%s %s'" % (, key, value)) elif dont_check or not self.has(key, value): pyutils.add_or_dupe_enumeration(self, key, value) logging.progress('%s: %s configuration key %s with value %s' % ( stylize(ST_PATH,, stylize(ST_OK, "added"), stylize(ST_NAME, key), stylize(ST_NAME, value))) assert ltrace(TRACE_OBJECTS, "%s: added '%s %s'" % (, key, value))
def pidof(process_name): """ This works only on Linux... .. note:: the pidof feature works on /proc/%s/comm and matches only the exact word. There is no kind of fuzzy matching yet. ..versionadded:: 1.3 """ pids = [] if 'licornd' in process_name: # licorn / linux 3.x specifiq : we can match 'licornd/wmi' # faster than 'licornd-wmi', and in some case the 'cmdline' # is empty, whereas the 'comm' is not. names = [ process_name, process_name.replace('/', '-') ] else: names = [ process_name ] for entry in os.listdir('/proc'): if entry.isdigit(): try: if cgroup and open('/proc/%s/cpuset' % entry).read().strip() != cgroup: logging.progress(_(u'Skipped process @{0} which is not ' u'in the same cgroup.').format(entry)) continue try: # Linux 3.x only command_line1 = open('/proc/%s/comm' % entry).read().strip() except: command_line1 = '' command_line2 = open('/proc/%s/cmdline' % entry).read().strip() for pname in names: if pname == command_line1 or pname+'\0' in command_line2: pids.append(int(entry)) except (IOError, OSError), e: # in rare cases, the process vanishes during iteration. This # is harmless. Any other error is not cool, raise it. if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise e
def _waitForAllocation(self): INTERVAL = 5 lastOverallPercent = 0 lastOverallPercentChange = time.time() while self._allocation.dead() is None: try: self._allocation.wait(timeout=INTERVAL) return except: if self._overallPercent != lastOverallPercent: lastOverallPercent = self._overallPercent lastOverallPercentChange = time.time() logging.progress("Allocation %(percent)s%% complete", dict(percent=lastOverallPercent)) if time.time() > lastOverallPercentChange + self._NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT: raise Exception("Allocation progress hanged at %(percent)s%% for %(seconds)s seconds", dict(percent=lastOverallPercent, seconds=self._NO_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT)) raise Exception(self._allocation.dead())
def run(self): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(log.config.LOGS_DIRECTORY, "it"), ignore_errors=True) expectedFile = os.path.join(log.config.LOGS_DIRECTORY, "it", "postmortem", 'df') serialLogFile = os.path.join(log.config.LOGS_DIRECTORY, "it", "postmortem", "serial.txt") uniqueString = 'time: ' + str(time.time())"echo %s > /dev/console" % uniqueString) TS_ASSERT(not os.path.exists(expectedFile)) TS_ASSERT(not os.path.exists(serialLogFile)) logging.progress("Expected file: %(expectedFile)s", dict(expectedFile=expectedFile)) TS_ASSERT(os.path.exists(expectedFile)) TS_ASSERT(os.path.exists(serialLogFile)) contents = open(serialLogFile).read() TS_ASSERT(uniqueString in contents) self.useLogBeamFromLocal() self.beamADirectory()
def _checkNotFound( self ): logging.progress( "Verifying not found statuses" ) BOGUS_ID = "THIS_IS_NOT_AN_ID_OF_ANYTHING_AND_NOT_EVEN_A_NAME_OF_A_NODE" response = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().getServerResponse( BOGUS_ID ) logging.progress( "Got response %(response)s", dict( response = response.content ) ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( response.status_code, ResourceNotFoundException.code ) response = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().getNodeResponse( BOGUS_ID ) logging.progress( "Got response %(response)s", dict( response = response.content ) ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( response.status_code, ResourceNotFoundException.code ) response = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().getVolumeResponse( BOGUS_ID ) logging.progress( "Got response %(response)s", dict( response = response.content ) ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( response.status_code, ResourceNotFoundException.code )
def register_collector(collector): assert ltrace_func(TRACE_EVENTS) with loop_lock: events_collectors.append(collector) try: collector._setTimeout(3.0) except: # in case the event collector is inside the daemon, it is not # a pyro proxy, but just a thread. _setTimeout() will fail. pass logging.progress( _('{0}: registered event collector {1}.').format( stylize(ST_NAME, current_thread().name), stylize(ST_NAME, collector))) # we wait 6 seconds to send this special event, because all web clients # will take at most 5 seconds to reconnect to the WMI when it comes back. # This signal will tell them to resynchronize internal structures. LicornEvent('collector_reinit', collector=collector).emit(priorities.HIGH, delay=6.0)
def _createAllocations(self): rackattackToHostMap = self._createRackattackToHostMap(self._test.HOSTS) allocations = dict() for rackattack, hostsFromRackattack in rackattackToHostMap.iteritems(): logging.progress( 'Allocating %(_hosts)s from Rackattack %(_rackattack)s', dict(_hosts=hostsFromRackattack.keys(), _rackattack=rackattack)) try: allocations[ rackattack] = rackattackallocation.RackAttackAllocation( hosts=hostsFromRackattack) except Exception: logging.error( 'failed to allocate from %(_rackattack)s, ' 'freeing all allocations', dict(_rackattack=rackattack)) for allocation in allocations: self._tryFreeAllocation(allocation) raise logging.progress( 'Finished allocating hosts from Rackattack %(_rackattack)s', dict(_rackattack=rackattack)) return allocations
def daemonize(log_file=None, close_all=False, process_name=None): """ UNIX double-fork magic to create a daemon. See Stevens' "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" for details (ISBN 0201563177). .. versionadded:: 1.2.5 this function doesn't write the pid file anymore. its up to the calling process to do it. This makes things much logical in the daemon. """ assert ltrace_func(TRACE_PROCESS, devel=True, level=2) if process_name is None: my_process_name = stylize(ST_NAME, 'foundations.daemonize') else: my_process_name = stylize(ST_NAME, process_name) logging.progress(_(u'{0}({1}): fork #1.').format( my_process_name, stylize(ST_UGID, os.getpid()))) # decouple from parent environment os.chdir('/') os.chroot('/') os.umask(0) try: if os.fork() > 0: logging.progress(_(u'{0}({1}): exit parent #1.').format( my_process_name, stylize(ST_UGID, os.getpid()))) sys.exit(0) except OSError, e: logging.error(_(u'{0}({1}): fork #1 failed: errno {2} ({3}).').format( my_process_name, stylize(ST_UGID, os.getpid()), e.errno, e.strerror))
def refork_as_root_or_die(process_title='licorn-generic', prefunc=None, group='admins'): """ check if current user is root. if not, check if he/she is member of group "admins" and then refork ourselves with sudo, to gain root privileges, needed for Licorn® daemon. Do it with traditionnal syscalls, because the rest of Licorn® is not initialized if we run this function. """ assert ltrace_func(TRACE_PROCESS) try: gmembers = except AttributeError: logging.error(_(u'group %s does not exist and we are not root, ' u'aborting. Please manually relaunch this program with root ' u'privileges to automatically create this group.') % group) if whoami() in gmembers: cmd = [ process_title ] cmd.extend(insert_ltrace()) cmd.extend(sys.argv) if prefunc != None: prefunc() logging.progress(_(u'Re-exec() ourselves with sudo to gain root ' u'privileges (execvp(%s)).') % cmd) os.execvp('sudo', cmd) else: raise exceptions.LicornRuntimeError(_(u'You are not a member of group ' u'%s; cannot do anything for you, sorry!') % group)
def _checkStorageClusterAPI( self ): logging.progress( "Checking storage cluster API" ) clusterStatus = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/storage/cluster" % self._restApiUrl ) TS_ASSERT( clusterStatus.ok ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( clusterStatus.json(), storagecluster.StatusEnum.UP ) storageClusterNodes = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/storage/cluster/nodes" % self._restApiUrl ) TS_ASSERT( storageClusterNodes.ok ) for node in storageClusterNodes.json(): nodeInfo = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/storage/cluster/nodes/%s" % ( self._restApiUrl, node[ 'name' ] ) ) TS_ASSERT( nodeInfo.ok ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( nodeInfo.json()[ 'status' ], storagecluster.StatusEnum.UP ) storageClusterDisks = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/storage/cluster/disks" % self._restApiUrl ) TS_ASSERT( storageClusterDisks.ok ) for disk in storageClusterDisks.json(): diskStatus = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/storage/cluster/disks/%s" % ( self._restApiUrl, disk[ 'id' ] ) ) TS_ASSERT( diskStatus.ok ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( diskStatus.json()[ 'status' ], storagecluster.StatusEnum.UP ) for node in storageClusterNodes.json(): getData = { 'node-name' : node[ 'name' ] } nodeDisksList = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, "%s/storage/cluster/disks" % ( self._restApiUrl ), data = getData ) TS_ASSERT( nodeDisksList.ok )
def executeTestScenario(self): discardinglogger.discardLogsOf(self.DISCARD_LOGGING_OF) self._hosts = dict() suite.findHost = suite.hosts = self.hosts if not hasattr(self._test, 'host'): = if not hasattr(self._test, 'hosts'): self._test.hosts = self.hosts if not hasattr(self._test, 'releaseHost'): self._test.releaseHost = self._releaseHost if not self.RUN_ON_DETACHED: logging.progress("Allocating hosts...") self._allocations = self._createAllocations() timeoutthread.TimeoutThread(self._testTimeout, self._testTimedOut)"Test timer armed. Timeout in %(seconds)d seconds", dict(seconds=self._testTimeout)) logging.progress("Done allocating hosts.") else: logging.progress("Attempting connection to detached nodes...") try: self._setUp() self._run() finally: self._tearDown() self._cleanUp() for allocation in self._allocations.values(): wasAllocationFreedSinceAllHostsWereReleased = not bool( allocation.nodes()) if not wasAllocationFreedSinceAllHostsWereReleased: try: self._tryFreeAllocation(allocation) except: logging.exception( "Unable to free allocation, hosts: " "%(_nodes)s may still be allocated", dict(_nodes=','.join([ for node in allocation.nodes().values() ]))) raise Exception('Unable to free allocation') else:'Not freeing allocation')
def tearDown(self): logging.progress("enabling PXE for %s", host.pxeclient.node.primaryMACAddress()) host.pxeclient.node.enablePXE()
def _checkShutDownNotRunningServer( self ): logging.progress( "Check response status for shutting down a not running server" ) response = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().sendShutDownServerRequest( self._vmNameToId[ 'vm1' ] ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( response.status_code, ResourceNotFoundException.code )
def _checkClusterStats( self ): logging.progress( "Verifying Cluster stats" ) response = self._sendRequestAndUpdateCookies( requests.get, self._restApiUrl + "/cluster/stats" ) TS_ASSERT( response.ok ) TS_ASSERT( any( val != 0 for val in self._getAllDictValuesRecursive( response.json() ) ) ) logging.progress( "Got response %(response)s", dict( response = response.content ) )
def _checkDeleteNotShutDownServer( self ): logging.progress( "Check response status for deleting a not shut downed server" ) response = self.vm( 'controller' ).openStackREST().sendDeleteServerRequest( self._vmNameToId[ 'vm1' ] ) TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( response.status_code, BadRequestException.code )