def main(): LOG.log("Starting system", "SYSTEM") LOG.log("Start all threads", "SYSTEM") #LOG.log("Find all cameras", "SYSTEM") #start_instances_for_all_cameras(); start_instance('CAM_%s' % (0), 0, 'NORMAL')
def start_instances_for_all_cameras(): # start all cameras number_of_cameras = countCameras() LOG.log("Found %s cameras" % (number_of_cameras), "SYSTEM") for i in range(number_of_cameras): start_instance('CAM_%s' % (i), i, 'NORMAL')
def run(): while True: # Make calculations break result = (0, 0, 0) LOG.log(result, 'HUD_COLOR_RGB') task_done()
def start_instance(instance_name, camera_id, camera_mode='NORMAL'): LOG.log("Capturing Camera %s" % camera_id, instance_name) # Capture camera _camera_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(camera_id) # initiate shared variables instance _shared_variables = shared_variables.Shared_Variables( instance_name, _camera_capture) # detection Thread _shared_variables.start_detection_thread() # tracking Thread _shared_variables.start_tracking_thread() # show camera thread _shared_variables.start_camera_thread(camera_mode)
def run(self): # wait for initial detection while not self.shared_variables.detection_done: pass # initiate tracker self.create_custom_tracker() # tracking loop while self.shared_variables.tracking_running: if self.shared_variables.camera_capture.isOpened(): self.start_time = #ret_val, self.frame = self.frame = self.shared_variables.frame self.object_custom_tracking() self.end_time = if self.shared_variables.debug or self.shared_variables.debug_tracking: LOG.log("Tracking time : " + str(self.end_time - self.start_time),
def main(): LOG.log("Starting system", "SYSTEM") LOG.log("Setting up system", "SYSTEM") init() # Set up init LOG.log("System is running", "SYSTEM") run() # run loop
def run(self): # Load model LOG.log("Loading modell", face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') facial_features_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'haarcascade_facial_features.xml') LOG.log("Start detections", # Start Loop while self.shared_variables.detection_running: if self.shared_variables.camera_capture.isOpened(): self.start_time = # ret_val, frame = frame = self.shared_variables.frame if self.do_flipp_test: frame = imutils.rotate( frame, self.flipp_test_degree * self.flipp_test_nr) # Do detection if frame is not None: gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) landmarksAndFaces = [] face_patches = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in face_patches: roi_gray = gray[y:y + h, x:x + w] # To dont use landmarks, instead use boxes for (ex, ey, ew, eh) in facial_features_cascade.detectMultiScale( roi_gray): landmarksAndFaces.append([x + ex, y + ey, ew, eh]) landmarksAndFaces.append(face_patches[0].tolist()) # if found faces if len(face_patches) > 0: self.no_face_count = 0 self.shared_variables.face_found = True # Save frames self.shared_variables.detection_frame = frame self.shared_variables.tracking_and_detection_frame = frame # Save boxes self.shared_variables.face_box = landmarksAndFaces self.shared_variables.detection_box = landmarksAndFaces # Do flipp test on detection if self.shared_variables.flipp_test and self.do_flipp_test: # save flipp as success degree = self.shared_variables.flipp_test_degree + self.flipp_test_nr * self.flipp_test_degree degree = degree - (degree % 360) * 360 self.shared_variables.flipp_test_degree = degree # log frame change LOG.log( "Flipp test successful add degree :" + str(self.flipp_test_nr * self.flipp_test_degree), # end flipp test self.do_flipp_test = False self.flipp_test_nr = 1 # Wake tracking thread if not self.shared_variables.tracking_running: self.sleep_time = self.SHORT_SLEEP self.shared_variables.start_tracking_thread() else: # No face self.shared_variables.face_found = False # if max face misses has been done, stop tracking and do less detections if self.no_face_count >= self.NO_FACE_MAX and self.shared_variables.tracking_running: # do flipp test if self.shared_variables.flipp_test: # doing flipp test if self.do_flipp_test: self.flipp_test_nr = self.flipp_test_nr + 1 # flipp test did not find anything if self.flipp_test_nr * self.flipp_test_degree >= 360: self.do_flipp_test = False self.flipp_test_nr = 1 self.sleep_time = self.LONG_SLEEP self.shared_variables.tracking_running = False LOG.log("Initiate energy save", else: self.do_flipp_test = True else: self.sleep_time = self.LONG_SLEEP self.shared_variables.tracking_running = False LOG.log("Initiate energy save", else: self.no_face_count = self.no_face_count + 1 if self.no_face_count >= self.flipp_test_long_intervall and self.shared_variables.flipp_test: self.no_face_count = 0 self.end_time = # Debug detection time if self.shared_variables.debug_detection or self.shared_variables.debug: LOG.log( 'Detection time:' + str(self.end_time - self.start_time), time.sleep(self.sleep_time) # sleep if wanted
def run(): with tf.Session() as sess: LOG.log("Loading modell","SYSTEM") #temp test global pnet global rnet global onet global images_placeholder global embeddings global phase_train_placeholder pnet, rnet, onet = detect_and_align.create_mtcnn(sess, None) model_exp = os.path.expanduser(model_path) if (os.path.isfile(model_exp)): # print('Model filename: %s' % model_exp) with gfile.FastGFile(model_exp, 'rb') as f: graph_def = tf.GraphDef() graph_def.ParseFromString( tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='') images_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("input:0") embeddings = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("embeddings:0") phase_train_placeholder = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("phase_train:0") # set up tensorflow model #load_model(model_path) LOG.log("Start system","SYSTEM") while True: if cam_cap.isOpened(): start = time.time() # Get current frame global frame ret, frame = # Count tick global ticks ticks = ticks + 1 # Do detection global DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS if DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS <= ticks: #print("Detection") global face_box global face_found global show_id global show_bb global show_landmarks # Do detection face_patches, padded_bounding_boxes, landmarks = detect_and_align.align_image(frame, pnet, rnet, onet) # if found faces if len(face_patches) > 0: face_patches = np.stack(face_patches) feed_dict = {images_placeholder: face_patches, phase_train_placeholder: False} embs =, feed_dict=feed_dict) # print('Matches in frame:') for i in range(len(embs)): bb = padded_bounding_boxes[i] if show_bb: cv2.rectangle(frame, (bb[0], bb[1]), (bb[2], bb[3]), (255, 0, 0), 2) if show_landmarks: for j in range(5): size = 1 top_left = (int(landmarks[i, j]) - size, int(landmarks[i, j + 5]) - size) bottom_right = (int(landmarks[i, j]) + size, int(landmarks[i, j + 5]) + size) cv2.rectangle(frame, top_left, bottom_right, (255, 0, 255), 2) # Convert box to OpenCV face_box = convert_tensorflow_box_to_openCV_box(padded_bounding_boxes[0]) # print (face_box) # if running custom tracker this is needed update_custom_tracker() face_found = True #return True else: # No face face_found = False #return False # if face found if face_found: ticks = 0 global FAST_DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS = FAST_DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS else: # Make less detections if not ticks = 0 global SLOW_DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS = SLOW_DETECTION_SLEEP_TICKS else: # Do tracking if face_found: object_custom_tracking() # print fps end = time.time() seconds = end - start if seconds != 0: fps = round(1 / seconds, 2) if show_fps: font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(frame, str(fps), (0, 100), font, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) #Show Cam cv2.imshow('Detection GUI', frame) #Close Program functionallity if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'): cam_cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break time.sleep(0.2) # Sleep