def go(self, display): super().go(display) self.speed_change_funtime() if self._current_animation == ATTACK_ANIMATION_KEY: if self._in_front and self._animation_cycle == self._attack_key_frame * self._animation_spd: if self._dmg != 0: self._in_front.apply_damage(self._dmg) else: self._projectile_queued = True if constants.SHOW_DEBUG: print(self._name + " attacks!") elif self._animation_looped: self.change_animation(WALK_ANIMATION_KEY, WALK_ANIMATION_SPEED) target_rect = self._in_front.get_rect() if self._dmg and self._in_front and collisions.rectangles(self.get_rect(), target_rect) or \ not self._dmg and self._in_front and collisions.rectangles(self.get_range_rect(), target_rect): if self._cooldown_left <= 0: self.change_animation(ATTACK_ANIMATION_KEY, ATTACK_ANIMATION_SPEED) self._cooldown_left = self._cooldown_timer elif self._current_animation == WALK_ANIMATION_KEY: self.change_animation(STATIC_ANIMATION_KEY, STATIC_ANIMATION_SPEED) else: if self._current_animation != WALK_ANIMATION_KEY: self.change_animation(WALK_ANIMATION_KEY, WALK_ANIMATION_SPEED) self.pos() if self._cooldown_left > 0: self._cooldown_left -= 1
def go(self, ctx, room, player): self.pos(room) self.draw(ctx) if == "good": for e in room["enemies"]: if collisions.rectangles(self, e) and e.hp > 0:"squish") self.removeFlag = True e.hp -= self.dmg elif == "bad": if collisions.rectangles(self, player): self.removeFlag = True player.hp -= self.dmg
def go(self, display): self.pos() super().go(display) if self._in_front and collisions.rectangles(self.get_rect(), self._in_front.get_rect()): self._in_front.apply_damage(self._dmg) self._active = False
def canMove(self, room): for o in room["obstructions"]: if collisions.rectangles(self, o): return False if self.x < 0 or self.y < 0 or self.x + self.w > constants.gameW or self.y + self.h > constants.gameH: return False return True
def go(self, ctx, player, roomCleared): if roomCleared: super().go(ctx) if collisions.rectangles(self, player): self.activate(player)
def main(): state = constants.AUTHORS enemiesCleared = False bullets = [] running = True player = Player() hud = HUD(player) teleporter = Teleporter() curFloor, curRoom, curPos, minimap = None, None, None, None while running: running = listen(running) if state == constants.AUTHORS: for t in text.authorsList: ctx.blit(t[0],t[1]) if keyboard.controls["keyEnter"]: sounds.changeMusic(sounds.overtureGoTime) if keyboard.controls["keyEnter"] or > sounds.overtureGoTime*1000: state = constants.START keyboard.enterLock = True if state == constants.START: ctx.blit(images.splash,(0,0)) ctx.blit(text.begin,text.beginRECT) if keyboard.controls["keyEnter"]: if not keyboard.enterLock: state = constants.GAME curFloor, curRoom, curPos, minimap = generator.nextFloor(None) elif keyboard.enterLock: keyboard.enterLock = False elif state == constants.GAME: # Check pause if keyboard.controls["keyEscape"]: if keyboard.pauseLock == constants.pauseNone: state = constants.PAUSE keyboard.pauseLock = constants.pauseEnter else: keyboard.pauseLock = constants.pauseNone # Reset BG ctx.blit(images.backgrounds[curRoom.type],(0,0)) if enemiesCleared: # Test for room changes for c in curRoom.doors: key = if collisions.rectangles(player,constants.clearZones[key]): spaceBuffer = 20 if key == "w" and keyboard.controls["keyW"]: curPos[0] -= 1 player.y = constants.roomB - 10 - constants.playerH - spaceBuffer elif key == "a" and keyboard.controls["keyA"]: curPos[1] -= 1 player.x = constants.roomR - 10 - constants.playerW - spaceBuffer elif key == "s" and keyboard.controls["keyS"]: curPos[0] += 1 player.y = 10 + spaceBuffer elif key == "d" and keyboard.controls["keyD"]: curPos[1] += 1 player.x = constants.roomL + 10 + spaceBuffer if curRoom != curFloor[curPos[0]][curPos[1]]: curRoom = curFloor[curPos[0]][curPos[1]] bullets = [] enemiesCleared = enterRoom(curRoom) if curRoom.type == "boss": if teleporter.go(ctx, player): curFloor, curRoom, curPos, minimap = generator.nextFloor(minimap) enemiesCleared = enterRoom(curRoom) else: # Test for door unlock enemiesCleared = enemyCheck(curRoom) if enemiesCleared:"unlock") # Update All Entities hud.go(ctx, player) minimap.go(ctx, curPos) for d in curRoom.doors: d.go(ctx, enemiesCleared) for i in curRoom.items: if not i.consumedFlag: i.go(ctx, player, enemiesCleared) for b in bullets: b.go(ctx, curRoom, player) if b.removeFlag: bullets.remove(b) for e in curRoom.enemies: projectile = e.go(ctx, curRoom, player) if projectile is not None: bullets.append(projectile) if e.hp <= 0: curRoom.enemies.remove(e) generator.trySpawn(e, curRoom, minimap) projectile = player.go(ctx, curRoom) if projectile is not None: bullets.append(projectile) if player.hp <= 0: state = constants.GAMEOVER ctx.blit(text.gameOver, text.gameOverRECT) ctx.blit(text.retry, text.retryRECT) # Debug fps = constants.muli["15"].render(str(round(clock.get_fps(),1)),True, ctx.blit(fps,(840,575)) elif state == constants.PAUSE: # pause(ctx) ctx.blit(images.backgrounds[curRoom.type], (0, 0)) hud.go(ctx, player) minimap.go(ctx, curPos) ctx.blit(images.playerPause, (constants.roomL + 50, constants.roomR + 50)) ctx.blit(text.spud, text.spudRECT) ctx.blit(text.pause, text.pauseRECT) if keyboard.controls["keyEscape"]: if keyboard.pauseLock == constants.pauseNone: state = constants.GAME keyboard.pauseLock = constants.pauseExit else: keyboard.pauseLock = constants.pauseNone elif state == constants.GAMEOVER: if keyboard.controls["keyEnter"]: state = constants.GAME enemiesCleared = False bullets = [] player.__init__() hud.__init__(player) curFloor, curRoom, curPos, minimap = generator.nextFloor(None) continue # Skips updating window # Update Window pygame.display.update() clock.tick(30) pygame.quit()