def pull_latest(self, now): log.debug('Pulling latest from github..') self.last_update_check_time = now if pull_latest(): log.success('Pulled new changes') ret = True else: ret = False return ret
def instance_stop(): server_start_id = [] cmd_start = "nova list |grep ACTIVE|awk '{print $2}'" result_start = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_start) for j in xrange(len(result_start)): pstart = result_start[j].split()[0] server_start_id.append(pstart) # nova stop server_start_id list for s_stop in server_start_id: cmd = "nova stop %s" % s_stop result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd) logging.debug("instance[%s] already stopping... " %s_stop) print "instance[%s] already stopping..." % s_stop
def check_for_jobs(self) -> Box: # TODO: Avoid polling by creating a Firestore watch and using a # mutex to avoid multiple threads processing the watch. job_query = self.jobs_db.collection.where('instance_id', '==', self.instance_id).where( 'status', '==', JOB_STATUS_ASSIGNED) jobs = list( ret = Box() if len(jobs) > 1: # We currently only support one job per instance raise RuntimeError('Got more than one job for instance') elif not jobs: log.debug('No job for instance in db') else: ret = Box(jobs[0].to_dict()) return ret
def updated(self) -> bool: """ :return: Whether or not we updated our local repo """ now = time.time() if not self.is_on_gcp: ret = False elif self.last_update_check_time is not None: log.debug('Checking for source changes') if now - self.last_update_check_time > 3: ret = self.pull_latest(now) self.last_update_check_time = time.time() else: ret = False else: ret = self.pull_latest(now) self.last_update_check_time = time.time() return ret
def volume_detach(): volume_detach_id = [] server_detach_id = [] ############## # server_detach_id cmd_detach_server = "nova volume-list |grep in-use|awk '{print $12}'" result_server = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_detach_server) for vo_d in xrange(len(result_server)): v_d = result_server[vo_d].split()[0] server_detach_id.append(v_d) ############# # volume_detach_id cmd_detach_volume = "nova volume-list |grep in-use|awk '{print $2}'" result_volume = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_detach_volume) for so_d in xrange(len(result_volume)): s_d = result_volume[so_d].split()[0] volume_detach_id.append(s_d) stop_list = [] for e in xrange(len(server_detach_id)): fd = tuple((server_detach_id[e],volume_detach_id[e])) stop_list.append(fd) #print "SSSSSSTTTTTTOOOOPPP:%s" %stop_list ############# server_list = [] cmd_list = "nova list |grep SHUTOFF|awk '{print $2}'" result_list = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_list) for li in xrange(len(result_list)): lst = result_list[li].split()[0] server_list.append(lst) #print "SSSSSSEEEEEEVVVVV:%s" % server_list for server,volume in stop_list: #print "kkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK",server if server in server_list: cmd = "nova volume-detach %s %s" %(server,volume) result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd) logging.debug("volume[%s] already detach... " % volume) print "volume[%s] already detach... " % volume else: logging.error("instance[%s] is not stop... " %server)
def volume_attach(): volume_file = list_dir+list_file_volume_json try: with open(volume_file) as f: json_load =json.load(f,encoding="utf-8") print "This is json_load:%s" %json_load start_list = [] for j in xrange(len(json_load)): cc = json_load[j] device = str(cc['device']) server = str(cc['server_id']) volume = str(cc['id']) ff = tuple((server,volume,device)) start_list.append(ff) print "mmmmmmMMMMMMM",start_list server_list = [] ########### # server_list cmd_server = "nova list |grep SHUTOFF |awk '{print $2}'" server_result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_server) for s in xrange(len(server_result)): s_l = server_result[s].split()[0] server_list.append(s_l) print "TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT",server_list for server_id,volume_id,device_path in start_list: if server_id in server_list: cmd_v = "nova volume-attach %s %s %s" % (server,volume,device_path) result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_v) logging.debug(cmd_v) print "volume[%s] already detach... " % volume_id else: logging.error("instance[%s] is not stop... " %server_id) except IOError: logging.error("%s list file not found!!!" %volume_file) raise
except: traceback.print_exc() logging.error("login failed....") finally: child.close(force=True)"login end .......") if __name__ == '__main__': while True: team0_cmd='fping' team0_active = shell_cmd(team0_cmd) team1_cmd='fping' team1_active = shell_cmd(team1_cmd) print team0_active print team1_active if 'alive' not in team0_active[0]: port = '17' logging.debug("this is team0") print "this is tema0" rest_team_port(port) if 'alive' not in team1_active[0]: port = '12' print "this is tema1" logging.debug("this is team0") rest_team_port(port) time.sleep(10) continue
def tenant_do_work(self,tenant_name,cmd): #tenant_name = 'kycloudprod' list_dir = '/var/lib/platform-manager/' cmd_date = "date '+%Y-%m-%d'" date = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_date)[0].split()[0] list_file_nova='list_'+tenant_name+'_'+date list_file_volume ='list_'+tenant_name+'_volume' list_file_volume_flag =list_file_volume+'_flag' list_file_volume_json = list_file_volume+'.json' list_file_volume_back = list_file_volume+'.bak' if not os.path.exists(list_dir): os.makedirs(list_dir,0o755) #os.chdir(list_dir) os.chdir(home_path) #TENANT_NAME_LIST = env_set_func(tenant_name) ##################### # cmd_list ###################### cmd_list = "nova list" ####################### # cmd_volume_list ############################ cmd_volume_list = "nova volume-list" ###################### # cmd_stop ####################### ############################ cmd_stop = [] if cmd == "stop": server_running_id = [] server_cmd = "nova list |grep Running|awk '{print $2}'" cmd_result = shell.shell_cmd(server_cmd) # for i in xrange(len(cmd_result)): lo = cmd_result[i].split()[0] server_running_id.append(lo) # # for server_stop in server_running_id: cmd_lop = "nova stop %s" %server_stop cmd_stop.append(cmd_lop)"this is Server_runing_id: %s" % server_running_id) # print "this is Server_runing_id: %s" % server_running_id ########################################## # cmd_start ################################# cmd_start = [] if cmd == "start": server_shutdown_id = [] server_stop_cmd = " nova list|grep Shutdown |awk '{print $2}'" cmd_result_stop = shell.shell_cmd(server_stop_cmd) # for j in xrange(len(cmd_result_stop)): po = cmd_result_stop[j].split()[0] server_shutdown_id.append(po) ## for server_start in server_shutdown_id: cmd_pop = "nova start %s" %server_start cmd_start.append(cmd_pop) # print "this is Server_shutdown_id: %s" % server_shutdown_id #################################### # cmd_volume_attach ####################################### cmd_volume_attach = [] if cmd == "volume_attach" : start_list = [] #print "This is json_load:%s" %(list_dir+list_file_volume_json) f = open(list_dir+list_file_volume_json) json_load =json.load(f,encoding="utf-8") f.close() print "This is json_load:%s" %json_load for j in xrange(len(json_load)): cc = json_load[j] device = str(cc['device']) server_id = str(cc['server_id']) volume_id = str(cc['id']) ff = tuple((server_id,volume_id,device)) start_list.append(ff) for server,volume,device_path in start_list: cmd_v = "nova volume-attach %s %s %s" % (server,volume,device_path) cmd_volume_attach.append(cmd_v) # print "This is server_volume_id: %s" % server_volume_id"This is start_list: %s" % start_list) ################################## # cmd_volume_detach ########################### cmd_volume_detach = [] if cmd == "volume_detach": server_volume_detach_id = [] volume_detach_id = [] cmd_detach_server = "nova volume-list |grep in-use|awk '{print $(NF-1)}'" cmd_result_server = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_detach_server) for de in xrange(len(cmd_result_server)): sd = cmd_result_server[de].split()[0] server_volume_detach_id.append(sd) cmd_detach_volume = "nova volume-list |grep in-use|awk '{print $2}'" cmd_result_volume = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_detach_volume) for dv in xrange(len(cmd_result_volume)): vd = cmd_result_volume[dv].split()[0] volume_detach_id.append(vd) stop_list = [] for e in xrange(len(server_volume_detach_id)): fd = tuple((server_volume_detach_id[e],volume_detach_id[e])) stop_list.append(fd) for server_volume_01,volume_01 in stop_list: cmd_d = "nova volume-detach %s %s" % (server_volume_01,volume_01) cmd_volume_detach.append(cmd_d) #print "This is volume_detach_id:%s" % volume_detach_id #print "This is server_volume_detach_id:%s" %server_volume_detach_id ############################################## ############################# # volume_json ############################ if cmd == "stop" : volume_json_key = [] #volume_key_cmd = "grep in-use %s |awk '{print $2}'" %(list_dir+list_file_volume) volume_key_cmd = "nova volume-list|grep in-use |awk '{print $2}'" volume_json_key_result = shell.shell_cmd(volume_key_cmd) for k in xrange(len(volume_json_key_result)): jk = volume_json_key_result[k].split()[0] volume_json_key.append(jk) volume_json = [] for js in xrange(len(volume_json_key)): volume_value_cmd = "nova volume-show %s |grep device |awk '{print $4,$5,$6,$7,$12,$13}'" %volume_json_key[js] reuslt = shell.shell_cmd(volume_value_cmd) reuslt_ev = eval(reuslt[0].split('\n')[0])[0] volume_json.append(reuslt_ev) # json fp = open(list_dir+list_file_volume_json,'w') json.dump(volume_json,fp) fp.close() ############################################## content_list = [] cmd_name = { "list":cmd_list, "stop":cmd_stop, "volume_list":cmd_volume_list, "start":cmd_start, "volume_attach":cmd_volume_attach, "volume_detach":cmd_volume_detach } print "This is cmdname : %s" % cmd_name logging.debug("This is cmd_name:%s" %cmd_name) print cmd cmd_list = [] cmd_result = cmd_name.get(cmd) if isinstance(cmd_result,str): cmd_list.insert(0,cmd_result) if isinstance(cmd_result,list): cmd_list = cmd_result #print "This is cmd_list: %s" % cmd_list logging.debug("This is cmd_list: %s" % cmd_list) #################### in_use_check_id = [] in_use_check_server_cmd = "nova volume-list|grep in-use|awk '{print $(NF-1)}'" in_use_check_result = shell.shell_cmd(in_use_check_server_cmd) for in_use in xrange(len(in_use_check_result)): iu = in_use_check_result[in_use].split()[0] in_use_check_id.append(iu) for cmd_l in cmd_laist: #print "this is cmd_l:%s" % cmd_l logging.debug("this is cmd_l:%s" % cmd_l) if cmd_l == "nova volume-list": content = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_l) #content = os.system('nova list') back_cmd = "cp -f %s %s" %(list_dir+list_file_volume,list_dir+list_file_volume_back) shell.shell_cmd(back_cmd) f = open(list_dir+list_file_volume,'w') f.writelines(content) f.close() content_list.append(content) else: if "nova start" in cmd_l: server_id = cmd_l.split()[2] if server_id in in_use_check_id: content = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_l) #content = os.system('nova list') f = open(list_dir+list_file_nova,'a') f.writelines(content) f.close() content_list.append(content) else: content = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_l) #content = os.system('nova list') f = open(list_dir+list_file_nova,'a') f.writelines(content) f.close() content_list.append(content) #print "This is content: %s" % content time.sleep(10) print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant: %s perform the %s action ,please later.....\033[0m" % (tenant_name,cmd) ############################## # check_result_instance and check_result_volume ################################## # check_result_instance cmd_check = "nova list |awk '{print $6}'|grep -v Status|grep -v ^$" check_cmd_result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_check) check_result = [] for c in xrange(len(check_cmd_result)): check = check_cmd_result[c].split()[0] check_result.append(check) num = len(check_result) ###########################3 # check_result_volume cmd_check_volume = "nova volume-list|grep -v Status|awk '{print $4}'|grep -v ^$" check_volume_result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_check) check_volume_result = [] for v in xrange(len(check_volume_result)): check_v = check_cmd_result[v].split()[0] check_volume_result.append(check_v) num_volume = len(check_volume_result) #print "I'am herer" if cmd == "stop" or cmd == "volume_detach": if num == check_result.count("SHUTOFF") and num_volume == check_volume_result.count("available"):"%s %s" %(check_result,check_volume_result))"Tenant: %s All instance stop successfully!" %tenant_name)"Tenant: %s All volume deattch successfully!" %tenant_name) print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant: %s all instance stop successfully!\033[0m" % tenant_name print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant: %s all volume deattch successfully!\033[0m" % tenant_name elif num == check_result.count("SHUTOFF"):"Tenant: %s All instance stop successfully!" %tenant_name) print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant: %s all instance stop successfully!\033[0m" % tenant_name elif 0 == check_result.count("SHUTOFF"): logging.critical("Tenant: %s All instance stop failure!" %tenant_name) elif num != check_result.count("SHUTOFF"): logging.error("Tenant:%s All your stoped operating withou success!" %tenant_name) elif num_volume == check_volume_result.count("available"):"Tenant: %s All volume deattch successfully!" %tenant_name) print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant: %s all volume deattch successfully!\033[0m" % tenant_name elif 0 == check_volume_result.count("available"): logging.critical("Tenant: %s All volume deattch failure!" %tenant_name) elif num != check_result.count("SHUTOFF") or num_volume != check_volume_result.count("available"):"There are info %s,%s" %(check_volume_result,check_result)) logging.error("Tenant:%s All your stoped operating withou success!" %tenant_name) if cmd == "start": ####################################### if num == check_result.count("ACTIVE"):"Tenant:%s All instance started successfully!" %tenant_name) print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant:%s All instance started successfully!\033[0m" %tenant_name elif 0 == check_result.count("ACTIVE"): logging.critical("Tenant: %s All instance start failure!" %tenant_name) elif num != check_result.count("ACTIVE"): logging.error("Tenant:%s All your started operating withou success!" %tenant_name) if cmd == "volume_attach": check_volume_name_old = [] cmd_volume_name_old ="grep in-use %s |awk '{print $2}'" %(list_file_volume) name_old_result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_volume_name_old) for o in xrange(len(name_old_result)): vo = name_old_result[o].split()[0] check_volume_name_old.append(vo) check_volume_name = [] cmd_volume_name ="nova volume-list |grep in-use|awk '{print $2}'" name_result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_volume_name) for l in xrange(len(name_result)): vl = name_result[l].split()[0] check_volume_name.append(vl) ####################################### if len(check_volume_name) == len(check_volume_name_old):"Tenant:%s All volume attach successfully!" %tenant_name) print "\033[1;31;40m Tenant:%s All volume attach successfully!\033[0m" %tenant_name flag = open(list_dir+list_file_volume_flag,'w') flag.writelines('0') flag.close() return 0 elif len(check_volume_name) == 0: logging.critical("Tenant: %s All volume attach failure!" %tenant_name) flag = open(list_dir+list_file_volume_flag,'w') flag.writelines('1') flag.close() return 1 else: logging.error("Tenant:%s All your started operating withou success!" %tenant_name) flag = open(list_dir+list_file_volume_flag,'w') flag.writelines('-1') flag.close() return -1
def instance_start(): check_old_id = [] check_id = [] server_shutdown_id = [] cmd_stop = "nova list|grep Shutdown |awk '{print $2}'" result_stop = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_stop) for j in xrange(len(result_stop)): pstop = result_stop[j].split()[0] server_shutdown_id.append(pstop) ######################## # instnace_id_list ################################# instance_id_list = server_shutdown_id ##################### # volume_id_list ########################## volume_id_list = [] volume_list = list_dir+list_file_volume cmd_volume = "grep in-use %s |awk '{print $12}'" %volume_list result_volume = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_volume) for v in xrange(len(result_volume)): v_volume = result_volume[v].split()[0] volume_id_list.append(v_volume) ############################# # instnace_id_list and volume_id_list difference ######################### difference=set(instance_id_list).difference(set(volume_id_list)) # No instances of mount cloud drive for di in difference: cmd_start = "nova start %s" % di result_start = shell.shell_cmd(cmd_start) logging.debug("instance[%s no mount cloud drive] already starting..." %di ) print "instance[%s no mount cloud drive] already starting... " %di if server_shutdown_id: if os.path.exists(volume_list) and not os.path.getsize(volume_list): for s_start in server_shutdown_id: # old volume id check_cmd_old = "grep %s |awk '{print $2}'" % s_start check_old_result = shell.shell_cmd(check_cmd_old) for x in xrange(len(check_old_result)): old = check_old_result[x].split()[0] check_old_id.append(old) # current volume id check_cmd = "nova volume-list |grep %s|awk '{print $2}'" % s_start check_result = shell.shell_cmd(check_cmd) for y in xrange(len(check_result)): current = check_result[y].split()[0] check_id.append(current) # intersection check_intersection = set(check_old_oid).intersection(set(check_id)) for id in check_intersection: cmd = "nova start %s" % s_start result = shell.shell_cmd(cmd) logging.debug("instance[%s] already starting... " %s_start ) print "instance[%s] already starting... " %s_start else: logging.warning("%s:%s file does not exit or is empty,without the basis of a instance to start!!!" %(tenant_name,volume_list)) else: logging.warning("%s:Instace information is empty,please check the relevant configuration" %tenant_name)
def drop_course(self, section): if section not in self._student.enrolled_courses: log.debug( "Attempted to drop a course that student was not enrolled in.") else: self._student.enrolled_courses.remove(section)