Example #1
def data_analysis(data, out, count, analysis):

    DAG = arXiv.arXivDAG(data) #full box is a list with first entry the new boxDAG and second entry a list containg the two extremal points

    path_ends = ['0302182', '0012251']
    out.write('\n' + 'The start node is %s and the end node is %s' %(path_ends[0], path_ends[1]))
    # Do J^2 testing
    #start_time = time.clock()
    #jsquared_algorithm(DAG, path_ends, out, count)
    #jsquared_time = time.clock() - start_time
    #print 'J^2 time = %s' % jsquared_time
    # Do J^2 testing with birthday
    #start_time = time.clock()
    #lp.jsquared_with_birthdays(DAG, path_ends, out, count)
    #jsquared_with_birthdays_time = time.clock() - start_time
    #print 'J^2 with birthdays time = %s' % jsquared_with_birthdays_time
    # Do Tim algorithm
    #start_time = time.clock()
    #lp.tim_algorithm(DAG, path_ends, out, count)
    #tim_time = time.clock() - start_time
    #print 'Tim time = %s' % tim_time
    # Do Tim algorithm with order
    start_time = time.clock()
    lp.tim_algorithm_with_ordered_search(DAG, path_ends, out, count)
    tim_with_order_time = time.clock() - start_time
    print 'Tim with order time = %s' % tim_with_order_time
    # Do Tim algorithm with order and birthday
    start_time = time.clock()
    lp.tim_algorithm_with_ordered_search_and_birthdays(DAG, path_ends, out, count)
    tim_with_birthdays_time = time.clock() - start_time
    print 'Tim with birthdays time = %s' % tim_with_birthdays_time
    analysis.write(str(DAG.number_of_edges()) + '\n')
Example #2
def box_analysis(N, D, num_boxes, out, count, analysis):

    boxes = []
    edges = []
    nodes = []
    extremes = []
    for i in range(num_boxes):
        full_box = boxmaker.box_generator_corners(N, D) #full box is a list with first entry the new boxDAG and second entry a list containg the two extremal points
        box = full_box[0] #box is the DAG part of full box
        #print 'Number of edges = %s' % str(len(box.edges()))
        #print 'Fraction of possible edges = %s  ' % str( len(box.edges()) * 100.0 // (N*(N+1)/2))
    print 'Over %s boxes of dimension %s with %s points:' % (num_boxes, D, N)
    av_edges = sum(edges) // num_boxes
    print 'Average number of edges is %s' % str(av_edges)
    print 'Total possible number of edges is %s' % (N*(N+1)/2)
    percentage = str(100 * float(av_edges) / float(N*(N+1)/2))
    print 'Average fraction of possible edges that are allowed: %s' % (percentage[0:5] + ' %')
    i = 0
    for box in boxes:
        extremal_points = extremes[i] #associates the right extremal values with the right box
        n = choice(box.nodes()) #selects a random node from the box

        #Define the points that mark the start and the end of the longest path
        #Such that:
        # path_ends[0] = start of the path, has a higher 'birthday' value (i.e. closer to the present)
        # path_ends[1] = end of the path, has a lower 'birthday value (i.e. further in the past)
        path_ends = [extremal_points[0], n]
        out.write('\n' + 'The start node is %s and the end node is %s' %(path_ends[0], path_ends[1]))
        # Do J^2 testing
        #start_time = time.clock()
        #jsquared_algorithm(box, path_ends, out, count)
        #jsquared_time = time.clock() - start_time
        #print 'J^2 time = %s' % jsquared_time
        # Do age testing
        #start_time = time.clock()
        #lp.jsquared_with_birthdays(box, path_ends, out, count)
        #jsquared_with_birthdays_time = time.clock() - start_time
        #print 'J^2 with birthdays time = %s' % jsquared_with_birthdays_time
        # Do Tim algorithm
        #start_time = time.clock()
        #lp.tim_algorithm(box, path_ends, out, count)
        #tim_time = time.clock() - start_time
        #print 'Tim time = %s' % tim_time
        # Do Tim algorithm with order
        start_time = time.clock()
        lp.tim_algorithm_with_ordered_search(box, path_ends, out, count)
        tim_with_order_time = time.clock() - start_time
        print 'Tim with order time = %s' % tim_with_order_time
        # Do Tim algorithm with birthday
        start_time = time.clock()
        lp.tim_algorithm_with_ordered_search_and_birthdays(box, path_ends, out, count)
        tim_with_birthdays_time = time.clock() - start_time
        print 'Tim with birthday time = %s' % tim_with_birthdays_time
        analysis.write(str(box.number_of_edges()) + '\n')
        #analysis.write(str(N) + '\t' + str(tim_time) + '\t' + str(tim_with_birthdays_time) + '\n')
        i += 1 #iterates the box counter