Example #1
import sys
from look_and_say import lookAndSay

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
	print("Missing puzzle input")
puzzleInput = sys.argv[1]
n = int(sys.argv[2])

result = puzzleInput
for i in range(0, n):
	result = lookAndSay(result)

# print("Playing look-and-say with '{}' {} times -> '{}'".format(puzzleInput, n, result))
print("the length of the output is {}".format(len(result)))
Example #2
from look_and_say import lookAndSay

def test(name, real, expected):
	if (expected == real):
		print("OK - {}".format(name))
		print("FAIL - {}: {} should be {}".format(name, real, expected))

test("1 -> 11", lookAndSay('1'), '11')
test("11 -> 21",	lookAndSay('11'), '21')
test("111 -> 31",	lookAndSay('111'), '31')
test("1122 -> 2122",	lookAndSay('1122'), '2122')
test("21 -> 1211",	lookAndSay('21'), '1211')
test("1211 -> 111221",	lookAndSay('1211'), '111221')
test("111221 -> 312211",	lookAndSay('111221'), '312211')
test("1113122113 -> 311311222113", lookAndSay('1113122113'), '311311222113')