def __init__(self): maze1 = Maze("level1.txt") needle = Loot('N') ether = Loot('E') tube = Loot('T') maze1.generate() maze1.position_randomly([needle.disp, ether.disp, tube.disp]) m_g = Mac(maze1) self.maze = maze1 self.macg = m_g
def __init__(self): pygame.init() sprite_number = 15 self.sprite_size = 50 win_size = sprite_number * self.sprite_size self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((win_size, win_size)) self.macpic = pygame.image.load("macgyver.png").convert_alpha() self.murdoc = pygame.image.load("murdoc.png").convert_alpha() self.floor = pygame.image.load("tile1.png").convert_alpha() self.wall = pygame.image.load("wall2.png").convert_alpha() self.game_over = pygame.image.load("gameover.png").convert_alpha() ether_pic = pygame.image.load("ether.png").convert_alpha() needle_pic = pygame.image.load("needle.png").convert_alpha() tube_pic = pygame.image.load("tube.png").convert_alpha() self.stairs = pygame.image.load("stairs.png").convert_alpha() self.well_done = pygame.image.load("welldone.png").convert_alpha() self.item_pics = [] self.item_pics.append(ether_pic) self.item_pics.append(tube_pic) self.item_pics.append(needle_pic) pygame.display.set_caption("MazeGyver") pygame.display.set_icon(self.macpic) maze1 = Maze("level1.txt") needle = Loot('N') ether = Loot('E') tube = Loot('T') maze1.generate() maze1.position_randomly([needle.disp, ether.disp, tube.disp]) m_g = Mac(maze1) self.walls = maze1.wall_positions self.mac_pos = maze1.mac_position self.guard_pos = maze1.guardian_position self.item_pos = maze1.item_pos self.path = maze1.paths self.maze = maze1 self.macg = m_g for (x_a, y_a) in self.path: self.screen.blit(self.floor, (y_a * self.sprite_size, x_a * self.sprite_size)) for (x_a, y_a) in self.walls: self.screen.blit(self.wall, (y_a * self.sprite_size, x_a * self.sprite_size)) (x_a, y_a) = self.guard_pos self.screen.blit(self.stairs, (y_a * self.sprite_size, x_a * self.sprite_size)) (x_a, y_a) = self.guard_pos self.screen.blit(self.murdoc, (y_a * self.sprite_size, x_a * self.sprite_size)) for (x_a, y_a), item_pic in zip(self.item_pos, self.item_pics): self.screen.blit(item_pic, (y_a * self.sprite_size, x_a * self.sprite_size))
def randomize_object(self): self.objects = random.sample(self.way(), 3) # take 3 random positions in list created by way function self.needle = self.objects[0] # needle correspond to first object of random list = self.objects[1] # tube correspond to second object of random list self.ether = self.objects[2] # ether correspond to third object of random list self.pos_needle = Loot(self.needle.x * 40, self.needle.y * 40, "needle") # create needle as Loot object self.pos_tube = Loot( * 40, * 40, "tube") # create tube as Loot object self.pos_ether = Loot(self.ether.x * 40, self.ether.y * 40, "ether") # create ether as Loot object
def Init(): """ [Required] Initialize Data (Only called on load) """ # settings initialization global settings settings = MySettings(config_file) # database initialization global currency, db db = InstancedDatabase(database_file) currency = Currency(Parent, db,, settings.frequency * 60, settings.quantity) currency.only_subs = settings.only_subs currency.exclude_users = settings.exclude_users # streamlabs notifies global streamlabs_api streamlabs_api = SLNotifies(Parent, currency, settings.streamlabs_bits) if settings.streamlabs_apikey: streamlabs_api.connect(settings.streamlabs_apikey) # loot initialization global loot loot = Loot(Parent, db) return
def init_game(): pygame.init() clock = pygame.time.Clock() game_set = Settings() animation = Animation() bullets = Group() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (game_set.screen_width, game_set.screen_height)) main_ch = Main_character(game_set, screen, animation) teleport = Teleport(screen, main_ch, game_set) loot = Loot(screen, game_set) while True: pygame.display.set_caption(game_set.title + " FPS: " + str(round(clock.get_fps(), 1))) clock.tick(game_set.fps) g_f.update_bullets(bullets) g_f.check_events(main_ch, game_set, screen, bullets, teleport) g_f.update_screen(game_set, screen, main_ch, bullets, teleport, loot) mousex, mousey = pygame.mouse.get_pos() print(mousex, mousey) #print(game_set.cam_x,game_set.cam_y) obstacle = pygame.draw.rect(game_set.bg_image_third, (255, 0, 0), (0, 2160, 3450, 2)) print(main_ch.main_ch_rect.y, main_ch.main_ch_rect.x)
def __init__(self): self.sprite = Sprite() self.macgyver = Macgyver(40, 520, "m") # create Macgyver object self.murdock = Murdock(520, 560, "murdock") # create Murdock object = False self.end = False self.objects = random.sample(self.way(), 3) # 3 random positions in list from way function self.needle = self.objects[0] # needle correspond to first object in random list = self.objects[1] # tube correspond to second object in random list self.ether = self.objects[2] # ether correspond to third object in random list self.pos_needle = Loot(self.needle.x * 40, self.needle.y * 40, "needle") # create needle as Loot object self.pos_tube = Loot( * 40, * 40, "tube") # create tube as Loot object self.pos_ether = Loot(self.ether.x * 40, self.ether.y * 40, "ether") # create ether as Loot object
def load(file_name): try: load = open(file_name) # read the player name name = load.readline() # read the player class character_class = load.readline() # make the player hero = Hero(name, character_class) # Load the level level = int(load.readline()) for i in range(level): hero.giveXP(10000) # load the current xp xp = int(load.readline()) hero.giveXP(xp) # load the food food = int(load.readline()) hero.giveFood(food) # load the gold gold = int(load.readline()) hero.giveGold(gold) # Initialize a loot list loot = Loot() # Get a list of items add them to the player's inventory item_string = "" load.readline() if (load.hasNextLine()): item_string = load.readline() """ Scanner items = new Scanner(itemString) while(items.hasNextInt()): uniqueID = items.nextInt() hero.inventory.add(loot.getItem(uniqueID)) # equip items String equippedString = "" if(input.hasNextLine()): equippedString = input.nextLine() Scanner equipped = new Scanner(equippedString) while(equipped.hasNextInt()): uniqueID = equipped.nextInt() hero.inventory.equip(uniqueID, hero) hero.inventory.list() return hero """ except FileNotFoundError: print("File Not Found")
MONSTER_CHANCE = 0 #60 % chance of fighting a monster #public static final int DARK_ROOM_CHANCE = 60 #(10 % chance) we come to a dark room.. #public static final int TRAP_ROOM_CHANCE = 80 #(5 % chance) we come to a dark room.. BASIC_TREASURE_CHANCE = 85 #(5 % chance) 1-2 basic items ADVANCED_TREASURE_CHANCE = 90 #(3 % chance) 1-2 advanced items EPIC_TREASURE_CHANCE = 93 #(6 % chance)1-2 epic treasure chest EXIT_CHANCE = 99 # 1 percent of the time we reach exit hero = None loot = Loot() def intro(): #Display for Intro print(, + """ ******----******----****** Welcome to Dungeon Heroes! ******----******----******""" + + """ \^~~~~\\ ) ( /~~~~^/ ) *** \\ {**} / *** ( ) *** \\_ ^^ _/ *** ( ) **** vv **** ( )_**** ****_( )*** m m ***( """ +,
def __init__(self): """Constructor of the class""" pygame.init() # inivible cursor pygame.mouse.set_cursor((8, 8), (0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) # set size of window WINDOW = pygame.display.set_mode((450, 450)) # set icon of window ICO = pygame.image.load(IMG_ICO) # load the level LEVEL = Maze(MAZE) # generate the level LEVEL.generate() # load BACKGROUND BACKGROUND = pygame.image.load(IMG_BACKGROUND).convert() # load BAG and IN_BAG BAG = pygame.image.load(IMG_BAG).convert_alpha() IN_BAG = pygame.image.load(IMG_IN_BAG).convert_alpha() # display BACKGROUND WINDOW.blit(BACKGROUND, (0, 0)) # display maze LEVEL.display(WINDOW) # display BAG and IN_BAG WINDOW.blit(BAG, (0, 418)) WINDOW.blit(IN_BAG, (37, 418)) # load MAZE_SONG MAZE_SONG = pygame.mixer.Sound("maze_song.ogg") # play song, maxtime=0, fade_ms=0) # load Macgyver sprites according to the axis MG = Macgyver("images/macgyver_right.png", "images/macgyver_left.png", "images/macgyver_up.png", "images/macgyver_down.png", LEVEL) # Load loot TUBE_IMG = pygame.image.load(C_TUBE).convert_alpha() NEEDLE_IMG = pygame.image.load(C_NEEDLE).convert_alpha() ETHER_IMG = pygame.image.load(C_ETHER).convert_alpha() # Sprite of loot TUBE = Loot(TUBE_IMG, LEVEL) TUBE.display(TUBE_IMG, WINDOW) NEEDLE = Loot(NEEDLE_IMG, LEVEL) NEEDLE.display(NEEDLE_IMG, WINDOW) ETHER = Loot(ETHER_IMG, LEVEL) ETHER.display(ETHER_IMG, WINDOW) # Var game = True Tube_Picked = False Ether_Picked = False Needle_Picked = False YOU_WIN = False YOU_LOSE = False # Load win and lose img WIN = pygame.image.load(IMG_WIN).convert() LOSE = pygame.image.load(IMG_LOSE).convert() THREE = pygame.image.load(IMG_3).convert_alpha() TWO = pygame.image.load(IMG_2).convert_alpha() ONE = pygame.image.load(IMG_1).convert_alpha() END = pygame.image.load(IMG_END).convert_alpha() while game: pygame.time.Clock().tick(30) pygame.display.set_icon(ICO) pygame.display.set_caption(TITLE_WINDOW) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == KEYDOWN: # display BACKGROUND WINDOW.blit(BACKGROUND, (0, 0)) # display maze LEVEL.display(WINDOW) # display BAG and IN_BAG WINDOW.blit(BAG, (0, 418)) WINDOW.blit(IN_BAG, (37, 418)) if Tube_Picked is False: TUBE.display(TUBE_IMG, WINDOW) if Tube_Picked is True: WINDOW.blit(TUBE_IMG, (40, 418)) if Ether_Picked is False: ETHER.display(ETHER_IMG, WINDOW) if Ether_Picked is True: WINDOW.blit(ETHER_IMG, (75, 418)) if Needle_Picked is False: NEEDLE.display(NEEDLE_IMG, WINDOW) if Needle_Picked is True: WINDOW.blit(NEEDLE_IMG, (110, 418)) if event.key == K_RIGHT: MG.move('right') elif event.key == K_LEFT: MG.move('left') elif event.key == K_UP: MG.move('up') elif event.key == K_DOWN: MG.move('down') # Display MacGyver WINDOW.blit(MG.axe, (MG.var_x, MG.var_y)) # Refresh the display pygame.display.flip() # take the TUBE if Macgyver is on the TUBE if (MG.var_x, MG.var_y) == (TUBE.var_x, TUBE.var_y): Tube_Picked = True # take ETHER if Macgyver is on the ETHER if (MG.var_x, MG.var_y) == (ETHER.var_x, ETHER.var_y): Ether_Picked = True # take NEEDLE if Macgyver is on the NEEDLE if (MG.var_x, MG.var_y) == (NEEDLE.var_x, NEEDLE.var_y): Needle_Picked = True if (event.type == QUIT or event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE): game = False # EndGame Victory or lose # if macgyver arrives in front of the guard if LEVEL.is_end(MG.square_y, MG.square_x): # loot check if (Tube_Picked is True and Needle_Picked is True and Ether_Picked is True): YOU_WIN = True else: YOU_LOSE = True if YOU_WIN is True: WINDOW.blit(WIN, (0, 0)) WINDOW.blit(THREE, (200, 280)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) WINDOW.blit(WIN, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() WINDOW.blit(TWO, (200, 280)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) WINDOW.blit(WIN, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() WINDOW.blit(ONE, (200, 280)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) WINDOW.blit(WIN, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() WINDOW.blit(END, (10, 300)) pygame.display.flip() game = False if YOU_LOSE is True: WINDOW.blit(LOSE, (0, 0)) WINDOW.blit(THREE, (200, 280)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) WINDOW.blit(LOSE, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() WINDOW.blit(TWO, (200, 280)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) WINDOW.blit(LOSE, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() WINDOW.blit(ONE, (200, 280)) pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(1) WINDOW.blit(LOSE, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() WINDOW.blit(END, (10, 300)) pygame.display.flip() game = False