class DinfFlowDirOp(Operation): """ Compute Slope and Aspect from a DEM """ title = 'D-infinity Flow Direction' name = 'dinf-flow-direction' output_types = [OutputType('slope', 'tif'), OutputType('aspect', 'tif')] def run(self, elevation_ds):[ 'dinfflowdir', '-fel', elevation_ds.loc.path, '-slp', self.locs['slope'].path, '-ang', self.locs['aspect'].path ])
class DownloadOpenDASOp(Operation): title = 'Download OpenDAS data using ncks' name = 'download-opendas' output_types = [OutputType('chunks', 'nc'), OutputType('data', 'nc')] def run(self, ds, vars, bbox, start, end, chunk=None): # Split large data sets into chunks if chunk: dates = pd.date_range(start, end, freq=chunk) else: dates = [start, end] print(self.locs['chunks'].filename) self.locs['chunks'] = DatetimeLoc(datetimes=dates, template=self.locs['chunks']) self.locs['chunks'].configure(self.cfg) # Download nco = Nco() for i, (start_date, end_date) in enumerate(zip(dates[:-1], dates[1:])): info = {'year': start_date.year} logging.debug(ds.loc.url.format(**info)) logging.debug(self.locs['chunks'].locs[i].filename) nco.ncks( input=ds.loc.url.format(**info), output=self.locs['chunks'].locs[i].path, options=[ '--mk_rec_dmn time', '-v ' + ','.join(vars), '-d ' + ','.join( ['time', start_date.isoformat(), end_date.isoformat()]), '-d ' + ','.join( ['lon', str(bbox.min.lon), str(bbox.max.lon)]), '-d ' + ','.join( ['lat', str(, str(]) ]) # Merge chunks cat_args = [ 'SKIP_SAME_TIME=1', 'cdo', 'mergetime', os.path.join(self.locs['chunks'].dirname, '*'), self.locs['data'].path ]'Calling process %s', ' '.join(cat_args)) cat_process = subprocess.Popen(cat_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) cat_output, _ = cat_process.communicate()
class DownloadThreddsOp(Operation): title = 'Download Thredds data' name = 'download-thredds' output_types = [OutputType('chunks', 'nc'), OutputType('data', 'nc')] def run(self, ds, vars, bbox, start, end, chunk=None): # Split large data sets into chunks if chunk: dates = pd.date_range(start, end, freq=chunk) else: dates = [start, end] self.locs['chunks'] = DatetimeLoc(datetimes=dates, template=self.locs['chunks']) self.locs['chunks'].configure(self.cfg) # Download for i, (start_date, end_date) in enumerate(zip(dates[:-1], dates[1:])): info = {'year': start_date.year} params = { 'var': vars, 'north':, 'west':, 'east': bbox.urc.lon, 'south':, 'horizStride': 1, 'time_start': start_date, 'time_end': end_date, 'timeStride': 1, 'accept': 'netcdf' } r = requests.get(ds.loc.url.format(**info), params=params, stream=True) with open(self.locs['chunks'].locs[i].path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128): file.write(chunk) # Merge chunks cat_args = [ 'SKIP_SAME_TIME=1', 'cdo', 'mergetime', os.path.join(self.locs['chunks'].dirname, '*'), self.locs['data'].path ]'Calling process %s', ' '.join(cat_args)) cat_process = subprocess.Popen(cat_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) cat_output, _ = cat_process.communicate()
class FlowDirectionOp(Operation): title = 'Flow Direction' name = 'flow-direction' output_types = [ OutputType('flow-direction', 'tif'), OutputType('slope', 'tif') ] def run(self, dem_ds):[ 'd8flowdir', '-fel', dem_ds.loc.path, '-p', self.locs['flow-direction'].path, '-sd8', self.locs['slope'].path ])
class PeukerDouglasStreamDefinitionOp(Operation): """ Run the TauDEM Peuker Douglas Stream Definition Command """ title = 'Peuker Douglas Stream Definition' name = 'stream-def-pd' output_types = [ OutputType('ssa', 'tif'), OutputType('drop-analysis', 'txt'), OutputType('stream-definition', 'tif') ] def run(self, no_sinks_ds, flow_dir_ds, source_area_ds, outlet_ds): # The threshold range should be selected based on the raster size # Something like 10th to 99th percentile of flow accumulation? ## This is a three-step process - first compute the D8 source area[ 'aread8', '-p', flow_dir_ds.loc.path, '-o', outlet_ds.loc.path, '-ad8', self.locs['ssa'].path ]) ## Next perform the drop analysis # This selects a sensible flow accumulation threshold value thresh_min = np.percentile(source_area_ds.array, 95) thresh_max = np.max(source_area_ds.array)[ 'dropanalysis', '-p', flow_dir_ds.loc.path, '-fel', no_sinks_ds.loc.path, '-ad8', source_area_ds.loc.path, '-o', outlet_ds.loc.path, '-ssa', self.locs['ssa'].path, '-drp', self.locs['drop-analysis'].path, '-par', str(thresh_min), str(thresh_max), '40', '0' ]) ## Finally define the stream # Extract the threshold from the first row with drop statistic t < 2 with open(self.locs['drop-analysis'].path, 'r') as drop_file: # Get optimum threshold value from last line for line in drop_file: pass last = line thresh_re = re.compile(r'([\.\d]*)$') threshold =[ 'threshold', '-ssa', self.locs['ssa'].path, '-thresh', threshold, '-src', self.locs['stream-definition'].path ])
class LabelGagesOp(Operation): """ Add a sequential id field to each outlet in a shapefile """ title = 'Labeled Gages' name = 'label-outlet' output_types = [OutputType('labelled-outlet', 'shp')] def run(self, outlet_ds): ## Fix this - modify dataset at the new location, not the old outlet_ds.chmod(True) outlet_path = outlet_ds.loc layer = outlet_ds.dataset.GetLayer() id_field = ogr.FieldDefn('id', ogr.OFTInteger) layer.CreateField(id_field) feature = layer.GetNextFeature() gage_id = 1 while feature: feature.SetField("id", gage_id) layer.SetFeature(feature) feature = layer.GetNextFeature() gage_id += 1 # Clean up and copy to correct location outlet_ds.dataset.Destroy() for a_file in glob.glob(r'{}.*'.format(outlet_path.no_ext)): shutil.copyfile( a_file, self.locs['labelled-outlet'].ext( os.path.splitext(a_file)[1][1:]))
class ReprojectVectorOp(Operation): title = 'Reproject Vector Dataset' name = 'reproject-vector' output_types = [OutputType('reprojected', 'shp')] def run(self, input_ds, srs): reproj_ds = BoundaryDataset(self.locs['reprojected'], update=True).new() out_srs = osr.SpatialReference() if not srs.startswith('EPSG:'): raise ValueError('SRS definition must start with "EPSG:"') out_srs.ImportFromEPSG(int(srs[5:])) for layer in input_ds.layers: # SRS transform in_srs = layer.GetSpatialRef() transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(in_srs, out_srs) # create the output layer reproj_layer = reproj_ds.dataset.CreateLayer( layer.GetName(), srs=out_srs, geom_type=layer.GetGeomType()) # add fields layer_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() for i in range(0, layer_defn.GetFieldCount()): field_defn = layer_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) reproj_layer.CreateField(field_defn) # loop through the input features reproj_layer_defn = reproj_layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = layer.GetNextFeature() while feature: # reproject the input geometry geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() geom.Transform(transform) # create a new feature with same geometry and attributes reproj_feature = ogr.Feature(reproj_layer_defn) reproj_feature.SetGeometry(geom) for j in range(0, reproj_layer_defn.GetFieldCount()): reproj_feature.SetField( reproj_layer_defn.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef(), feature.GetField(j)) # add the feature to the shapefile reproj_layer.CreateFeature(reproj_feature) # dereference the features and get the next input feature reproj_feature = None feature = layer.GetNextFeature() # Save and close the shapefiles input_ds.close() reproj_ds.close()
class StreamNetworkOp(Operation): """ Run the TauDEM Stream Reach and Watershed Command """ title = 'Stream Network' name = 'stream-network' output_types = [ OutputType('order', 'tif'), OutputType('tree', 'tsv'), OutputType('coord', 'tsv'), OutputType('network', 'shp'), OutputType('watershed', 'tif') ] tree_colnames = [ 'link_no', 'start_coord', 'end_coord', 'next_link', 'previous_link', 'order', 'monitoring_point_id', 'network_magnitude' ] coord_colnames = [ 'x', 'y', 'distance_to_terminus', 'elevation', 'contributing_area' ] def run(self, no_sinks_ds, flow_dir_ds, source_area_ds, pd_stream_def_ds, outlet_ds):[ 'streamnet', '-p', flow_dir_ds.loc.path, '-fel', no_sinks_ds.loc.path, '-ad8', source_area_ds.loc.path, '-src', pd_stream_def_ds.loc.path, '-o', outlet_ds.loc.path, '-ord', self.locs['order'].path, '-tree', self.locs['tree'].path, '-coord', self.locs['coord'].path, '-net', self.locs['network'].path, '-w', self.locs['watershed'].path ]) self.locs['tree'].csvargs.update({ 'delimiter': '\t', 'header': None, 'names': self.tree_colnames }) self.locs['coord'].csvargs.update({ 'delimiter': '\t', 'header': None, 'names': self.coord_colnames })
class SoilType(Operation): """ Soil texture category from percent clay/sand/slit """ title = "Soil Type" name = 'soil-type' output_types = [OutputType('type', 'gtif')] textures = { 'Sand': 1, 'Loamy sand': 2, 'Sandy loam': 3, 'Silty loam': 4, 'Silt': 5, 'Loam': 6, 'Sandy clay loam': 7, 'Silty clay loam': 8, 'Clay loam': 9, 'Sandy clay': 10, 'Silty clay': 11, 'Clay': 12, 'Loamy sand': 13, } def run(self, texture_ds): types = {ds.meta['type']: ds for ds in texture_ds} clay = types['clay'].array sand = types['sand'].array silt = types['silt'].array t = 0 * np.ones(clay.shape) t = np.where((clay > 40) & (silt > 40), self.textures['Silty clay'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay > 40) & (sand < 56), self.textures['Clay'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay > 28) & (sand < 20), self.textures['Silty clay loam'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay > 28) & (sand < 44), self.textures['Silty clay loam'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay > 36), self.textures['Sandy clay'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay > 20) & (silt < 28), self.textures['Sandy clay'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay < 12) & (silt > 80), self.textures['Silt'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (silt > 50), self.textures['Silty loam'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (clay > 8) & (sand < 52), self.textures['Loam'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (sand - clay < 70), self.textures['Sandy loam'], t) t = np.where((t == 0) & (sand - clay / 4. < 87.5), self.textures['Loamy sand'], t) t = np.where(t == 0, self.textures['Sand'], t) texture_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['type'], template=types['clay']) texture_ds.array = t
class DownloadPolarisOp(Operation): """ Download POLARIS data """ title = 'Download POLARIS data' name = 'download-polaris' output_types = [OutputType('polaris', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds): if not input_ds.loc.exists: req = requests.get(input_ds.loc.url, stream=True) with open(input_ds.loc.path, 'wb') as file: shutil.copyfileobj(req.raw, file)
class StreamDefinitionByThresholdOp(Operation): """ Run the TauDEM Stream Definition By Threshold Command """ title = 'Stream Definition By Threshold' name = 'stream-definition-threshold' output_types = [OutputType('stream-raster', 'tif')] def run(self, source_area_ds): threshold = np.percentile(source_area_ds.array, 98)[ 'threshold', '-ssa', source_area_ds.loc.path, '-thresh', '{:.1f}'.format(threshold), '-src', self.locs['stream-raster'].path ])
class SourceAreaOp(Operation): title = 'Source Area/Flow Accumulation' name = 'source-area' output_types = [OutputType('source-area', 'tif')] def run(self, flow_dir_ds):[ 'aread8', '-p', flow_dir_ds.loc.path, '-ad8', self.locs['source-area'].path, '-nc' ]) source_area_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['source-area']) source_area_ds.nodata = 0
class ClipOp(Operation): title = 'Raster clipped to boundary' name = 'clip' output_types = [OutputType('clipped_raster', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds, boundary_ds, algorithm='bilinear'): clip_warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(format='GTiff', cutlineDSName=boundary_ds.loc.shp, cutlineBlend=.5, dstNodata=input_ds.nodata, resampleAlg=algorithm) gdal.Warp(path, input_ds.dataset, options=clip_warp_options)
class RemoveSinksOp(Operation): title = 'Sinks Removed' name = 'remove-sinks' output_types = [OutputType('no-sinks', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds): # Remove Pits / Fill sinks proc =[ 'pitremove', '-z', input_ds.loc.path, '-fel', self.locs['no-sinks'].path ], stdout=sys.stdout)
class MoveOutletsToStreamOp(Operation): """ Run the TauDEM Move Outlets to Streams Command """ title = 'Move Outlets to Streams' name = 'snap-outlet' output_types = [ OutputType('outlet-on-stream-nosrs', 'shp'), OutputType('outlet-on-stream', 'shp') ] def run(self, flow_dir_ds, stream_ds, outlet_ds):[ 'moveoutletstostrm', '-p', flow_dir_ds.loc.path, '-src', stream_ds.loc.path, '-o', outlet_ds.loc.path, '-om', self.locs['outlet-on-stream-nosrs'].path, '-omlyr', 'outlet' ]) # Copy spatial reference from original outlet in_ds = BoundaryDataset(self.locs['outlet-on-stream-nosrs']) out_ds = BoundaryDataset(self.locs['outlet-on-stream'], update=True).new() # Create layer with outlet srs in_lyr = in_ds.dataset.GetLayer() outlet_lyr = outlet_ds.dataset.GetLayer() srs = outlet_lyr.GetSpatialRef() geom_type = in_lyr.GetLayerDefn().GetGeomType() out_lyr = out_ds.dataset.CreateLayer('outlet', srs, geom_type) # Copy outlet in correct srs outlet = in_lyr.GetFeature(0) out_feature = ogr.Feature(out_lyr.GetLayerDefn()) out_feature.SetGeometry(outlet.GetGeometryRef().Clone()) out_lyr.CreateFeature(out_feature) # Clean up out_ds.dataset.Destroy() in_ds.dataset.Destroy()
class SkyviewOp(Operation): """ Compute skyview files from a DEM """ title = 'Skyview' name = 'skyview' output_types = [OutputType('skyview', 'nc')] def run(self, elevation_ds, elevation_epsg, time_zone, dt=1, n_directions=8, year=2000): standard_meridian_srs = osr.SpatialReference() standard_meridian_srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) elevation_srs = osr.SpatialReference() elevation_srs.ImportFromEPSG(int(elevation_epsg[5:])) dem_to_latlon = osr.CoordinateTransformation(elevation_srs, standard_meridian_srs) center = CoordProperty(*dem_to_latlon.TransformPoint(,[:-1]) # Skyview n_rows = str(elevation_ds.size.y) n_cols = str(elevation_ds.size.x) cell_size = str(int(elevation_ds.res.x)) longitude = str(center.lon) latitude = str( standard_meridian_lon = str(time_zone * 15.0) x_origin = str(elevation_ds.ul.x) y_origin = str(elevation_ds.ul.y) n_directions = str(n_directions) year = str(year) day = '15' steps_per_day = str(int(24 / dt)) dt = str(dt) skyview_args = [ self.scripts['skyview'], elevation_ds.loc.path, self.locs['skyview'].path, n_directions, n_rows, n_cols, cell_size, x_origin, y_origin ]'Calling process %s', ' '.join(skyview_args)) skyview_process = subprocess.Popen(skyview_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) skyview_output, _ = skyview_process.communicate()
class ConvertOp(Operation): output_types = [OutputType('flow-direction', 'gtif')] def run(self, flow_dir_ds): converted_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['flow-direction'], template=flow_dir_ds) convert_array = np.vectorize(self.convert) input_array = flow_dir_ds.array == flow_dir_ds.nodata, flow_dir_ds.array) input_array.set_fill_value(flow_dir_ds.nodata) converted = convert_array(input_array) converted_ds.array = converted.filled()
class MatchRasterOp(Operation): title = 'Warp dataset to match a template raster' name = 'match-raster' output_types = [OutputType('matched', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds, template_ds=None, algorithm='bilinear'): agg_warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions( outputBounds=template_ds.rev_warp_output_bounds, width=template_ds.size.x, height=template_ds.size.y, resampleAlg=algorithm, ) gdal.Warp(self.locs['matched'].path, input_ds.dataset, options=agg_warp_options)
class GageWatershedOp(Operation): """ Run the TauDEM Gage Watershed Command Raster labeling each point by which gage it drains to directly """ title = 'Gage Watershed' name = 'gage-watershed' output_types = [OutputType('gage-watershed', 'tif')] def run(self, flow_dir_ds, outlet_ds):[ 'gagewatershed', '-p', flow_dir_ds.loc.path, '-o', outlet_ds.loc.path, '-gw', self.locs['gage-watershed'].path ])
class SoilDepthOp(Operation): """ Compute soil depth from slope, elevation, and source area""" title = 'Soil Depth' name = 'soil-depth' output_types = [OutputType('soil-depth', 'gtif')] def run(self, slope_ds, source_ds, elev_ds, min_depth, max_depth, wt_slope=0.7, wt_source=0.0, wt_elev=0.3, max_slope=30.0, max_source=100000.0, max_elev=1500.0, pow_slope=0.25, pow_source=1.0, pow_elev=0.75): wt_total = float(wt_slope + wt_source + wt_elev) if not wt_total == 1.0: logging.warning( 'Soil depth weights do not add up to 1.0 - scaling') wt_slope = wt_slope / wt_total wt_source = wt_source / wt_total wt_elev = wt_elev / wt_total # Scale sources: [min, max] -> [min/max, 1] slope_arr = np.clip(slope_ds.array / max_slope, None, 1) source_arr = np.clip(source_ds.array / max_source, None, 1) elev_arr = np.clip(elev_ds.array / max_elev, None, 1) # Calculate soil depth soil_depth_arr = min_depth + \ (max_depth - min_depth) * ( wt_slope * (1.0 - np.power(slope_arr, pow_slope)) + wt_source * np.power(source_arr, pow_source) + wt_elev * (1.0 - np.power(elev_arr, pow_elev)) ) # Save in a dataset matching the DEM soil_depth_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['soil-depth'], template=elev_ds) soil_depth_ds.array = soil_depth_arr
class ConvertFileType(Operation): title = 'Convert Filetype' name = 'convert-filetype' output_types = [OutputType('converted', '')] def run(self, input_ds, filetype, compress=None): self.locs['converted'].default_ext = filetype coptions = [] if compress: coptions.append('COMPRESS=' + compress) convert_translate_options = gdal.TranslateOptions( format=input_ds.filetypes[filetype], creationOptions=coptions) gdal.Translate(self.locs['converted'].path, input_ds.dataset, options=convert_translate_options, format=input_ds.filetypes[filetype])
class CropOp(Operation): title = 'Crop Raster Dataset' name = 'crop' output_types = [OutputType('cropped', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds, template_ds=None, bbox=None, padding=CoordProperty(x=0, y=0), algorithm='bilinear', ignore_srs=False): if template_ds: bbox = copy.copy(template_ds.bbox) # SRS needs to match for output bounds and input dataset if not ignore_srs: if not template_ds.srs == input_ds.srs: transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation( template_ds.srs, input_ds.srs) logging.debug('Bounding Box: %s', bbox) logging.debug('Coordinate transformation: %s', transform) logging.debug(template_ds.srs) logging.debug(input_ds.srs) bbox = BBox(llc=CoordProperty(*transform.TransformPoint(,[:-1]), urc=CoordProperty(*transform.TransformPoint( bbox.urc.x, bbox.urc.y)[:-1])) grid_box = [ - padding.x, - padding.y, bbox.urc.x + padding.x, bbox.urc.y + padding.y ] agg_warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions( outputBounds=grid_box, resampleAlg=algorithm, ) gdal.UseExceptions() out = gdal.Warp(self.locs['cropped'].path, input_ds.dataset, options=agg_warp_options) logging.debug('GDAL output: %s', out)
class MosaicOp(Operation): title = 'Mosaic Rasters with gdal_merge' name = 'mosaic' output_types = [OutputType('merged', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds): if not hasattr(input_ds, '__iter__'): input_ds = [input_ds] merge_args = [ '', '-o', self.locs['merged'].path, *[ds.loc.path for ds in input_ds] ]'Calling process %s', ' '.join(merge_args)) merge_process = subprocess.Popen(merge_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) merge_output, _ = merge_process.communicate()
class AverageLayers(Operation): """ Weighted average of layers by depth """ title = "Average Layers" name = 'average-layers' output_types = [OutputType('average', 'gtif')] def run(self, layered_ds): diff = [] for layer in layered_ds: diff.append(layer.meta['layer_max'] - layer.meta['layer_min']) weights = [d / sum(diff) for d in diff] average = 0 * np.ones(layered_ds[0].array.shape) for layer, weight in zip(layered_ds, weights): average += layer.array * weight average_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['average'], template=layered_ds[0]) average_ds.array = average
class MergeOp(Operation): title = 'Merge rasters into a virtual raster' name = 'merge' output_types = [OutputType('merged', 'vrt')] def run(self, input_ds): if not hasattr(input_ds, '__iter__'): input_ds = [input_ds] vrt_args = [ 'gdalbuildvrt', self.locs['merged'].path, *[ds.loc.path for ds in input_ds] ]'Calling process %s', ' '.join(vrt_args)) vrt_process = subprocess.Popen(vrt_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) vrt_output, _ = vrt_process.communicate()
class FlowDistanceOp(Operation): output_types = [OutputType('flow-distance', 'gtif')] def dir2dist(self, lat, lon, direction, res, nodata): distance = direction.astype(np.float64) np.copyto(distance, self.distance(lon - res.lon / 2, lat, lon + res.lon / 2, lat), where=np.isin(direction, [1, 5])) np.copyto(distance, self.distance(lon, lat - / 2, lon, lat + / 2), where=np.isin(direction, [3, 7])) np.copyto(distance, self.distance(lon - res.lon / 2, lat - / 2, lon + res.lon / 2, lat + / 2), where=np.isin(direction, [2, 4, 6, 8])) return distance def run(self, flow_dir_ds): direction = flow_dir_ds.array lon, lat = np.meshgrid(flow_dir_ds.cgrid.lon, res = flow_dir_ds.resolution direction = == flow_dir_ds.nodata, direction) lat = == flow_dir_ds.nodata, lat) lon = == flow_dir_ds.nodata, lon) distance = self.dir2dist(lat, lon, direction, res, flow_dir_ds.nodata) flow_dist_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['flow-distance'], template=flow_dir_ds) # Fix masking side-effects - not sure why this needs to be done flow_dist_ds.nodata = -9999 distance = distance.filled(flow_dist_ds.nodata) distance[distance == None] = flow_dist_ds.nodata distance = distance.astype(np.float32) flow_dist_ds.array = distance
class ReprojectRasterOp(Operation): title = 'Reproject raster' name = 'reproject-raster' output_types = [OutputType('reprojected', '')] def run(self, input_ds, template_ds=None, srs=None, algorithm='bilinear', extent=None, format='tif'): if template_ds: srs = template_ds.srs self.locs['reprojected'].default_ext = format agg_warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions(dstSRS=srs, resampleAlg=algorithm, outputBounds=extent) gdal.Warp(self.locs['reprojected'].path, input_ds.dataset, options=agg_warp_options)
class GridAlignOp(Operation): title = 'Align Dataset' name = 'grid-align' output_types = [OutputType('aligned', 'ti')] def run(self, input_ds, template_ds=None, bbox=None, resolution=CoordProperty(x=1 / 240., y=1 / 240.), grid_res=None, padding=CoordProperty(x=0, y=0), algorithm='bilinear'): if not grid_res: grid_res = resolution if template_ds: resolution = template_ds.resolution bbox = copy.copy(template_ds.bbox) if bbox: grid_box = [ - padding.x, - padding.y, bbox.urc.x + padding.x, bbox.urc.y + padding.y ] else: grid_box = input_ds.gridcorners(grid_res, padding=padding).warp_output_bounds agg_warp_options = gdal.WarpOptions( xRes=resolution.x, yRes=resolution.y, outputBounds=grid_box, targetAlignedPixels=True, resampleAlg=algorithm, ) gdal.Warp(self.locs['aligned'].path, input_ds.dataset, options=agg_warp_options)
class NLCDtoDHSVM(Operation): """ Convert vegetation classes from the National Land Cover Database to corresponding DHSVM values """ title = 'Remap NLCD to DHSVM' name = 'nlcd-to-dhsvm' output_types = [OutputType('veg-type', 'gtif')] remap_table = { 3: 12, 11: 14, 12: 20, 21: 10, 22: 13, 23: 13, 24: 13, 31: 12, 41: 4, 42: 1, 43: 5, 51: 9, 52: 9, 71: 10, 72: 10, 81: 10, 82: 11, 90: 17, 95: 9, } def run(self, nlcd_ds, nodata=-99): veg_type_ds = GDALDataset(self.locs['veg-type'], template=nlcd_ds) array = copy.copy(nlcd_ds.array) for nlcd, dhsvm in self.remap_table.items(): array[nlcd_ds.array == nlcd] = dhsvm veg_type_ds.array = array
class CropDataFrameOp(Operation): title = 'Merged Raster' name = 'merge' output_types = [OutputType('merged', 'tif')] def run(self, input_ds): out_file = 'processed/glc_swe_alldates.csv' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_file)): raise FileNotFoundError('Directory does not exist: {}'.format(out_file)) slide = pd.read_csv('../data/SLIDE_NASA_GLC/GLC20180821.csv', index_col='OBJECTID') origen_x = -125 origen_y = 32 res = 0.05 # Filter Landslides to study area and duration slide = slide[slide.latitude > 32] slide = slide[slide.latitude < 43] slide = slide[slide.longitude > -125] slide = slide[slide.longitude < -114] slide['event_date'] = pd.to_datetime( slide['event_date'], format='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M') slide['event_date'] = slide['event_date'].dt.normalize() slide = slide[slide.event_date >= '2004-01-01'] slide = slide[slide.event_date < '2016-01-01'] # Open swe files files = glob.glob('data/daymet/daymet_v3_swe_*_na.nc4') files.sort() arrays = [xr.open_dataset(file) for file in files] coords = arrays[0].isel(time=0).drop(['time']) # Filter coordinates coords = coords.where( ( < 43) & ( > 32) & (coords.lon > -125) & (coords.lon < -114), drop=True) # Build KD-Tree locs = list(zip(coords.lon.values.flatten(), kdt = cKDTree(locs) xa, ya = np.meshgrid(coords.x.values, coords.y.values) xv = xa.flatten() yv = ya.flatten() # Add swe to dataframe event_dfs = [] count = 0 for index, row in slide.iterrows(): print(count) count += 1 # Pull out swe values for location loc_i = kdt.query((row.longitude, row.latitude))[1] event_swe = pd.concat([ arr.sel(x=xv[loc_i], y=yv[loc_i])[['swe']].to_dataframe() for arr in arrays]) # Add location identifier to the index event_swe['OBJECTID'] = index event_swe = event_swe.set_index(['OBJECTID'], append=True) event_dfs.append(event_swe) swe_df = pd.concat(event_dfs) swe_df.to_csv(out_file) print(swe_df.sort_index().head())