Example #1
    def testCatFluxErr(self):
        """Test catalog flux errors.

        This test will break if ``UseNaiveFluxErr = False``~

        The alternate method significantly overestimates noise, causing this
        test to fail.  It is likely that this test will need to be modified if
        the noise calculation is updated.
        # Pick arbitrary but unique values for the test case
        source_test_instFlux = 5.5
        source_test_sigma = 0.23
        source_test_centroid = lsst.geom.Point2D(5, 7.3)
        sourceCat = initializeSourceCatalog(schema=self.schema, name=self.name, instFlux=source_test_instFlux,
                                            sigma=source_test_sigma, centroid=source_test_centroid)

        instFluxName = self.name + "_instFlux"
        instFluxErrName = self.name + "_instFluxErr"
        instFluxErrKey = self.schema.find(instFluxErrName).key

        apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        bbox = lsst.geom.Box2I(lsst.geom.Point2I(0, 0), lsst.geom.ExtentI(10, 10))
        coefficients = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        coefficients_sigma = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        apCorrMap[instFluxName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients)
        apCorrMap[instFluxErrName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients_sigma)
        self.ap_corr_task.run(sourceCat, apCorrMap)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(sourceCat[instFluxErrKey], source_test_sigma)
Example #2
    def setUp(self):

        defineFilter("g", 470.0)

        self.wcs = afwGeom.makeSkyWcs(
            lsst.geom.Point2D(0.0, 0.0),
            lsst.geom.SpherePoint(2.0, 34.0, lsst.geom.degrees),
        self.photoCalib = afwImage.PhotoCalib(1.5)
        self.psf = DummyPsf(2.0)
        self.detector = DetectorWrapper().detector
        self.summaryStats = afwImage.ExposureSummaryStats(ra=100.0)
        self.polygon = afwGeom.Polygon(
            lsst.geom.Box2D(lsst.geom.Point2D(0.0, 0.0),
                            lsst.geom.Point2D(25.0, 20.0)))
        self.coaddInputs = afwImage.CoaddInputs()
        self.apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        self.transmissionCurve = afwImage.TransmissionCurve.makeIdentity()

        self.exposureInfo = afwImage.ExposureInfo()
        gFilter = afwImage.Filter("g")
        gFilterLabel = afwImage.FilterLabel(band="g")
Example #3
    def testFailureFlagged(self):
        # Check that aperture correction flag is set to True if aperture correction is invalid (negative)
        flagName = self.name + "_flag_apCorr"
        flagKey = self.schema.find(flagName).key
        source_test_flux = 5.2
        source_test_centroid = afwGeom.Point2D(5, 7.1)
        sourceCat = initializeSourceCatalog(schema=self.schema, name=self.name, flux=source_test_flux,
                                            sigma=0, centroid=source_test_centroid)
        fluxName = self.name + "_flux"
        fluxSigmaName = self.name + "_fluxSigma"

        apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.ExtentI(10, 10))
        coefficients = -(numpy.ones((1, 1), dtype=float))
        coefficients_sigma = numpy.zeros((1, 1), dtype=float)
        apCorrMap[fluxName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients)
        apCorrMap[fluxSigmaName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients_sigma)
        self.ap_corr_task.run(sourceCat, apCorrMap)
Example #4
    def testCatFluxUnchanged(self):
        # Pick arbitrary but unique values for the test case
        source_test_flux = 5.3
        source_test_centroid = afwGeom.Point2D(5, 7.1)
        sourceCat = initializeSourceCatalog(schema=self.schema, name=self.name, flux=source_test_flux,
                                            sigma=0, centroid=source_test_centroid)
        fluxName = self.name + "_flux"
        fluxSigmaName = self.name + "_fluxSigma"
        fluxKey = self.schema.find(fluxName).key

        apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.ExtentI(10, 10))
        coefficients = numpy.ones((1, 1), dtype=float)
        coefficients_sigma = numpy.zeros((1, 1), dtype=float)
        apCorrMap[fluxName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients)
        apCorrMap[fluxSigmaName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients_sigma)
        self.ap_corr_task.run(sourceCat, apCorrMap)

        self.assertEqual(sourceCat[fluxKey], source_test_flux)
Example #5
    def testCatFluxUnchanged(self):
        # Pick arbitrary but unique values for the test case
        source_test_instFlux = 5.3
        source_test_centroid = lsst.geom.Point2D(5, 7.1)
        sourceCat = initializeSourceCatalog(schema=self.schema, name=self.name, instFlux=source_test_instFlux,
                                            sigma=0, centroid=source_test_centroid)
        instFluxName = self.name + "_instFlux"
        instFluxErrName = self.name + "_instFluxErr"
        instFluxKey = self.schema.find(instFluxName).key

        apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        bbox = lsst.geom.Box2I(lsst.geom.Point2I(0, 0), lsst.geom.ExtentI(10, 10))
        coefficients = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        coefficients_sigma = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        apCorrMap[instFluxName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients)
        apCorrMap[instFluxErrName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients_sigma)
        self.ap_corr_task.run(sourceCat, apCorrMap)

        self.assertEqual(sourceCat[instFluxKey], source_test_instFlux)
Example #6
    def testSuccessUnflagged(self):
        # Check that the aperture correction flag is set to False if aperture
        # correction was successfully run
        flagName = self.name + "_flag_apCorr"
        flagKey = self.schema.find(flagName).key
        source_test_instFlux = 5.1
        source_test_centroid = lsst.geom.Point2D(5, 7.1)
        sourceCat = initializeSourceCatalog(schema=self.schema, name=self.name, instFlux=source_test_instFlux,
                                            sigma=0, centroid=source_test_centroid)
        instFluxName = self.name + "_instFlux"
        instFluxErrName = self.name + "_instFluxErr"

        apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        bbox = lsst.geom.Box2I(lsst.geom.Point2I(0, 0), lsst.geom.ExtentI(10, 10))
        coefficients = np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        coefficients_sigma = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        apCorrMap[instFluxName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients)
        apCorrMap[instFluxErrName] = ChebyshevBoundedField(bbox, coefficients_sigma)
        self.ap_corr_task.run(sourceCat, apCorrMap)
    def testCoaddApCorrMap(self):
        """Check that we can create and use a coadd ApCorrMap."""
        coaddBox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(100, 100))
        scale = 5.0e-5*afwGeom.degrees
        cdMatrix = afwGeom.makeCdMatrix(scale=scale)
        crval = afwGeom.SpherePoint(0.0, 0.0, afwGeom.degrees)
        center = afwGeom.Point2D(afwGeom.Extent2D(coaddBox.getDimensions())*0.5)
        coaddWcs = afwGeom.makeSkyWcs(crpix=afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0), crval=crval, cdMatrix=cdMatrix)
        schema = afwTable.ExposureTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        weightKey = schema.addField("customweightname", type="D", doc="Coadd weight")
        catalog = afwTable.ExposureCatalog(schema)

        # Non-overlapping
        num = 5
        inputBox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(10, 10))
        validBox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(7, 7))
        pointList = []
        pointListValid = []

        for i in range(num):
            value = np.array([[1]], dtype=float)  # Constant with value = i+1
            apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
            bf = afwMath.ChebyshevBoundedField(inputBox, value*(i + 1))
            apCorrMap.set("only", bf)

            point = afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0) - afwGeom.Extent2D(coaddBox.getDimensions())*(i+0.5)/num
            wcs = afwGeom.makeSkyWcs(crpix=point, crval=crval, cdMatrix=cdMatrix)
            center = afwGeom.Box2D(inputBox).getCenter()

            # This point will only be valid for the second overlapping record
            pointValid = center + afwGeom.Extent2D(4, 4)

            # A record with the valid polygon defining a limited region
            record = catalog.getTable().makeRecord()
            record.set(weightKey, i + 1)
            record['id'] = i

            # An overlapping record with the whole region as valid
            record = catalog.getTable().makeRecord()
            apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
            bf = afwMath.ChebyshevBoundedField(inputBox, value*(i + 2))
            apCorrMap.set("only", bf)
            record.set(weightKey, i + 2)
            record['id'] = i + num

        apCorrMap = measAlg.makeCoaddApCorrMap(catalog, coaddBox, coaddWcs, "customweightname")
        # This will test a point where both records contribute
        self.assertApCorrMap(apCorrMap, pointList)
        # Only the second record will be valid for this point
        self.assertApCorrMapValid(apCorrMap, pointListValid)

        filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "coaddApCorrMap.fits")
        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(1, 1)
        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(filename)
        self.assertApCorrMap(exposure.getInfo().getApCorrMap(), pointList)
        self.assertApCorrMapValid(exposure.getInfo().getApCorrMap(), pointListValid)
    def testUndeblendedMeasurement(self):
        """Check undeblended measurement and aperture correction"""
        width, height = 100, 100  # Dimensions of image
        x0, y0 = 1234, 5678  # Offset of image
        radius = 3.0  # Aperture radius
        xCenter, yCenter = width//2, height//2  # Position of first source; integer values, for convenience
        xOffset, yOffset = 1, 1  # Offset from first source to second source
        flux1, flux2 = 1000, 1  # Flux of sources
        apCorrValue = 3.21  # Aperture correction value to apply

        image = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.ExtentI(width, height))
        image.setXY0(x0, y0)

        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        schema.addField("centroid_x", type=np.float64)
        schema.addField("centroid_y", type=np.float64)
        schema.addField("centroid_flag", type='Flag')
        schema.getAliasMap().set("slot_Centroid", "centroid")

        sfmConfig = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementConfig()
        algName = "base_CircularApertureFlux"

        for subConfig in (sfmConfig.plugins, sfmConfig.undeblended):
            subConfig.names = [algName]
            subConfig[algName].radii = [radius]
            subConfig[algName].maxSincRadius = 0  # Disable sinc photometry because we're undersampled
        slots = sfmConfig.slots
        slots.centroid = "centroid"
        slots.shape = None
        slots.psfShape = None
        slots.apFlux = None
        slots.modelFlux = None
        slots.psfFlux = None
        slots.instFlux = None
        slots.calibFlux = None

        fieldName = lsst.meas.base.CircularApertureFluxAlgorithm.makeFieldPrefix(algName, radius)

        apCorrConfig = measBase.ApplyApCorrConfig()
        apCorrConfig.proxies = {"undeblended_" + fieldName: fieldName}

        sfm = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementTask(config=sfmConfig, schema=schema)
        apCorr = measBase.ApplyApCorrTask(config=apCorrConfig, schema=schema)

        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
        parent = cat.addNew()
        parent.set("centroid_x", x0 + xCenter)
        parent.set("centroid_y", y0 + yCenter)
        spanSetParent = afwGeom.SpanSet.fromShape(int(radius))
        spanSetParent = spanSetParent.shiftedBy(x0 + xCenter, y0 + yCenter)

        # First child is bright, dominating the blend
        child1 = cat.addNew()
        child1.set("centroid_x", parent.get("centroid_x"))
        child1.set("centroid_y", parent.get("centroid_y"))
        image.set(xCenter, yCenter, (flux1, 0, 0))
        spanSetChild1 = afwGeom.SpanSet.fromShape(1)
        spanSetChild1 = spanSetChild1.shiftedBy(x0 + xCenter, y0 + yCenter)
        foot1 = afwDetection.Footprint(spanSetChild1)
        child1.setFootprint(afwDetection.HeavyFootprintF(foot1, image))

        # Second child is fainter, but we want to be able to measure it!
        child2 = cat.addNew()
        child2.set("centroid_x", parent.get("centroid_x") + xOffset)
        child2.set("centroid_y", parent.get("centroid_y") + yOffset)
        image.set(xCenter + xOffset, yCenter + yOffset, (flux2, 0, 0))
        spanSetChild2 = afwGeom.SpanSet.fromShape(1)
        tmpPoint = (x0 + xCenter + xOffset, y0 + yCenter + yOffset)
        spanSetChild2 = spanSetChild2.shiftedBy(*tmpPoint)
        foot2 = afwDetection.Footprint(spanSetChild2)
        child2.setFootprint(afwDetection.HeavyFootprintF(foot2, image))

        spans = foot1.spans.union(foot2.spans)
        bbox = afwGeom.Box2I()
        parent.setFootprint(afwDetection.Footprint(spans, bbox))

        exposure = afwImage.makeExposure(image)

        sfm.run(cat, exposure)

        def checkSource(source, baseName, expectedFlux):
            """Check that we get the expected results"""
            self.assertEqual(source.get(baseName + "_flux"), expectedFlux)
            self.assertGreater(source.get(baseName + "_fluxSigma"), 0)
            self.assertFalse(source.get(baseName + "_flag"))

        # Deblended
        checkSource(child1, fieldName, flux1)
        checkSource(child2, fieldName, flux2)

        # Undeblended
        checkSource(child1, "undeblended_" + fieldName, flux1 + flux2)
        checkSource(child2, "undeblended_" + fieldName, flux1 + flux2)

        # Apply aperture correction
        apCorrMap = afwImage.ApCorrMap()
        apCorrMap[fieldName + "_flux"] = afwMath.ChebyshevBoundedField(
            apCorrValue*np.ones((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)
        apCorrMap[fieldName + "_fluxSigma"] = afwMath.ChebyshevBoundedField(
            apCorrValue*np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=np.float64)

        apCorr.run(cat, apCorrMap)

        # Deblended
        checkSource(child1, fieldName, flux1*apCorrValue)
        checkSource(child2, fieldName, flux2*apCorrValue)

        # Undeblended
        checkSource(child1, "undeblended_" + fieldName, (flux1 + flux2)*apCorrValue)
        checkSource(child2, "undeblended_" + fieldName, (flux1 + flux2)*apCorrValue)

        self.assertIn(fieldName + "_apCorr", schema)
        self.assertIn(fieldName + "_apCorrSigma", schema)
        self.assertIn("undeblended_" + fieldName + "_apCorr", schema)
        self.assertIn("undeblended_" + fieldName + "_apCorrSigma", schema)