def test_makeAmplifierGeometry_factory(self):
        e2v_geom = makeAmplifierGeometry(self.e2v_test_file)
        self.assertEquals(self.e2v, e2v_geom)

        itl_geom = makeAmplifierGeometry(self.itl_test_file)
        self.assertEquals(self.itl, itl_geom)

        self.assertNotEqual(self.e2v, itl_geom)
        self.assertNotEqual(self.itl, e2v_geom)
Example #2
 def test_rolloff_mask(self):
     amp_geom = makeAmplifierGeometry(self.input_file)
     rolloff_mask(self.input_file, self.mask_file,
                  signal=self.signal, cleanup=False)
     image = _FitsFile(self.image_file)
     mask = _FitsFile(self.mask_file)
     for amp in imutils.allAmps(self.input_file):
         # Unmasked region.
         indx = np.where(image[amp] == 0)
         # Verify expected sensor perimeter mask along vertical sides.
                          amp_geom.imaging.getMinY() + self.outer_edge_width)
         # Verify that mask has zero bits set in unmasked region.
         self.assertEqual(min(mask[amp][indx].flat), 0)
         self.assertEqual(max(mask[amp][indx].flat), 0)
         # Check that mask area is subset of mask image area.
         indx = np.where(mask[amp] != 0)
         self.assertTrue(min(image[amp][indx].flat) >= self.signal)
Example #3
def make_superbias_frame(bias_files, slot, outfile):
    Make and save a super biasframes. Only need to do it once for each slot.
    make_image will look into config['tmp_dir'] to find them.
    amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(bias_files[0])
    imutils.superbias_file(bias_files, amp_geom.serial_overscan, outfile)
Example #4
def make_superbias_frame(raft, slot, bias_files, outdir, file_pattern='_sbias_image.fits'):
    Make and save a super biasframes. Only need to do it once for each slot.
    make_image will look into config['tmp_dir'] to find them.
    amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(bias_files[0])
    outfile = raft+'_'+slot + file_pattern
    imutils.superbias_file(bias_files, amp_geom.serial_overscan, os.path.join(outdir,outfile)) 
 def __init__(self, infile):
     amp_geom = makeAmplifierGeometry(infile)
     xmin, xmax = amp_geom.imaging.getMinX(), amp_geom.imaging.getMaxX()
     super(_FitsFile, self).__init__()
     with as foo:
         amps = imutils.allAmps(infile)
         for amp in amps:
             self[amp] = copy.deepcopy(foo[amp].data[:, xmin:xmax])
Example #6
def make_median_bias_frame(bias_files, sensor_id, acq_job, skip=1):
    """Make a median bias frame from bias files."""
    # Skip the initial frames since the first bias images may have
    # residual signal from not having been cleared properly.
    bias_files = sorted(bias_files)[skip:]
    bias_frame = f'{sensor_id}_{acq_job}_median_bias.fits'
    amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(bias_files[0])
    imutils.superbias_file(bias_files, amp_geom.serial_overscan, bias_frame)
    return bias_frame
def bias_frame_task(run, det_name, bias_files, bias_frame=None):
    """Create a median bias file for use by downstream tasks."""
    if bias_frame is None:
        bias_frame = make_bias_filename(run, det_name)
    amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(bias_files[0])
    imutils.superbias_file(bias_files, amp_geom.serial_overscan, bias_frame)
    file_prefix = make_file_prefix(run, det_name)
    rolloff_mask_file = f'{file_prefix}_edge_rolloff_mask.fits'
    sensorTest.rolloff_mask(bias_files[0], rolloff_mask_file)
    return bias_frame
def run_tearing_detection(sensor_id):
    Loop over the acquisition jobs and perform tearing analysis on each.
    import pickle
    import lsst.eotest.image_utils as imutils
    import lsst.eotest.sensor as sensorTest
    import siteUtils
    from tearing_detection import tearing_detection

    file_prefix = '%s_%s' % (sensor_id, siteUtils.getRunNumber())
    tearing_stats = []
    # Create a super bias frame.
    bias_files = siteUtils.dependency_glob(
        'S*/%s_flat_bias*.fits' % sensor_id,
        description='Bias files:')
    if bias_files:
        bias_frame = '%s_superbias.fits' % sensor_id
        amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(bias_files[0])
        imutils.superbias_file(bias_files[:10], amp_geom.serial_overscan,
        bias_frame = None

    acq_jobs = {
        ('flat_pair_raft_acq', 'N/A'): 'S*/%s_flat*flat?_*.fits',
        ('qe_raft_acq', 'N/A'): 'S*/%s_lambda_flat_*.fits',
        ('sflat_raft_acq', 'low_flux'): 'S*/%s_sflat_500_flat_L*.fits',
        ('sflat_raft_acq', 'high_flux'): 'S*/%s_sflat_500_flat_H*.fits'
    for job_key, pattern in acq_jobs.items():
        job_name, subset = job_key
        flats = siteUtils.dependency_glob(
            pattern % sensor_id,
            description='Flat files:')
        tearing_found, _ = tearing_detection(flats, bias_frame=bias_frame)
        tearing_stats.append((job_name, subset, sensor_id, len(tearing_found)))

    with open('%s_tearing_stats.pkl' % file_prefix, 'wb') as output:
        pickle.dump(tearing_stats, output)
Example #9
def apply_cte(infile, pcti=None, scti=None, verbose=False,
              amps=tuple(range(1, 17))):
    Function to apply distinct levels of parallel cte and/or serial cte
    on each amplifier in an input sensor image.
    if pcti is None:
        pcti = dict([(amp, 0) for amp in amps])
    if scti is None:
        scti = dict([(amp, 0) for amp in amps])
    segments = {}
    for amp in amps:
        if verbose:
            print("apply_cte: working on amp", amp)
        image = afwImage.ImageF(infile, imutils.dm_hdu(amp))
        geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(infile)
        outimage = eotest_utils.ImageTools.applyCTI(image, geom.serial_overscan,
                                                    pcti[amp], scti[amp],
        segments[amp] = outimage
    return fitsFile(segments,
Example #10
def get_oscan_indices(target_file):
    "Return the pixel indices of the overscan region."
    amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(target_file)
    bbox = amp_geom.serial_overscan
    return bbox.getMinY(), bbox.getMaxY(), bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMaxX()
Example #11
def ana_divisidero_tearing(sflat_files, raft_unit_id, run):
    Analyze a raft of corrected super-flats for Divisidero Tearing.

    sflat_files: dict
        Dictionary of single CCD superflat files, keyed by slot name.
    raft_unit_id: str
        Raft unit id, e.g., 'LCA-11021_RTM-019'
    run: str
        Run number
    my_slot = list(sflat_files)[0]
    amp_geom = sensorTest.makeAmplifierGeometry(sflat_files[my_slot])
    ncol = amp_geom.nx

    # make x pixel values
    xpixval = np.arange(ncol*8)

    # dmslotorder
    dmslots = ['S20', 'S21', 'S22', 'S10', 'S11', 'S12', 'S00', 'S01', 'S02']
    if 'SW0' in sflat_files:
        dmslots = 'SW0 SW1 SG0 SG1'.split()

    # get row averages
    avedict = {}
    for slot in dmslots:
            avedict[slot] = normed_mean_response_vscol(sflat_files[slot])
        except KeyError:
            # This will occur if data from `slot` is not available.

    # make a summary plot
    f = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
    outer = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.3)

    nskip_edge = 20

    for i, slot in enumerate(avedict):
        max_divisidero = avedict[slot][2]
        have_wf_sensor = (len(max_divisidero) == 7)
        inner = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 1, subplot_spec=outer[i],
                                                 wspace=0.1, hspace=0.0)
        for j in range(2):
            if have_wf_sensor and j==1:
            # use max of max_divisidero_tearing to set the range of plots
            plot_range = np.max(max_divisidero[j*7:j*7+8])

            ax = plt.Subplot(f, inner[j])
            ax.plot(xpixval[nskip_edge:ncol*8 - nskip_edge],
                    avedict[slot][j][nskip_edge:ncol*8 - nskip_edge])
            ax.set_xlabel('Col #')
                ax.set_ylim(1.-plot_range, 1.+plot_range)
            except ValueError as eobj:
                # plot_range is probably inf or NaN because of bad pixel
                # data for this sensor, so just skip this plot.
                print('ValueError:', str(eobj))
            for k in range(1, 8):
                ax.axvline(x=ncol*k, color='red', ls='--', alpha=0.2)
            if j == 0 and not have_wf_sensor:
                ax.text(0.025, 0.9, '%s' % (slot), transform=ax.transAxes)
                ax.text(0.825, 0.05, 'Seg 10-17', transform=ax.transAxes)
            elif j == 1 or have_wf_sensor:
                ax.text(0.825, 0.05, 'Seg 00-07', transform=ax.transAxes)


    plt.suptitle('Run %s %s' % (str(run), raft_unit_id), fontsize=36)
    return {slot: avedict[slot][2] for slot in avedict}