Example #1
    def testRedir(self):
        Test redirection to stream.
        with TestRedir.StdoutCapture(self.outputFilename):
            dest = io.StringIO()
            log.log(log.getDefaultLogger().getName(), log.INFO, "This is INFO")
            log.info(u"This is unicode INFO")
            log.trace("This is TRACE")
            log.debug("This is DEBUG")
            log.warn("This is WARN")
            log.error("This is ERROR")
            log.fatal("This is FATAL")
            log.warn("Format %d %g %s", 3, 2.71828, "foo")
            """root INFO: This is INFO
root INFO: This is unicode INFO
root WARN: This is WARN
root ERROR: This is ERROR
root FATAL: This is FATAL
root WARN: Format 3 2.71828 foo
Example #2
    def testBasic(self):
        Test basic log output with default configuration.
        Since the default threshold is INFO, the DEBUG or TRACE
        message is not emitted.
        with TestLog.StdoutCapture(self.outputFilename):
            log.log(log.getDefaultLogger(), log.INFO, "This is INFO")
            log.info(u"This is unicode INFO")
            log.trace("This is TRACE")
            log.debug("This is DEBUG")
            log.warn("This is WARN")
            log.error("This is ERROR")
            log.fatal("This is FATAL")
            log.critical("This is CRITICAL")
            log.warning("Format %d %g %s", 3, 2.71828, "foo")
root INFO: This is INFO
root INFO: This is unicode INFO
root WARN: This is WARN
root ERROR: This is ERROR
root FATAL: This is FATAL
root FATAL: This is CRITICAL
root WARN: Format 3 2.71828 foo
Example #3
    def testBasicFormat(self):
        Test basic log output with default configuration but using
        the f variants.
        Since the default threshold is INFO, the DEBUG or TRACE
        message is not emitted.
        with TestLog.StdoutCapture(self.outputFilename):
                     "This is {{INFO}} Item 1: {item[1]}",
                     item=["a", "b", "c"])
            log.infof(u"This is {unicode} INFO")
            log.tracef("This is TRACE")
            log.debugf("This is DEBUG")
            log.warnf("This is WARN {city}", city="Tucson")
            log.errorf("This is ERROR {1}->{0}", 2, 1)
            log.fatalf("This is FATAL {1} out of {0} times for {place}",
            log.warnf("Format {} {} {}", 3, 2.71828, "foo")
root INFO: This is {INFO} Item 1: b
root INFO: This is {unicode} INFO
root WARN: This is WARN Tucson
root ERROR: This is ERROR 1->2
root FATAL: This is FATAL 3 out of 4 times for LSST
root WARN: Format 3 2.71828 foo
Example #4
File: test_log.py Project: lsst/log
    def testBasicFormat(self):
        Test basic log output with default configuration but using
        the f variants.
        Since the default threshold is INFO, the DEBUG or TRACE
        message is not emitted.
        with TestLog.StdoutCapture(self.outputFilename):
            log.logf(log.getDefaultLogger(), log.INFO,
                     "This is {{INFO}} Item 1: {item[1]}",
                     item=["a", "b", "c"])
            log.infof(u"This is {unicode} INFO")
            log.tracef("This is TRACE")
            log.debugf("This is DEBUG")
            log.warnf("This is WARN {city}", city="Tucson")
            log.errorf("This is ERROR {1}->{0}", 2, 1)
            log.fatalf("This is FATAL {1} out of {0} times for {place}",
                       4, 3, place="LSST")
            log.warnf("Format {} {} {}", 3, 2.71828, "foo")
root INFO: This is {INFO} Item 1: b
root INFO: This is {unicode} INFO
root WARN: This is WARN Tucson
root ERROR: This is ERROR 1->2
root FATAL: This is FATAL 3 out of 4 times for LSST
root WARN: Format 3 2.71828 foo
Example #5
 def testChildLogger(self):
     """Check the getChild logger method."""
     logger = log.getDefaultLogger()
     self.assertEqual(logger.getName(), "")
     logger1 = logger.getChild("child1")
     self.assertEqual(logger1.getName(), "child1")
     logger2 = logger1.getChild("child2")
     self.assertEqual(logger2.getName(), "child1.child2")
     logger2a = logger1.getChild(".child2")
     self.assertEqual(logger2a.getName(), "child1.child2")
     logger3 = logger2.getChild(" .. child3")
     self.assertEqual(logger3.getName(), "child1.child2.child3")
     logger3a = logger1.getChild("child2.child3")
     self.assertEqual(logger3a.getName(), "child1.child2.child3")
Example #6
File: test_log.py Project: lsst/log
 def testChildLogger(self):
     """Check the getChild logger method."""
     logger = log.getDefaultLogger()
     self.assertEqual(logger.getName(), "")
     logger1 = logger.getChild("child1")
     self.assertEqual(logger1.getName(), "child1")
     logger2 = logger1.getChild("child2")
     self.assertEqual(logger2.getName(), "child1.child2")
     logger2a = logger1.getChild(".child2")
     self.assertEqual(logger2a.getName(), "child1.child2")
     logger3 = logger2.getChild(" .. child3")
     self.assertEqual(logger3.getName(), "child1.child2.child3")
     logger3a = logger1.getChild("child2.child3")
     self.assertEqual(logger3a.getName(), "child1.child2.child3")
Example #7
File: test_log.py Project: lsst/log
    def testBasic(self):
        Test basic log output with default configuration.
        Since the default threshold is INFO, the DEBUG or TRACE
        message is not emitted.
        with TestLog.StdoutCapture(self.outputFilename):
            log.log(log.getDefaultLogger(), log.INFO, "This is INFO")
            log.info(u"This is unicode INFO")
            log.trace("This is TRACE")
            log.debug("This is DEBUG")
            log.warn("This is WARN")
            log.error("This is ERROR")
            log.fatal("This is FATAL")
            log.warning("Format %d %g %s", 3, 2.71828, "foo")
root INFO: This is INFO
root INFO: This is unicode INFO
root WARN: This is WARN
root ERROR: This is ERROR
root FATAL: This is FATAL
root WARN: Format 3 2.71828 foo
Example #8
 def testDefaultLogger(self):
     """Check the default root logger name."""
     self.assertEqual(log.getDefaultLogger().getName(), "")
Example #9
File: test_log.py Project: lsst/log
 def testDefaultLogger(self):
     """Check the default root logger name."""
     self.assertEqual(log.getDefaultLogger().getName(), "")