Example #1
    def testIsNear(self):
        """Check isNear() method at 2pi wrap.

        This makes a call to angleCompare() [see next test], so it should fine,
        but it checks the inner workings of SatelliteTrail.

        drMax     = 50.0
        dThetaMax = 0.15
        s1 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r=1769.0,theta=0.017,width=29.88)
        s2 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r=1769.0,theta=2.0*np.pi-0.001,width=29.88)
        s3 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r=1769.0,theta=np.pi, width=29.88)
        s4 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r=1700.0,theta=0.017, width=29.88)

        def compare(trail1, trail2, expect):
            comp = trail1.isNear(trail2, drMax=drMax, dThetaMax=dThetaMax)
            if expect:
        compare(s1, s1, True)
        compare(s2, s2, True)
        compare(s1, s2, True)
        compare(s2, s1, True)
        compare(s3, s1, False)
        compare(s3, s2, False)
        compare(s4, s1, False)
        compare(s4, s2, False)
Example #2
    def testImproveCluster(self):
        """Make sure scattered r,theta points convert in improvement algorithm"""

        nx, ny = 512, 512

        r, theta = 300, 0.4
        trail = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r, theta)
        x, y = trail.trace(nx, ny)
        n = len(x)
        t = theta + 0.05*np.random.normal(size=n)

        niter = 2
        rNew, tNew, _r, _x, _y = measArt.improveCluster(t, x, y)
        for i in range(niter-1):
            rNew, tNew, _r, _x, _y = measArt.improveCluster(tNew, x, y)

        rEst = rNew.mean()
        tEst = tNew.mean()

        # if you need to look at it
        if False:
            r0, theta0 = measArt.hesseForm(t-np.pi/2.0, x, y)
            fig = figure.Figure()
            can = FigCanvas(fig)
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
            ax.plot(theta0, r0, 'k.')
            ax.plot(tNew, rNew, '.r')
            ax.plot([tEst], [rEst], 'go')

        self.assertLess(np.abs(rEst - r), 1.0)
        self.assertLess(np.abs(tEst - theta), 0.001)
Example #3
    def testShiftOrigin(self):
        """Verify trail origin shift works."""

        # make a trail and shift the origin
        # be sure to shift enough so that we test the
        # reversal in theta when the sign of r changes.
        angle = np.pi/6.0
        trail = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r=1000.0,theta=angle)

        delta = 500.0, 1000.0, 1500.0
        for d in delta:

            # try x
            t = trail.shiftOrigin(d, 0.0)
            rExpected = trail.r - d*np.cos(angle)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t.r,      np.abs(rExpected))
            tExpected = angle if rExpected >= 0 else angle + np.pi
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t.theta,  tExpected)

            # and round-trip
            t2 = t.shiftOrigin(-d, 0.0)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t2.r, trail.r)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t2.theta, trail.theta)
            # try y
            t = trail.shiftOrigin(0.0, d)
            rExpected = trail.r - d*np.sin(angle)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t.r,      np.abs(rExpected))
            tExpected = angle if rExpected >= 0 else angle + np.pi
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t.theta,  tExpected)

            # and round-trip
            t2 = t.shiftOrigin(0.0, -d)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t2.r, trail.r)
            self.assertAlmostEquals(t2.theta, trail.theta)
Example #4
    def testThetaAlignment(self):

        # thetaAlignment
        # - Verify that pair-wise theta comparison works
        #   It should check that a pair of points has the same local theta, and that matches the
        #   theta based on their x,y coords.
        # - To test, generate random points, and then insert a real linear feature.
        #   --> make sure we get back the linear feature points and not the random ones.
        n = 500
        nx, ny = 512, 512

        tolerance = 0.1
        # start with random points
        x = nx*np.random.uniform(size=n)
        y = ny*np.random.uniform(size=n)
        t = 2.0*np.pi*np.random.uniform(size=n)

        known = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool)
        # append a line
        nLine = 100
        r, theta = 300, 0.4
        trail = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r, theta)
        _x, _y = trail.trace(nx, ny)
        if len(_x) > nLine:
            stride = len(_x)/nLine
            _x = _x[::stride]
            _y = _y[::stride]
            stride = 1
        nLine = len(_x)

        x = np.append(x, _x)
        y = np.append(y, _y)
        # make sure the thetas pass tolerance... give them a scatter less than the limit.
        t = np.append(t, theta - np.pi/2.0 + 0.1*tolerance*np.random.uniform(size=nLine))

        known = np.append(known, np.ones(nLine, dtype=bool))

        # set ruthless limit=nLine/2  (normally 3 to 5)
        # It means a candidate is accepted only if it has this many statistically unexpected neighbours.
        isCand, newTheta = measArt.thetaAlignment(t, x, y, limit=int(0.5*nLine), tolerance=tolerance)

        # make sure we have the right number of hits
        self.assertEqual(isCand.sum(), nLine)
        # make sure they're for the right objects
        compare = known - isCand
        self.assertEqual(compare.sum(), 0)
Example #5
    def testHough(self):
        """ Test binning in r,theta."""

        nx, ny = 512, 512
        r0, t0 = 300, 0.4
        trail = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r0, t0)
        x, y = trail.trace(nx, ny)
        n = len(x)
        r = r0 + np.random.normal(size=n)
        t = t0 + 0.01*np.random.normal(size=n)

        rMax = (nx**2 + ny**2)**0.5
        result = measArt.hesseBin(r, t, rMax=rMax)
        bin2d, rEdge, tEdge, rs, ts, idx = result

        # make sure we only got one hit
        self.assertEquals(len(rs), 1)
        self.assertEquals(len(ts), 1)
        # and that it has all our points
        self.assertEquals(idx[0].sum(), n)

        # And that it found the right answer
        self.assertClose(rs[0], r0, rtol=1.0e-2)
        self.assertClose(ts[0], t0, rtol=1.0e-2)

        # try the HoughTransform
        hough = measArt.HoughTransform(bins=200, thresh=40, rMax=rMax, maxResid=4.0, nIter=3)

        solutions = hough(t, x, y)

        # these should be better as they run improveCluster() internally
        self.assertEqual(len(solutions), 1)
        self.assertClose(solutions[0].r, r0, rtol=1.0e-3)
        self.assertClose(solutions[0].theta, t0, rtol=1.0e-3)
Example #6
    def testFindFake(self):
        """Test all the workings together.  Add a fake and find it."""


        # make a fake trail in noise ... detect it.
        nx, ny = 512, 512
        r1, t1 = 300, 0.4
        r2, t2 = 200, 2.0*np.pi-0.2
        trail1 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r1, t1)
        trail2 = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r2, t2)
        # create an exposure with a PSF object
        mimg = afwImage.MaskedImageF(nx, ny)
        exposure = afwImage.ExposureF(mimg)
        seeing = 2.0
        kx, ky = 15, 15
        psf = measAlg.DoubleGaussianPsf(kx, ky, seeing/2.35)

        # Add two fake trails
        img  = mimg.getImage().getArray()
        flux = 400.0 
        sigma = seeing
        prof = measArt.DoubleGaussianProfile(flux, sigma)
        width = 8*sigma
        trail1.insert(img, prof, width)
        trail2.insert(img, prof, width)

        # add noise on top of the trail
        rms = 20.0
        noise = rms*np.random.normal(size=(nx, ny))
        img += noise
        # create a finder and see what we get
        finder          = measArt.SatelliteFinder()
        trailsFind      = finder.getTrails(exposure, widths=[1.0])

        # try a task
        config               = measArt.HoughSatelliteConfig()
        config.narrow.eRange = 0.02
        task                 = measArt.HoughSatelliteTask(config=config)
        trailsTask, runtime  = task.process(exposure)

        # make sure both trails detected by finder and task
        self.assertEqual(len(trailsFind), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(trailsTask), 2)

        # make sure we found the right ones!
        drMax = 5
        dThetaMax = 0.1
        for trails in trailsFind, trailsTask:
            found1 = trail1.isNear(trails[0], drMax, dThetaMax) or trail1.isNear(trails[1], drMax, dThetaMax)
            found2 = trail2.isNear(trails[0], drMax, dThetaMax) or trail2.isNear(trails[1], drMax, dThetaMax)

        fig = figure.Figure()
        can = FigCanvas(fig)
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.imshow(img, origin='lower', cmap='gray')
        for trail in trailsTask:
            x1, y1 = trail.trace(nx, ny, offset=10)
            x2, y2 = trail.trace(nx, ny, offset=-10)
            ax.plot(x1, y1, 'r-')
            ax.plot(x2, y2, 'r-')
Example #7
    def testTrails(self):
        """Test insert and measure"""

        # start with a small constant profile trail
        # - add it and see if we can measure it
        nx, ny = 31, 31
        value = 1.0 # the value to insert
        width = 2.1 # the width of the trail
        constProf = measArt.ConstantProfile(value, width)
        flux = 10.0
        sigma = 2.0
        # test both extremes of the DoubleGaussian
        gaussProf  = measArt.DoubleGaussianProfile(flux, sigma, fWing=0.0)
        gaussProf2 = measArt.DoubleGaussianProfile(flux, 0.5*sigma, fWing=1.0)
        # vertical trail
        vFake = np.zeros((nx, ny))
        vFake[:,nx//2-1:nx//2+2] += 1.0

        # horizontal trail
        hFake = np.zeros((nx, ny))
        hFake[ny//2-1:ny//2+2,:] += 1.0
        for theta, fake in (0.0, vFake), (np.pi/2.0, hFake):
            # r,theta  defining the trail
            r = nx//2
            trail = measArt.SatelliteTrail(r, theta)

            # check the length
            leng = trail.length(nx, ny)
            self.assertEquals(leng, nx)
            measWidth = 10.0*width
            # insert the trail
            profiles = [
                (constProf, nx*(int(width) + 1.0)),
                (gaussProf,  nx*flux),
                (gaussProf2, nx*flux)
            for prof, expectedFlux in profiles:
                img = np.zeros((nx, ny))
                trail.insert(img, prof, measWidth)

                # measure it
                measFlux = trail.measure(img, widthIn=measWidth)

                # centroid offset should be zero
                self.assertAlmostEquals(trail.center, 0.0)
                # flux should be same as returned value
                self.assertEquals(trail.flux, measFlux)
                self.assertAlmostEquals(trail.flux, expectedFlux, 4)

            # ConstProf should match the fake exactly
            img = np.zeros((nx, ny))
            trail.insert(img, constProf, width+2.0)
            test = np.abs(img - fake) > 0.0