Example #1
 def testMetricDtype(self):
     """Test that base metric data value type set appropriately"""
     cols = 'onecolumn'
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.metricDtype, 'float')
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols, metricDtype='object')
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.metricDtype, 'object')
Example #2
 def testMetricName(self):
     """Test that metric name is set appropriately automatically and explicitly"""
     # Test automatic setting of metric name
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric('testcol')
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.name, 'Base testcol')
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(['testcol1', 'testcol2'])
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.name, 'Base testcol1, testcol2')
     # Test explicit setting of metric name
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric('testcol', metricName='Test')
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.name, 'Test')
Example #3
 def testUnits(self):
     """Test unit setting (including units set by utils.getColInfo)"""
     cols = 'onecolumn'
     # Test for column not in colInfo, units not set by hand.
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, '')
     # Test for column not in colInfo, units set by hand.
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols, units='Test')
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, 'Test')
     # Test for column in colInfo (looking up units in colInfo)
     cols = 'finSeeing'
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, 'arcsec')
     # Test for column in colInfo but units overriden
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols, units='Test')
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, 'Test')
     # Test for multiple columns not in colInfo
     cols = ['onecol', 'twocol']
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, '')
     # Test for multiple columns in colInfo
     cols = ['finSeeing', 'filtSkyBrightness']
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, 'arcsec mag/sq arcsec')
     # Test for multiple columns, only one in colInfo
     cols = ['finSeeing', 'twocol']
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, 'arcsec ')
     # Test for multiple columns both in colInfo but repeated
     cols = ['finSeeing', 'finSeeing']
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.units, 'arcsec arcsec')
Example #4
 def testColRegistry(self):
     """Test column registry adds to colRegistry as expected"""
     cols = 'onecolumn'
     colset = set()
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     # Class registry should have dictionary with values = set of columns for metric class
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.colRegistry.colSet, colset)
     cols = ['onecolumn', 'twocolumn']
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.colRegistry.colSet, colset)
     # Test with additional (different) metric
     cols = 'twocolumn'
     testmetric2 = metrics.MeanMetric(cols)
     self.assertEqual(testmetric.colRegistry.colSet, colset)
Example #5
def createEmptyMetricBundle():
    """Create an empty metric bundle.

        An empty metric bundle, configured with just the :class:`BaseMetric` and :class:`BaseSlicer`.
    return MetricBundle(metrics.BaseMetric(), slicers.BaseSlicer(), '')
Example #6
    def read(self, filename):
        """Read metricValues and associated metadata from disk.
        Overwrites any data currently in metricbundle.

        filename : str
           The file from which to read the metric bundle data.
        if not os.path.isfile(filename):
            raise IOError('%s not found' % filename)

        # Set up a base slicer to read data (we don't know type yet).
        baseslicer = slicers.BaseSlicer()
        # Use baseslicer to read file.
        metricValues, slicer, header = baseslicer.readData(filename)
        self.slicer = slicer
        self.metricValues = metricValues
        self.metricValues.fill_value = slicer.badval
        # It's difficult to reinstantiate the metric object, as we don't
        # know what it is necessarily -- the metricName can be changed.
        self.metric = metrics.BaseMetric()
        # But, for plot label building, we do need to try to recreate the
        #  metric name and units.
        self.metric.name = header['metricName']
        if 'plotDict' in header:
            if 'units' in header['plotDict']:
                self.metric.units = header['plotDict']['units']
            self.metric.units = ''
        self.runName = header['simDataName']
            self.constraint = header['constraint']
        except KeyError:
            self.constraint = header['sqlconstraint']
        self.metadata = header['metadata']
        if self.metadata is None:
        if 'plotDict' in header:
        if 'displayDict' in header:
        path, head = os.path.split(filename)
        self.fileRoot = head.replace('.npz', '')
Example #7
 def testReduceDict(self):
     """Test that reduce dictionary is created."""
     testmetric = metrics.BaseMetric('testcol')
     self.assertEqual(list(testmetric.reduceFuncs.keys()), [])