Example #1
    def testApplyIGM(self):

        """Test application of IGM from Lookup Tables to SED objects"""

        #Test that a warning comes up if input redshift is out of range and that no changes occurs to SED
        testSed = Sed()
        testSed.readSED_flambda(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'] + '/galaxySED/Inst.80E09.25Z.spec.gz')
        testFlambda = []
        for fVal in testSed.flambda:
        testIGM = ApplyIGM()
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wa:
            testIGM.applyIGM(1.1, testSed)
            self.assertEqual(len(wa), 1)
            self.assertTrue('IGM Lookup tables' in str(wa[-1].message))
        np.testing.assert_equal(testFlambda, testSed.flambda)

        #Test that lookup table is read in correctly
        testTable15 = np.genfromtxt(str(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'] + '/igm/' +
        np.testing.assert_equal(testTable15, testIGM.meanLookups['1.5'])

        #Test output by making sure that an incoming sed with flambda = 1.0 everywhere will return the
        #transmission values of the lookup table as its flambda output
        testSed.setSED(testSed.wavelen, flambda = np.ones(len(testSed.wavelen)))
        testIGM.applyIGM(1.5, testSed)
        testTable15Above300 = testTable15[np.where(testTable15[:,0] >= 300.0)]
        testSed.resampleSED(wavelen_match = testTable15Above300[:,0])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(testTable15Above300[:,1], testSed.flambda, 1e-4)
Example #2
    def testApplyIGM(self):
        """Test application of IGM from Lookup Tables to SED objects"""

        #Test that a warning comes up if input redshift is out of range and that no changes occurs to SED
        testSed = Sed()
        testSed.readSED_flambda(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'] +
        testFlambda = []
        for fVal in testSed.flambda:
        testIGM = ApplyIGM()
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wa:
            testIGM.applyIGM(1.1, testSed)
            self.assertEqual(len(wa), 1)
            self.assertTrue('IGM Lookup tables' in str(wa[-1].message))
        np.testing.assert_equal(testFlambda, testSed.flambda)

        #Test that lookup table is read in correctly
        testTable15 = np.genfromtxt(
            str(os.environ['SIMS_SED_LIBRARY_DIR'] + '/igm/' +
        np.testing.assert_equal(testTable15, testIGM.meanLookups['1.5'])

        #Test output by making sure that an incoming sed with flambda = 1.0 everywhere will return the
        #transmission values of the lookup table as its flambda output
        testSed.setSED(testSed.wavelen, flambda=np.ones(len(testSed.wavelen)))
        testIGM.applyIGM(1.5, testSed)
        testTable15Above300 = testTable15[np.where(testTable15[:, 0] >= 300.0)]
        testSed.resampleSED(wavelen_match=testTable15Above300[:, 0])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(testTable15Above300[:, 1], testSed.flambda,
Example #3
    def calcBasicColors(self, sedList, bandpassDict, makeCopy=False):
        This will calculate a set of colors from a list of SED objects when there is no need to redshift
        the SEDs.

        @param [in] sedList is the set of spectral objects from the models SEDs provided by loaders in
        rgStar or rgGalaxy. NOTE: Since this uses photometryBase.manyMagCalc_list the SED objects
        will be changed.

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict class instance with the Bandpasses set to those
        for the magnitudes given for the catalog object

        @param [in] makeCopy indicates whether or not to operate on copies of the SED objects in sedList
        since this method will change the wavelength grid.

        @param [out] modelColors is the set of colors in the Bandpasses provided for the given sedList.

        modelColors = []

        for specObj in sedList:
            if makeCopy == True:
                fileSED = Sed()
                sEDMags = bandpassDict.magListForSed(fileSED)
                sEDMags = bandpassDict.magListForSed(specObj)
            colorInfo = []
            for filtNum in range(0, len(bandpassDict) - 1):
                colorInfo.append(sEDMags[filtNum] - sEDMags[filtNum + 1])

        return modelColors
Example #4
    def calcBasicColors(self, sedList, bandpassDict, makeCopy = False):

        This will calculate a set of colors from a list of SED objects when there is no need to redshift
        the SEDs.

        @param [in] sedList is the set of spectral objects from the models SEDs provided by loaders in
        rgStar or rgGalaxy. NOTE: Since this uses photometryBase.manyMagCalc_list the SED objects
        will be changed.

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict class instance with the Bandpasses set to those
        for the magnitudes given for the catalog object

        @param [in] makeCopy indicates whether or not to operate on copies of the SED objects in sedList
        since this method will change the wavelength grid.

        @param [out] modelColors is the set of colors in the Bandpasses provided for the given sedList.

        modelColors = []

        for specObj in sedList:
            if makeCopy==True:
                fileSED = Sed()
                fileSED.setSED(wavelen = specObj.wavelen, flambda = specObj.flambda)
                sEDMags = bandpassDict.magListForSed(fileSED)
                sEDMags = bandpassDict.magListForSed(specObj)
            colorInfo = []
            for filtNum in range(0, len(bandpassDict)-1):
                colorInfo.append(sEDMags[filtNum] - sEDMags[filtNum+1])

        return modelColors
Example #5
    def calcMagNorm(self,
        This will find the magNorm value that gives the closest match to the magnitudes of the object
        using the matched SED. Uses scipy.optimize.leastsq to find the values of fluxNorm that minimizes
        the function: ((flux_obs - (fluxNorm*flux_model))/flux_error)**2.

        @param [in] objectMags are the magnitude values for the object with extinction matching that of
        the SED object. In the normal case using the selectSED routines above it will be dereddened mags.

        @param [in] sedObj is an Sed class instance that is set with the wavelength and flux of the
        matched SED

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict class instance with the Bandpasses set to those
        for the magnitudes given for the catalog object

        @param [in] mag_error are provided error values for magnitudes in objectMags. If none provided
        then this defaults to 1.0. This should be an array of the same length as objectMags.

        @param [in] redshift is the redshift of the object if the magnitude is observed

        @param [in] filtRange is a selected range of filters specified by their indices in the bandpassList
        to match up against. Used when missing data in some magnitude bands.

        @param [out] bestMagNorm is the magnitude normalization for the given magnitudes and SED

        import scipy.optimize as opt

        sedTest = Sed()
        sedTest.setSED(sedObj.wavelen, flambda=sedObj.flambda)
        if redshift is not None:
        imSimBand = Bandpass()
        zp = -2.5 * np.log10(3631)  #Note using default AB zeropoint
        flux_obs = np.power(10, (objectMags + zp) / (-2.5))
        flux_model = sedTest.manyFluxCalc(bandpassDict.phiArray,
        if filtRange is not None:
            flux_obs = flux_obs[filtRange]
            flux_model = flux_model[filtRange]
        if mag_error is None:
            flux_error = np.ones(len(flux_obs))
            flux_error = np.abs(flux_obs * (np.log(10) / (-2.5)) * mag_error)
        bestFluxNorm = opt.leastsq(
            lambda x: ((flux_obs - (x * flux_model)) / flux_error), 1.0)[0][0]
        bestMagNorm = sedTest.calcMag(imSimBand)
        return bestMagNorm
Example #6
    def testMatchToRestFrame(self):
        """Test that Galaxies with no effects added into catalog mags are matched correctly."""
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir=self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testMags = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen=testSED.wavelen, flambda=testSED.flambda)
            testMagNorm = np.round(rng.uniform(20.0, 22.0), magNormStep)
            fluxNorm = getSEDMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        # Also testing to make sure passing in non-default bandpasses works
        # Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data.
        testMags[0][1] = np.nan
        testMags[0][2] = np.nan
        testMags[0][4] = np.nan
        testMags[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingResults = testMatching.matchToRestFrame(
            testSEDList, testMags, bandpassDict=galPhot)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingResults[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[1][0])

        # Test Match Errors
        errMags = np.array(
            (testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2]))
        errMags[1, 1] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToRestFrame(
            [errSED], errMags, bandpassDict=galPhot)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2. / 3.)),
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
    def testMatchToRestFrame(self):
        """Test that Galaxies with no effects added into catalog mags are matched correctly."""
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testMags = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            testMagNorm = np.round(np.random.uniform(20.0,22.0),magNormStep)
            fluxNorm = getSEDMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        #Also testing to make sure passing in non-default bandpasses works
        #Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data.
        testMags[0][1] = np.nan
        testMags[0][2] = np.nan
        testMags[0][4] = np.nan
        testMags[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingResults = testMatching.matchToRestFrame(testSEDList, testMags,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingResults[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingResults[1][1:], decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Match Errors
        errMags = np.array((testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2], testMags[2]))
        errMags[1,1] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToRestFrame([errSED], errMags,
                                                                  bandpassDict = galPhot)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 3)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
Example #8
    def calcMagNorm(self, objectMags, sedObj, bandpassDict, mag_error = None,
                    redshift = None, filtRange = None):

        This will find the magNorm value that gives the closest match to the magnitudes of the object
        using the matched SED. Uses scipy.optimize.leastsq to find the values of fluxNorm that minimizes
        the function: ((flux_obs - (fluxNorm*flux_model))/flux_error)**2.

        @param [in] objectMags are the magnitude values for the object with extinction matching that of
        the SED object. In the normal case using the selectSED routines above it will be dereddened mags.

        @param [in] sedObj is an Sed class instance that is set with the wavelength and flux of the
        matched SED

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict class instance with the Bandpasses set to those
        for the magnitudes given for the catalog object

        @param [in] mag_error are provided error values for magnitudes in objectMags. If none provided
        then this defaults to 1.0. This should be an array of the same length as objectMags.

        @param [in] redshift is the redshift of the object if the magnitude is observed

        @param [in] filtRange is a selected range of filters specified by their indices in the bandpassList
        to match up against. Used when missing data in some magnitude bands.

        @param [out] bestMagNorm is the magnitude normalization for the given magnitudes and SED

        import scipy.optimize as opt

        sedTest = Sed()
        sedTest.setSED(sedObj.wavelen, flambda = sedObj.flambda)
        if redshift is not None:
        imSimBand = Bandpass()
        zp = -2.5*np.log10(3631)  #Note using default AB zeropoint
        flux_obs = np.power(10,(objectMags + zp)/(-2.5))
        flux_model = sedTest.manyFluxCalc(bandpassDict.phiArray, bandpassDict.wavelenStep)
        if filtRange is not None:
            flux_obs = flux_obs[filtRange]
            flux_model = flux_model[filtRange]
        if mag_error is None:
            flux_error = np.ones(len(flux_obs))
            flux_error = np.abs(flux_obs*(np.log(10)/(-2.5))*mag_error)
        bestFluxNorm = opt.leastsq(lambda x: ((flux_obs - (x*flux_model))/flux_error), 1.0)[0][0]
        bestMagNorm = sedTest.calcMag(imSimBand)
        return bestMagNorm
Example #9
    def testCalcMagNorm(self):
        """Tests the calculation of magnitude normalization for an SED with the given magnitudes
        in the given bandpasses."""

        testUtils = matchBase()
        bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),
        testPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(
            self.filterList, bandpassDir=bandpassDir, bandpassRoot='sdss_')

        unChangedSED = Sed()
            str(self.galDir + os.listdir(self.galDir)[0]))

        imSimBand = Bandpass()
        testSED = Sed()
        testSED.setSED(unChangedSED.wavelen, flambda=unChangedSED.flambda)
        magNorm = 20.0
        redVal = 0.1
        fluxNorm = testSED.calcFluxNorm(magNorm, imSimBand)
        sedMags = testPhot.magListForSed(testSED)
        stepSize = 0.001
        testMagNorm = testUtils.calcMagNorm(sedMags,
        # Test adding in mag_errors. If an array of np.ones is passed in we should get same result
        testMagNormWithErr = testUtils.calcMagNorm(sedMags,
        # Also need to add in test for filtRange
        sedMagsIncomp = sedMags
        sedMagsIncomp[1] = None
        filtRangeTest = [0, 2, 3, 4]
        testMagNormFiltRange = testUtils.calcMagNorm(sedMagsIncomp,
        self.assertAlmostEqual(magNorm, testMagNorm, delta=stepSize)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(magNorm, testMagNormWithErr, delta=stepSize)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(magNorm, testMagNormFiltRange, delta=stepSize)
Example #10
    def testSEDCopyBasicColors(self):

        """Tests that when makeCopy=True in calcBasicColors the SED object is unchanged after calling
        and that colors are still accurately calculated"""

        testUtils = matchBase()
        testSED = Sed()
        copyTest = Sed()
        testPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(self.filterList,
                                        bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),'sdss'),
                                        bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')
        testSED.readSED_flambda(str(self.galDir + os.listdir(self.galDir)[0]))
        copyTest.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
        testLambda = copyTest.wavelen[0]
        testMags = testPhot.magListForSed(testSED)
        testColors = []
        for filtNum in range(0, len(self.filterList)-1):
            testColors.append(testMags[filtNum] - testMags[filtNum+1])
        testOutput = testUtils.calcBasicColors([copyTest], testPhot, makeCopy=True)

        self.assertEqual(testLambda, copyTest.wavelen[0])
        np.testing.assert_equal([testColors], testOutput)
    def testSEDCopyBasicColors(self):

        """Tests that when makeCopy=True in calcBasicColors the SED object is unchanged after calling
        and that colors are still accurately calculated"""

        testUtils = matchBase()
        testSED = Sed()
        copyTest = Sed()
        testPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(self.filterList,
                                        bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),'sdss'),
                                        bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')
        testSED.readSED_flambda(str(self.galDir + os.listdir(self.galDir)[0]))
        copyTest.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
        testLambda = copyTest.wavelen[0]
        testMags = testPhot.magListForSed(testSED)
        testColors = []
        for filtNum in range(0, len(self.filterList)-1):
            testColors.append(testMags[filtNum] - testMags[filtNum+1])
        testOutput = testUtils.calcBasicColors([copyTest], testPhot, makeCopy=True)

        self.assertEqual(testLambda, copyTest.wavelen[0])
        np.testing.assert_equal([testColors], testOutput)
    def testApplyIGM(self):

        """Test application of IGM from Lookup Tables to SED objects"""

        # Test that a warning comes up if input redshift is out
        # of range and that no changes occurs to SED
        testSed = Sed()
        sedName = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'),
        testFlambda = []
        for fVal in testSed.flambda:
        testIGM = ApplyIGM()
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wa:
            testIGM.applyIGM(1.1, testSed)
            self.assertEqual(len(wa), 1)
            self.assertIn('IGM Lookup tables', str(wa[-1].message))
        np.testing.assert_equal(testFlambda, testSed.flambda)

        # Test that lookup table is read in correctly
        testTable15 = np.genfromtxt(str(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils') +
                                        '/python/lsst/sims/photUtils/igm_tables/' +
        np.testing.assert_equal(testTable15, testIGM.meanLookups['1.5'])

        # Test output by making sure that an incoming sed
        # with flambda = 1.0 everywhere will return the
        # transmission values of the lookup table as its
        # flambda output
        testSed.setSED(testSed.wavelen, flambda=np.ones(len(testSed.wavelen)))
        testIGM.applyIGM(1.5, testSed)
        testTable15Above300 = testTable15[np.where(testTable15[:, 0] >= 300.0)]
        testSed.resampleSED(wavelen_match = testTable15Above300[:, 0])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(testTable15Above300[:, 1],
                                   testSed.flambda, 1e-4)
Example #13
    def testCalcMagNorm(self):

        """Tests the calculation of magnitude normalization for an SED with the given magnitudes
        in the given bandpasses."""

        testUtils = matchBase()
        bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'sdss')
        testPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(self.filterList,
                                                             bandpassDir = bandpassDir,
                                                             bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')

        unChangedSED = Sed()
        unChangedSED.readSED_flambda(str(self.galDir + os.listdir(self.galDir)[0]))

        imSimBand = Bandpass()
        testSED = Sed()
        testSED.setSED(unChangedSED.wavelen, flambda = unChangedSED.flambda)
        magNorm = 20.0
        redVal = 0.1
        fluxNorm = testSED.calcFluxNorm(magNorm, imSimBand)
        sedMags = testPhot.magListForSed(testSED)
        stepSize = 0.001
        testMagNorm = testUtils.calcMagNorm(sedMags, unChangedSED, testPhot, redshift = redVal)
        # Test adding in mag_errors. If an array of np.ones is passed in we should get same result
        testMagNormWithErr = testUtils.calcMagNorm(sedMags, unChangedSED, testPhot,
                                                   mag_error = np.ones(len(sedMags)), redshift = redVal)
        # Also need to add in test for filtRange
        sedMagsIncomp = sedMags
        sedMagsIncomp[1] = None
        filtRangeTest = [0, 2, 3, 4]
        testMagNormFiltRange = testUtils.calcMagNorm(sedMagsIncomp, unChangedSED, testPhot,
                                                     redshift = redVal, filtRange = filtRangeTest)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(magNorm, testMagNorm, delta = stepSize)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(magNorm, testMagNormWithErr, delta = stepSize)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(magNorm, testMagNormFiltRange, delta = stepSize)
Example #14
    def testApplyIGM(self):

        """Test application of IGM from Lookup Tables to SED objects"""

        # Test that a warning comes up if input redshift is out
        # of range and that no changes occurs to SED
        testSed = Sed()
        sedName = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'galaxySED')
        testFlambda = []
        for fVal in testSed.flambda:
        testIGM = ApplyIGM()
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as wa:
            testIGM.applyIGM(1.1, testSed)
            self.assertEqual(len(wa), 1)
            self.assertIn('IGM Lookup tables', str(wa[-1].message))
        np.testing.assert_equal(testFlambda, testSed.flambda)

        # Test that lookup table is read in correctly
        testTable15 = np.genfromtxt(str(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils') +
                                        '/python/lsst/sims/catUtils/IGM/igm_tables/' +
        np.testing.assert_equal(testTable15, testIGM.meanLookups['1.5'])

        # Test output by making sure that an incoming sed
        # with flambda = 1.0 everywhere will return the
        # transmission values of the lookup table as its
        # flambda output
        testSed.setSED(testSed.wavelen, flambda=np.ones(len(testSed.wavelen)))
        testIGM.applyIGM(1.5, testSed)
        testTable15Above300 = testTable15[np.where(testTable15[:, 0] >= 300.0)]
        testSed.resampleSED(wavelen_match = testTable15Above300[:, 0])
        np.testing.assert_allclose(testTable15Above300[:, 1],
                                   testSed.flambda, 1e-4)
    def testMatchToObserved(self):
        """Test that Galaxy SEDs with extinction or redshift are matched correctly"""
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testRA = []
        testDec = []
        testRedshifts = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1
        extCoeffs = [1.8140, 1.4166, 0.9947, 0.7370, 0.5790, 0.4761]
        testMags = []
        testMagsRedshift = []
        testMagsExt = []

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            #As a check make sure that it matches when no extinction and no redshift are present
            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)

            #Check Extinction corrections
            sedRA = np.random.uniform(10,170)
            sedDec = np.random.uniform(10,80)
            raDec = np.array((sedRA, sedDec)).reshape((2,1))
            ebvVal = ebv().calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
            extVal = ebvVal*extCoeffs
            testMagsExt.append(galPhot.magListForSed(getSEDMags) + extVal)

            #Setup magnitudes for testing matching to redshifted values
            getRedshiftMags = Sed()
            testZ = np.round(np.random.uniform(1.1,1.3),3)
            testMagNorm = np.round(np.random.uniform(20.0,22.0),magNormStep)
            getRedshiftMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            fluxNorm = getRedshiftMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        #Will also test in passing of non-default bandpass
        testNoExtNoRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMags, np.zeros(20),
                                                           reddening = False,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        testMatchingEbvVals = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsExt, np.zeros(20),
                                                           catRA = testRA, catDec = testDec,
                                                           reddening = True, extCoeffs = extCoeffs,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        #Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data and make sure magnorm works too.
        testMagsRedshift[0][1] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][3] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][4] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsRedshift, testRedshifts,
                                                            dzAcc = 3, reddening = False,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)

        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testNoExtNoRedshift[0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testMatchingEbvVals[0])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingRedshift[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingRedshift[1][1:],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Match Errors
        errMag = testMagsRedshift[2]
        errRedshift = testRedshifts[2]
        errMags = np.array((errMag, errMag, errMag, errMag))
        errRedshifts = np.array((errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift))
        errMags[1,1] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToObserved([errSED], errMags, errRedshifts,
                                                                 reddening = False,
                                                                 bandpassDict = galPhot,
                                                                 dzAcc = 3)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 2) #Give a little more leeway due to redshifting effects
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
    def matchToObserved(self, sedList, catMags, catRedshifts, catRA = None, catDec = None,
                        mag_error = None, bandpassDict = None, dzAcc = 2, reddening = True,
                        extCoeffs = (4.239, 3.303, 2.285, 1.698, 1.263)):

        This will find the closest match to the magnitudes of a galaxy catalog if those magnitudes are in
        the observed frame and can correct for reddening from within the milky way as well if needed.
        In order to make things faster it first calculates colors for all model SEDs at redshifts between
        the minimum and maximum redshifts of the catalog objects provided with a grid spacing in redshift
        defined by the parameter dzAcc. Objects without magnitudes in at least two adjacent bandpasses will
        return as none and print out a message.

        @param [in] sedList is the set of spectral objects from the models SEDs provided by loadBC03
        or other custom loader routine.

        @param [in] catMags is an array of the magnitudes of catalog objects to be matched with a model SED.
        It should be organized so that there is one object's magnitudes along each row.

        @param [in] catRedshifts is an array of the redshifts of each catalog object.

        @param [in] catRA is an array of the RA positions for each catalog object.

        @param [in] catDec is an array of the Dec position for each catalog object.

        @param [in] mag_error are provided error values for magnitudes in objectMags. If none provided
        then this defaults to 1.0. This should be an array of the same size as catMags.

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict with which to calculate magnitudes.
        If left equal to None it will by default load the SDSS [u,g,r,i,z] bandpasses and therefore agree with
        default extCoeffs.

        @param [in] dzAcc is the number of decimal places you want to use when building the redshift grid.
        For example, dzAcc = 2 will create a grid between the minimum and maximum redshifts with colors
        calculated at every 0.01 change in redshift.

        @param [in] reddening is a boolean that determines whether to correct catalog magnitudes for
        dust in the milky way. By default, it is True.
        If true, this uses calculateEBV from EBV.py to find an EBV value for the object's
        ra and dec coordinates and then uses the coefficients provided by extCoeffs which should come
        from Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011) for the correct filters and in the same order as provided
        in bandpassDict.
        If false, this means it will not run the dereddening procedure.

        @param [in] extCoeffs are the Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011) (ApJ, 737, 103) coefficients for the
        given filters from bandpassDict and need to be in the same order as bandpassDict. The default given
        are the SDSS [u,g,r,i,z] values.

        @param [out] sedMatches is a list with the name of a model SED that matches most closely to each
        object in the catalog.

        @param [out] magNormMatches are the magnitude normalizations for the given magnitudes and
        matched SED.

        @param [out] matchErrors contains the Mean Squared Error between the colors of each object and 
        the colors of the matched SED.

        #Set up photometry to calculate model Mags
        if bandpassDict is None:
            galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(['u','g','r','i','z'],
                                            bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),'sdss'),
                                            bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')
            galPhot = bandpassDict

        #Calculate ebv from ra, dec coordinates if needed
        if reddening == True:
            #Check that catRA and catDec are included
            if catRA is None or catDec is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Reddening is True, but catRA and catDec are not included.")
            calcEBV = ebv()
            raDec = np.array((catRA,catDec))
            #If only matching one object need to reshape for calculateEbv
            if len(raDec.shape) == 1:
                raDec = raDec.reshape((2,1))
            ebvVals = calcEBV.calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
            objMags = self.deReddenMags(ebvVals, catMags, extCoeffs)
            objMags = catMags

        minRedshift = np.round(np.min(catRedshifts), dzAcc)
        maxRedshift = np.round(np.max(catRedshifts), dzAcc)
        dz = np.power(10., (-1*dzAcc))

        redshiftRange = np.round(np.arange(minRedshift - dz, maxRedshift + (2*dz), dz), dzAcc)
        numRedshifted = 0
        sedMatches = [None] * len(catRedshifts)
        magNormMatches = [None] * len(catRedshifts)
        matchErrors = [None] * len(catRedshifts)
        redshiftIndex = np.argsort(catRedshifts)

        numOn = 0
        notMatched = 0
        lastRedshift = -100
        print 'Starting Matching. Arranged by redshift value.'
        for redshift in redshiftRange:

            if numRedshifted % 10 == 0:
                print '%i out of %i redshifts gone through' % (numRedshifted, len(redshiftRange))
            numRedshifted += 1

            colorSet = []
            for galSpec in sedList:
                sedColors = []
                fileSED = Sed()
                fileSED.setSED(wavelen = galSpec.wavelen, flambda = galSpec.flambda)
                sedColors = self.calcBasicColors([fileSED], galPhot, makeCopy = True)
            colorSet = np.transpose(colorSet)
            for currentIndex in redshiftIndex[numOn:]:
                matchMags = objMags[currentIndex]
                if lastRedshift < np.round(catRedshifts[currentIndex],dzAcc) <= redshift:
                    colorRange = np.arange(0, len(galPhot)-1)
                    matchColors = []
                    for colorNum in colorRange:
                        matchColors.append(matchMags[colorNum] - matchMags[colorNum+1])
                    #This is done to handle objects with incomplete magnitude data
                    filtNums = np.arange(0, len(galPhot))
                    if np.isnan(np.amin(matchColors))==True:
                        colorRange = np.where(np.isnan(matchColors)==False)[0]
                        filtNums = np.unique([colorRange, colorRange+1]) #Pick right filters in calcMagNorm
                    if len(colorRange) == 0:
                        print 'Could not match object #%i. No magnitudes for two adjacent bandpasses.' \
                              % (currentIndex)
                        notMatched += 1
                        #Don't need to assign 'None' here in result array, b/c 'None' is default value
                        distanceArray = [np.zeros(len(sedList))]
                        for colorNum in colorRange:
                            distanceArray += np.power((colorSet[colorNum] - matchColors[colorNum]),2)
                        matchedSEDNum = np.nanargmin(distanceArray)
                        sedMatches[currentIndex] = sedList[matchedSEDNum].name
                        magNormVal = self.calcMagNorm(np.array(matchMags), sedList[matchedSEDNum], 
                                                      galPhot, mag_error = mag_error,
                                                      redshift = catRedshifts[currentIndex],
                                                      filtRange = filtNums)
                        magNormMatches[currentIndex] = magNormVal
                        matchErrors[currentIndex] = (distanceArray[0,matchedSEDNum]/len(colorRange))
                    numOn += 1
            lastRedshift = redshift

        print 'Done Matching. Matched %i of %i catalog objects to SEDs' % (len(catMags)-notMatched, 
        if notMatched > 0:
            print '%i objects did not get matched.' % (notMatched)

        return sedMatches, magNormMatches, matchErrors
Example #17
    def applyIGM(self, redshift, sedobj):
        Apply IGM extinction to already redshifted sed with redshift  
        between zMin and zMax defined by range of lookup tables
        @param [in] redshift is the redshift of the incoming SED object

        @param [in] sedobj is the SED object to which IGM extinction will be applied. This object
        will be modified as a result of this.

        if self.IGMisInitialized == False:

        #First make sure redshift is in range of lookup tables.
        if (redshift < self.zMin) or (redshift > self.zMax):
                str("IGM Lookup tables only applicable for " + str(self.zMin) +
                    " < z < " + str(self.zMax) + ". No action taken"))

        #Now read in closest two lookup tables for given redshift
        lowerSed = Sed()
        upperSed = Sed()
        for lower, upper in zip(self.zRange[:-1], self.zRange[1:]):
            if lower <= redshift <= upper:
                lowerSed.setSED(self.meanLookups[str(lower)][:, 0],
                                flambda=self.meanLookups[str(lower)][:, 1])
                upperSed.setSED(self.meanLookups[str(upper)][:, 0],
                                flambda=self.meanLookups[str(upper)][:, 1])

        #Redshift lookup tables to redshift of source, i.e. if source redshift is 1.78 shift lookup
        #table for 1.7 and lookup table for 1.8 to up and down to 1.78, respectively
        zLowerShift = ((1.0 + redshift) / (1.0 + lower)) - 1.0
        zUpperShift = ((1.0 + redshift) / (1.0 + upper)) - 1.0

        #Resample lower and upper transmission data onto same wavelength grid.
        minWavelen = 300.  #All lookup tables are usable above 300nm
        maxWavelen = np.amin([lowerSed.wavelen[-1], upperSed.wavelen[-1]
                              ]) - 0.01

        #Now insert this into a transmission array of 1.0 beyond the limits of current application
        #So that we can get an sed back that extends to the longest wavelengths of the incoming sed
        finalWavelen = np.arange(300., sedobj.wavelen[-1] + 0.01, 0.01)
        finalFlambdaExtended = np.ones(len(finalWavelen))

        #Weighted Average of Transmission from each lookup table to get final transmission
        #table at desired redshift
        dzGrid = self.zDelta  #Step in redshift between transmission lookup table files
        finalSed = Sed()
        finalFlambda = (lowerSed.flambda * (1.0 -
                                            ((redshift - lower) / dzGrid)) +
                        upperSed.flambda * (1.0 -
                                            ((upper - redshift) / dzGrid)))
        finalFlambdaExtended[0:len(finalFlambda)] = finalFlambda
        finalSed.setSED(wavelen=finalWavelen, flambda=finalFlambdaExtended)

        #Resample incoming sed to new grid so that we don't get warnings from multiplySED
        #about matching wavelength grids

        #Now multiply transmission curve by input SED to get final result and make it the new flambda
        #data in the original sed which also is now on a new grid starting at 300 nm
        test = sedobj.multiplySED(finalSed)
        sedobj.flambda = test.flambda
Example #18
    def testFindSED(self):
        """Pull SEDs from each type and make sure that each SED gets matched to itself.
        Includes testing with extinction and passing in only colors."""
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'sdss')
        starPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'),
                                                             bandpassDir = bandpassDir,
                                                             bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectStarSED(kuruczDir=self.testKDir,
        testSEDList = []
        testSEDListH, testSEDListHE = testMatching.loadwdSEDs()

        testSEDNames = []
        testMags = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1

        for typeList in testSEDList:
            if len(typeList) != 0:
                typeSEDNames = []
                typeMags = []
                typeMagNorms = []
                for testSED in typeList:
                    getSEDMags = Sed()
                    getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
                    testMagNorm = np.round(rng.uniform(20.0, 22.0), magNormStep)
                    fluxNorm = getSEDMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        # Since default bandpassDict should be SDSS ugrizy shouldn't need to specify it
        # Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data.
        for typeList, names, mags, magNorms in zip(testSEDList, testSEDNames, testMags, testMagNormList):
            if len(typeList) > 2:
                nanMags = np.array(mags)
                nanMags[0][0] = np.nan
                nanMags[0][2] = np.nan
                nanMags[0][3] = np.nan
                nanMags[1][1] = np.nan
                testMatchingResults = testMatching.findSED(typeList, nanMags, reddening = False)
                self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[0][0])
                self.assertEqual(names[1:], testMatchingResults[0][1:])
                self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[1][0])
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(magNorms[1:], testMatchingResults[1][1:],
                                               decimal = magNormStep)
                testMatchingResults = testMatching.findSED(typeList, mags, reddening = False)
                self.assertEqual(names, testMatchingResults[0])
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(magNorms, testMatchingResults[1], decimal = magNormStep)

        # Test Null Values option
        nullMags = np.array(testMags[0])
        nullMags[0][0] = -99.
        nullMags[0][4] = -99.
        nullMags[1][0] = -99.
        nullMags[1][1] = -99.
        testMatchingResultsNull = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], nullMags,
                                                       nullValues = -99., reddening = False)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingResultsNull[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingResultsNull[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        # Test Error Output
        errMags = np.array((testMags[0][0], testMags[0][0], testMags[0][0], testMags[0][0]))
        errMags[1, 1] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(4 colors) = 0.5
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(2 colors) = 1.0
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[0][0]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.findSED([errSED], errMags, reddening = False)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.5, 1.0)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 3)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])

        # Now test what happens if we pass in a bandpassDict
        testMatchingResultsNoDefault = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], testMags[0],
                                                            bandpassDict = starPhot,
                                                            reddening = False)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingResultsNoDefault[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingResultsNoDefault[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        # Test Reddening
        testRA = rng.uniform(10, 170, len(testSEDList[0]))
        testDec = rng.uniform(10, 80, len(testSEDList[0]))
        extFactor = .5
        raDec = np.array((testRA, testDec))
        ebvVals = ebv().calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
        extVals = ebvVals*extFactor
        testRedMags = []
        for extVal, testMagSet in zip(extVals, testMags[0]):
            testRedMags.append(testMagSet + extVal)
        testMatchingResultsRed = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], testRedMags, catRA = testRA,
                                                      catDec = testDec, reddening = True,
                                                      extCoeffs = np.ones(5)*extFactor)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingResultsRed[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingResultsRed[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        # Finally, test color input
        testColors = []
        for testMagSet in testMags[0]:
            testColorSet = []
            for filtNum in range(0, len(starPhot)-1):
                testColorSet.append(testMagSet[filtNum] - testMagSet[filtNum+1])
        testMatchingColorsInput = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], testMags[0],
                                                       reddening = False, colors = testColors)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingColorsInput[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingColorsInput[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)
Example #19
    def testMatchToObserved(self):
        """Test that Galaxy SEDs with extinction or redshift are matched correctly"""
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles()

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectGalaxySED(galDir = self.testSpecDir)
        testSEDList = testMatching.loadBC03()

        testSEDNames = []
        testRA = []
        testDec = []
        testRedshifts = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1
        extCoeffs = [1.8140, 1.4166, 0.9947, 0.7370, 0.5790, 0.4761]
        testMags = []
        testMagsRedshift = []
        testMagsExt = []

        for testSED in testSEDList:

            # As a check make sure that it matches when no extinction and no redshift are present
            getSEDMags = Sed()
            getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)

            # Check Extinction corrections
            sedRA = rng.uniform(10, 170)
            sedDec = rng.uniform(10, 80)
            raDec = np.array((sedRA, sedDec)).reshape((2, 1))
            ebvVal = ebv().calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
            extVal = ebvVal*extCoeffs
            testMagsExt.append(galPhot.magListForSed(getSEDMags) + extVal)

            # Setup magnitudes for testing matching to redshifted values
            getRedshiftMags = Sed()
            testZ = np.round(rng.uniform(1.1, 1.3), 3)
            testMagNorm = np.round(rng.uniform(20.0, 22.0), magNormStep)
            getRedshiftMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
            fluxNorm = getRedshiftMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        # Will also test in passing of non-default bandpass
        testNoExtNoRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMags, np.zeros(8),
                                                           reddening = False,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        testMatchingEbvVals = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsExt, np.zeros(8),
                                                           catRA = testRA, catDec = testDec,
                                                           reddening = True, extCoeffs = extCoeffs,
                                                           bandpassDict = galPhot)
        # Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data and make sure magnorm works too.
        testMagsRedshift[0][1] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][3] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[0][4] = np.nan
        testMagsRedshift[1][1] = np.nan
        testMatchingRedshift = testMatching.matchToObserved(testSEDList, testMagsRedshift, testRedshifts,
                                                            dzAcc = 3, reddening = False,
                                                            bandpassDict = galPhot)

        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testNoExtNoRedshift[0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames, testMatchingEbvVals[0])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[0][0])
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[1:], testMatchingRedshift[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingRedshift[1][0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[1:], testMatchingRedshift[1][1:],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        # Test Match Errors
        errMag = testMagsRedshift[2]
        errRedshift = testRedshifts[2]
        errMags = np.array((errMag, errMag, errMag, errMag))
        errRedshifts = np.array((errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift, errRedshift))
        errMags[1, 1] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(5 colors) = 0.4
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1.  # Total MSE will be 2/(3 colors) = 0.667
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[2]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.matchToObserved([errSED], errMags, errRedshifts,
                                                                 reddening = False,
                                                                 bandpassDict = galPhot,
                                                                 dzAcc = 3)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.4, 2./3.)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 2)  # Give a little more leeway due to redshifting effects
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])
Example #20
    def applyIGM(self, redshift, sedobj):

        Apply IGM extinction to already redshifted sed with redshift  
        between zMin and zMax defined by range of lookup tables
        @param [in] redshift is the redshift of the incoming SED object

        @param [in] sedobj is the SED object to which IGM extinction will be applied. This object
        will be modified as a result of this.

        if self.IGMisInitialized == False:

        # First make sure redshift is in range of lookup tables.
        if (redshift < self.zMin) or (redshift > self.zMax):
                    "IGM Lookup tables only applicable for "
                    + str(self.zMin)
                    + " < z < "
                    + str(self.zMax)
                    + ". No action taken"

        # Now read in closest two lookup tables for given redshift
        lowerSed = Sed()
        upperSed = Sed()
        for lower, upper in zip(self.zRange[:-1], self.zRange[1:]):
            if lower <= redshift <= upper:
                lowerSed.setSED(self.meanLookups[str(lower)][:, 0], flambda=self.meanLookups[str(lower)][:, 1])
                upperSed.setSED(self.meanLookups[str(upper)][:, 0], flambda=self.meanLookups[str(upper)][:, 1])

        # Redshift lookup tables to redshift of source, i.e. if source redshift is 1.78 shift lookup
        # table for 1.7 and lookup table for 1.8 to up and down to 1.78, respectively
        zLowerShift = ((1.0 + redshift) / (1.0 + lower)) - 1.0
        zUpperShift = ((1.0 + redshift) / (1.0 + upper)) - 1.0

        # Resample lower and upper transmission data onto same wavelength grid.
        minWavelen = 300.0  # All lookup tables are usable above 300nm
        maxWavelen = np.amin([lowerSed.wavelen[-1], upperSed.wavelen[-1]]) - 0.01
        lowerSed.resampleSED(wavelen_min=minWavelen, wavelen_max=maxWavelen, wavelen_step=0.01)

        # Now insert this into a transmission array of 1.0 beyond the limits of current application
        # So that we can get an sed back that extends to the longest wavelengths of the incoming sed
        finalWavelen = np.arange(300.0, sedobj.wavelen[-1] + 0.01, 0.01)
        finalFlambdaExtended = np.ones(len(finalWavelen))

        # Weighted Average of Transmission from each lookup table to get final transmission
        # table at desired redshift
        dzGrid = self.zDelta  # Step in redshift between transmission lookup table files
        finalSed = Sed()
        finalFlambda = lowerSed.flambda * (1.0 - ((redshift - lower) / dzGrid)) + upperSed.flambda * (
            1.0 - ((upper - redshift) / dzGrid)
        finalFlambdaExtended[0 : len(finalFlambda)] = finalFlambda
        finalSed.setSED(wavelen=finalWavelen, flambda=finalFlambdaExtended)

        # Resample incoming sed to new grid so that we don't get warnings from multiplySED
        # about matching wavelength grids

        # Now multiply transmission curve by input SED to get final result and make it the new flambda
        # data in the original sed which also is now on a new grid starting at 300 nm
        test = sedobj.multiplySED(finalSed)
        sedobj.flambda = test.flambda
Example #21
    def loadGalfast(self, filenameList, outFileList, sEDPath = None, kuruczPath = None,
                    mltPath = None, wdPath = None, kuruczSubset = None,
                    mltSubset = None, wdSubset = None, chunkSize = 10000):
        This is customized for the outputs we currently need for the purposes of consistent output
        It will read in a galfast output file and output desired values for database input into a file

        @param [in] filenameList is a list of the galfast output files that will be loaded and processed.
        Can process fits, gzipped, or txt output from galfast.

        @param [in] outFileList is a list of the names of the output files that will be created. If gzipped
        output is desired simply write the filenames with .gz at the end.

        @param [in] kuruczPath is a place to specify a path to kurucz SED files

        @param [in] mltPath is the same as kuruczPath except that it specifies a directory for the
        mlt SEDs

        @param [in] wdPath is the same as the previous two except that it specifies a path to a
        white dwarf SED directory.

        @param [in] kuruczSubset is a list which provides a subset of the kurucz files within the
        kurucz folder that one wants to use

        @param [in] mltSubset is a list which provides a subset of the mlt files within the
        mlt folder that one wants to use

        @param [in] wdSubset is a list which provides a subset of the wd files within the
        wd folder that one wants to use

        @param [in] chunkSize is the size of chunks of lines to be read from the catalog at one time.

        for filename in filenameList:
            #Make sure input file exists and is readable format before doing anything else
            if os.path.isfile(filename) == False:
                raise RuntimeError('*** File does not exist')

            #Process various possible galfast outputs
            if filename.endswith(('.txt', '.gz', '.fits')):
                raise RuntimeError(str('*** Unsupported File Format in file: ' + str(filename)))

        #If all files exist and are in proper formats then load seds

        selectStarSED0 = selectStarSED(kuruczDir=kuruczPath,

        if kuruczSubset is None:
            kuruczList = selectStarSED0.loadKuruczSEDs()
            kuruczList = selectStarSED0.loadKuruczSEDs(subset = kuruczSubset)

        #Only need one dictionary since none of the names overlap
        positionDict = {}
        for kNum, kuruczSED in enumerate(kuruczList):
            positionDict[kuruczSED.name] = kNum

        if mltSubset is None:
            mltList = selectStarSED0.loadmltSEDs()
            mltList = selectStarSED0.loadmltSEDs(subset = mltSubset)

        for mltNum, mltSED in enumerate(mltList):
            positionDict[mltSED.name] = mltNum

        if wdSubset is None:
            wdListH, wdListHE = selectStarSED0.loadwdSEDs()
            wdListH, wdListHE = selectStarSED0.loadwdSEDs(subset = wdSubset)

        for hNum, hSED in enumerate(wdListH):
            positionDict[hSED.name] = hNum

        for heNum, heSED in enumerate(wdListHE):
            positionDict[heSED.name] = heNum

        #For adding/subtracting extinction when calculating colors
        #Numbers below come from Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011) (ApJ, 737, 103)
        #normalized by SDSS r mag value
        sdssExtCoeffs = [1.8551, 1.4455, 1.0, 0.7431, 0.5527]
        lsstExtCoeffs = [1.8140, 1.4166, 0.9947, 0.7370, 0.5790, 0.4761]

        sdssPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(['u','g','r','i','z'],
                                         bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),
                                         bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')

        #Load Bandpasses for LSST colors to get colors from matched SEDs
        lsstFilterList = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y')
        lsstPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(lsstFilterList)
        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        #Calculate colors and add them to the SED objects
        kuruczColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(kuruczList, sdssPhot)
        mltColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(mltList, sdssPhot)
        hColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(wdListH, sdssPhot)
        heColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(wdListHE, sdssPhot)

        listDict = {'kurucz':kuruczList, 'mlt':mltList, 'H':wdListH, 'HE':wdListHE}
        colorDict = {'kurucz':kuruczColors, 'mlt':mltColors, 'H':hColors, 'HE':heColors}

        for filename, outFile in zip(filenameList, outFileList):
            if filename.endswith('.txt'):
                galfastIn = open(filename, 'rt')
                inFits = False
                gzFile = False
                num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(filename))
            elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
                galfastIn = gzip.open(filename, 'rt')
                inFits = False
                gzFile = True
                num_lines = sum(1 for line in gzip.open(filename))
            elif filename.endswith('fits'):
                hdulist = fits.open(filename)
                galfastIn = hdulist[1].data
                num_lines = len(galfastIn)
                gzFile = False
                inFits = True

            if outFile.endswith('.txt'):
                fOut = open(outFile, 'wt')
            elif outFile.endswith('.gz'):
                fOut = gzip.open(outFile, 'wt')
            fOut.write('#oID, ra, dec, gall, galb, coordX, coordY, coordZ, sEDName, magNorm, ' +\
                       'LSSTugrizy, SDSSugriz, absSDSSr, pmRA, pmDec, vRad, pml, pmb, vRadlb, ' +\
                       'vR, vPhi, vZ, FeH, pop, distKpc, ebv, ebvInf\n')
            header_length = 0
            numChunks = 0
            if inFits == False:
                galfastDict = self.parseGalfast(galfastIn.readline())
                header_length += 1
                header_status = True
                while header_status == True:
                    newLine = galfastIn.readline()
                    if newLine[0] != '#':
                        header_status = False
                        header_length += 1
            print('Total objects = %i' % (num_lines - header_length))
            numChunks = ((num_lines-header_length)//chunkSize) + 1

            for chunk in range(0,numChunks):
                if chunk == numChunks-1:
                    lastChunkSize = (num_lines - header_length) % chunkSize
                    readSize = lastChunkSize
                    readSize = chunkSize
                oID = np.arange(readSize*chunk, readSize*(chunk+1))
                if inFits:
                    starData = galfastIn[readSize*chunk:(readSize*chunk + readSize)]
                    sDSS = starData.field('SDSSugriz')
                    gall, galb = np.transpose(starData.field('lb'))
                    ra, dec = np.transpose(starData.field('radec'))
                    coordX, coordY, coordZ = np.transpose(starData.field('XYZ'))
                    DM = starData.field('DM')
                    absSDSSr = starData.field('absSDSSr')
                    pop = starData.field('comp')
                    FeH = starData.field('FeH')
                    vR, vPhi, vZ = np.transpose(starData.field('vcyl'))
                    pml, pmb, vRadlb = np.transpose(starData.field('pmlb'))
                    pmRA, pmDec, vRad = np.transpose(starData.field('pmradec'))
                    am = starData.field('Am')
                    amInf = starData.field('AmInf')
                    sdssPhotoFlags = starData.field('SDSSugrizPhotoFlags')
                    if gzFile == False:
                        with open(filename) as t_in:
                            starData = np.loadtxt(itertools.islice(t_in,((readSize*chunk)+header_length),
                        with gzip.open(filename) as t_in:
                            starData = np.loadtxt(itertools.islice(t_in,((readSize*chunk)+header_length),
                    starData = np.transpose(starData)
                    gall = starData[galfastDict['l']]
                    galb = starData[galfastDict['b']]
                    ra = starData[galfastDict['ra']]
                    dec = starData[galfastDict['dec']]
                    coordX = starData[galfastDict['X']]
                    coordY = starData[galfastDict['Y']]
                    coordZ = starData[galfastDict['Z']]
                    DM = starData[galfastDict['DM']]
                    absSDSSr = starData[galfastDict['absSDSSr']]
                    pop = starData[galfastDict['comp']]
                    FeH = starData[galfastDict['FeH']]
                    vR = starData[galfastDict['Vr']]
                    vPhi = starData[galfastDict['Vphi']]
                    vZ = starData[galfastDict['Vz']]
                    pml = starData[galfastDict['pml']]
                    pmb = starData[galfastDict['pmb']]
                    vRadlb = starData[galfastDict['vRadlb']]
                    pmRA = starData[galfastDict['pmra']]
                    pmDec = starData[galfastDict['pmdec']]
                    vRad = starData[galfastDict['vRad']]
                    am = starData[galfastDict['Am']]
                    amInf = starData[galfastDict['AmInf']]
                    sDSS = np.transpose(starData[galfastDict['SDSSu']:galfastDict['SDSSz']+1])
                    sDSSPhotoFlags = starData[galfastDict['SDSSPhotoFlags']]

                #End of input, now onto processing and output
                sDSSunred = selectStarSED0.deReddenMags(am, sDSS, sdssExtCoeffs)
                if readSize == 1:
                    ra = np.array([ra])
                    dec = np.array([dec])
                Info about the following population cuts:
                From Zeljko: "This color corresponds to the temperature (roughly spectral type M0) where
                Kurucz models become increasingly bad, and thus we switch to empirical SEDs (the problem
                is that for M and later stars, the effective surface temperature is low enough for
                molecules to form, and their opacity is too complex to easily model, especially TiO)."
                mIn = np.where(((pop < 10) | (pop >= 20)) & (sDSSunred[:,2] - sDSSunred[:,3] > 0.59))
                kIn = np.where(((pop < 10) | (pop >= 20)) & (sDSSunred[:,2] - sDSSunred[:,3] <= 0.59))
                hIn = np.where((pop >= 10) & (pop < 15))
                heIn = np.where((pop >= 15) & (pop < 20))

                sEDNameK, magNormK, matchErrorK = selectStarSED0.findSED(listDict['kurucz'],
                                                                         sDSSunred[kIn], ra[kIn], dec[kIn],
                                                                         reddening = False,
                                                                         colors = colorDict['kurucz'])
                sEDNameM, magNormM, matchErrorM = selectStarSED0.findSED(listDict['mlt'],
                                                                         sDSSunred[mIn], ra[mIn], dec[mIn],
                                                                         reddening = False,
                                                                         colors = colorDict['mlt'])
                sEDNameH, magNormH, matchErrorH = selectStarSED0.findSED(listDict['H'],
                                                                         sDSSunred[hIn], ra[hIn], dec[hIn],
                                                                         reddening = False,
                                                                         colors = colorDict['H'])
                sEDNameHE, magNormHE, matchErrorHE = selectStarSED0.findSED(listDict['HE'],
                                                                            ra[heIn], dec[heIn],
                                                                            reddening = False,
                                                                            colors = colorDict['HE'])
                chunkNames = np.empty(readSize, dtype = 'S32')
                chunkTypes = np.empty(readSize, dtype = 'S8')
                chunkMagNorms = np.zeros(readSize)
                chunkMatchErrors = np.zeros(readSize)
                chunkNames[kIn] = sEDNameK
                chunkTypes[kIn] = 'kurucz'
                chunkMagNorms[kIn] = magNormK
                chunkMatchErrors[kIn] = matchErrorK
                chunkNames[mIn] = sEDNameM
                chunkTypes[mIn] = 'mlt'
                chunkMagNorms[mIn] = magNormM
                chunkMatchErrors[mIn] = matchErrorM
                chunkNames[hIn] = sEDNameH
                chunkTypes[hIn] = 'H'
                chunkMagNorms[hIn] = magNormH
                chunkMatchErrors[hIn] = matchErrorH
                chunkNames[heIn] = sEDNameHE
                chunkTypes[heIn] = 'HE'
                chunkMagNorms[heIn] = magNormHE
                chunkMatchErrors[heIn] = matchErrorHE
                lsstMagsUnred = []
                for sedName, sedType, magNorm, matchError in zip(chunkNames.astype(str),
                    testSED = Sed()
                                   flambda = listDict[sedType][positionDict[sedName]].flambda)
                    fluxNorm = testSED.calcFluxNorm(magNorm, imSimBand)
                #If the extinction value is negative then it will add the reddening back in
                lsstMags = selectStarSED0.deReddenMags((-1.0*am), lsstMagsUnred,
                distKpc = self.convDMtoKpc(DM)
                ebv = am / 2.285 #From Schlafly and Finkbeiner 2011, (ApJ, 737, 103)  for sdssr
                ebvInf = amInf / 2.285
                for line in range(0, readSize):
                    outFmt = '%i,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%s,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                    if readSize == 1:
                        if inFits == True:
                            sDSS = sDSS[0]
                        outDat = (oID, ra[line], dec[line], gall, galb, coordX,
                                  coordY, coordZ, chunkNames,
                                  chunkMagNorms, chunkMatchErrors,
                                  lsstMags[line][0], lsstMags[line][1], lsstMags[line][2],
                                  lsstMags[line][3], lsstMags[line][4], lsstMags[line][5],
                                  sDSS[0], sDSS[1], sDSS[2], sDSS[3],
                                  sDSS[4], absSDSSr, pmRA, pmDec, vRad,
                                  pml, pmb, vRadlb, vR, vPhi, vZ,
                                  FeH, pop, distKpc, ebv, ebvInf)
                        outDat = (oID[line], ra[line], dec[line], gall[line], galb[line], coordX[line],
                                  coordY[line], coordZ[line], chunkNames[line],
                                  chunkMagNorms[line], chunkMatchErrors[line],
                                  lsstMags[line][0], lsstMags[line][1], lsstMags[line][2],
                                  lsstMags[line][3], lsstMags[line][4], lsstMags[line][5],
                                  sDSS[line][0], sDSS[line][1], sDSS[line][2], sDSS[line][3],
                                  sDSS[line][4], absSDSSr[line], pmRA[line], pmDec[line], vRad[line],
                                  pml[line], pmb[line], vRadlb[line], vR[line], vPhi[line], vZ[line],
                                  FeH[line], pop[line], distKpc[line], ebv[line], ebvInf[line])
                    fOut.write(outFmt % outDat)
                print('Chunk Num Done = %i out of %i' % (chunk+1, numChunks))
    def testFindSED(self):
        """Pull SEDs from each type and make sure that each SED gets matched to itself.
        Includes testing with extinction and passing in only colors."""
        starPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(('u','g','r','i','z'),
                                        bandpassDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),'sdss'),
                                        bandpassRoot = 'sdss_')

        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        testMatching = selectStarSED(sEDDir = self.testSpecDir, kuruczDir = self.testKDir,
                                     mltDir = self.testMLTDir, wdDir = self.testWDDir)
        testSEDList = []
        testSEDListH, testSEDListHE = testMatching.loadwdSEDs()

        testSEDNames = []
        testMags = []
        testMagNormList = []
        magNormStep = 1

        for typeList in testSEDList:
            if len(typeList) != 0:
                typeSEDNames = []
                typeMags = []
                typeMagNorms = []
                for testSED in typeList:
                    getSEDMags = Sed()
                    getSEDMags.setSED(wavelen = testSED.wavelen, flambda = testSED.flambda)
                    testMagNorm = np.round(np.random.uniform(20.0,22.0),magNormStep)
                    fluxNorm = getSEDMags.calcFluxNorm(testMagNorm, imSimBand)

        fakeRA = np.ones(len(testSEDList[0]))
        fakeDec = np.ones(len(testSEDList[0]))

        #Since default bandpassDict should be SDSS ugrizy shouldn't need to specify it
        #Substitute in nan values to simulate incomplete data.
        for typeList, names, mags, magNorms in zip(testSEDList, testSEDNames, testMags, testMagNormList):
            if len(typeList) > 2:
                nanMags = np.array(mags)
                nanMags[0][0] = np.nan
                nanMags[0][2] = np.nan
                nanMags[0][3] = np.nan
                nanMags[1][1] = np.nan
                testMatchingResults = testMatching.findSED(typeList, nanMags, reddening = False)
                self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[0][0])
                self.assertEqual(names[1:], testMatchingResults[0][1:])
                self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResults[1][0])
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(magNorms[1:], testMatchingResults[1][1:],
                                               decimal = magNormStep)
                testMatchingResults = testMatching.findSED(typeList, mags, reddening = False)
                self.assertEqual(names, testMatchingResults[0])
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(magNorms, testMatchingResults[1], decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Null Values option
        nullMags = np.array(testMags[0])
        nullMags[0][0] = -99.
        nullMags[0][4] = -99.
        nullMags[1][0] = -99.
        nullMags[1][1] = -99.
        testMatchingResultsNull = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], nullMags,
                                                       nullValues = -99., reddening = False)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingResultsNull[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingResultsNull[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Error Output
        errMags = np.array((testMags[0][0], testMags[0][0], testMags[0][0], testMags[0][0]))
        errMags[1,1] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(4 colors) = 0.5
        errMags[2, 0:2] = np.nan
        errMags[2, 3] += 1. #Total MSE will be 2/(2 colors) = 1.0
        errMags[3, :] = None
        errSED = testSEDList[0][0]
        testMatchingResultsErrors = testMatching.findSED([errSED], errMags, reddening = False)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array((0.0, 0.5, 1.0)), testMatchingResultsErrors[2][0:3],
                                       decimal = 3)
        self.assertEqual(None, testMatchingResultsErrors[2][3])

        #Now test what happens if we pass in a bandpassDict
        testMatchingResultsNoDefault = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], testMags[0],
                                                            bandpassDict = starPhot,
                                                            reddening = False)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingResultsNoDefault[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingResultsNoDefault[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        #Test Reddening
        testRA = np.random.uniform(10,170,len(testSEDList[0]))
        testDec = np.random.uniform(10,80,len(testSEDList[0]))
        extFactor = .5
        raDec = np.array((testRA, testDec))
        ebvVals = ebv().calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates = raDec)
        extVals = ebvVals*extFactor
        testRedMags = []
        for extVal, testMagSet in zip(extVals, testMags[0]):
            testRedMags.append(testMagSet + extVal)
        testMatchingResultsRed = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], testRedMags, catRA = testRA,
                                                      catDec = testDec, reddening = True,
                                                      extCoeffs = np.ones(5)*extFactor)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingResultsRed[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingResultsRed[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)

        #Finally, test color input
        testColors = []
        for testMagSet in testMags[0]:
            testColorSet = []
            for filtNum in range(0, len(starPhot)-1):
                testColorSet.append(testMagSet[filtNum] - testMagSet[filtNum+1])
        testMatchingColorsInput = testMatching.findSED(testSEDList[0], testMags[0],
                                                       reddening = False, colors = testColors)
        self.assertEqual(testSEDNames[0], testMatchingColorsInput[0])
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(testMagNormList[0], testMatchingColorsInput[1],
                                       decimal = magNormStep)
Example #23
    def loadGalfast(self,
        This is customized for the outputs we currently need for the purposes of consistent output
        It will read in a galfast output file and output desired values for database input into a file

        @param [in] filenameList is a list of the galfast output files that will be loaded and processed.
        Can process fits, gzipped, or txt output from galfast.

        @param [in] outFileList is a list of the names of the output files that will be created. If gzipped
        output is desired simply write the filenames with .gz at the end.

        @param [in] kuruczPath is a place to specify a path to kurucz SED files

        @param [in] mltPath is the same as kuruczPath except that it specifies a directory for the
        mlt SEDs

        @param [in] wdPath is the same as the previous two except that it specifies a path to a
        white dwarf SED directory.

        @param [in] kuruczSubset is a list which provides a subset of the kurucz files within the
        kurucz folder that one wants to use

        @param [in] mltSubset is a list which provides a subset of the mlt files within the
        mlt folder that one wants to use

        @param [in] wdSubset is a list which provides a subset of the wd files within the
        wd folder that one wants to use

        @param [in] chunkSize is the size of chunks of lines to be read from the catalog at one time.

        for filename in filenameList:
            #Make sure input file exists and is readable format before doing anything else
            if os.path.isfile(filename) == False:
                raise RuntimeError('*** File does not exist')

            #Process various possible galfast outputs
            if filename.endswith(('.txt', '.gz', '.fits')):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    str('*** Unsupported File Format in file: ' +

        #If all files exist and are in proper formats then load seds

        selectStarSED0 = selectStarSED(kuruczDir=kuruczPath,

        if kuruczSubset is None:
            kuruczList = selectStarSED0.loadKuruczSEDs()
            kuruczList = selectStarSED0.loadKuruczSEDs(subset=kuruczSubset)

        #Only need one dictionary since none of the names overlap
        positionDict = {}
        for kNum, kuruczSED in enumerate(kuruczList):
            positionDict[kuruczSED.name] = kNum

        if mltSubset is None:
            mltList = selectStarSED0.loadmltSEDs()
            mltList = selectStarSED0.loadmltSEDs(subset=mltSubset)

        for mltNum, mltSED in enumerate(mltList):
            positionDict[mltSED.name] = mltNum

        if wdSubset is None:
            wdListH, wdListHE = selectStarSED0.loadwdSEDs()
            wdListH, wdListHE = selectStarSED0.loadwdSEDs(subset=wdSubset)

        for hNum, hSED in enumerate(wdListH):
            positionDict[hSED.name] = hNum

        for heNum, heSED in enumerate(wdListHE):
            positionDict[heSED.name] = heNum

        #For adding/subtracting extinction when calculating colors
        #Numbers below come from Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011) (ApJ, 737, 103)
        #normalized by SDSS r mag value
        sdssExtCoeffs = [1.8551, 1.4455, 1.0, 0.7431, 0.5527]
        lsstExtCoeffs = [1.8140, 1.4166, 0.9947, 0.7370, 0.5790, 0.4761]

        sdssPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(
            ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'],

        #Load Bandpasses for LSST colors to get colors from matched SEDs
        lsstFilterList = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y')
        lsstPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(lsstFilterList)
        imSimBand = Bandpass()

        #Calculate colors and add them to the SED objects
        kuruczColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(kuruczList, sdssPhot)
        mltColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(mltList, sdssPhot)
        hColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(wdListH, sdssPhot)
        heColors = selectStarSED0.calcBasicColors(wdListHE, sdssPhot)

        listDict = {
            'kurucz': kuruczList,
            'mlt': mltList,
            'H': wdListH,
            'HE': wdListHE
        colorDict = {
            'kurucz': kuruczColors,
            'mlt': mltColors,
            'H': hColors,
            'HE': heColors

        for filename, outFile in zip(filenameList, outFileList):
            if filename.endswith('.txt'):
                galfastIn = open(filename, 'rt')
                inFits = False
                gzFile = False
                num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(filename))
            elif filename.endswith('.gz'):
                galfastIn = gzip.open(filename, 'rt')
                inFits = False
                gzFile = True
                num_lines = sum(1 for line in gzip.open(filename))
            elif filename.endswith('fits'):
                hdulist = fits.open(filename)
                galfastIn = hdulist[1].data
                num_lines = len(galfastIn)
                gzFile = False
                inFits = True

            if outFile.endswith('.txt'):
                fOut = open(outFile, 'wt')
            elif outFile.endswith('.gz'):
                fOut = gzip.open(outFile, 'wt')
            fOut.write('#oID, ra, dec, gall, galb, coordX, coordY, coordZ, sEDName, magNorm, ' +\
                       'LSSTugrizy, SDSSugriz, absSDSSr, pmRA, pmDec, vRad, pml, pmb, vRadlb, ' +\
                       'vR, vPhi, vZ, FeH, pop, distKpc, ebv, ebvInf\n')
            header_length = 0
            numChunks = 0
            if inFits == False:
                galfastDict = self.parseGalfast(galfastIn.readline())
                header_length += 1
                header_status = True
                while header_status == True:
                    newLine = galfastIn.readline()
                    if newLine[0] != '#':
                        header_status = False
                        header_length += 1
            print('Total objects = %i' % (num_lines - header_length))
            numChunks = ((num_lines - header_length) // chunkSize) + 1

            for chunk in range(0, numChunks):
                if chunk == numChunks - 1:
                    lastChunkSize = (num_lines - header_length) % chunkSize
                    readSize = lastChunkSize
                    readSize = chunkSize
                oID = np.arange(readSize * chunk, readSize * (chunk + 1))
                if inFits:
                    starData = galfastIn[readSize * chunk:(readSize * chunk +
                    sDSS = starData.field('SDSSugriz')
                    gall, galb = np.transpose(starData.field('lb'))
                    ra, dec = np.transpose(starData.field('radec'))
                    coordX, coordY, coordZ = np.transpose(
                    DM = starData.field('DM')
                    absSDSSr = starData.field('absSDSSr')
                    pop = starData.field('comp')
                    FeH = starData.field('FeH')
                    vR, vPhi, vZ = np.transpose(starData.field('vcyl'))
                    pml, pmb, vRadlb = np.transpose(starData.field('pmlb'))
                    pmRA, pmDec, vRad = np.transpose(starData.field('pmradec'))
                    am = starData.field('Am')
                    amInf = starData.field('AmInf')
                    sdssPhotoFlags = starData.field('SDSSugrizPhotoFlags')
                    if gzFile == False:
                        with open(filename) as t_in:
                            starData = np.loadtxt(
                                    t_in, ((readSize * chunk) + header_length),
                                    ((readSize *
                                      (chunk + 1)) + header_length)))
                        with gzip.open(filename) as t_in:
                            starData = np.loadtxt(
                                    t_in, ((readSize * chunk) + header_length),
                                    ((readSize *
                                      (chunk + 1)) + header_length)))
                    starData = np.transpose(starData)
                    gall = starData[galfastDict['l']]
                    galb = starData[galfastDict['b']]
                    ra = starData[galfastDict['ra']]
                    dec = starData[galfastDict['dec']]
                    coordX = starData[galfastDict['X']]
                    coordY = starData[galfastDict['Y']]
                    coordZ = starData[galfastDict['Z']]
                    DM = starData[galfastDict['DM']]
                    absSDSSr = starData[galfastDict['absSDSSr']]
                    pop = starData[galfastDict['comp']]
                    FeH = starData[galfastDict['FeH']]
                    vR = starData[galfastDict['Vr']]
                    vPhi = starData[galfastDict['Vphi']]
                    vZ = starData[galfastDict['Vz']]
                    pml = starData[galfastDict['pml']]
                    pmb = starData[galfastDict['pmb']]
                    vRadlb = starData[galfastDict['vRadlb']]
                    pmRA = starData[galfastDict['pmra']]
                    pmDec = starData[galfastDict['pmdec']]
                    vRad = starData[galfastDict['vRad']]
                    am = starData[galfastDict['Am']]
                    amInf = starData[galfastDict['AmInf']]
                    sDSS = np.transpose(
                        starData[galfastDict['SDSSu']:galfastDict['SDSSz'] +
                    sDSSPhotoFlags = starData[galfastDict['SDSSPhotoFlags']]

                #End of input, now onto processing and output
                sDSSunred = selectStarSED0.deReddenMags(
                    am, sDSS, sdssExtCoeffs)
                if readSize == 1:
                    ra = np.array([ra])
                    dec = np.array([dec])
                Info about the following population cuts:
                From Zeljko: "This color corresponds to the temperature (roughly spectral type M0) where
                Kurucz models become increasingly bad, and thus we switch to empirical SEDs (the problem
                is that for M and later stars, the effective surface temperature is low enough for
                molecules to form, and their opacity is too complex to easily model, especially TiO)."
                mIn = np.where(((pop < 10) | (pop >= 20))
                               & (sDSSunred[:, 2] - sDSSunred[:, 3] > 0.59))
                kIn = np.where(((pop < 10) | (pop >= 20))
                               & (sDSSunred[:, 2] - sDSSunred[:, 3] <= 0.59))
                hIn = np.where((pop >= 10) & (pop < 15))
                heIn = np.where((pop >= 15) & (pop < 20))

                sEDNameK, magNormK, matchErrorK = selectStarSED0.findSED(
                sEDNameM, magNormM, matchErrorM = selectStarSED0.findSED(
                sEDNameH, magNormH, matchErrorH = selectStarSED0.findSED(
                sEDNameHE, magNormHE, matchErrorHE = selectStarSED0.findSED(
                chunkNames = np.empty(readSize, dtype='S32')
                chunkTypes = np.empty(readSize, dtype='S8')
                chunkMagNorms = np.zeros(readSize)
                chunkMatchErrors = np.zeros(readSize)
                chunkNames[kIn] = sEDNameK
                chunkTypes[kIn] = 'kurucz'
                chunkMagNorms[kIn] = magNormK
                chunkMatchErrors[kIn] = matchErrorK
                chunkNames[mIn] = sEDNameM
                chunkTypes[mIn] = 'mlt'
                chunkMagNorms[mIn] = magNormM
                chunkMatchErrors[mIn] = matchErrorM
                chunkNames[hIn] = sEDNameH
                chunkTypes[hIn] = 'H'
                chunkMagNorms[hIn] = magNormH
                chunkMatchErrors[hIn] = matchErrorH
                chunkNames[heIn] = sEDNameHE
                chunkTypes[heIn] = 'HE'
                chunkMagNorms[heIn] = magNormHE
                chunkMatchErrors[heIn] = matchErrorHE
                lsstMagsUnred = []
                for sedName, sedType, magNorm, matchError in zip(
                        chunkNames.astype(str), chunkTypes.astype(str),
                        chunkMagNorms, chunkMatchErrors):
                    testSED = Sed()
                    fluxNorm = testSED.calcFluxNorm(magNorm, imSimBand)
                #If the extinction value is negative then it will add the reddening back in
                lsstMags = selectStarSED0.deReddenMags(
                    (-1.0 * am), lsstMagsUnred, lsstExtCoeffs)
                distKpc = self.convDMtoKpc(DM)
                ebv = am / 2.285  #From Schlafly and Finkbeiner 2011, (ApJ, 737, 103)  for sdssr
                ebvInf = amInf / 2.285
                for line in range(0, readSize):
                    outFmt = '%i,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%s,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                             '%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,%3.7f,' +\
                    if readSize == 1:
                        if inFits == True:
                            sDSS = sDSS[0]
                        outDat = (oID, ra[line], dec[line], gall, galb, coordX,
                                  coordY, coordZ, chunkNames, chunkMagNorms,
                                  chunkMatchErrors, lsstMags[line][0],
                                  lsstMags[line][1], lsstMags[line][2],
                                  lsstMags[line][3], lsstMags[line][4],
                                  lsstMags[line][5], sDSS[0], sDSS[1], sDSS[2],
                                  sDSS[3], sDSS[4], absSDSSr, pmRA, pmDec,
                                  vRad, pml, pmb, vRadlb, vR, vPhi, vZ, FeH,
                                  pop, distKpc, ebv, ebvInf)
                        outDat = (oID[line], ra[line], dec[line], gall[line],
                                  galb[line], coordX[line], coordY[line],
                                  coordZ[line], chunkNames[line],
                                  chunkMagNorms[line], chunkMatchErrors[line],
                                  lsstMags[line][0], lsstMags[line][1],
                                  lsstMags[line][2], lsstMags[line][3],
                                  lsstMags[line][4], lsstMags[line][5],
                                  sDSS[line][0], sDSS[line][1], sDSS[line][2],
                                  sDSS[line][3], sDSS[line][4], absSDSSr[line],
                                  pmRA[line], pmDec[line], vRad[line],
                                  pml[line], pmb[line], vRadlb[line], vR[line],
                                  vPhi[line], vZ[line], FeH[line], pop[line],
                                  distKpc[line], ebv[line], ebvInf[line])
                    fOut.write(outFmt % outDat)
                print('Chunk Num Done = %i out of %i' % (chunk + 1, numChunks))
    def matchToObserved(self,
                        extCoeffs=(4.239, 3.303, 2.285, 1.698, 1.263)):
        This will find the closest match to the magnitudes of a galaxy catalog if those magnitudes are in
        the observed frame and can correct for reddening from within the milky way as well if needed.
        In order to make things faster it first calculates colors for all model SEDs at redshifts between
        the minimum and maximum redshifts of the catalog objects provided with a grid spacing in redshift
        defined by the parameter dzAcc. Objects without magnitudes in at least two adjacent bandpasses will
        return as none and print out a message.

        @param [in] sedList is the set of spectral objects from the models SEDs provided by loadBC03
        or other custom loader routine.

        @param [in] catMags is an array of the magnitudes of catalog objects to be matched with a model SED.
        It should be organized so that there is one object's magnitudes along each row.

        @param [in] catRedshifts is an array of the redshifts of each catalog object.

        @param [in] catRA is an array of the RA positions for each catalog object.

        @param [in] catDec is an array of the Dec position for each catalog object.

        @param [in] mag_error are provided error values for magnitudes in objectMags. If none provided
        then this defaults to 1.0. This should be an array of the same size as catMags.

        @param [in] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict with which to calculate magnitudes.
        If left equal to None it will by default load the SDSS [u,g,r,i,z] bandpasses and therefore agree with
        default extCoeffs.

        @param [in] dzAcc is the number of decimal places you want to use when building the redshift grid.
        For example, dzAcc = 2 will create a grid between the minimum and maximum redshifts with colors
        calculated at every 0.01 change in redshift.

        @param [in] reddening is a boolean that determines whether to correct catalog magnitudes for
        dust in the milky way. By default, it is True.
        If true, this uses calculateEBV from EBV.py to find an EBV value for the object's
        ra and dec coordinates and then uses the coefficients provided by extCoeffs which should come
        from Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011) for the correct filters and in the same order as provided
        in bandpassDict.
        If false, this means it will not run the dereddening procedure.

        @param [in] extCoeffs are the Schlafly and Finkbeiner (2011) (ApJ, 737, 103) coefficients for the
        given filters from bandpassDict and need to be in the same order as bandpassDict. The default given
        are the SDSS [u,g,r,i,z] values.

        @param [out] sedMatches is a list with the name of a model SED that matches most closely to each
        object in the catalog.

        @param [out] magNormMatches are the magnitude normalizations for the given magnitudes and
        matched SED.

        @param [out] matchErrors contains the Mean Squared Error between the colors of each object and 
        the colors of the matched SED.

        #Set up photometry to calculate model Mags
        if bandpassDict is None:
            galPhot = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(
                ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'],
                    lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'sdss'),
            galPhot = bandpassDict

        #Calculate ebv from ra, dec coordinates if needed
        if reddening == True:
            #Check that catRA and catDec are included
            if catRA is None or catDec is None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Reddening is True, but catRA and catDec are not included."
            calcEBV = ebv()
            raDec = np.array((catRA, catDec))
            #If only matching one object need to reshape for calculateEbv
            if len(raDec.shape) == 1:
                raDec = raDec.reshape((2, 1))
            ebvVals = calcEBV.calculateEbv(equatorialCoordinates=raDec)
            objMags = self.deReddenMags(ebvVals, catMags, extCoeffs)
            objMags = catMags

        minRedshift = np.round(np.min(catRedshifts), dzAcc)
        maxRedshift = np.round(np.max(catRedshifts), dzAcc)
        dz = np.power(10., (-1 * dzAcc))

        redshiftRange = np.round(
            np.arange(minRedshift - dz, maxRedshift + (2 * dz), dz), dzAcc)
        numRedshifted = 0
        sedMatches = [None] * len(catRedshifts)
        magNormMatches = [None] * len(catRedshifts)
        matchErrors = [None] * len(catRedshifts)
        redshiftIndex = np.argsort(catRedshifts)

        numOn = 0
        notMatched = 0
        lastRedshift = -100
        print 'Starting Matching. Arranged by redshift value.'
        for redshift in redshiftRange:

            if numRedshifted % 10 == 0:
                print '%i out of %i redshifts gone through' % (
                    numRedshifted, len(redshiftRange))
            numRedshifted += 1

            colorSet = []
            for galSpec in sedList:
                sedColors = []
                fileSED = Sed()
                sedColors = self.calcBasicColors([fileSED],
            colorSet = np.transpose(colorSet)
            for currentIndex in redshiftIndex[numOn:]:
                matchMags = objMags[currentIndex]
                if lastRedshift < np.round(catRedshifts[currentIndex],
                                           dzAcc) <= redshift:
                    colorRange = np.arange(0, len(galPhot) - 1)
                    matchColors = []
                    for colorNum in colorRange:
                        matchColors.append(matchMags[colorNum] -
                                           matchMags[colorNum + 1])
                    #This is done to handle objects with incomplete magnitude data
                    filtNums = np.arange(0, len(galPhot))
                    if np.isnan(np.amin(matchColors)) == True:
                        colorRange = np.where(
                            np.isnan(matchColors) == False)[0]
                        filtNums = np.unique([
                            colorRange, colorRange + 1
                        ])  #Pick right filters in calcMagNorm
                    if len(colorRange) == 0:
                        print 'Could not match object #%i. No magnitudes for two adjacent bandpasses.' \
                              % (currentIndex)
                        notMatched += 1
                        #Don't need to assign 'None' here in result array, b/c 'None' is default value
                        distanceArray = [np.zeros(len(sedList))]
                        for colorNum in colorRange:
                            distanceArray += np.power(
                                (colorSet[colorNum] - matchColors[colorNum]),
                        matchedSEDNum = np.nanargmin(distanceArray)
                        sedMatches[currentIndex] = sedList[matchedSEDNum].name
                        magNormVal = self.calcMagNorm(
                        magNormMatches[currentIndex] = magNormVal
                        matchErrors[currentIndex] = (
                            distanceArray[0, matchedSEDNum] / len(colorRange))
                    numOn += 1
            lastRedshift = redshift

        print 'Done Matching. Matched %i of %i catalog objects to SEDs' % (
            len(catMags) - notMatched, len(catMags))
        if notMatched > 0:
            print '%i objects did not get matched.' % (notMatched)

        return sedMatches, magNormMatches, matchErrors