def interpSpec(self, interpPoints, maxAM=2.5,
                   limits=[np.radians(-5.), np.radians(-20.)]):
        interpPoints should have airmass, azRelSun, and sunAlt.

        npts = np.size(self.solarWave)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits)) &
                        (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits)) &
                        (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM) &
                        (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        # Compute the expected flux in each of the filters that we have fits for
        fluxes = []
        for filterName in self.filterNames:
            fluxes.append(twilightFunc(interpPoints[good], *self.fitResults[filterName]))
        fluxes = np.array(fluxes)

        # ratio of model flux to raw solar flux:
        yvals = fluxes.T/(10.**(-0.4*(self.solarMag-np.log10(3631.))))

        # Find wavelengths bluer than cutoff
        blueRegion = np.where(self.solarWave < np.min(self.effWave))

        for i, yval in enumerate(yvals):
            interpF = interp1d(self.effWave, yval, bounds_error=False, fill_value=yval[-1])
            ratio = interpF(self.solarWave)
            interpBlue = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.effWave, yval, k=1)
            ratio[blueRegion] = interpBlue(self.solarWave[blueRegion])
            result[good[i]] = self.solarFlux*ratio

        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.solarWave}
    def interpMag(self, interpPoints, maxAM=2.5,
                  limits=[np.radians(-11.), np.radians(-20.)]):
        npts = np.size(self.lsstEffWave)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits)) &
                        (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits)) &
                        (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM) &
                        (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        for i, filterName in enumerate(self.lsstFilterNames):
            result[good, i] = twilightFunc(interpPoints[good], *self.lsstEquations[i, :].tolist())

        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.lsstEffWave}
    def interpMag(self,
                  limits=[np.radians(-11.), np.radians(-20.)]):
        npts = np.size(self.lsstEffWave)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM)
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        for i, filterName in enumerate(self.lsstFilterNames):
            result[good, i] = twilightFunc(interpPoints[good],
                                           *self.lsstEquations[i, :].tolist())
        #mask = np.where(result == 0.)
        #result =  10.**(-0.4*(result-np.log10(3631.)))
        #result[mask]  = 0.
        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.lsstEffWave}
Example #4
    def interpMag(self,
                  limits=[np.radians(-11.), np.radians(-20.)],
                  filterNames=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']):
        npts = len(filterNames)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM)
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        for i, filterName in enumerate(filterNames):
            result[good, i] = twilightFunc(
                interpPoints[good], *self.lsstEquations[
                    self.filterNameDict[filterName], :].tolist())

        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.lsstEffWave}
    def interpMag(self, interpPoints, maxAM=2.5,
                  limits=[np.radians(-5.), np.radians(-20.)],
                  filterNames=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']):
        Originally fit the twilight with a cutoff of sun altitude of -11 degrees. I think it can be safely
        extrapolated farther, but be warned you may be entering a regime where it breaks down.
        npts = len(filterNames)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits)) &
                        (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits)) &
                        (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM) &
                        (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        for i, filterName in enumerate(filterNames):
            result[good, i] = twilightFunc(interpPoints[good],
                                           *self.lsstEquations[self.filterNameDict[filterName], :].tolist())

        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.lsstEffWave}
    def interpSpec(self,
        interpPoints should have airmass, azRelSun, and sunAlt.

        npts = np.size(self.solarWave)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM)
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        # Compute the expected flux in each of the filters that we have fits for
        fluxes = []
        for filterName in self.filterNames:
                twilightFunc(interpPoints[good], *self.fitResults[filterName]))
        fluxes = np.array(fluxes)

        # ratio of model flux to raw solar flux:
        yvals = fluxes.T / (10.**(-0.4 * (self.solarMag - np.log10(3631.))))

        # Find wavelengths bluer than cutoff
        blueRegion = np.where(self.solarWave < np.min(self.effWave))

        for i, yval in enumerate(yvals):
            interpF = interp1d(self.effWave,
            ratio = interpF(self.solarWave)
            interpBlue = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.effWave, yval, k=1)
            ratio[blueRegion] = interpBlue(self.solarWave[blueRegion])
            result[good[i]] = self.solarFlux * ratio

        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.solarWave}
Example #7
    def interpMag(self,
                  limits=[np.radians(-5.), np.radians(-20.)],
                  filterNames=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']):
        Originally fit the twilight with a cutoff of sun altitude of -11 degrees. I think it can be safely
        extrapolated farther, but be warned you may be entering a regime where it breaks down.
        npts = len(filterNames)
        result = np.zeros((np.size(interpPoints), npts), dtype=float)

        good = np.where((interpPoints['sunAlt'] >= np.min(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['sunAlt'] <= np.max(limits))
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] <= maxAM)
                        & (interpPoints['airmass'] >= 1.))[0]

        for i, filterName in enumerate(filterNames):
            result[good, i] = twilightFunc(
                interpPoints[good], *self.lsstEquations[
                    self.filterNameDict[filterName], :].tolist())

        return {'spec': result, 'wave': self.lsstEffWave}