Example #1
    def test_galacticFromEquatorial(self):

        ra = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)
        dec = np.zeros((3), dtype=float)

        ra[0] = 2.549091039839124218e+00
        dec[0] = 5.198752733024248895e-01
        ra[1] = 8.693375673649429425e-01
        dec[1] = 1.038086165642298164e+00
        ra[2] = 7.740864769302191473e-01
        dec[2] = 2.758053025017753179e-01

        glon, glat = utils._galacticFromEquatorial(ra, dec)

        self.assertIsInstance(glon, np.ndarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(glat, np.ndarray)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(glon[0], 3.452036693523627964e+00, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(glat[0], 8.559512505657201897e-01, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(glon[1], 2.455968474619387720e+00, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(glat[1], 3.158563770667878468e-02, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(glon[2], 2.829585540991265358e+00, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(glat[2], -6.510790587552289788e-01, 6)

        # test passing in floats as args
        for ix, (rr, dd) in enumerate(zip(ra, dec)):
            gl, gb = utils._galacticFromEquatorial(rr, dd)
            self.assertIsInstance(rr, np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(dd, np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(gl, np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(gb, np.float)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(gl, glon[ix], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(gb, glat[ix], 10)
Example #2
 def _run(self, simData, cols_present=False):
     # raCol and DecCol in radians, gall/b in radians.
     if cols_present:
         # Column already present in data; assume it is correct and does not need recalculating.
         return simData
     if self.degrees:
         simData['gall'], simData['galb'] = _galacticFromEquatorial(np.radians(simData[self.raCol]),
         simData['gall'], simData['galb'] = _galacticFromEquatorial(simData[self.raCol],
     return simData
    def testGalacticStacker(self):
        Test the galactic coordinate stacker
        ra,dec = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 2.*np.pi, 0.1), np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, 0.1) )
        ra = np.ravel(ra)
        dec = np.ravel(dec)
        data = np.zeros(ra.size, dtype=zip(['ra','dec'],[float]*2))
        data['ra'] += ra
        data['dec'] += dec
        s = stackers.GalacticStacker(raCol='ra', decCol='dec')
        newData = s.run(data)
        expectedL, expectedB = _galacticFromEquatorial(ra, dec)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newData['gall'], expectedL)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newData['galb'], expectedB)

        # Check that we have all the quadrants populated
        q1 = np.where((newData['gall'] < np.pi) & (newData['galb'] < 0.) )[0]
        q2 = np.where((newData['gall'] < np.pi) & (newData['galb'] > 0.) )[0]
        q3 = np.where((newData['gall'] > np.pi) & (newData['galb'] < 0.) )[0]
        q4 = np.where((newData['gall'] > np.pi) & (newData['galb'] > 0.) )[0]
        assert(q1.size > 0)
        assert(q2.size > 0)
        assert(q3.size > 0)
        assert(q4.size > 0)
    def testGalacticFromEquatorial(self):
        raList = self.raList
        decList = self.decList

        lonRad, latRad = utils._galacticFromEquatorial(raList, decList)
        lonDeg, latDeg = utils.galacticFromEquatorial(np.degrees(raList),

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lonRad, np.radians(lonDeg), 10)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(latRad, np.radians(latDeg), 10)

        for ra, dec in zip(raList, decList):
            lonRad, latRad = utils._galacticFromEquatorial(ra, dec)
            lonDeg, latDeg = utils.galacticFromEquatorial(np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(lonRad, np.radians(lonDeg), 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(latRad, np.radians(latDeg), 10)
Example #5
    def testGalacticStacker(self):
        Test the galactic coordinate stacker
        ra, dec = np.degrees(
            np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, 2. * np.pi, 0.1),
                        np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, 0.1)))
        ra = np.ravel(ra)
        dec = np.ravel(dec)
        data = np.zeros(ra.size, dtype=list(zip(['ra', 'dec'], [float] * 2)))
        data['ra'] += ra
        data['dec'] += dec
        s = stackers.GalacticStacker(raCol='ra', decCol='dec')
        newData = s.run(data)
        expectedL, expectedB = _galacticFromEquatorial(np.radians(ra),
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newData['gall'], expectedL)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(newData['galb'], expectedB)

        # Check that we have all the quadrants populated
        q1 = np.where((newData['gall'] < np.pi) & (newData['galb'] < 0.))[0]
        q2 = np.where((newData['gall'] < np.pi) & (newData['galb'] > 0.))[0]
        q3 = np.where((newData['gall'] > np.pi) & (newData['galb'] < 0.))[0]
        q4 = np.where((newData['gall'] > np.pi) & (newData['galb'] > 0.))[0]
        assert (q1.size > 0)
        assert (q2.size > 0)
        assert (q3.size > 0)
        assert (q4.size > 0)
    def testGalacticFromEquatorial(self):
        raList = self.raList
        decList = self.decList

        lonRad, latRad = utils._galacticFromEquatorial(raList, decList)
        lonDeg, latDeg = utils.galacticFromEquatorial(np.degrees(raList),

        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lonRad, np.radians(lonDeg), 10)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(latRad, np.radians(latDeg), 10)

        for ra, dec in zip(raList, decList):
            lonRad, latRad = utils._galacticFromEquatorial(ra, dec)
            lonDeg, latDeg = utils.galacticFromEquatorial(
                np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(lonRad, np.radians(lonDeg), 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(latRad, np.radians(latDeg), 10)
Example #7
    def get_galactic_coords(self):
        Getter for galactic coordinates, in case the catalog class does not provide that

        Reads in the ra and dec from the data base and returns columns with galactic
        longitude and latitude.

        All angles are in radians
        ra = self.column_by_name('raJ2000')
        dec = self.column_by_name('decJ2000')

        glon, glat = _galacticFromEquatorial(ra, dec)

        return np.array([glon, glat])
    def get_galactic_coords(self):
        Getter for galactic coordinates, in case the catalog class does not provide that

        Reads in the ra and dec from the data base and returns columns with galactic
        longitude and latitude.

        All angles are in radians

        glon, glat = _galacticFromEquatorial(ra,dec)

        return numpy.array([glon,glat])
    def test_galacticFromEquatorial(self):




Example #10
    def calculateEbv(self, galacticCoordinates=None, equatorialCoordinates=None, northMap=None, southMap=None,
        For an array of Gal long, lat calculate E(B-V)

        @param [in] galacticCoordinates is a numpy.array; the first row is galactic longitude,
        the second row is galactic latitude in radians

        @param [in] equatorialCoordinates is a numpy.array; the first row is RA, the second row is Dec in

        @param [in] northMap the northern dust map

        @param [in] southMap the southern dust map

        @param [in] interp is a boolean determining whether or not to interpolate the EBV value

        @param [out] ebv is a list of EBV values for all of the gLon, gLat pairs


        # raise an error if the coordinates are specified in both systems
        if galacticCoordinates is not None:
            if equatorialCoordinates is not None:
                raise RuntimeError("Specified both galacticCoordinates and "
                                   "equatorialCoordinates in calculateEbv")

        # convert (ra,dec) into gLon, gLat
        if galacticCoordinates is None:

            # raise an error if you did not specify ra or dec
            if equatorialCoordinates is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Must specify coordinates in calculateEbv")

            galacticCoordinates = numpy.array(_galacticFromEquatorial(equatorialCoordinates[0, :],
                                                                      equatorialCoordinates[1, :]))

        if northMap is None:
            if self.ebvMapNorth is None:

            northMap = self.ebvMapNorth

        if southMap is None:
            if self.ebvMapSouth is None:

            southMap = self.ebvMapSouth

        ebv = None

        if galacticCoordinates.shape[1] > 0:

            ebv = numpy.zeros(len(galacticCoordinates[0, :]))

            # identify (by index) which points are in the galactic northern hemisphere
            # and which points are in the galactic southern hemisphere
            # taken from
            # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4578590/python-equivalent-of-filter-getting-two-output-lists-i-e-partition-of-a-list
            inorth, isouth = reduce(lambda x, y: x[not y[1] > 0.0].append(y[0]) or x,
                                    enumerate(galacticCoordinates[1, :]), ([], []))

            nSet = galacticCoordinates[:, inorth]
            sSet = galacticCoordinates[:, isouth]

            ebvNorth = northMap.generateEbv(nSet[0, :], nSet[1, :], interpolate=interp)
            ebvSouth = southMap.generateEbv(sSet[0, :], sSet[1, :], interpolate=interp)

            for (i, ee) in zip(inorth, ebvNorth):
                ebv[i] = ee

            for (i, ee) in zip(isouth, ebvSouth):
                ebv[i] = ee

        return ebv
Example #11
    def calculateEbv(self,
        For an array of Gal long, lat calculate E(B-V)
        @param [in] galacticCoordinates is a numpy.array; the first row is galactic longitude,
        the second row is galactic latitude in radians
        @param [in] equatorialCoordinates is a numpy.array; the first row is RA, the second row is Dec in
        @param [in] northMap the northern dust map
        @param [in] southMap the southern dust map
        @param [in] interp is a boolean determining whether or not to interpolate the EBV value
        @param [out] ebv is a list of EBV values for all of the gLon, gLat pairs

        #raise an error if the coordinates are specified in both systems
        if galacticCoordinates is not None:
            if equatorialCoordinates is not None:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Specified both galacticCoordinates and equatorialCoordinates in calculateEbv"

        #convert (ra,dec) into gLon, gLat
        if galacticCoordinates is None:

            #raise an error if you did not specify ra or dec
            if equatorialCoordinates is None:
                raise RuntimeError("Must specify coordinates in calculateEbv")

            galacticCoordinates = numpy.array(
                _galacticFromEquatorial(equatorialCoordinates[0, :],
                                        equatorialCoordinates[1, :]))

        if northMap is None:
            if self.ebvMapNorth is None:

            northMap = self.ebvMapNorth

        if southMap is None:
            if self.ebvMapSouth is None:

            southMap = self.ebvMapSouth

        ebv = None

        if galacticCoordinates.shape[1] > 0:

            ebv = numpy.zeros(len(galacticCoordinates[0, :]))

            #identify (by index) which points are in the galactic northern hemisphere
            #and which points are in the galactic southern hemisphere
            #taken from
            inorth, isouth = reduce(
                lambda x, y: x[not y[1] > 0.0].append(y[0]) or x,
                enumerate(galacticCoordinates[1, :]), ([], []))

            nSet = galacticCoordinates[:, inorth]
            sSet = galacticCoordinates[:, isouth]

            ebvNorth = northMap.generateEbv(nSet[0, :],
                                            nSet[1, :],
            ebvSouth = southMap.generateEbv(sSet[0, :],
                                            sSet[1, :],

            for (i, ee) in zip(inorth, ebvNorth):
                ebv[i] = ee

            for (i, ee) in zip(isouth, ebvSouth):
                ebv[i] = ee

        return ebv
Example #12
 def run(self, slicePoints):
     gall, galb = _galacticFromEquatorial(slicePoints['ra'],
     slicePoints['gall'] = gall
     slicePoints['galb'] = galb
     return slicePoints
 def run(self, slicePoints):
     gall, galb = _galacticFromEquatorial(slicePoints['ra'],slicePoints['dec'])
     slicePoints['gall'] = gall
     slicePoints['galb'] = galb
     return slicePoints
Example #14
 def _run(self, simData):
     # raCol and DecCol in radians, gall/b in radians.
     simData['gall'], simData['galb'] = _galacticFromEquatorial(
         simData[self.raCol], simData[self.decCol])
     return simData
 def _run(self, simData):
     # raCol and DecCol in radians, gall/b in radians.
     simData['gall'], simData['galb'] = _galacticFromEquatorial(simData[self.raCol], simData[self.decCol])
     return simData
Example #16
 def get_galacticCoords(self):
     return _galacticFromEquatorial(self.column_by_name('snra'),
Example #17
 def get_galacticCoords(self):
     return _galacticFromEquatorial(self.column_by_name('snra'), self.column_by_name('sndec'))