Example #1
def mini(x, q, qn, d, delta, finac, data, ausf, einf,\
         m0, m1, m1c, m2, m2c, typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
         param, nap, step, dt, npts,\
         x0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0):
#    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    xl = np.zeros(nap)
    xr = np.zeros(nap)
    xm, qm = move(x, q, nap)
    for k in range(nap):
        xl[k] = x[k] - step * d[k]
        xr[k] = x[k] + step * d[k]
    amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
              def_act_sys_par(xl, param, delta, m1c, m2c) 
    sysl, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                         amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                         typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                         corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)       
    sr, si, resid, residi =\
          freqDamp2paz(sysl, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                       m0_l, m1_l, m2_l)
    sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                 sr, si, resid, residi, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l, dt, npts)
    ql = quad(qn, sim, npts)
    amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
              def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
    sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                         amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                         typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                         corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)
    sr, si, resid, residi =\
          freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                       m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)
    sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                 sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)
    qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)

    if ql < qm and qr < qm:
        print 'Maximum encountered! Try again with different start parameters!'

    while ql >= qm and qr >= qm and step >= 8. * finac:
        step = step / 8.
        for k in range(nap):
            xl[k] = xm[k] - step * d[k]                                   
            xr[k] = xm[k] + step * d[k]                                   
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
                  def_act_sys_par(xl, param, delta, m1c, m2c)       
        sysl, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                             amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                             typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                             corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)       
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
                  freqDamp2paz(sysl, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                               m0_l, m1_l, m2_l)                    
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l, dt, npts)       
        ql = quad(qn, sim, npts) 
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
                  def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)       
        sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                             amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                             typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                             corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)       
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
                  freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                               m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)       
        qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)
        if ql < qm and qr < qm:
             print 'Maximum encountered! Try again with different start parameters!'

 #witch side of the minimum?
    if ql < qm or qr < qm:
        if ql < qr:
 #turn around
            x, q = move(xl, ql, nap)
            xl, ql = move(xr, qr, nap)
            xr, qr = move(x, q, nap)
            for k in range(nap):
                d[k] = -d[k]
        if step > 1.:
            x, q = move(xr, qr, nap)
            axi = step

            return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

            step = 2. * step
            xm, qm = move(xr, qr, nap)
            for k in range(nap):
                xr[k] = xm[k] + step * d[k]
            amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
                      def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)           
            sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                                 amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                                 typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                                 corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)           
            sr, si, resid, residi =\
                      freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                                   m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)                            
            sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                         sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)           
            qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)
            while qr < qm:            
                if step > 1.:
                    x, q = move(xr, qr, nap)                                   
                    axi = step
                    return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

                    step = 2. * step                                      
                    xm, qm = move(xr, qr, nap)                                 
                    for k in range(nap):                                  
                        xr[k] = xm[k] + step * d[k]
                amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
                          def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c) 
                sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                                     amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                                     typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                                     corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp) 
                sr, si, resid, residi =\
                          freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                                       m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)               
                sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                             sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)
                qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        xi = (ql - qr) / (ql -2. * qm + qr) / 2. * step
        axi = np.abs(xi)
        for k in range(nap):
            x[k] = xm[k] + xi * d[k]
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
                  def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        sysp, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                             amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                             typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                             corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
                  freqDamp2paz(sysp, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                               m0_i, m1_i, m2_i)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i, dt, npts)
        q = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

    if step < 8.*finac:
        xi = (ql - qr) / (ql -2. * qm + qr) / 2. * step               
        axi = np.abs(xi)
        for k in range(nap):                                          
            x[k] = xm[k] + xi * d[k]                                  
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
                  def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)    
        sysp, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                             amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                             typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                             corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)   
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
                  freqDamp2paz(sysp, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                               m0_i, m1_i, m2_i)                
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i, dt, npts)   
        q = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp 
    print 'Residual error...'
    print 'Try again with other start parameters!'
Example #2
def RelCalTime(st1, st2, DataType, alias,\
               AMP='0.+/-0.', DELAY='0.+/-0.', SUB='0.+/-0.', TIL='0.+/-0.',\
               maxit=100, qac=1e-5, finac=1e-3, ns1=0, ns2=60000):

    # For writing comunication not only to stdout but also
    # to the file "calex.out" a new write method is
    # defined.
    class SplitWriter():
        Implements a write method that writes a given message on all children
        def __init__(self, filehandle):
            Remember provided objects as children.
            self.file = filehandle
            self.stdout = sys.stdout
        def write(self, msg):
            Sends msg to all childrens write method.
    f = open("RelCalTime.out", "wt")
    sys.stdout = SplitWriter(f)
    # read input
    eing_st = st1
    if len(eing_st) > 1:
        print 'more than one traces found in stream 1!'
    eing = eing_st[0]
    ausg_st = st2
    if len(ausg_st) > 1:
        print 'more than one traces found in stream 2!'
    ausg = ausg_st[0]
    # make sure that the stype is what cython expects later!
    for tr in eing, ausg:
        tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float64)
    # The arrays with raw data are now stored in eing.data / #                  
    # ausg.data                                              #                  
    # read input parameters - from command line
    #DataType = sys.argv[3]
    #alias = float(sys.argv[4])
    #AMP = sys.argv[5]
    #DELAY = sys.argv[6]
    #SUB = sys.argv[7]
    #TIL = sys.argv[8]
    #maxit = int(sys.argv[9])
    #qac = float(sys.argv[10])
    #finac = float(sys.argv[11])
    #ns1 = int(sys.argv[12])
    #ns2 = int(sys.argv[13])
    #MaxPer = float(sys.argv[14])
    if DataType not in ('Dsp', 'Vel', 'Acc'):
        print 'Data type not recognized! Has to be "Dsp", "Vel" or "Acc"!'
    param = []
    delta = []
    name = []
    amp = float(AMP.split("+/-")[0])
    damp = float(AMP.split("+/-")[1])
    delay = float(DELAY.split("+/-")[0])
    ddelay = float(DELAY.split("+/-")[1])
    sub = float(SUB.split("+/-")[0])
    dsub = float(SUB.split("+/-")[1])
    til = float(TIL.split("+/-")[0])
    dtil = float(TIL.split("+/-")[1])
    samprate_eing = eing.stats.sampling_rate
    samprate_ausg = ausg.stats.sampling_rate
    if samprate_eing != samprate_ausg:
        print 'Sampling of input and output is inconsistent!'
    samprate = samprate_ausg
    dt = 1/samprate
    npts = ns2 - ns1
    # create new miniseed header
    stats = {'network': ausg.stats.network,\
             'station': ausg.stats.station,\
             'location': '',\
             'channel': ausg.stats.channel,\
             'npts': npts,\
             'sampling_rate': samprate,\
             'starttime': ausg.stats.starttime+ns1/samprate ,\
             'mseed' : {'dataquality' : 'D'}}
    t = np.linspace(ns1,ns2,num=npts,endpoint='true')*dt
    # system start parameters
    typ1_sta = []
    corn_freqs1_sta = []
    delta_corn_freqs1_sta = []
    typ2_sta = []
    corn_freqs2_sta = []
    delta_corn_freqs2_sta = []
    dmp_sta = []
    delta_dmp_sta = []
    m0_sta = int(raw_input("Give number of additional"\
                           " powers of s in nominator: "))
    m1_sta = int(raw_input("Give number of 1st order subsystems: "))
    for i in np.arange(0,m1_sta,1):
        Type1, F, Df = str(raw_input("Give type of 1st"\
                                         " order system nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("Give start value for corner period"\
                                           " of subsystem nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("and now its estimated uncertainty: "))
        if Type1 in ('hp1','lp1'):
            print 'Wrong system type! Must be <hp1> or <lp1>!'
    m2_sta = int(raw_input("Give number of 2nd order subsystems: "))
    for i in np.arange(0,m2_sta,1):
        Type2, F, Df = str(raw_input("Give type of 2nd"\
                                         " order system nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("Give start value for corner period"\
                                           " of subsystem nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("and now its estimated uncertainty: "))
        Dmp, Ddmp = float(raw_input("Give start value for damping"\
                                    " constant of subsystem nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                    float(raw_input("and now its estimated uncertainty: "))
        if Type2 in ('hp2','bp2','lp2'):
            print 'Wrong system type! Must be <hp2>, <bp2> or <lp2>!'
    m1a = len(corn_freqs1_sta)
    m2a = len(corn_freqs2_sta)
    # Print start parameters
    print ''
    print 'System start parameters:'
    print '------------------------'
    print 'amp: ', amp, ' +/-', damp
    print 'del: ', delay, ' +/-', ddelay
    print 'sub: ', sub, ' +/-', dsub
    print 'til: ', til, ' +/-', dtil
    if m1_sta > 0:
        for i in np.arange(0,m1_sta,1):
            print ''
            print '1st order subsystem nr. ' + str(i+1) + \
                  ':' + ' ' + str(typ1_sta[i])
            print 'per: ', corn_freqs1_sta[i], ' +/-',\
    if m2_sta > 0:
        for i in np.arange(0,m2_sta,1):
            print ''
            print '2nd order subsystem nr. ' + str(i+1) +\
                  ':' + ' ' + str(typ2_sta[i])
            print 'per: ', corn_freqs2_sta[i],\
                  ' +/-', delta_corn_freqs2_sta[i]
            print 'dmp: ', dmp_sta[i], ' +/-', delta_dmp_sta[i]
    print '------------------------'
    # Preparation of data
    eing.data = eing.data[ns1:ns2]
    ausg.data = ausg.data[ns1:ns2]
    # Anti alias-filter
    syspar0 = np.zeros(30)
    sr0 = np.zeros(30)
    si0 = np.zeros(30)
    resid0 = np.zeros(30)
    residi0 = np.zeros(30)
    m_alias = int(6. / np.log10((1. / alias) / dt) + 1.)
    n_alias = int(floor(m_alias / 2))
    m1_alias = 0
    typ1_alias = []
    corn_freqs1_alias = []
    for i in range(m1a):
        number = str(i+1)
    if m_alias > 2 * n_alias:
        m1_alias = 1
    for i in range(m2a):
        number = str(i+1)
    m2_alias = n_alias
    wi = 2. * np.arctan(1.) / m_alias
    corn_freqs2_alias = []
    dmp_alias = []
    typ2_alias = []
    for i in np.arange(1,n_alias+1,1):
        dmp_alias.append(np.sin(wi * (2. * i - 1)))
        param.append(np.sin(wi * (2. * i - 1)))
    m1c = m1a + len(corn_freqs1_alias)
    m2c = m2a + len(corn_freqs2_alias)
    einf0 = np.zeros(npts)
    ausf0 = np.zeros(npts)
    syspar_alias, m0_alias, m1_alias, m2_alias =\
            def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias,\
                        1., delay, sub, til,\
                        typ1_alias, typ2_alias,\
                        corn_freqs2_alias, dmp_alias)
    sr_alias, si_alias, resid_alias, residi_alias =\
            freqDamp2paz(syspar_alias, sr0, si0, resid0,\
                         residi0, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias)
    einf = ltisim(1, eing.data, ausf0, einf0, 0., 0., 0.,\
                  sr_alias, si_alias, resid_alias,\
                  residi_alias, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias, dt, npts)
    ausf = ltisim(1, ausg.data, ausf0, einf0, 0., 0., 0.,\
                  sr_alias, si_alias, resid_alias,\
                  residi_alias, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias, dt, npts)
    print ''
    print 'Anti alias-filter of order ',m_alias,\
          ' and corner frequency ',alias,'Hz applied to data!'
    print '... writing files "' + st1[0].stats.station + '.' + st1[0].stats.channel + \
          '.f.msd" and "' + st2[0].stats.station + '.' + st2[0].stats.channel  + '.f.msd"'
    st_einf = Stream([Trace(data=einf, header=stats)])
    st_einf.write(st1[0].stats.station + '.' + st1[0].stats.channel + ".f.msd", format='MSEED')
    st_ausf = Stream([Trace(data=ausf, header=stats)])
    st_ausf.write(st2[0].stats.station + '.' + st2[0].stats.channel + ".f.msd", format='MSEED')
    # Start model
    m0_ges = m0_sta
    m1_ges = m1_sta + m1_alias
    m2_ges = m2_sta + m2_alias
    typ1_ges = []
    corn_freqs1_ges = []
    for i in np.arange(0,m1_sta,1):
    for i in np.arange(0,m1_alias,1):
    typ2_ges = []
    corn_freqs2_ges = []
    dmp_ges = []
    for i in np.arange(0,m2_sta,1):
    for i in np.arange(0,m2_alias,1):
    # simulate model with start parameters
    syspar_ges, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim =\
            def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, m0_ges, m1_ges, m2_ges,\
                        amp, delay, sub, til,\
                        typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                        corn_freqs2_ges, dmp_ges)
    sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta, residi_sta =\
            freqDamp2paz(syspar_ges, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                         m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim)
    diff = ltisim(0, eing.data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                  sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta,\
                  residi_sta, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim, dt, npts)
    qnorm = 0.
    for i in np.arange(0,npts,1):
        qnorm = qnorm + ausf[i]**2
        qn = qnorm
    q = quad(qn, diff, npts)
    st_diff = Stream([Trace(data=diff, header=stats)])
    st_diff.write("diff.msd", format='MSEED')
    simulate = ausf - diff
    print ''
    print 'Output simulated with system start parameters '\
          'from sample ' + str(ns1) + ' to ' + str(ns2) + '!'
    print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                 ausg.stats.channel + '.sim.msd"'
    st_simulate = Stream([Trace(data=simulate, header=stats)])
    st_simulate.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                      '.sim.msd', format='MSEED')
    print '----------------------------------------------'
    print ''
    # iteration with conjugate gradientes method
    noimp = 0
    step = 1.
    gnorm = 0.
    mp = len(param)
    nap = 0
    act_name = []
    corn_freqs1_fin = []
    corn_freqs2_fin = []
    dmp_fin = []
    for i in range(mp):
        if delta[i] > 0:
            nap = nap +1
    x = np.zeros(nap)
    print 'Iteration stops when in ' + str(nap) + ' successive steps'
    print 'RMS did not improve more than ' + str(qac) + ' and'
    print 'step is lower than ' + str(finac) + '!'
    print '   i', '   step    ', '    RMS     ', 
    for i in range(nap):
        print '%15s' % act_name[i],
    print ''
    for niter in range(maxit):
        qalt = q
        x, q, d, fin_diff, step, axi, gnorm,\
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp =\
                       congrad(niter, mp, nap, x, q, qn, finac, delta, eing.data, ausf, einf,\
                               m0_ges, m1_ges, m1c, m2_ges, m2c,\
                               typ1_ges, typ2_ges, gnorm, step, dt, npts, param,\
                               syspar0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0)
        RMS = np.sqrt(q)
        noimp = noimp + 1
        print '%(niter)4i %(step)9e %(RMS)9e' \
              % {"niter": niter, "step": axi, "RMS": RMS}, '   ',
        if 'amp' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % amp, '   ',
        if 'delay' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % delay, '   ',
        if 'sub' in act_name: 
            print '%9e' % sub, '   ',
        if 'til' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % til, '   ',
        for i in range(m1a):
            if 'Fc1['+str(i+1)+']'in act_name:
                if i == m1a - 1:
                    if m2a > 0:
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   ',
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   '
                    print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   ',

        for i in range(m2a):
            if 'Fc2['+str(i+1)+']'in act_name:
                print '%9e' % corn_freqs2[i], '   ',
                print '%9e' % dmp[i],'   ',
        print ''
        if np.mod(niter+1,nap) == 0:
            print ''
    # Stop the iteration 
        if np.sqrt(qalt) - np.sqrt(q) > qac or axi > finac:
            noimp = 0
        if noimp >= nap:
            print 'CONVERGED'
            print '-----------------------------------------------'
            print 'final system parameters:'
            print '%(niter)4i %(step)9e %(RMS)9e' \
                  % {"niter": niter, "step": axi, "RMS": RMS}, '   ',
            if 'amp' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % amp, '   ',
            if 'delay' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % delay, '   ',
            if 'sub' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % sub, '   ',
            if 'til' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % til, '   ',
            for i in range(m1a):
                if 'Fc1['+str(i+1)+']'in act_name:
                    if m2a > 0:
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   ',
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   '
            for i in range(m2a):
                if 'Fc2['+str(i+1)+']'in act_name:
                    print '%9e' % corn_freqs2[i], '   ',
                    print '%9e' % dmp[i],'   ',
            print ''
            print '-----------------------------------------------'
            print ''
            print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                         ausg.stats.channel + '.finfit.msd"'
            fin_sim = ausf - fin_diff
            st_final = Stream([Trace(data=fin_sim, header=stats)])
            st_final.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                           '.finfit.msd', format='MSEED')
            print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                         ausg.stats.channel + '.findiff.msd"'
            st_diff = Stream([Trace(data=fin_diff, header=stats)])
            st_diff.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                          '.findiff.msd', format='MSEED')
    # calculate poles of final system
            print '... writing file ' + ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel + '.paz'
            syspar_fin, m0_fin, m1_fin, m2_fin =\
                        def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, m0_sta, m1_sta, m2_sta,\
                                    amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                    typ1_sta, typ2_sta,\
                                    corn_freqs2_fin, dmp_fin)
            sr_fin, si_fin, resid_fin, residi_fin =\
                        freqDamp2paz(syspar_fin, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                                     m0_fin, m1_fin, m2_fin)
            sr_fin = sr_fin[m0_fin+1:m0_fin+1+m1_fin+2*m2_fin]
            si_fin = si_fin[m0_fin+1:m0_fin+1+m1_fin+2*m2_fin]
            #resid_fin = resid_fin[m0_fin+1:m0_fin+1+m1_fin+2*m2_fin]
            #residi_fin = residi_fin[m0_fin+1:m0_fin+1+m1_fin+2*m2_fin]
    # write paz file according to GSE2 standard
            paz_file_name = ausg.stats.station + '.'\
                            + ausg.stats.channel + '.paz'
            firstLine = 'CAL1 %(station)5s          %(channel)3s        PAZ\n'\
                       % {'station': ausg.stats.station, 'channel': ausg.stats.channel}
            if DataType == 'Dsp':
                nzeros = 3
            if DataType == 'Vel':
                nzeros = 2
            if DataType == 'Acc':
                nzeros = 1
            poles = []
            zeros = []
            paz_file = open(paz_file_name, 'w')
            for i in range(len(sr_fin)):
                paz_file.write(str(sr_fin[i]) + ' ' + str(si_fin[i]) + '\n')
                poles.append(complex(sr_fin[i], si_fin[i]))
            for i in range(nzeros):
                paz_file.write('0.0 0.0\n')
                zeros.append(complex(0.0, 0.0))
            print 'finished!'
            return st_final, st_diff, poles, zeros
    # plot resulting transfer function
    #        CalcResp(poles, zeros, 1.0, MaxPer, samprate)
    #        sys.exit(1)
    print ''
    print 'NOT CONVERGED!'
    print ''
    print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                 ausg.stats.channel + '.finfit.msd"'
    fin_sim = ausf - fin_diff
    st_final = Stream([Trace(data=fin_sim, header=stats)])
    st_final.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                   '.finfit.msd', format='MSEED')
    print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                 ausg.stats.channel +'.findiff.msd"'
    st_diff = Stream([Trace(data=fin_diff, header=stats)])
    st_diff.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                  '.findiff.msd', format='MSEED')
    poles = []
    zeros = []
    return st_final, st_diff, poles, zeros
Example #3
def congrad(niter, mp, nap, x, q, qn, finac, delta, data, ausf, einf,\
            m0, m1, m1c, m2, m2c, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, gnorm, step, dt, npts,\
            param, x0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0):
    g = np.zeros(nap)
    d = np.zeros(nap)
    dd = np.zeros(nap)

    #partial derivatives
    for k in range(nap):
        x[k] = x[k] + finac
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
              def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        #print 'corn_freqs1', corn_freqs1
        #print 'corn_freqs2', corn_freqs2
        #print 'dmp', dmp
        syspar_p, m0_p, m1_p, m2_p = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                                 amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                                 typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                                 corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
              freqDamp2paz(syspar_p, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                           m0_p, m1_p, m2_p)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_p, m1_p, m2_p, dt, npts)
        q_p = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        x[k] = x[k] - finac - finac

        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
              def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        syspar_m, m0_m, m1_m, m2_m = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                                 amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                                 typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                                 corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
              freqDamp2paz(syspar_m, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                           m0_m, m1_m, m2_m)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_m, m1_m, m2_m, dt, npts)
        q_m = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        x[k] = x[k] + finac
        g[k] = (q_p - q_m) / 2. / finac

#new direction of decent
    if np.mod(niter, nap) == 0:
        gnorm = 0.
        for k in range(nap):
            gnorm = gnorm + g[k]**2
            d[k] = -g[k]
        ga = gnorm
        gnorm = 0.
        for k in range(nap):
            gnorm = gnorm + g[k]**2
        beta = gnorm / ga
        for k in range(nap):
            d[k] = -g[k] + beta * d[k]
    dlen = 0.
    for k in range(nap):
        dlen = dlen + d[k]**2
    dlen = np.sqrt(dlen)
    for k in range(nap):
        dd[k] = d[k] / dlen

    x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp =\
                  mini(x, q, qn, dd, delta, finac, data, ausf, einf,\
                       m0, m1, m1c, m2, m2c, typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                       param, nap, step, dt, npts,\
                       x0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0)

    return x, q, d, sim, step, axi, gnorm, \
           amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
Example #4
def RelCalTime(st1, st2, DataType, alias,\
               AMP='0.+/-0.', DELAY='0.+/-0.', SUB='0.+/-0.', TIL='0.+/-0.',\
               maxit=100, qac=1e-5, finac=1e-3, ns1=0, ns2=60000):

    # For writing comunication not only to stdout but also
    # to the file "calex.out" a new write method is
    # defined.
    class SplitWriter():
        Implements a write method that writes a given message on all children
        def __init__(self, filehandle):
            Remember provided objects as children.
            self.file = filehandle
            self.stdout = sys.stdout

        def write(self, msg):
            Sends msg to all childrens write method.

    f = open("RelCalTime.out", "wt")
    sys.stdout = SplitWriter(f)

    # read input

    eing_st = st1
    if len(eing_st) > 1:
        print 'more than one traces found in stream 1!'
    eing = eing_st[0]

    ausg_st = st2
    if len(ausg_st) > 1:
        print 'more than one traces found in stream 2!'
    ausg = ausg_st[0]

    # make sure that the stype is what cython expects later!
    for tr in eing, ausg:
        tr.data = tr.data.astype(np.float64)

    # The arrays with raw data are now stored in eing.data / #
    # ausg.data                                              #

    # read input parameters - from command line
    #DataType = sys.argv[3]
    #alias = float(sys.argv[4])
    #AMP = sys.argv[5]
    #DELAY = sys.argv[6]
    #SUB = sys.argv[7]
    #TIL = sys.argv[8]
    #maxit = int(sys.argv[9])
    #qac = float(sys.argv[10])
    #finac = float(sys.argv[11])
    #ns1 = int(sys.argv[12])
    #ns2 = int(sys.argv[13])
    #MaxPer = float(sys.argv[14])

    if DataType not in ('Dsp', 'Vel', 'Acc'):
        print 'Data type not recognized! Has to be "Dsp", "Vel" or "Acc"!'

    param = []
    delta = []
    name = []
    amp = float(AMP.split("+/-")[0])
    damp = float(AMP.split("+/-")[1])
    delay = float(DELAY.split("+/-")[0])
    ddelay = float(DELAY.split("+/-")[1])
    sub = float(SUB.split("+/-")[0])
    dsub = float(SUB.split("+/-")[1])
    til = float(TIL.split("+/-")[0])
    dtil = float(TIL.split("+/-")[1])

    samprate_eing = eing.stats.sampling_rate
    samprate_ausg = ausg.stats.sampling_rate

    if samprate_eing != samprate_ausg:
        print 'Sampling of input and output is inconsistent!'

    samprate = samprate_ausg
    dt = 1 / samprate
    npts = ns2 - ns1

    # create new miniseed header
    stats = {'network': ausg.stats.network,\
             'station': ausg.stats.station,\
             'location': '',\
             'channel': ausg.stats.channel,\
             'npts': npts,\
             'sampling_rate': samprate,\
             'starttime': ausg.stats.starttime+ns1/samprate ,\
             'mseed' : {'dataquality' : 'D'}}

    t = np.linspace(ns1, ns2, num=npts, endpoint='true') * dt

    # system start parameters
    typ1_sta = []
    corn_freqs1_sta = []
    delta_corn_freqs1_sta = []
    typ2_sta = []
    corn_freqs2_sta = []
    delta_corn_freqs2_sta = []
    dmp_sta = []
    delta_dmp_sta = []

    m0_sta = int(raw_input("Give number of additional"\
                           " powers of s in nominator: "))

    m1_sta = int(raw_input("Give number of 1st order subsystems: "))

    for i in np.arange(0, m1_sta, 1):
        Type1, F, Df = str(raw_input("Give type of 1st"\
                                         " order system nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("Give start value for corner period"\
                                           " of subsystem nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("and now its estimated uncertainty: "))

        if Type1 in ('hp1', 'lp1'):
            print 'Wrong system type! Must be <hp1> or <lp1>!'

    m2_sta = int(raw_input("Give number of 2nd order subsystems: "))

    for i in np.arange(0, m2_sta, 1):
        Type2, F, Df = str(raw_input("Give type of 2nd"\
                                         " order system nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("Give start value for corner period"\
                                           " of subsystem nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                           float(raw_input("and now its estimated uncertainty: "))

        Dmp, Ddmp = float(raw_input("Give start value for damping"\
                                    " constant of subsystem nr. "+str(i+1)+": ")),\
                    float(raw_input("and now its estimated uncertainty: "))

        if Type2 in ('hp2', 'bp2', 'lp2'):
            print 'Wrong system type! Must be <hp2>, <bp2> or <lp2>!'
    m1a = len(corn_freqs1_sta)
    m2a = len(corn_freqs2_sta)

    # Print start parameters
    print ''
    print 'System start parameters:'
    print '------------------------'
    print 'amp: ', amp, ' +/-', damp
    print 'del: ', delay, ' +/-', ddelay
    print 'sub: ', sub, ' +/-', dsub
    print 'til: ', til, ' +/-', dtil

    if m1_sta > 0:
        for i in np.arange(0, m1_sta, 1):
            print ''
            print '1st order subsystem nr. ' + str(i+1) + \
                  ':' + ' ' + str(typ1_sta[i])
            print 'per: ', corn_freqs1_sta[i], ' +/-',\
    if m2_sta > 0:
        for i in np.arange(0, m2_sta, 1):
            print ''
            print '2nd order subsystem nr. ' + str(i+1) +\
                  ':' + ' ' + str(typ2_sta[i])
            print 'per: ', corn_freqs2_sta[i],\
                  ' +/-', delta_corn_freqs2_sta[i]
            print 'dmp: ', dmp_sta[i], ' +/-', delta_dmp_sta[i]
    print '------------------------'

    # Preparation of data
    eing.data = eing.data[ns1:ns2]
    ausg.data = ausg.data[ns1:ns2]

    # Anti alias-filter
    syspar0 = np.zeros(30)
    sr0 = np.zeros(30)
    si0 = np.zeros(30)
    resid0 = np.zeros(30)
    residi0 = np.zeros(30)

    m_alias = int(6. / np.log10((1. / alias) / dt) + 1.)
    n_alias = int(floor(m_alias / 2))

    m1_alias = 0
    typ1_alias = []
    corn_freqs1_alias = []

    for i in range(m1a):
        number = str(i + 1)
        name.append('Fc1[' + number + ']')

    if m_alias > 2 * n_alias:
        m1_alias = 1

    for i in range(m2a):
        number = str(i + 1)
        name.append('Fc2[' + number + ']')
        name.append('dmp[' + number + ']')

    m2_alias = n_alias
    wi = 2. * np.arctan(1.) / m_alias
    corn_freqs2_alias = []
    dmp_alias = []
    typ2_alias = []
    for i in np.arange(1, n_alias + 1, 1):
        dmp_alias.append(np.sin(wi * (2. * i - 1)))
        param.append(np.sin(wi * (2. * i - 1)))

    m1c = m1a + len(corn_freqs1_alias)
    m2c = m2a + len(corn_freqs2_alias)
    einf0 = np.zeros(npts)
    ausf0 = np.zeros(npts)

    syspar_alias, m0_alias, m1_alias, m2_alias =\
            def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias,\
                        1., delay, sub, til,\
                        typ1_alias, typ2_alias,\
                        corn_freqs2_alias, dmp_alias)

    sr_alias, si_alias, resid_alias, residi_alias =\
            freqDamp2paz(syspar_alias, sr0, si0, resid0,\
                         residi0, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias)

    einf = ltisim(1, eing.data, ausf0, einf0, 0., 0., 0.,\
                  sr_alias, si_alias, resid_alias,\
                  residi_alias, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias, dt, npts)

    ausf = ltisim(1, ausg.data, ausf0, einf0, 0., 0., 0.,\
                  sr_alias, si_alias, resid_alias,\
                  residi_alias, 0, m1_alias, m2_alias, dt, npts)
    print ''
    print 'Anti alias-filter of order ',m_alias,\
          ' and corner frequency ',alias,'Hz applied to data!'
    print '... writing files "' + st1[0].stats.station + '.' + st1[0].stats.channel + \
          '.f.msd" and "' + st2[0].stats.station + '.' + st2[0].stats.channel  + '.f.msd"'
    st_einf = Stream([Trace(data=einf, header=stats)])
    st_einf.write(st1[0].stats.station + '.' + st1[0].stats.channel + ".f.msd",
    st_ausf = Stream([Trace(data=ausf, header=stats)])
    st_ausf.write(st2[0].stats.station + '.' + st2[0].stats.channel + ".f.msd",

    # Start model
    m0_ges = m0_sta
    m1_ges = m1_sta + m1_alias
    m2_ges = m2_sta + m2_alias

    typ1_ges = []
    corn_freqs1_ges = []
    for i in np.arange(0, m1_sta, 1):
    for i in np.arange(0, m1_alias, 1):
    typ2_ges = []
    corn_freqs2_ges = []
    dmp_ges = []
    for i in np.arange(0, m2_sta, 1):
    for i in np.arange(0, m2_alias, 1):

    # simulate model with start parameters
    syspar_ges, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim =\
            def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, m0_ges, m1_ges, m2_ges,\
                        amp, delay, sub, til,\
                        typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                        corn_freqs2_ges, dmp_ges)

    sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta, residi_sta =\
            freqDamp2paz(syspar_ges, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                         m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim)

    diff = ltisim(0, eing.data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                  sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta,\
                  residi_sta, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim, dt, npts)

    qnorm = 0.
    for i in np.arange(0, npts, 1):
        qnorm = qnorm + ausf[i]**2
        qn = qnorm

    q = quad(qn, diff, npts)
    st_diff = Stream([Trace(data=diff, header=stats)])
    st_diff.write("diff.msd", format='MSEED')

    simulate = ausf - diff
    print ''
    print 'Output simulated with system start parameters '\
          'from sample ' + str(ns1) + ' to ' + str(ns2) + '!'
    print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                 ausg.stats.channel + '.sim.msd"'
    st_simulate = Stream([Trace(data=simulate, header=stats)])
    st_simulate.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                      '.sim.msd', format='MSEED')
    print '----------------------------------------------'
    print ''

    # iteration with conjugate gradientes method
    noimp = 0
    step = 1.
    gnorm = 0.
    mp = len(param)
    nap = 0
    act_name = []
    corn_freqs1_fin = []
    corn_freqs2_fin = []
    dmp_fin = []

    for i in range(mp):
        if delta[i] > 0:
            nap = nap + 1
    x = np.zeros(nap)
    print 'Iteration stops when in ' + str(nap) + ' successive steps'
    print 'RMS did not improve more than ' + str(qac) + ' and'
    print 'step is lower than ' + str(finac) + '!'
    print '   i', '   step    ', '    RMS     ',
    for i in range(nap):
        print '%15s' % act_name[i],
    print ''

    for niter in range(maxit):
        qalt = q
        x, q, d, fin_diff, step, axi, gnorm,\
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp =\
                       congrad(niter, mp, nap, x, q, qn, finac, delta, eing.data, ausf, einf,\
                               m0_ges, m1_ges, m1c, m2_ges, m2c,\
                               typ1_ges, typ2_ges, gnorm, step, dt, npts, param,\
                               syspar0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0)
        RMS = np.sqrt(q)
        noimp = noimp + 1
        print '%(niter)4i %(step)9e %(RMS)9e' \
              % {"niter": niter, "step": axi, "RMS": RMS}, '   ',
        if 'amp' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % amp, '   ',
        if 'delay' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % delay, '   ',
        if 'sub' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % sub, '   ',
        if 'til' in act_name:
            print '%9e' % til, '   ',
        for i in range(m1a):
            if 'Fc1[' + str(i + 1) + ']' in act_name:
                if i == m1a - 1:
                    if m2a > 0:
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   ',
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   '
                    print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   ',

        for i in range(m2a):
            if 'Fc2[' + str(i + 1) + ']' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % corn_freqs2[i], '   ',
                print '%9e' % dmp[i], '   ',
        print ''
        if np.mod(niter + 1, nap) == 0:
            print ''

    # Stop the iteration
        if np.sqrt(qalt) - np.sqrt(q) > qac or axi > finac:
            noimp = 0
        if noimp >= nap:
            print 'CONVERGED'
            print '-----------------------------------------------'
            print 'final system parameters:'
            print '%(niter)4i %(step)9e %(RMS)9e' \
                  % {"niter": niter, "step": axi, "RMS": RMS}, '   ',
            if 'amp' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % amp, '   ',
            if 'delay' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % delay, '   ',
            if 'sub' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % sub, '   ',
            if 'til' in act_name:
                print '%9e' % til, '   ',
            for i in range(m1a):
                if 'Fc1[' + str(i + 1) + ']' in act_name:
                    if m2a > 0:
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   ',
                        print '%9e' % corn_freqs1[i], '   '
            for i in range(m2a):
                if 'Fc2[' + str(i + 1) + ']' in act_name:
                    print '%9e' % corn_freqs2[i], '   ',
                    print '%9e' % dmp[i], '   ',
            print ''
            print '-----------------------------------------------'
            print ''
            print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                         ausg.stats.channel + '.finfit.msd"'
            fin_sim = ausf - fin_diff
            st_final = Stream([Trace(data=fin_sim, header=stats)])
            st_final.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                           '.finfit.msd', format='MSEED')
            print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                         ausg.stats.channel + '.findiff.msd"'
            st_diff = Stream([Trace(data=fin_diff, header=stats)])
            st_diff.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                          '.findiff.msd', format='MSEED')

            # calculate poles of final system
            print '... writing file ' + ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel + '.paz'
            syspar_fin, m0_fin, m1_fin, m2_fin =\
                        def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, m0_sta, m1_sta, m2_sta,\
                                    amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                    typ1_sta, typ2_sta,\
                                    corn_freqs2_fin, dmp_fin)

            sr_fin, si_fin, resid_fin, residi_fin =\
                        freqDamp2paz(syspar_fin, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                                     m0_fin, m1_fin, m2_fin)

            sr_fin = sr_fin[m0_fin + 1:m0_fin + 1 + m1_fin + 2 * m2_fin]
            si_fin = si_fin[m0_fin + 1:m0_fin + 1 + m1_fin + 2 * m2_fin]

            #resid_fin = resid_fin[m0_fin+1:m0_fin+1+m1_fin+2*m2_fin]
            #residi_fin = residi_fin[m0_fin+1:m0_fin+1+m1_fin+2*m2_fin]

            # write paz file according to GSE2 standard
            paz_file_name = ausg.stats.station + '.'\
                            + ausg.stats.channel + '.paz'
            firstLine = 'CAL1 %(station)5s          %(channel)3s        PAZ\n'\
                       % {'station': ausg.stats.station, 'channel': ausg.stats.channel}
            if DataType == 'Dsp':
                nzeros = 3
            if DataType == 'Vel':
                nzeros = 2
            if DataType == 'Acc':
                nzeros = 1

            poles = []
            zeros = []

            paz_file = open(paz_file_name, 'w')
            paz_file.write(str(len(sr_fin)) + '\n')
            for i in range(len(sr_fin)):
                paz_file.write(str(sr_fin[i]) + ' ' + str(si_fin[i]) + '\n')
                poles.append(complex(sr_fin[i], si_fin[i]))
            paz_file.write(str(nzeros) + '\n')
            for i in range(nzeros):
                paz_file.write('0.0 0.0\n')
                zeros.append(complex(0.0, 0.0))
            print 'finished!'

            return st_final, st_diff, poles, zeros
    # plot resulting transfer function
    #        CalcResp(poles, zeros, 1.0, MaxPer, samprate)
    #        sys.exit(1)

    print ''
    print 'NOT CONVERGED!'
    print ''
    print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                 ausg.stats.channel + '.finfit.msd"'
    fin_sim = ausf - fin_diff
    st_final = Stream([Trace(data=fin_sim, header=stats)])
    st_final.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                   '.finfit.msd', format='MSEED')
    print '... writing file "' + ausg.stats.station + '.' +\
                                 ausg.stats.channel +'.findiff.msd"'
    st_diff = Stream([Trace(data=fin_diff, header=stats)])
    st_diff.write(ausg.stats.station + '.' + ausg.stats.channel +\
                  '.findiff.msd', format='MSEED')
    poles = []
    zeros = []
    return st_final, st_diff, poles, zeros
Example #5
def mini(
    #    import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
    xl = np.zeros(nap)
    xr = np.zeros(nap)

    xm, qm = move(x, q, nap)
    for k in range(nap):
        xl[k] = x[k] - step * d[k]
        xr[k] = x[k] + step * d[k]
    # left
    amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(xl, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
    sysl, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l = def_sys_par(
        x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
    sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysl, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l)
    sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l, dt, npts)
    ql = quad(qn, sim, npts)
    # right
    amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
    sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(
        x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
    sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)
    sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)
    qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)

    # maximum?
    if ql < qm and qr < qm:
        print "Maximum encountered! Try again with different start parameters!"

    while ql >= qm and qr >= qm and step >= 8.0 * finac:
        step = step / 8.0
        for k in range(nap):
            xl[k] = xm[k] - step * d[k]
            xr[k] = xm[k] + step * d[k]
        # left
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(xl, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        sysl, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l = def_sys_par(
            x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
        sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysl, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_l, m1_l, m2_l, dt, npts)
        ql = quad(qn, sim, npts)
        # right
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(
            x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
        sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)
        qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        if ql < qm and qr < qm:
            print "Maximum encountered! Try again with different start parameters!"

    # witch side of the minimum?
    if ql < qm or qr < qm:
        if ql < qr:
            # turn around
            x, q = move(xl, ql, nap)
            xl, ql = move(xr, qr, nap)
            xr, qr = move(x, q, nap)
            for k in range(nap):
                d[k] = -d[k]
        if step > 1.0:
            x, q = move(xr, qr, nap)
            axi = step

            return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

            step = 2.0 * step
            xm, qm = move(xr, qr, nap)
            for k in range(nap):
                xr[k] = xm[k] + step * d[k]
            # right
            amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
            sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(
                x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
            sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)
            sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)
            qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)

            while qr < qm:
                if step > 1.0:
                    x, q = move(xr, qr, nap)
                    axi = step

                    return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

                    step = 2.0 * step
                    xm, qm = move(xr, qr, nap)
                    for k in range(nap):
                        xr[k] = xm[k] + step * d[k]
                # right
                amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(xr, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
                sysr, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r = def_sys_par(
                    x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
                sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysr, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r)
                sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_r, m1_r, m2_r, dt, npts)
                qr = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        # interpolate
        xi = (ql - qr) / (ql - 2.0 * qm + qr) / 2.0 * step
        axi = np.abs(xi)
        for k in range(nap):
            x[k] = xm[k] + xi * d[k]
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        sysp, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i = def_sys_par(
            x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
        sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysp, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i, dt, npts)
        q = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

    if step < 8.0 * finac:
        xi = (ql - qr) / (ql - 2.0 * qm + qr) / 2.0 * step
        axi = np.abs(xi)
        for k in range(nap):
            x[k] = xm[k] + xi * d[k]
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap = def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        sysp, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i = def_sys_par(
            x0, dt, m0, m1, m2, amp, delay, sub, til, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
        sr, si, resid, residi = freqDamp2paz(sysp, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til, sr, si, resid, residi, m0_i, m1_i, m2_i, dt, npts)
        q = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        return x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp

    print "Residual error..."
    print "Try again with other start parameters!"
Example #6
residi0 = np.zeros(30)
npts = eing.stats.npts
dt = 0.005
amp = 0.02
delay = 0.
sub = 0.
til = 0
m0_ges =  0
m1_ges =  1
m2_ges =  3
typ1_ges =  ['lp1']
typ2_ges =  ['bp2', 'lp2', 'lp2']
corn_freqs1_ges =  [10.0]
corn_freqs2_ges =  [1.0, 10.0, 10.0]
dmp_ges =  [0.59999999999999998, 0.3090169943749474, 0.80901699437494745]

syspar_ges, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim =\
        def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, m0_ges, m1_ges, m2_ges,\
                    amp, delay, sub, til,\
                    typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                    corn_freqs2_ges, dmp_ges)

sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta, residi_sta =\
        freqDamp2paz(syspar_ges, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                     m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim)

diff = ltisim(0, eing.data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
              sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta,\
              residi_sta, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim, dt, npts)
Example #7
def congrad(niter, mp, nap, x, q, qn, finac, delta, data, ausf, einf,\
            m0, m1, m1c, m2, m2c, typ1_ges, typ2_ges, gnorm, step, dt, npts,\
            param, x0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0):
    g = np.zeros(nap)
    d = np.zeros(nap)
    dd = np.zeros(nap)
 #partial derivatives
    for k in range(nap):
        x[k] = x[k] + finac
        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
              def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        #print 'corn_freqs1', corn_freqs1
        #print 'corn_freqs2', corn_freqs2
        #print 'dmp', dmp
        syspar_p, m0_p, m1_p, m2_p = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                                 amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                                 typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                                 corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
              freqDamp2paz(syspar_p, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                           m0_p, m1_p, m2_p)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_p, m1_p, m2_p, dt, npts)
        q_p = quad(qn, sim, npts)
        x[k] = x[k] - finac - finac

        amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp, nap =\
              def_act_sys_par(x, param, delta, m1c, m2c)
        syspar_m, m0_m, m1_m, m2_m = def_sys_par(x0, dt, m0, m1, m2,\
                                                 amp, delay, sub, til,\
                                                 typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                                                 corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp)
        sr, si, resid, residi =\
              freqDamp2paz(syspar_m, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                           m0_m, m1_m, m2_m)
        sim = ltisim(0, data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
                     sr, si, resid, residi, m0_m, m1_m, m2_m, dt, npts)
        q_m = quad(qn, sim, npts)

        x[k] = x[k] + finac      
        g[k] = (q_p - q_m) / 2. / finac

 #new direction of decent
    if np.mod(niter, nap) == 0:
        gnorm = 0.
        for k in range(nap):
            gnorm = gnorm + g[k]**2       
            d[k] = -g[k]
        ga = gnorm
        gnorm = 0.
        for k in range(nap):
            gnorm = gnorm + g[k]**2
        beta = gnorm / ga
        for k in range(nap):
            d[k] = -g[k] + beta * d[k]
    dlen = 0.
    for k in range(nap):
        dlen = dlen + d[k]**2
    dlen = np.sqrt(dlen)
    for k in range(nap):
        dd[k] = d[k] / dlen
    x, q, step, axi, amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp =\
                  mini(x, q, qn, dd, delta, finac, data, ausf, einf,\
                       m0, m1, m1c, m2, m2c, typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                       param, nap, step, dt, npts,\
                       x0, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0)

    return x, q, d, sim, step, axi, gnorm, \
           amp, delay, sub, til, corn_freqs1, corn_freqs2, dmp
Example #8
residi0 = np.zeros(30)
npts = eing.stats.npts
dt = 0.005
amp = 0.02
delay = 0.
sub = 0.
til = 0
m0_ges = 0
m1_ges = 1
m2_ges = 3
typ1_ges = ['lp1']
typ2_ges = ['bp2', 'lp2', 'lp2']
corn_freqs1_ges = [10.0]
corn_freqs2_ges = [1.0, 10.0, 10.0]
dmp_ges = [0.59999999999999998, 0.3090169943749474, 0.80901699437494745]

syspar_ges, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim =\
        def_sys_par(syspar0, dt, m0_ges, m1_ges, m2_ges,\
                    amp, delay, sub, til,\
                    typ1_ges, typ2_ges,\
                    corn_freqs2_ges, dmp_ges)

sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta, residi_sta =\
        freqDamp2paz(syspar_ges, sr0, si0, resid0, residi0,\
                     m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim)

diff = ltisim(0, eing.data, ausf, einf, delay, sub, til,\
              sr_sta, si_sta, resid_sta,\
              residi_sta, m0_sim, m1_sim, m2_sim, dt, npts)