Example #1
class S3FlagTask(ExternalTask):
    An external task that requires the existence of EMR output in S3.
    path = Parameter()
    flag = OptionalParameter(default=None)

    def output(self):
        return S3FlagTarget(self.path, flag=self.flag)
Example #2
class worker(Config):
    # NOTE: `section.config-variable` in the config_path argument is deprecated in favor of `worker.config_variable`

    ping_interval = FloatParameter(default=1.0,
                                   config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-ping-interval'))
    keep_alive = BoolParameter(default=False,
                               config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-keep-alive'))
    count_uniques = BoolParameter(default=False,
                                  config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-count-uniques'),
                                  description='worker-count-uniques means that we will keep a '
                                  'worker alive only if it has a unique pending task, as '
                                  'well as having keep-alive true')
    count_last_scheduled = BoolParameter(default=False,
                                         description='Keep a worker alive only if there are '
                                                     'pending tasks which it was the last to '
    wait_interval = FloatParameter(default=1.0,
                                   config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-wait-interval'))
    wait_jitter = FloatParameter(default=5.0)

    max_reschedules = IntParameter(default=1,
                                   config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-max-reschedules'))
    timeout = IntParameter(default=0,
                           config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-timeout'))
    task_limit = IntParameter(default=None,
                              config_path=dict(section='core', name='worker-task-limit'))
    retry_external_tasks = BoolParameter(default=False,
                                         config_path=dict(section='core', name='retry-external-tasks'),
                                         description='If true, incomplete external tasks will be '
                                         'retested for completion while Luigi is running.')
    send_failure_email = BoolParameter(default=True,
                                       description='If true, send e-mails directly from the worker'
                                                   'on failure')
    no_install_shutdown_handler = BoolParameter(default=False,
                                                description='If true, the SIGUSR1 shutdown handler will'
                                                'NOT be install on the worker')
    check_unfulfilled_deps = BoolParameter(default=True,
                                           description='If true, check for completeness of '
                                           'dependencies before running a task')
    force_multiprocessing = BoolParameter(default=False,
                                          description='If true, use multiprocessing also when '
                                          'running with 1 worker')
    task_process_context = OptionalParameter(default=None,
                                             description='If set to a fully qualified class name, the class will '
                                             'be instantiated with a TaskProcess as its constructor parameter and '
                                             'applied as a context manager around its run() call, so this can be '
                                             'used for obtaining high level customizable monitoring or logging of '
                                             'each individual Task run.')