def _init_display_emulated(self): """ Enumlate a screen : write to GIF instead of physical screen""" self._gif = ''.join( random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=3)) + ".gif" self._display = gifanim(filename=self._gif, duration=0.1, max_frames=100, mode="1")
def test_gifanim_max_frames(): reference = get_reference_image('anim.gif') img = with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gif') as temp: fname = device = gifanim(256, 128, filename=fname, max_frames=1) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as ex: device.display(img) assert str(ex.value) == '0'
def test_gifanim_write(): with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gif') as temp: fname = device = gifanim(filename=fname) with canvas(device) as draw: baseline_data.primitives(device, draw) with canvas(device) as draw: draw.text((30, 10), text="Blipvert", fill="white") with canvas(device) as draw: baseline_data.primitives(device, draw) device.write_animation() assert_identical('anim.gif', fname)
def test_gifanim_noimages(): with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gif') as temp: fname = device = gifanim(filename=fname) device.write_animation() assert not os.path.exists(fname)