Example #1
 def _load(self, metrix):
 Load time series.
 :param timeseries: a TimeSeries, a dictionary or a path to a csv file(str).
 :return TimeSeries: a TimeSeries object.
     if isinstance(metrix, TimeSeries):
         return metrix
     if isinstance(metrix, dict):
         return TimeSeries(metrix)
     return TimeSeries(utils.read_csv(metrix))
Example #2
 def _load(self, time_series):
     Load time series into a TimeSeries object.
     :param timeseries: a TimeSeries, a dictionary or a path to a csv file(str).
     :return TimeSeries: a TimeSeries object.
     if isinstance(time_series, TimeSeries):
         return time_series
     if isinstance(time_series, dict):
         return TimeSeries(time_series)
     return TimeSeries(utils.read_csv(time_series))
Example #3
 def _load(self, time_series):
     Load time series.
     :param time_series: a TimeSeries, a dictionary or a path to a csv file(str).
     :return TimeSeries: a TimeSeries object.
     if not len(time_series):
         return None
     if isinstance(time_series, TimeSeries):
         return time_series
     if isinstance(time_series, dict):
         return TimeSeries(time_series)
     return TimeSeries(time_series)
Example #4
 def cvtTimeSeries(self, ts):
     if not isinstance(ts, TimeSeries):
         if isinstance(ts, list):
             tmp = {}
             for i, item in enumerate(ts):
                 tmp[i] = item
             return TimeSeries(tmp)
     return ts
Example #5
 def _compute_anom_data_decay_all(self):
     Compute anomaly scores using a lagging window covering all the data points before.
     anom_scores = {}
     values = self.time_series.values
     ema = utils.compute_ema(self.smoothing_factor, values)
     stdev = numpy.std(values)
     for i, (timestamp, value) in enumerate(self.time_series_items):
         anom_score = abs((value - ema[i]) / stdev) if stdev else value - ema[i]
         anom_scores[timestamp] = anom_score
     self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #6
 def _set_scores(self):
   Compute anomaly scores for the time series
   This algorithm just takes the diff of threshold with current value as anomaly score
   anom_scores = {}
   for timestamp, value in self.time_series.items():
     anom_scores[timestamp] = 0.0
     if self.absolute_threshold_value_upper and value > self.absolute_threshold_value_upper:
       anom_scores[timestamp] = value - self.absolute_threshold_value_upper
     if self.absolute_threshold_value_lower and value < self.absolute_threshold_value_lower:
       anom_scores[timestamp] = self.absolute_threshold_value_lower - value
   self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #7
 def _set_scores(self):
     Compute anomaly scores for the time series.
     anom_scores = {}
     derivatives_ema = utils.compute_ema(self.smoothing_factor, self.derivatives)
     for i, (timestamp, value) in enumerate(self.time_series_items):
         anom_scores[timestamp] = abs(self.derivatives[i] - derivatives_ema[i])
     stdev = numpy.std(list(anom_scores.values()))
     if stdev:
             for timestamp in anom_scores.keys():
                 anom_scores[timestamp] /= stdev
     self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #8
 def _set_scores(self):
 Set anomaly scores using a weighted sum.
     anom_scores_ema = self.exp_avg_detector.run()
     anom_scores_deri = self.derivative_detector.run()
     anom_scores = {}
     for timestamp in anom_scores_ema.timestamps:
         # Compute a weighted anomaly score.
         anom_scores[timestamp] = max(anom_scores_ema[timestamp], anom_scores_ema[timestamp] * DEFAULT_DETECTOR_EMA_WEIGHT \
           + anom_scores_deri[timestamp] * (1 - DEFAULT_DETECTOR_EMA_WEIGHT))
         # If ema score is significant enough, take the bigger one of the weighted score and deri score.
         if anom_scores_ema[timestamp] > DEFAULT_DETECTOR_EMA_SIGNIFICANT:
             anom_scores[timestamp] = max(anom_scores[timestamp],
     self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #9
 def _compute_anom_data_using_window(self):
     Compute anomaly scores using a lagging window.
     anom_scores = {}
     values = self.time_series.values
     stdev = numpy.std(values)
     for i, (timestamp, value) in enumerate(self.time_series_items):
         if i < self.lag_window_size:
             anom_score = self._compute_anom_score(values[:i + 1], value)
             anom_score = self._compute_anom_score(values[i - self.lag_window_size: i + 1], value)
         if stdev:
             anom_scores[timestamp] = anom_score / stdev
             anom_scores[timestamp] = anom_score
     self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #10
    def _set_scores(self):
        Compute anomaly scores for the time series by sliding both lagging window and future window.
        anom_scores = {}
        length = self.time_series_length
        lws = self.lag_window_size
        fws = self.future_window_size

        for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.time_series.timestamps):
            if i < lws or i > length - fws:
                anom_scores[timestamp] = 0
                anom_scores[timestamp] = self._compute_anom_score_between_two_windows(i)
        self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #11
    def fit(self, X):
        """Fit detector.
        X : dataframe of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The input samples.
        # a=str(ts[:,0])
        X = X.to_numpy()
        timestamp = np.asarray(X[:, 0].astype(np.datetime64))
        pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=1)
        value = np.reshape(pca.fit_transform(X[:, 1:]), -1)
        X = pd.Series(value, index=timestamp)
        X.index = X.index.map(lambda d: to_epoch(str(d)))
        lts = TimeSeries(X.to_dict())
        self.ts = timestamp
        self.ts_value = value
        self.detector = anomaly_detector.AnomalyDetector(lts)

        return self
 def _set_scores(self):
     Compute anomaly scores for the time series
     This algorithm just takes the diff of threshold with current value as
     anomaly score
     anom_scores = {}
     for i, (timestamp, value) in enumerate(self.time_series.items()):
         baseline_value = self.baseline_time_series[i]
         if baseline_value > 0:
             diff_percent = 100 * (value - baseline_value) / baseline_value
         elif value > 0:
             diff_percent = 100.0
             diff_percent = 0.0
         anom_scores[timestamp] = 0.0
         if self.percent_threshold_upper and diff_percent > 0 and diff_percent > self.percent_threshold_upper:
             anom_scores[timestamp] = diff_percent
         if self.percent_threshold_lower and diff_percent < 0 and diff_percent < self.percent_threshold_lower:
             anom_scores[timestamp] = -1 * diff_percent
     self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(self._denoise_scores(anom_scores))
Example #13
    def _set_scores(self):
        Compute anomaly scores for the time series
        anomaly regions are computed with sign test which also assigns a likelihood
        to the entire region

        scores = np.zeros(len(self.time_series.values))
        anomalies = SignTest._rolling_sign_test(
            self.scale * np.array(self.time_series.values),
            self.scale * np.array(self.baseline_time_series.values),
            alpha=float(self.percent_threshold) / 100,
            offset=self.scale * self.offset)
        for (s, e), prob in anomalies:
            scores[s:e] = 100 * prob
        scores_dict = dict()
        for i, timestamp in enumerate(self.time_series.timestamps):
            scores_dict[timestamp] = scores[i]
        self.anom_scores = TimeSeries(scores_dict)
Example #14
def real_anomaly_detection(samples, smoothing_factor):

    ts = TimeSeries(samples)
    detector = anomaly_detector.AnomalyDetector(
            smoothing_factor  # smoothing factor used to compute exponential moving averages
    anomalies = detector.get_anomalies()

    anomaly_times = []
    for a in anomalies:
        start = a.get_time_window()[0]
        end = a.get_time_window()[1]
        while (start <= end):
            start += 1

    print anomaly_times
    return anomaly_times