Example #1
def test_comparison():
    foo = URI.parse(b"foo:opaque")

    # TODO if this is even a thing i want
    #assert foo == "Foo:opaque"
    assert foo == URI.parse(b"FOO:opaque")
    #assert foo == "foo:opaque"

    assert foo != "Bar:opaque"
    assert foo != "foo:opaque#"
Example #2
def test_fragment():
    uri = URI.parse(b'http://foo#bar')
    assert uri.fragment == 'bar'

    del uri.fragment
    assert str(uri) == b'http://foo'

    uri = URI.parse(b'http://foo#where%20am%20i...')
    assert uri.fragment == 'where am i...'

    uri.fragment = 'right here'
    assert str(uri) == b'http://foo#right%20here'
Example #3
def test_simple():
    uri = URI.parse("http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html")

    assert str(uri) == "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html"
    assert uri.host == "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210"
    assert uri.host_port == "[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80"
    assert uri.port == 80

    del uri.port
    assert str(uri) == "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]/index.html"
    # TODO not clear if this should include the port even when it doesn't exist
    # in the URI
    #assert uri.host_port == "[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80"
    uri.port = 80

    uri.host = 'host'
    assert str(uri) == "http://host:80/index.html"

    uri.host = "FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210"
    assert str(uri) == "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:80/index.html"
    uri.host_port = "[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:88"
    assert str(uri) == "http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:88/index.html"
    uri.host_port = "[::1]:80"
    assert str(uri) == "http://[::1]:80/index.html"
    uri.host = "::1:80"
    assert str(uri) == "http://[::1:80]:80/index.html"
    uri.host = "[::1:80]"
    assert str(uri) == "http://[::1:80]:80/index.html"
Example #4
def test_ftp():
    uri = URI.parse("ftp://ftp:@[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]")
    assert str(uri) == "ftp://ftp:@[3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1]"

    assert uri.port == 21
    assert not uri._port

    assert uri.host == "3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1"
    uri.host = "ftp"
    assert str(uri) == "ftp://ftp:@ftp"
Example #5
def test_authority():
    uri = URI.parse(b'what://*****:*****@host:/')

    assert uri.userinfo == 'foo:bar'
    assert uri.host == 'host'
    assert uri.port == None
    assert str(uri) == b'what://*****:*****@host/'

    # Play with the userinfo
    # TODO split this into user/password?  seems scheme-specific.
    uri.userinfo = u'hello world'
    assert str(uri) == b'what://hello%20world@host/'
    del uri.userinfo
    assert str(uri) == b'what://host/'
Example #6
def test_scheme():
    uri = URI.parse(b'http://foo')

    assert uri.scheme == 'http'

    uri.scheme = 'foo'
    assert uri.scheme == 'foo'
    assert str(uri) == b'foo://foo'

    del uri.scheme
    assert str(uri) == b'//foo'

    uri.scheme = 'HTTP'
    assert str(uri) == 'http://foo'

    # Must use unicode to set properties
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        uri.scheme = b'foo'

    # Scheme must be /[a-z][a-z0-9.-+]+/i
    for bad_scheme in ('', '+ssh', 'foo bar', 'http:', 'ftp%20'):
        with pytest.raises(InvalidURIError):
            uri.scheme = bad_scheme
Example #7
def test_hierarchy():
    foo = URI.parse(b"foo://*****:*****@&")
    assert foo.authority == "%2F%3F%20%23;@&"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://%2F%3F%20%23;@&/path?query#frag"

    assert foo.authority == "host:80"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://*****:*****@;/?#"
    assert foo.path_escaped == "/@;/%3F%23"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://*****:*****@;/%3F%23?query#frag"

    foo.path_string = "/path"
    assert foo.path_string == "/path"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://host:80/path?query#frag"

    # Query
    foo.query = "foo"
    assert foo.query == "foo"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://host:80/path?foo#frag"

    foo.query = ""
    assert foo.query == ""
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://host:80/path?#frag"

    foo.query = None
    assert foo.query == None
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://host:80/path#frag"

    foo.query = "/?&=# "
    assert foo.query == "/?&=%23%20"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://host:80/path?/?&=%23%20#frag"

    foo.query = "query"
    assert foo.query == "query"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo://host:80/path?query#frag"
Example #8
def test_simple():
    foo = URI.parse(b'Foo:opaque#frag')

    # TODO this is testing for the uri subclass
    #print "not " unless ref($foo) eq "URI::_foreign";

    # DEVIATION: lurid canonicalizes the scheme
    assert str(foo) == b'foo:opaque#frag'

    assert foo.scheme == 'foo'
    assert foo.opaque == 'opaque'
    assert foo.fragment == 'frag'
    assert foo.serialize() == 'foo:opaque#frag'

    # Scheme
    foo.scheme = "bar"
    assert str(foo) == b"bar:opaque#frag"

    # TODO unclear if this should work or be allowed or what
    # TODO there's no actual parsing or other checking for the scheme, bleh
    #foo.scheme = ""
    #assert str(foo) == "opaque#frag"

    del foo.scheme
    assert str(foo) == b"opaque#frag"

    foo.scheme = "foo"

    # Opaque stuff
    assert foo.opaque == "xxx"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo:xxx#frag"

    assert foo.opaque == ""
    assert str(foo) == b"foo:#frag"

    # TODO unclear what sort of auto-escaping opaque should do; this is clearly
    # not a parse
    #foo.opaque = " #?/"
    #assert foo.opaque == "%20%23?/"

    del foo.opaque
    assert foo.opaque == ""
    assert str(foo) == b"foo:#frag"


    # Fragments
    assert foo.fragment == "frag"

    foo.fragment = "x"
    assert foo.fragment == "x"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo:opaque#x"

    foo.fragment = ""
    assert foo.fragment == ""
    assert str(foo) == b"foo:opaque#"

    del foo.fragment
    assert foo.fragment == None
    assert str(foo) == b"foo:opaque"
Example #9
def test_buildup():
    foo = URI()
    # DEVIATION: lurid refuses to magically change relative paths to absolute
    foo.path_string = "/path"
    assert str(foo) == b"//auth/path"

    # TODO: $foo = URI->new("", "http:");
    foo = URI()
    foo.query = "query"
    assert str(foo) == b"//auth?query"

    foo.path_string = "/path"
    assert str(foo) == b"//auth/path?query"

    foo = URI.parse(b"")
    assert foo.path_string == ""
    assert foo.path_string == "foo"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo"

    assert foo.path_string == "bar"
    assert foo.opaque == "bar"
    assert str(foo) == b"bar"

    assert foo.path_string == "foo"
    assert foo.opaque == "foo"
    assert str(foo) == b"foo"

    assert str(foo) == b""

    assert foo.query == None
    foo.query = "q"
    assert str(foo) == b"?q"
Example #10
def test_localhost():
    uri = URI.parse("http://[::1]")
    assert uri.host == "::1"