Example #1
class Board:
    """ Board is a thin layer above LBoard, adding the Piece objects, which are
        needed for animation in BoardView.
        In contrast to LBoard, Board is immutable, which means it will clone
        itself each time you apply a move to it.
        Caveat: As the only objects, the Piece objects in the self.data lists
        will not be cloned, to make animation state preserve between moves """
    def __init__ (self, setup=False):
        self.data = [[None]*8 for i in xrange(8)]
        self.board = LBoard()
        if setup:
            if setup == True:
            else: self.board.applyFen(setup)
            arBoard = self.board.arBoard
            wpieces = self.board.boards[WHITE]
            bpieces = self.board.boards[BLACK]
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[WHITE] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[WHITE])] = Piece(WHITE, KING)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[BLACK] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[BLACK])] = Piece(BLACK, KING)
    def move (self, move):
        assert self[move.cord0], "%s %s" % (move, self.asFen())
        newBoard = self.clone()
        newBoard.board.applyMove (move.move)
        cord0, cord1 = move.cords
        flag = FLAG(move.move)
        newBoard[cord1] = newBoard[cord0]
        newBoard[cord0] = None
        if self.color == WHITE:
            if flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(D1)] = newBoard[Cord(A1)]
                newBoard[Cord(A1)] = None
            elif flag == KING_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(F1)] = newBoard[Cord(H1)]
                newBoard[Cord(H1)] = None
            if flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(D8)] = newBoard[Cord(A8)]
                newBoard[Cord(A8)] = None
            elif flag == KING_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(F8)] = newBoard[Cord(H8)]
                newBoard[Cord(H8)] = None
        if flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newBoard[cord1] = Piece(self.color, PROMOTE_PIECE(flag))
        elif flag == ENPASSANT:
            newBoard[Cord(cord1.x, cord0.y)] = None
        return newBoard
    def willLeaveInCheck (self, move):
            result = self.board.opIsChecked()
        return result
    def switchColor (self):
        """ Switches the current color to move and unsets the enpassant cord.
            Mostly to be used by inversed analyzers """
        return self.setColor(1-self.color)
    def _get_enpassant (self):
        if self.board.enpassant != None:
            return Cord(self.board.enpassant)
        return None
    enpassant = property(_get_enpassant)
    def setColor (self, color):
        newBoard = self.clone()
        return newBoard
    def _get_color (self):
        return self.board.color
    color = property(_get_color)
    def _get_ply (self):
        return len(self.board.history)
    ply = property(_get_ply)
    def asFen (self):
        return self.board.asFen()
    def __repr__ (self):
        return str(self.board)
    def __getitem__ (self, cord):
        return self.data[cord.y][cord.x]
    def __setitem__ (self, cord, piece):
        self.data[cord.y][cord.x] = piece
    def clone (self):
        fenstr = self.asFen()
        lboard = LBoard()
        lboard.applyFen (fenstr)
        lboard.history = copy(self.board.history)
        newBoard = Board()
        newBoard.board = lboard
        for y, row in enumerate(self.data):
            for x, piece in enumerate(row):
                newBoard.data[y][x] = piece
        return newBoard
Example #2
class Board:
    """ Board is a thin layer above LBoard, adding the Piece objects, which are
        needed for animation in BoardView.
        In contrast to LBoard, Board is immutable, which means it will clone
        itself each time you apply a move to it.
        Caveat: As the only objects, the Piece objects in the self.data lists
        will not be cloned, to make animation state preserve between moves """
    variant = NORMALCHESS
    RANKS = 8
    FILES = 8
    def __init__ (self, setup=False, lboard=None):
        self.data = [dict(enumerate([None]*self.FILES)) for i in xrange(self.RANKS)]
        if lboard is None:
            self.board = LBoard(self.variant)
            self.board = lboard
        self.board.pieceBoard = self
        if setup:
            if lboard is None:
                if setup == True:
                elif isinstance(setup, basestring):
            wpieces = self.board.boards[WHITE]
            bpieces = self.board.boards[BLACK]
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[WHITE] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[WHITE])] = Piece(WHITE, KING)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[BLACK] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[BLACK])] = Piece(BLACK, KING)
            if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                for color in (BLACK, WHITE):
                    holding = self.board.holding[color]
                    for piece in holding:
                        for i in range(holding[piece]):
                            self[self.newHoldingCord(color, 1)] = Piece(color, piece)
    def getHoldingCord(self, color, piece):
        """Get the first occurence of piece in given colors holding"""
        enum = reverse_enum if color == WHITE else enumerate
        files = ((self.FILES+3, self.FILES+2, self.FILES+1), (-4, -3, -2))
        for x in files[color]:
            for i, row in enum(self.data):
                if (row.get(x) is not None) and row.get(x).piece == piece:
                    return Cord(x, i)

    def newHoldingCord(self, color, nth):
        """Find the nth empty slot in given colors holding"""
        enum = reverse_enum if color == BLACK else enumerate
        files = ((self.FILES+1, self.FILES+2, self.FILES+3), (-2, -3, -4))
        empty = 0
        for x in files[color]:
            for i, row in enum(self.data):
                if row.get(x) is None:
                    empty += 1
                    if empty == nth:
                        return Cord(x, i)
    def simulateMove (self, board1, move):
        moved = []
        new = []
        dead = []

        # Sequence nubers of next newHoldingCord of WHITE and BLACK
        nth = [0, 0]
        if move.flag == NULL_MOVE:
            return moved, new, dead
        cord0, cord1 = move.cords
        if move.flag == DROP:
            piece = FCORD(move.move)
            cord0 = self.getHoldingCord(self.color, piece)
            moved.append( (self[cord0], cord0) )
            return moved, new, dead

        if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS and (self[cord1] or move.flag == ENPASSANT):
            piece = self[cord0]
            nth[1-piece.color] += 1
            cord = self.newHoldingCord(1-piece.color, nth[1-piece.color])
            moved.append( (board1[cord], cord0) )
            new.append( board1[cord] )
            moved.append( (self[cord0], cord0) )

        if self[cord1]:
            piece = PAWN if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS and self[cord1].promoted else self[cord1].piece
            nth[self.color] += 1
            cord = self.newHoldingCord(self.color, nth[self.color])
            moved.append( (board1[cord], cord1) )
            new.append( board1[cord] )

            if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import cordsAround
                for acord in cordsAround(cord1):
                    piece = self[acord]
                    if piece and piece.piece != PAWN and acord != cord0:
                        nth[1-piece.color] += 1
                        cord = self.newHoldingCord(1-piece.color, nth[1-piece.color])
                        moved.append( (board1[cord], acord) )
                        new.append( board1[cord] )

        if move.flag in (QUEEN_CASTLE, KING_CASTLE):
            side = move.flag - QUEEN_CASTLE
            if FILE(cord0.x) == 3 and self.board.variant in (WILDCASTLECHESS, WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS):
                side = 0 if side == 1 else 1
            rook = self.board.ini_rooks[self.color][side]
            moved.append( (self[Cord(rook)], Cord(rook)) )
        elif move.flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newPiece = board1[cord1]
            moved.append( (newPiece, cord0) )
            new.append( newPiece )
        elif move.flag == ENPASSANT:
            shift = -1 if self.color == WHITE else 1
            ep_cord = Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y + shift)
            moved.append( (self[ep_cord], ep_cord) )
            nth[self.color] += 1
            cord = self.newHoldingCord(self.color, nth[self.color])
            new.append( board1[cord] )

        return moved, new, dead
    def simulateUnmove (self, board1, move):
        moved = []
        new = []
        dead = []
        if move.flag == NULL_MOVE:
            return moved, new, dead
        cord0, cord1 = move.cords

        if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS and (board1[cord1] or move.flag == ENPASSANT):
            piece = board1[cord0].piece
            cord = self.getHoldingCord(self.color, piece)
            moved.append( (self[cord], cord) )
            self[cord].opacity = 1
            dead.append( self[cord] )
            moved.append( (self[cord1], cord1) )
        if board1[cord1]:
            piece = PAWN if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS and board1[cord1].promoted else board1[cord1].piece
            cord = self.getHoldingCord(1-self.color, piece)
            moved.append( (self[cord], cord) )
            self[cord].opacity = 1
            dead.append( self[cord] )

            if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import cordsAround
                for acord in cordsAround(cord1):
                    piece = board1[acord]
                    if piece and piece.piece != PAWN and acord != cord0:
                        piece.opacity = 0
                        cord = self.getHoldingCord(1-piece.color, piece.piece)
                        moved.append( (self[cord], cord) )
                        self[cord].opacity = 1
                        dead.append( self[cord] )

        if move.flag in (QUEEN_CASTLE, KING_CASTLE):
            side = move.flag - QUEEN_CASTLE
            if FILE(cord0.x) == 3 and self.board.variant in (WILDCASTLECHESS, WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS):
                side = 0 if side == 1 else 1
            rook = self.board.fin_rooks[board1.color][side]
            moved.append( (self[Cord(rook)], Cord(rook)) )
        elif move.flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newPiece = board1[cord0]
            moved.append( (newPiece, cord1) )
            new.append( newPiece )
        elif move.flag == ENPASSANT:
            cord = self.getHoldingCord(1-self.color, PAWN)
            moved.append( (self[cord], cord) )
            self[cord].opacity = 1
            dead.append( self[cord] )
        return moved, new, dead
    def move (self, move, lboard=None):
        """ Creates a new Board object cloning itself then applying
            the move.move to the clone Board's lboard.
            If lboard param was given, it will be used when cloning,
            and move will not be applyed, just the high level Piece
            objects will be adjusted.""" 

        # Sequence nubers of next newHoldingCord of WHITE and BLACK
        nth = [0, 0]

        flag = FLAG(move.move)
        if flag != DROP:
            assert self[move.cord0], "%s %s" % (move, self.asFen())
        newBoard = self.clone(lboard=lboard)
        if lboard is None:
            newBoard.board.applyMove (move.move)

        cord0, cord1 = move.cords

        if self[move.cord1] is not None or flag == ENPASSANT:
            if self.variant == CRAZYHOUSECHESS:
                piece = PAWN if flag == ENPASSANT or self[move.cord1].promoted else self[move.cord1].piece
                new_piece = Piece(self.color, piece)
                piece = PAWN if flag == ENPASSANT else self[move.cord1].piece
                new_piece = Piece(1-self.color, piece)
            nth[self.color] += 1
            newBoard[self.newHoldingCord(self.color, nth[self.color])] = new_piece
            if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS:
                from pychess.Variants.atomic import cordsAround
                for acord in cordsAround(move.cord1):
                    piece = self[acord]
                    if piece and piece.piece != PAWN and acord != cord0:
                        new_piece = Piece(piece.color, piece.piece)
                        nth[1-piece.color] += 1
                        newBoard[self.newHoldingCord(1-piece.color, nth[1-piece.color])] = new_piece
                        newBoard[acord] = None
        if flag == DROP:
            piece = FCORD(move.move)
            hc = self.getHoldingCord(self.color, piece)
            if hc is None:
                newBoard[cord1] = Piece(self.color, piece)
                newBoard[cord1] = newBoard[self.getHoldingCord(self.color, piece)]
                newBoard[self.getHoldingCord(self.color, piece)] = None
            if self.variant == ATOMICCHESS and (flag == ENPASSANT or self[move.cord1] is not None):
                piece = self[move.cord0].piece
                new_piece = Piece(self.color, piece)
                nth[1-self.color] += 1
                newBoard[self.newHoldingCord(1-self.color, nth[1-self.color])] = new_piece
                newBoard[cord1] = None
                newBoard[cord1] = newBoard[cord0]
        if flag != NULL_MOVE and flag != DROP:
            newBoard[cord0] = None
        if flag in (QUEEN_CASTLE, KING_CASTLE):
            side = flag - QUEEN_CASTLE
            if FILE(cord0.x) == 3 and self.board.variant in (WILDCASTLECHESS, WILDCASTLESHUFFLECHESS):
                side = 0 if side == 1 else 1
            inirook = self.board.ini_rooks[self.color][side]
            finrook = self.board.fin_rooks[self.color][side]
            newBoard[Cord(finrook)] = newBoard[Cord(inirook)]
            newBoard[Cord(inirook)] = None

        if flag in PROMOTIONS:
            new_piece = Piece(self.color, PROMOTE_PIECE(flag))
            new_piece.promoted = True
            newBoard[cord1] = new_piece
        elif flag == ENPASSANT:
            newBoard[Cord(cord1.x, cord0.y)] = None
        return newBoard
    def switchColor (self):
        """ Switches the current color to move and unsets the enpassant cord.
            Mostly to be used by inversed analyzers """
        return self.setColor(1-self.color)
    def _get_enpassant (self):
        if self.board.enpassant != None:
            return Cord(self.board.enpassant)
        return None
    enpassant = property(_get_enpassant)
    def setColor (self, color):
        newBoard = self.clone()
        return newBoard
    def _get_color (self):
        return self.board.color
    color = property(_get_color)
    def _get_ply (self):
        return self.board.plyCount
    ply = property(_get_ply)
    def asFen (self, enable_bfen=True):
        return self.board.asFen(enable_bfen)
    def __repr__ (self):
        return str(self.board)
    def __getitem__ (self, cord):
        return self.data[cord.y].get(cord.x)
    def __setitem__ (self, cord, piece):
        self.data[cord.y][cord.x] = piece
    def clone (self, lboard=None):
        if lboard is None:
            lboard = self.board.clone()
        if self.variant != NORMALCHESS:
            from pychess.Variants import variants
            newBoard = variants[self.variant].board()
            newBoard = Board()
        newBoard.board = lboard
        newBoard.board.pieceBoard = newBoard
        for y, row in enumerate(self.data):
            for x, piece in row.items():
                newBoard.data[y][x] = piece
        return newBoard
    def __eq__ (self, other):
        if type(self) != type(other): return False
        return self.board == other.board

    def printPieces(self):
        b = ""
        for row in reversed(self.data):
            for i in range(-3, 11):
                piece = row.get(i)
                if piece is not None:
                    if piece.color == BLACK:
                        p = FAN_PIECES[BLACK][piece.piece]
                        p = FAN_PIECES[WHITE][piece.piece]
                    b += p
                    b += '.'
            b += "\n"
        print b
Example #3
class Board:
    """ Board is a thin layer above LBoard, adding the Piece objects, which are
        needed for animation in BoardView.
        In contrast to LBoard, Board is immutable, which means it will clone
        itself each time you apply a move to it.
        Caveat: As the only objects, the Piece objects in the self.data lists
        will not be cloned, to make animation state preserve between moves """
    variant = NORMALCHESS
    def __init__ (self, setup=False):
        self.data = [[None]*8 for i in xrange(8)]
        self.board = LBoard(self.variant)
        if setup:
            if setup == True:
            else: self.board.applyFen(setup)
            arBoard = self.board.arBoard
            wpieces = self.board.boards[WHITE]
            bpieces = self.board.boards[BLACK]
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[WHITE] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[WHITE])] = Piece(WHITE, KING)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[BLACK] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[BLACK])] = Piece(BLACK, KING)
    def addPiece (self, cord, piece):
        self[cord] = piece
        self.board._addPiece(cord.cord, piece.piece, piece.color)
    def simulateMove (self, board1, move):
        moved = []
        new = []
        dead = []
        cord0, cord1 = move.cords
        moved.append( (self[cord0], cord0) )
        if self[cord1]:
            dead.append( self[cord1] )
        if move.flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
            if self.color == WHITE:
                moved.append( (self[Cord(A1)], Cord(A1)) )
                moved.append( (self[Cord(A8)], Cord(A8)) )
        elif move.flag == KING_CASTLE:
            if self.color == WHITE:
                moved.append( (self[Cord(H1)], Cord(H1)) )
                moved.append( (self[Cord(H8)], Cord(H8)) )
        elif move.flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newPiece = board1[cord1]
            moved.append( (newPiece, cord0) )
            new.append( newPiece )
            dead.append( self[cord0] )
        elif move.flag == ENPASSANT:
            if self.color == WHITE:
                dead.append( self[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y-1)] )
            else: dead.append( self[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y+1)] )
        return moved, new, dead
    def simulateUnmove (self, board1, move):
        moved = []
        new = []
        dead = []
        cord0, cord1 = move.cords
        moved.append( (self[cord1], cord1) )
        if board1[cord1]:
            dead.append( board1[cord1] )
        if move.flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
            if board1.color == WHITE:
                moved.append( (self[Cord(D1)], Cord(D1)) )
                moved.append( (self[Cord(D8)], Cord(D8)) )
        elif move.flag == KING_CASTLE:
            if board1.color == WHITE:
                moved.append( (self[Cord(F1)], Cord(F1)) )
                moved.append( (self[Cord(F8)], Cord(F8)) )
        elif move.flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newPiece = board1[cord0]
            moved.append( (newPiece, cord1) )
            new.append( newPiece )
            dead.append( self[cord1] )
        elif move.flag == ENPASSANT:
            if board1.color == WHITE:
                new.append( board1[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y-1)] )
            else: new.append( board1[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y+1)] )
        return moved, new, dead
    def move (self, move):
        assert self[move.cord0], "%s %s" % (move, self.asFen())
        newBoard = self.clone()
        newBoard.board.applyMove (move.move)
        cord0, cord1 = move.cords
        flag = FLAG(move.move)
        newBoard[cord1] = newBoard[cord0]
        newBoard[cord0] = None
        if self.color == WHITE:
            if flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(D1)] = newBoard[Cord(A1)]
                newBoard[Cord(A1)] = None
            elif flag == KING_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(F1)] = newBoard[Cord(H1)]
                newBoard[Cord(H1)] = None
            if flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(D8)] = newBoard[Cord(A8)]
                newBoard[Cord(A8)] = None
            elif flag == KING_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(F8)] = newBoard[Cord(H8)]
                newBoard[Cord(H8)] = None

        if flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newBoard[cord1] = Piece(self.color, PROMOTE_PIECE(flag))
        elif flag == ENPASSANT:
            newBoard[Cord(cord1.x, cord0.y)] = None
        return newBoard

    def willLeaveInCheck (self, move):
        board_clone = self.board.clone()
        return board_clone.opIsChecked()
    def switchColor (self):
        """ Switches the current color to move and unsets the enpassant cord.
            Mostly to be used by inversed analyzers """
        return self.setColor(1-self.color)
    def _get_enpassant (self):
        if self.board.enpassant != None:
            return Cord(self.board.enpassant)
        return None
    enpassant = property(_get_enpassant)
    def setColor (self, color):
        newBoard = self.clone()
        return newBoard
    def _get_color (self):
        return self.board.color
    color = property(_get_color)
    def _get_ply (self):
        return len(self.board.history)
    ply = property(_get_ply)
    def asFen (self):
        return self.board.asFen()
    def asXFen (self):
        return self.board.asFen(useXFen=True)
    def __repr__ (self):
        return str(self.board)
    def __getitem__ (self, cord):
        return self.data[cord.y][cord.x]
    def __setitem__ (self, cord, piece):
        self.data[cord.y][cord.x] = piece
    def clone (self):
        lboard = self.board.clone()
        if self.variant != NORMALCHESS:
            from pychess.Variants import variants
            newBoard = variants[self.variant].board()
            newBoard = Board()
        newBoard.board = lboard
        for y, row in enumerate(self.data):
            for x, piece in enumerate(row):
                newBoard.data[y][x] = piece
        return newBoard
    def __eq__ (self, other):
        if type(self) != type(other): return False
        return self.board == other.board
Example #4
class Board:
    """ Board is a thin layer above LBoard, adding the Piece objects, which are
        needed for animation in BoardView.
        In contrast to LBoard, Board is immutable, which means it will clone
        itself each time you apply a move to it.
        Caveat: As the only objects, the Piece objects in the self.data lists
        will not be cloned, to make animation state preserve between moves """

    variant = NORMALCHESS

    def __init__(self, setup=False):
        self.data = [[None] * 8 for i in xrange(8)]
        self.board = LBoard(self.variant)

        if setup:
            if setup == True:

            arBoard = self.board.arBoard
            wpieces = self.board.boards[WHITE]
            bpieces = self.board.boards[BLACK]

            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(wpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(WHITE, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[WHITE] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[WHITE])] = Piece(WHITE, KING)

            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[PAWN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, PAWN)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[KNIGHT]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, KNIGHT)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[BISHOP]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, BISHOP)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[ROOK]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, ROOK)
            for cord in iterBits(bpieces[QUEEN]):
                self.data[RANK(cord)][FILE(cord)] = Piece(BLACK, QUEEN)
            if self.board.kings[BLACK] != -1:
                self[Cord(self.board.kings[BLACK])] = Piece(BLACK, KING)

    def addPiece(self, cord, piece):
        self[cord] = piece
        self.board._addPiece(cord.cord, piece.piece, piece.color)

    def simulateMove(self, board1, move):
        moved = []
        new = []
        dead = []

        cord0, cord1 = move.cords

        moved.append((self[cord0], cord0))

        if self[cord1]:

        if move.flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
            if self.color == WHITE:
                moved.append((self[Cord(A1)], Cord(A1)))
                moved.append((self[Cord(A8)], Cord(A8)))
        elif move.flag == KING_CASTLE:
            if self.color == WHITE:
                moved.append((self[Cord(H1)], Cord(H1)))
                moved.append((self[Cord(H8)], Cord(H8)))

        elif move.flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newPiece = board1[cord1]
            moved.append((newPiece, cord0))
            newPiece.opacity = 1

        elif move.flag == ENPASSANT:
            if self.color == WHITE:
                dead.append(self[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y - 1)])
                dead.append(self[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y + 1)])

        return moved, new, dead

    def simulateUnmove(self, board1, move):
        moved = []
        new = []
        dead = []

        cord0, cord1 = move.cords

        moved.append((self[cord1], cord1))

        if board1[cord1]:

        if move.flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
            if board1.color == WHITE:
                moved.append((self[Cord(D1)], Cord(D1)))
                moved.append((self[Cord(D8)], Cord(D8)))
        elif move.flag == KING_CASTLE:
            if board1.color == WHITE:
                moved.append((self[Cord(F1)], Cord(F1)))
                moved.append((self[Cord(F8)], Cord(F8)))

        elif move.flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newPiece = board1[cord0]
            moved.append((newPiece, cord1))
            newPiece.opacity = 1

        elif move.flag == ENPASSANT:
            if board1.color == WHITE:
                new.append(board1[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y - 1)])
                new.append(board1[Cord(cord1.x, cord1.y + 1)])

        return moved, new, dead

    def move(self, move):

        assert self[move.cord0], "%s %s" % (move, self.asFen())

        newBoard = self.clone()

        cord0, cord1 = move.cords
        flag = FLAG(move.move)

        newBoard[cord1] = newBoard[cord0]
        newBoard[cord0] = None

        if self.color == WHITE:
            if flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(D1)] = newBoard[Cord(A1)]
                newBoard[Cord(A1)] = None
            elif flag == KING_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(F1)] = newBoard[Cord(H1)]
                newBoard[Cord(H1)] = None
            if flag == QUEEN_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(D8)] = newBoard[Cord(A8)]
                newBoard[Cord(A8)] = None
            elif flag == KING_CASTLE:
                newBoard[Cord(F8)] = newBoard[Cord(H8)]
                newBoard[Cord(H8)] = None

        if flag in PROMOTIONS:
            newBoard[cord1] = Piece(self.color, PROMOTE_PIECE(flag))

        elif flag == ENPASSANT:
            newBoard[Cord(cord1.x, cord0.y)] = None

        return newBoard

    def willLeaveInCheck(self, move):
        board_clone = self.board.clone()
        return board_clone.opIsChecked()

    def switchColor(self):
        """ Switches the current color to move and unsets the enpassant cord.
            Mostly to be used by inversed analyzers """
        return self.setColor(1 - self.color)

    def _get_enpassant(self):
        if self.board.enpassant != None:
            return Cord(self.board.enpassant)
        return None

    enpassant = property(_get_enpassant)

    def setColor(self, color):
        newBoard = self.clone()
        return newBoard

    def _get_color(self):
        return self.board.color

    color = property(_get_color)

    def _get_ply(self):
        return len(self.board.history)

    ply = property(_get_ply)

    def asFen(self):
        return self.board.asFen()

    def asXFen(self):
        return self.board.asFen(useXFen=True)

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self.board)

    def __getitem__(self, cord):
        return self.data[cord.y][cord.x]

    def __setitem__(self, cord, piece):
        self.data[cord.y][cord.x] = piece

    def clone(self):

        lboard = self.board.clone()

        if self.variant != NORMALCHESS:
            from pychess.Variants import variants
            newBoard = variants[self.variant].board()
            newBoard = Board()
        newBoard.board = lboard

        for y, row in enumerate(self.data):
            for x, piece in enumerate(row):
                newBoard.data[y][x] = piece

        return newBoard

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if type(self) != type(other): return False
        return self.board == other.board