def login_page_gen(): html = E.HTML( E.HEAD( E.LINK(rel="stylesheet", href="/css/deeplight.css", type="text/css"), E.TITLE("Administration and moderation") ), E.BODY( E.H1(E.CLASS("heading"), "Farlight Engine Imageboard"), E.P(E.CLASS("loginmessage"), "You need to login"), E.FORM(E.CLASS("loginform"), E.TABLE( E.TR(E.TD('LOGIN'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'login', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('PASSWORD'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'password', value = '')) ), ), E.INPUT(type = 'submit', value = 'LOGIN'), method = 'POST', action = '/admin/login' ) ) ) return lxml.html.tostring(html)
def process_file(input_file, output_file=None, encoding='utf-8'): if output_file is None: output_file = input_file + '.html' root = etree.parse(input_file).getroot() item = root.xpath("/items/item")[0] (method,) = item.xpath("method/text()") if method.lower() != "post": raise ValueError("Only POST requests are supported") # TODO (url,) = item.xpath("url/text()") (request,) = item.xpath("request") contents = request.text if request.get("base64"): contents = b64decode(contents) _, body = contents.split("\r\n\r\n", 1) output = E.HTML( E.HEAD(E.META(**{'http-equiv': 'Content-type', 'content': 'text/html; charset=' + encoding})), E.BODY( E.FORM( E.INPUT(type="submit"), *(E.INPUT(type="hidden", name=name, value=value) for name, value in decode_form_urlencoded_values(body, encoding)), action=url, method=method ) ) ) with, 'wb', encoding) as html_output: html_output.write(html.tostring(output, encoding=unicode)) return output_file
def password_change_menu(): html = E.HTML( E.HEAD( E.LINK(rel="stylesheet", href="/css/deeplight.css", type="text/css"), E.TITLE("Administration and moderation") ), E.BODY( E.H1(E.CLASS("heading"), "Farlight Engine Imageboard"), E.P(E.CLASS("loginmessage"), "Change your password"), E.FORM(E.CLASS("loginform"), E.INPUT(type = 'hidden', name = 'action', value = 'change'), E.INPUT(type = 'hidden', name = 'instance', value = 'password'), E.TABLE( E.TR(E.TD('OLD PASSWORD'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'password', name = 'old_passwd', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('NEW PASSWORD'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'password', name = 'new_passwd', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('NEW PASSWORD AGAIN'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'password', name = 'new_passwd_again', value = '')) ), ), E.INPUT(type = 'submit', value = 'LOGIN'), method = 'POST', action = '/admin' ) ) ) return lxml.html.tostring(html)
def manifest_html(self): """ This is manifest.html the human useable form of the manifest.xml special object to list needed criteria or return a manifest given a set of criteria """ web_page = \ E.HTML( E.HEAD( E.TITLE(_("%s A/I Webserver -- " "Maninfest Criteria Test") % _DISTRIBUTION) ), E.BODY( E.H1(_("Welcome to the %s A/I " "webserver") % _DISTRIBUTION), E.H2(_("Manifest criteria tester")), E.P(_("To test a system's criteria, all " "criteria listed are necessary. The " "format used should be:"), E.BR(), E.TT("criteria1=value1;criteria2=value2"), E.BR(), _("For example:"), E.BR(), E.TT("arch=sun4u;mac=EEE0C0FFEE00;" "ipv4=172020025012;" "manufacturer=sun microsystems") ), E.H1(_("Criteria:")), E.P(str(list(AIdb.getCriteria( self.AISQL.getQueue(), strip=True)))), E.FORM(E.INPUT(type="text", name="postData"), E.INPUT(type="submit"), action="manifest.xml", method="POST" ) ) ) return lxml.etree.tostring(web_page, pretty_print=True)
def list_boards_menu(board_list, purpose): """need to put boards table creating to a separate function in future""" posts_num_cell = E.DIV(E.SPAN('????', style = 'display:inline-block; width:4em; text-align:center;'), E.INPUT(type='number', size='6', min='0', value='1', style = 'width: 6em;'), E.SELECT(E.OPTION('Секунды', value='1'), E.OPTION('Минуты', value='60'), E.OPTION('Часы', value='3600'), E.OPTION('Дни', value='86400', selected='') ), E.BUTTON('GET', onclick='get_posts_num_from_time(this)', type = 'button')) tablerows = [E.TR(E.TD(E.A(b.address, href = '/'+b.address)), E.TD(b.tablename), E.TD(str(, E.TD(str(b.fullname)), E.TD(str(b.description)), E.TD(str(b.category)), E.TD(str(, E.TD(str(b.bumplimit)), E.TD(str(b.maxthreads)), E.TD(copy.copy(posts_num_cell)) )for b in board_list] #purpose will be applyed later html = E.HTML( E.HEAD( E.LINK(rel="stylesheet", href="/css/deeplight.css", type="text/css"), E.TITLE("Creating board"), E.SCRIPT(type = 'text/javascript', src = '/adminscript.js') #js ), E.BODY( E.DIV(E.CLASS('adminupdiv'), E.DIV(E.CLASS('logout'), E.A('Logout', href='/admin/logout')), E.H2(E.CLASS("heading"), "Listing boards"), ), E.TABLE( E.CLASS("boardstable"), E.TR(E.TH('Адрес'), E.TH('Таблица'), E.TH('Название'), E.TH('Полное название'), E.TH('Описание'), E.TH('Категория'), E.TH('Максимум картинок'), E.TH('Бамплимит'), E.TH('Максимум тредов'), E.TH('Постов за последнее время') ), *tablerows ) ) ) return lxml.html.tostring(html)
def board_creation_menu(): #here is the html board creation menu html = E.HTML( E.HEAD( E.LINK(rel="stylesheet", href="/css/deeplight.css", type="text/css"), E.TITLE("Creating board") ), E.BODY( E.DIV(E.CLASS('adminupdiv'), E.DIV(E.CLASS('logout'), E.A('Logout', href='/admin/logout')), E.H2(E.CLASS("heading"), "Create new board"), ), E.DIV(E.CLASS("boardcreateform"), E.FORM( E.INPUT(type = 'hidden', name = 'action', value = 'create'), E.INPUT(type = 'hidden', name = 'instance', value = 'board'), E.TABLE( E.TR(E.TD('Address'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'address', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Tablename'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'tablename', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Name'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'name', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Fullname'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'fullname', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Description'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'description', value = '')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Pics number'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'number', name = 'picsnum', value = '', min = '0', max = '10')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Bumplimit'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'number', name = 'bumplimit', value = '', min = '0')) ), E.TR(E.TD('Max threads'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'number', name = 'maxthreads', value = '', min = '-1')) ), E.TR(E.TD(E.INPUT(type='checkbox', name='delposts', value='1', checked='checked'), 'Удаление постов', colspan='2', style='text-align:center;')), E.TR(E.TD(E.INPUT(type='checkbox', name='delopposts', value='1', checked='checked'), 'Удаление тредов', colspan='2', style='text-align:center;')), ), E.INPUT(type = 'submit', value = 'Create'), method='POST', action='/admin/' ) ) ) ) return lxml.html.tostring(html)
def _lxml_form_generator(self): """Is used for generating lxml post form""" formargs = [] formargs.append(E.TR( E.TD('EMAIL'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'email', value = '', id = 'emailfield'), E.INPUT(type = 'submit', value = 'POST', id = 'postbutton') ), ) ) formargs.append(E.TR( E.TD('THEME'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'theme', value = '', size = '50')), ) ) formargs.append(E.TR( E.TD('NAME'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'name', value = '', size = '50')), ) ) formargs.append(E.TR( E.TD('TEXT'), E.TD(E.TEXTAREA(name = 'text', rows = '8', cols = '50', placeholder = 'POST')), ) ) if == 0: pass elif == 1: formargs.append(E.TR(#should add checking if pics are available E.TD('PICTURE'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'file', name = 'file0', accept = 'image/*'), id = 'filecellone'), ) ) else: formargs.append(E.TR(#should add checking if pics are available E.TD('PICTURE'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'file', name = 'file0', accept = 'image/*'), E.BUTTON('+', type = 'button', onclick = 'add_file_input(this);', id = '0filebutton'), E.SPAN(str(, style = 'display:none;', id = 'maxfiles'), id = 'filecellmany'), ) ) formargs.append(E.TR(#should add checking if deleting is available E.TD('PASSWORD'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'password', name = 'password', value = '', size = '10'), id = 'passwordcell'), ) ) if True:#should add checking if captcha is available formargs.append(E.TR( E.TD( E.CENTER('CAPTCHA WILL BE HERE'), colspan = '2' ) ) ) formargs.append(E.TR(E.TD('CAPTCHA'), E.TD(E.INPUT(type = 'text', name = 'captcha', value = '')), ) ) form = E.FORM(E.CLASS("postform"), #postform E.INPUT(type = 'hidden', name = 'action', value = 'post'), E.INPUT(type = 'hidden', name = 'op', value = '0', id = 'op_referer'), E.SCRIPT('document.getElementById("op_referer").value = document.getElementById("thread").innerHTML;'), E.TABLE(*formargs), method = 'POST', action = '/'+self.address, enctype = 'multipart/form-data', id = 'postform') return form