Example #1
def lxml_extractor(html, url):
    '''LXML PARSER'''
    cleaner = Cleaner()
    cleaner.javascript = True # This is True because we want to activate the javascript filter
    cleaner.style = True      # This is True because we want to activate the styles & stylesheet filter
    cleaner.comments = True
    cleaner.embedded = True
    cleaner.forms= True
    cleaner.frames = True
    cleaner.annoying_tags = True
    cleaner.kill_tags = NEGATIVE_K 
    cleaner.allow_tag = POSITIVE_K
    cleaner.safe_attrs_only = True
    #~ oc = document_fromstring(html, parser=parser, base_url=base_url, **kw)
  #~ File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lxml/html/__init__.py", line 752, in document_fromstring
    #~ value = etree.fromstring(html, parser, **kw)
        html = lxml.html.fromstring(html, base_url="url")
        tree = cleaner.clean_html(html)
        doc = lxml.html.tostring(tree)
        doc = soup_extractor(doc, url)
    except ValueError:
        doc = soup_extractor(html, url)
    #~ (title, doc, article, text) = read_extractor(html, url)
    #~ print title
    #~ doc = (self.doc).replace(unichr(160), " ")
    #~ doc = re.sub(spaces,"",self.doc)
    return doc