Example #1
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import argparse
from lya import AttrDict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', action='store', default='/etc/goodrain/docker-compose.yaml', help='yaml file, default is %(default)s')
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', action='store_true', help="update yaml config")
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete', action='store', help="delete a service")
    parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    yaml_file = args.file
    cfg = AttrDict.from_yaml(yaml_file)

    if args.update:
        with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f:
    elif args.delete:
        service = args.delete
        if 'services' in cfg:
           if service in cfg.services:
           if not cfg.services:
           with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f:
Example #2
def main():
	import argparse
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description='Collect and dispatch various metrics to destinations.')
	parser.add_argument('-t', '--destination', metavar='host[:port]',
		help='host[:port] (default port: 2003, can be overidden'
			' via config file) of sink destination endpoint (e.g. carbon'
			' linereceiver tcp port, by default).')
	parser.add_argument('-i', '--interval', type=int, metavar='seconds',
		help='Interval between collecting and sending the datapoints.')

	parser.add_argument('-e', '--collector-enable',
		action='append', metavar='collector', default=list(),
		help='Enable only the specified metric collectors,'
				' can be specified multiple times.')
	parser.add_argument('-d', '--collector-disable',
		action='append', metavar='collector', default=list(),
		help='Explicitly disable specified metric collectors,'
			' can be specified multiple times. Overrides --collector-enable.')

	parser.add_argument('-s', '--sink-enable',
		action='append', metavar='sink', default=list(),
		help='Enable only the specified datapoint sinks,'
				' can be specified multiple times.')
	parser.add_argument('-x', '--sink-disable',
		action='append', metavar='sink', default=list(),
		help='Explicitly disable specified datapoint sinks,'
			' can be specified multiple times. Overrides --sink-enable.')

	parser.add_argument('-p', '--processor-enable',
		action='append', metavar='processor', default=list(),
		help='Enable only the specified datapoint processors,'
				' can be specified multiple times.')
	parser.add_argument('-z', '--processor-disable',
		action='append', metavar='processor', default=list(),
		help='Explicitly disable specified datapoint processors,'
			' can be specified multiple times. Overrides --processor-enable.')

	parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
		action='append', metavar='path', default=list(),
		help='Configuration files to process.'
			' Can be specified more than once.'
			' Values from the latter ones override values in the former.'
			' Available CLI options override the values in any config.')

	parser.add_argument('-a', '--xattr-emulation', metavar='db-path',
		help='Emulate filesystem extended attributes (used in'
			' some collectors like sysstat or cron_log), storing per-path'
			' data in a simple shelve db.')
	parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run',
		action='store_true', help='Do not actually send data.')
		action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')
	optz = parser.parse_args()

	# Read configuration files
	cfg = AttrDict.from_yaml('{}.yaml'.format(
		os.path.splitext(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] ))
	for k in optz.config: cfg.update_yaml(k)

	# Logging
	import logging
	configure_logging( cfg.logging,
		logging.DEBUG if optz.debug else logging.WARNING )
	if not cfg.logging.tracebacks:
		class NoTBLogger(logging.Logger):
			def exception(self, *argz, **kwz): self.error(*argz, **kwz)
	log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

	# Fill "auto-detected" blanks in the configuration, CLI overrides
		if optz.destination: cfg.sinks._default.host = optz.destination
		cfg.sinks._default.host = cfg.sinks._default.host.rsplit(':', 1)
		if len(cfg.sinks._default.host) == 1:
			cfg.sinks._default.host =\
				cfg.sinks._default.host[0], cfg.sinks._default.default_port
		else: cfg.sinks._default.host[1] = int(cfg.sinks._default.host[1])
	except KeyError: pass
	if optz.interval: cfg.loop.interval = optz.interval
	if optz.dry_run: cfg.debug.dry_run = optz.dry_run
	if optz.xattr_emulation: cfg.core.xattr_emulation = optz.xattr_emulation

	# Fake "xattr" module, if requested
	if cfg.core.xattr_emulation:
		import shelve
		xattr_db = shelve.open(cfg.core.xattr_emulation, 'c')
		class xattr_path(object):
			def __init__(self, base):
				assert isinstance(base, str)
				self.base = base
			def key(self, k): return '{}\0{}'.format(self.base, k)
			def __setitem__(self, k, v): xattr_db[self.key(k)] = v
			def __getitem__(self, k): return xattr_db[self.key(k)]
			def __del__(self): xattr_db.sync()
		class xattr_module(object): xattr = xattr_path
		sys.modules['xattr'] = xattr_module

	# Override "enabled" collector/sink parameters, based on CLI
	ep_conf = dict()
	for ep, enabled, disabled in\
			[ ('collectors', optz.collector_enable, optz.collector_disable),
				('processors', optz.processor_enable, optz.processor_disable),
				('sinks', optz.sink_enable, optz.sink_disable) ]:
		conf = cfg[ep]
		conf_base = conf.pop('_default')
		if 'debug' not in conf_base: conf_base['debug'] = cfg.debug
		ep_conf[ep] = conf_base, conf, OrderedDict(), enabled, disabled

	# Init global cfg for collectors/sinks' usage
	from graphite_metrics import collectors, sinks, loops
	collectors.cfg = sinks.cfg = loops.cfg = cfg

	# Init pluggable components
	import pkg_resources

	for ep_type in 'collector', 'processor', 'sink':
		ep_key = '{}s'.format(ep_type) # a bit of a hack
		conf_base, conf, objects, enabled, disabled = ep_conf[ep_key]
		ep_dict = dict( (ep.name, ep) for ep in
			pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('graphite_metrics.{}'.format(ep_key)) )
		eps = OrderedDict(
			(name, (ep_dict.pop(name), subconf or AttrDict()))
			for name, subconf in conf.viewitems() if name in ep_dict )
		eps.update( (name, (module, conf_base))
			for name, module in ep_dict.viewitems() )
		for ep_name, (ep_module, subconf) in eps.viewitems():
			if ep_name[0] == '_':
				log.debug( 'Skipping {} enty point,'
					' prefixed by underscore: {}'.format(ep_type, ep_name) )
			subconf.rebase(conf_base) # fill in "_default" collector parameters
			if enabled:
				if ep_name in enabled: subconf['enabled'] = True
				else: subconf['enabled'] = False
			if disabled and ep_name in disabled: subconf['enabled'] = False
			if subconf.get('enabled', True):
				log.debug('Loading {}: {}'.format(ep_type, ep_name))
				try: obj = getattr(ep_module.load(), ep_type)(subconf)
				except Exception as err:
					log.exception('Failed to load/init {} ({}): {}'.format(ep_type, ep_name, err))
					subconf.enabled = False
					obj = None
				if subconf.get('enabled', True): objects[ep_name] = obj
					log.debug(( '{} {} (entry point: {})'
						' was disabled after init' ).format(ep_type.title(), obj, ep_name))
		if ep_type != 'processor' and not objects:
			log.fatal('No {}s were properly enabled/loaded, bailing out'.format(ep_type))
		log.debug('{}: {}'.format(ep_key.title(), objects))

	loop = dict( (ep.name, ep) for ep in
		pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('graphite_metrics.loops') )
	conf = AttrDict(**cfg.loop)
	if 'debug' not in conf: conf.debug = cfg.debug
	loop = loop[cfg.loop.name].load().loop(conf)

	collectors, processors, sinks = it.imap( op.itemgetter(2),
		op.itemgetter('collectors', 'processors', 'sinks')(ep_conf) )
		'Starting main loop: {} ({} collectors, {} processors, {} sinks)'\
		.format(loop, len(collectors), len(processors), len(sinks)) )
	loop.start(collectors, processors, sinks)
Example #3
def main():
	import argparse
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description='Check integrity of mirrored files.')
	parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
		action='append', metavar='path', default=list(),
		help='Configuration files to process.'
			' Can be specified more than once.'
			' Values from the latter ones override values in the former.'
			' Available CLI options override the values in any config.')
	parser.add_argument('-m', '--mtime-after',
		type=int, metavar='unix_time',
		help='Only act on files with'
			' mtime larger than the given value (unix timestamp).')
	parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', nargs='?', metavar='types', default=False,
		help='Instead of usual action, just dump current state of all the files and exit.'
			'Can take an optional "type" (of mirrors wrt file) argument (comma-separated type(s)):'
				' consistent, inconsistent, unavailable, undergoal (default: inconsistent, unavailable).')
	parser.add_argument('-n', '--skip-nx',
		action='store_true', help='Do not retry known-404 mirrors.')
		action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')
	optz = parser.parse_args()

	## Read configuration files
	from lya import AttrDict
	cfg = AttrDict.from_yaml('{}.yaml'.format(
		os.path.splitext(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] ))
	for k in optz.config: cfg.update_yaml(k)

	## Logging
	import logging
		level=logging.WARNING if not optz.debug else logging.DEBUG )
	global log
	log = logging.getLogger()

	## Modules
	modules_manifest_db = dict(dbm=ManifestDBM)
	modules_remote = dict(
		(k, ft.partial(v, conf=cfg.checks.get(k.split('__', 1)[0], dict())))
		for k,v in dict( gentoo_portage=check_portage,
			rsync=check_rsync, rsync__batched=check_rsync_batched,
			mirrors=check_mirror ).viewitems() )

	## Catch-up with local fs
	check_fs_ts = time()
	manifest_db = modules_manifest_db[cfg.manifest.type](cfg.manifest)
	log.debug('Updating manifest-db with hashes of local files')
	for path in cfg.local:
		check_fs( path, manifest_db, hashes=cfg.manifest.hashes,
			ts=check_fs_ts, ts_min=optz.mtime_after )
	log.debug('Manifest-db cleanup')
	ts_gc_min = check_fs_ts - cfg.goal.gc_timeout * 24 * 3600
	if optz.mtime_after and optz.mtime_after < ts_gc_min:
		check_gc(manifest_db, ts_min=ts_gc_min)

	## List of remotes in order of preference
	remotes = list()
	for rtype, urls in cfg.remote.viewitems():
		for url in urls or list(): remotes.append((rtype, url))

	## Build a set of excluded filename-patterns
	exclude = set(cfg.exclude.patterns or set())
	for src in cfg.exclude.from_files or list():
		with open(src, 'rb') as src:
			for pat in it.ifilter( None,
					it.imap(op.methodcaller('strip'), src) ):

	## Build a large-enough list of stuff to be checked
	qratio = int(len(remotes) * cfg.goal.query.ratio)
	qmin = min(len(remotes), cfg.goal.query.hard_min or qratio)
	qmax = min(len(remotes), max(qmin, cfg.goal.query.hard_max or qratio))
	limit = (cfg.goal.limit.files or None) if not optz.list else None
	undergoal = manifest_db.undergoal_order(
		qmin, qmax, limit=limit,
		remotes=remotes, ts_min=optz.mtime_after )
	# Check that each listed path actually exists now and isn't conf-excluded
	drop = set()
	for path in undergoal:
		for pat in exclude:
			if fnmatch(pat, basename(path)):
			meta = manifest_db[path]
			if meta['ts'] != check_fs_ts and not os.path.exists(path):
				raise KeyError(path)
		except KeyError:
			log.debug('Skipping check for unlisted/nx path: %s', path)
	undergoal = list(path for path in undergoal if path not in drop)

	## Just dump the list, if requested
	if optz.list is not False:
		log.debug('Just listing all the remotes')
		if not optz.list: optz.list = 'inconsistent, unavailable'
		mtypes = sorted(it.imap(op.methodcaller('strip'), optz.list.split(',')))
		mtypes_err = set(mtypes).difference([
			'consistent', 'inconsistent', 'unavailable', 'undergoal' ])
		if mtypes_err:
			parser.error('Unrecognized check states: {}'.format(', '.join(mtypes_err)))
		if 'undergoal' in mtypes:
			undergoal_check = True
			mtypes = sorted(
					.union(['consistent', 'inconsistent', 'unavailable']) )
		else: undergoal_check = False
		for path in undergoal:
			meta_remotes = manifest_db[path].get('remotes', dict())
			if undergoal_check and not (
					'consistent', set() )).intersection(remotes)) < qmin\
				or set(meta_remotes.get(
					'inconsistent', set() )).intersection(remotes) ): continue
			if not meta_remotes:
				print('Path: {}\n  No consistency data available'.format(path))
			path_line = False
			for mtype in mtypes:
				mtype_remotes = set(meta_remotes.get(mtype, set())).intersection(remotes)
				if not mtype_remotes: continue
				if not path_line:
					print('Path: {}'.format(path))
					path_line = True
				print('  {}{}'.format(mtype, ' ({}{}):\n    {}'.format(
					len(mtype_remotes), ''
						if mtype != 'consistent' else ', min/max: {}/{}'.format(qmin, qmax),
					'\n    '.join(it.starmap('({}) {}'.format, sorted(mtype_remotes))) )))

	## Check against remotes
	log.debug('Checking manifest-db against remotes')
		undergoal, remotes, manifest_db, modules_remote,
		thresh_err=min( cfg.goal.warn.inconsistency.max,
			int(len(remotes) * cfg.goal.warn.inconsistency.ratio) ),
		thresh_nx=cfg.goal.warn.unavailable, thresh_bug=cfg.goal.limit.errors,
		skip_nx=optz.skip_nx, warn_skip=cfg.goal.warn.skipped_remote )

Example #4
 def __init__(self):
     self._settings = AttrDict.from_yaml(settings_default.as_posix())
     if settings_local.exists():
Example #5
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        """Creates application main window with sizes self.WIDTH and self.HEIGHT.

        :param master: instance - Tkinter.Tk instance
        super(Application, self).__init__(master)
        self.master.title('Engine Game')
        self.master.geometry('{}x{}'.format(self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT))
        self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.exit)

        self.source = None
        self._map = None
        self.points = None
        self.lines = None
        self.captured_point = None
        self.x0 = None
        self.y0 = None
        self.scale_x = None
        self.scale_y = None
        self.font_size = None
        self.coordinates = {}
        self.captured_lines = {}
        self.canvas_obj = AttrDict()
        self.icons = {
            0: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'player_city.png')),
            1: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'city.png')),
            2: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'market.png')),
            3: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'store.png')),
            4: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'point.png')),
            5: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'player_train.png')),
            6: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'train.png')),
            7: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'crashed_train.png')),
            8: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'collision.png')),
            9: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'play.png')),
            10: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'play_pressed.png')),
            11: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'stop.png')),
            12: PhotoImage(file=join('icons', 'stop_pressed.png'))
        self.queue_requests = {
            0: self.set_status_bar,
            1: self.set_player_idx,
            2: self.build_map,
            3: self.refresh_map,
            4: self.set_available_games,
            99: self.bot_control

        self.settings_window = None
        if exists(expanduser(self.DEFAULTS)):
            with open(expanduser(self.DEFAULTS), 'r') as cfg:
                defaults = DefaultsDict.from_yaml(cfg)
            self.host = None if not defaults.host else str(defaults.host)
            self.port = None if not defaults.port else int(defaults.port)
            self.timeout = None if not defaults.timeout else int(defaults.timeout)
            self.username = None if not defaults.username else str(defaults.username)
            self.password = None if not defaults.password else str(defaults.password)
            self.host, self.port, self.timeout, self.username, self.password = None, None, None, None, None
        self.player_idx = None
        self.posts = {}
        self.trains = {}
        self.select_game_window = False
        self.available_games = None
        self.game = None
        self.num_players = None
        self.num_turns = None
        self.bot = Bot()
        self.bot_thread = None

        self.menu = Menu(self)
        filemenu = Menu(self.menu)
        filemenu.add_command(label='Open file', command=self.file_open)
        filemenu.add_command(label='Server settings', command=self.open_server_settings)
        filemenu.add_command(label='Select game', command=self.select_game)
        filemenu.add_command(label='Exit', command=self.exit)
        self.menu.add_cascade(label='Menu', menu=filemenu)

        self._status_bar = StringVar()
        self.label = Label(master, textvariable=self._status_bar)

        self.frame = Frame(self)
        self.frame.bind('<Configure>', self._resize_frame)
        self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, bg=self.BG, scrollregion=(0, 0, self.winfo_width(), self.winfo_height()))
        self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', self._capture_point)
        self.canvas.bind('<Motion>', self._move_point)
        self.canvas.bind('<B1-ButtonRelease>', self._release_point)
        self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', self._resize_canvas)
        hbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, orient=HORIZONTAL)
        hbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X)
        vbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, orient=VERTICAL)
        vbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
        self.canvas.config(xscrollcommand=hbar.set, yscrollcommand=vbar.set)
        self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
        self.play = Label(self.canvas, bg='white')
        self.play.bind('<Button-1>', self._play_press)
        self.play.bind('<B1-ButtonRelease>', self._play_release)
        self.stop = Label(self.canvas, bg='white')
        self.stop.bind('<Button-1>', self._stop_press)
        self.stop.bind('<B1-ButtonRelease>', self._stop_release)
        self.frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)

        self.weighted = IntVar(value=1)
        self.weighted_check = Checkbutton(self, text='Proportionally to length', variable=self.weighted,

        self.show_weight = IntVar()
        self.show_weight_check = Checkbutton(self, text='Show length', variable=self.show_weight,

        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
        self.set_status_bar('Click Play to start the game')
        self.play.place(rely=0.5, relx=0.5, anchor=CENTER)