Example #1
    def write(self, args):
    Handles writing information from the mud and/or Lyntin
    to the user.
        msg = args["message"]

        if type(msg) == types.StringType:
            msg = message.Message(msg, message.LTDATA)
        elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:

        line = msg.data
        ses = msg.session

        if line == '' or self.showTextForSession(ses) == 0:

        line = line.replace("\t", "    ")

        pretext = []
        if ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session():
            attr = self.attr_session_
            pretext = [("[", attr), (ses.getName(), attr | curses.A_BOLD),
                       ("] ", attr)]

        default_attr = curses.A_NORMAL
        if msg.type == message.ERROR:
            pretext[:0] = [("! ", self.attr_error_)]
        elif msg.type == message.LTDATA:
            pretext[:0] = [("@ ", self.attr_lyntin_)]

        self._decode_colors(ses, default_attr, line, pretext)
Example #2
  def write(self, args):
    Handles writing information from the mud and/or Lyntin
    to the user.
    msg = args["message"]
    if type(msg) == types.StringType:
      msg = message.Message(msg, message.LTDATA)
    elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:

    line = msg.data
    ses = msg.session

    if line == '' or self.showTextForSession(ses) == 0:

    line = line.replace("\t", "    ")

    pretext = []
    if ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session():
      attr = self.attr_session_
      pretext = [ ("[", attr),
                  (ses.getName(), attr | curses.A_BOLD),
                  ("] ", attr ) ]

    default_attr = curses.A_NORMAL
    if msg.type == message.ERROR:
      pretext[:0] = [ ("! ", self.attr_error_) ]
    elif msg.type == message.LTDATA:
      pretext[:0] = [ ("@ ", self.attr_lyntin_) ]

    self._decode_colors(ses, default_attr, line, pretext)
Example #3
    def _decode_colors(self, ses, default_attr, line, pretext=[]):
        if self.unfinished_.has_key(ses):
            (currentcolor, leftover) = self.unfinished_[ses]
            currentcolor = list(ansi.DEFAULT_COLOR)
            leftover = ''

        for single in line.splitlines(1):
            current = []
            tokens = ansi.split_ansi_from_text(leftover + single)
            leftover = ''
            lasttok = ''
            for tok in tokens:
                if ansi.is_color_token(tok):
                    currentcolor, leftover = ansi.figure_color([tok],
                elif tok:
                    attr = default_attr
                    if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_BOLD]:
                        attr |= curses.A_BOLD
                    if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_UNDERLINE]:
                        attr |= curses.A_UNDERLINE
                    if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_BLINK]:
                        attr |= curses.A_BLINK
                    if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_REVERSE]:
                        attr |= curses.A_REVERSE
                    foreground = currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_FG] - 30
                    if 0 <= foreground and foreground <= 7:
                        attr += curses_fore(foreground)
                    background = currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_BG] - 40
                    if 0 <= background and background <= 7:
                        attr += curses_back(background)
                    lasttok = tok
                    current.append((tok, attr))
            if current:
                lines = self.lines_
                current[:0] = pretext
                if not lasttok.endswith("\n"):  # it is a prompt
                    # Append newline to prompts coming from another sessions
                    if ses != exported.get_current_session():
                        current.append(("\n", curses.A_NORMAL))
                        if self.cfg_compact_ and self.prompt_ == current:
                            # Remove the identical prompt from previous output buffer:
                            lines[self.prompt_index_:self.prompt_index_ +
                                  1] = []
                            self.prompt_ = current
                        self.prompt_index_ = len(lines)

                # eliminating empty lines:
                elif current[0][0] != "\n" or not self.cfg_compact_:

        self.unfinished_[ses] = (currentcolor, leftover)
Example #4
  def _decode_colors(self, ses, default_attr, line, pretext=[]):
    if self.unfinished_.has_key(ses):
      (currentcolor, leftover) = self.unfinished_[ses]
      currentcolor = list(ansi.DEFAULT_COLOR)
      leftover = ''
    for single in line.splitlines(1):
      current = []
      tokens = ansi.split_ansi_from_text(leftover + single)
      leftover = ''
      lasttok = ''
      for tok in tokens:
        if ansi.is_color_token(tok):
          currentcolor, leftover = ansi.figure_color([tok], currentcolor, leftover)
        elif tok:
          attr = default_attr
          if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_BOLD]:
            attr |= curses.A_BOLD
          if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_UNDERLINE]:
            attr |= curses.A_UNDERLINE
          if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_BLINK]:
            attr |= curses.A_BLINK
          if currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_REVERSE]:
            attr |= curses.A_REVERSE
          foreground = currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_FG] - 30  
          if 0 <= foreground and foreground <= 7:
            attr += curses_fore(foreground)
          background = currentcolor[ansi.PLACE_BG] - 40
          if  0 <= background and background <= 7:
            attr += curses_back(background)
          lasttok = tok  
          current.append( (tok, attr) )
      if current:
        lines = self.lines_
        current[:0] = pretext
        if not lasttok.endswith("\n"): # it is a prompt
          # Append newline to prompts coming from another sessions
          if ses != exported.get_current_session():
            current.append( ("\n", curses.A_NORMAL) )
            if self.cfg_compact_ and self.prompt_ == current:
              # Remove the identical prompt from previous output buffer:
              lines[self.prompt_index_:self.prompt_index_+1] = []
              self.prompt_ = current
            self.prompt_index_ = len(lines)

        # eliminating empty lines:
        elif current[0][0] != "\n" or not self.cfg_compact_:

    self.unfinished_[ses] = (currentcolor, leftover)
Example #5
 def _executeBinding(self, binding):
     """ Returns the alias for this keybinding."""
     ses = exported.get_current_session()
     action = exported.get_manager("alias").getAlias(ses, binding)
     if action:
         return 1
         # we're commenting this out since it seems to be more annoying
         # than useful.  it's not a good substitute for good documentation
         # for the tkui.
         # exported.write_error("%s is currently not bound to anything." % binding)
         return 0
Example #6
 def _executeBinding(self, binding):
     """ Returns the alias for this keybinding."""
     ses = exported.get_current_session()
     action = exported.get_manager("alias").getAlias(ses, binding)
     if action:
         return 1
         # we're commenting this out since it seems to be more annoying
         # than useful.  it's not a good substitute for good documentation
         # for the tkui.
         # exported.write_error("%s is currently not bound to anything." % binding)
         return 0
Example #7
    def showTextForSession(self, ses):
    Returns whether or not we should show text for this session--it's
    a convenience method.

    We return a 1 if the session is None, it doesn't have a _snoop
    attribute, it's the current session, or get_config("snoop", ses) == 1.

    @param ses: the session we're looking at--if it's None we return a 1
    @type  ses: Session

    @returns: 1 if we should show text, 0 if not
    @rtype: boolean
        if ses == None or getattr(ses, "_snoop", None) == None \
            or exported.get_current_session() == ses \
            or exported.get_config("snoop", ses, 1) == 1:
            return 1
        return 0
Example #8
  def showTextForSession(self, ses):
    Returns whether or not we should show text for this session--it's
    a convenience method.

    We return a 1 if the session is None, it doesn't have a _snoop
    attribute, it's the current session, or get_config("snoop", ses) == 1.

    @param ses: the session we're looking at--if it's None we return a 1
    @type  ses: Session

    @returns: 1 if we should show text, 0 if not
    @rtype: boolean
    if ses == None or getattr(ses, "_snoop", None) == None \
        or exported.get_current_session() == ses \
        or exported.get_config("snoop", ses, 1) == 1:
      return 1
    return 0
Example #9
  def write(self, args):
    Handles writing information from the mud and/or Lyntin
    to the user.
    msg = args["message"]
    if type(msg) == types.StringType:
      msg = message.Message(msg, message.LTDATA)
    if not hasattr(msg, "data"):
    line = msg.data
    ses = msg.session

    if line == '' or self.showTextForSession(ses) == 0:

    # we prepend the session name to the text if this is not the 
    # current session sending text.
    pretext = ""
    if ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session():
      pretext = "[" + ses.getName() + "] "

    if msg.type == message.ERROR or msg.type == message.LTDATA:
      if msg.type == message.ERROR:
        pretext = "error: " + pretext

      line = pretext + utils.chomp(line).replace("\n", "\n" + pretext)

    elif msg.type == message.MUDDATA:
      if "\n" not in msg.data: msg.data = msg.data + "\n"

    if exported.get_config("ansicolor") == 0:
      if pretext:
        if line.endswith("\n"):
          line = (pretext + line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n")
          line = pretext + line.replace("\n", "\n" + pretext)
Example #10
    def startAutotyper(self, tkevent):
    This will start the autotyper. It will be called if you type <Ctrl>+<t>.
    There can be only one autotyper at a time. The autotyper cannot be started
    for the common session.
        if self._autotyper != None:
            exported.write_error("cannot start autotyper: already started.")

        session = exported.get_current_session()

        if session.getName() == "common":
            exported.write_error("autotyper cannot be applied to common session.")

        self._autotyper = Autotyper(self._partk._tk, self.autotyperDone)
        self._autotyper_ses = session

        exported.write_message("autotyper: started.")
Example #11
 def startAutotyper(self, tkevent):
   This will start the autotyper. It will be called if you type <Ctrl>+<t>.
   There can be only one autotyper at a time. The autotyper cannot be started
   for the common session.
   if self._autotyper != None:
     exported.write_error("cannot start autotyper: already started.")
   session = exported.get_current_session()
   if session.getName() == "common":
     exported.write_error("autotyper cannot be applied to common session.")
   self._autotyper = Autotyper(self._partk._tk, self.autotyperDone)
   self._autotyper_ses = session
   exported.write_message("autotyper: started.")
Example #12
def buffer_write(msg, txtbuffer, currentcolor, unfinishedcolor):
  Handles writing messages to a Tk Text widget taking into accound
  ANSI colors, message types, session scoping, and a variety of
  other things.

  @param msg: the ui.message.Message to write to the buffer
  @type  msg: ui.message.Message

  @param txtbuffer: the Tk Text buffer to write to
  @type  txtbuffer: Text

  @param currentcolor: the current color that we should start with
  @type  currentcolor: color (list of ints)

  @param unfinishedcolor: the string of unfinished ANSI color stuff
      that we'll prepend to the string we're printing
  @type  unfinishedcolor: string

  @returns: the new color and unfinished color
  @rtype: list of ints, string
    global myui
    line = msg.data
    ses = msg.session

    if msg.type == message.ERROR:
        if line.endswith("\n"):
            line = "%s%s%s\n" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1], ansi.get_color("default"))
            line = "%s%s%s" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1], ansi.get_color("default"))

    elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:
        if myui._do_i_echo == 1:
            if line.endswith("\n"):
                line = "%s%s%s\n" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1], ansi.get_color("default"))
                line = "%s%s%s" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1], ansi.get_color("default"))
            # if echo is not on--we don't print this
            return currentcolor, unfinishedcolor

    elif msg.type == message.LTDATA:
        if line.endswith("\n"):
            line = "# %s\n" % line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n# ")
            line = "# %s" % line.replace("\n", "\n# ")

    # now we go through and handle writing all the data
    index = 0
    start = 0

    # we prepend the session name to the text if this is not the
    # current session sending text and if the Message is session
    # scoped.
    if ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session():
        pretext = "[%s]" % ses.getName()

        if line.endswith("\n"):
            line = pretext + line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n"
            line = pretext + line.replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n"

    # we remove all \\r stuff because it's icky
    line = line.replace("\r", "")

    tokens = ansi.split_ansi_from_text(line)

    # each session has a saved current color for MUDDATA.  we grab
    # that current color--or use our default if we don't have one
    # for the session yet.  additionally, some sessions have an
    # unfinished color as well--in case we got a part of an ansi
    # color code in a mud message, and the other part is in another
    # message.
    if msg.type == message.MUDDATA:
        color = currentcolor.get(ses, list(DEFAULT_COLOR))
        leftover = unfinishedcolor.get(ses, "")

        color = list(DEFAULT_COLOR)
        leftover = ""

    for mem in tokens:
        if ansi.is_color_token(mem):
            color, leftover = ansi.figure_color([mem], color, leftover)

            format = []
            fg = ""
            bg = ""

            # handle reverse
            if color[ansi.PLACE_REVERSE] == 0:
                if color[ansi.PLACE_FG] == -1:
                    fg = "37"
                    fg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_FG])

                if color[ansi.PLACE_BG] != -1:
                    bg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_BG])

                if color[ansi.PLACE_BG] == -1:
                    fg = "30"
                    fg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_BG] - 10)

                if color[ansi.PLACE_FG] == -1:
                    bg = "47"
                    bg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_FG] + 10)

            # handle bold
            if color[ansi.PLACE_BOLD] == 1:
                fg = "b" + fg

            # handle underline
            if color[ansi.PLACE_UNDERLINE] == 1:

            if bg:

            #      mem = add_special_characters(mem)

            # insert the text using the formatting tuple we just generated
            txtbuffer.insert("end", mem.decode(UNICODE_ENCODING), tuple(format))

    return color, leftover
Example #13
    def write(self, args):
    Handles writing information from the mud and/or Lyntin
    to the user.
        msg = args["message"]

        if type(msg) == types.StringType:
            msg = message.Message(msg, message.LTDATA)

        line = msg.data
        ses = msg.session

        if line == '' or self.showTextForSession(ses) == 0:

        # we prepend the session name to the text if this is not the
        # current session sending text.
        pretext = ""
        if ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session():
            pretext = "[" + ses.getName() + "] "

        if msg.type == message.ERROR or msg.type == message.LTDATA:
            if msg.type == message.ERROR:
                pretext = "error: " + pretext
                pretext = "lyntin: " + pretext

            line = pretext + utils.chomp(line).replace("\n", "\n" + pretext)
            if exported.get_config("ansicolor") == 1:
                line = DEFAULT_ANSI + line
            sys.stdout.write(line + "\n")

        elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:
            # we don't print user data in the textui

        if exported.get_config("ansicolor") == 0:
            if pretext:
                if line.endswith("\n"):
                    line = (pretext + line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) +
                    line = pretext + line.replace("\n", "\n" + pretext)

        # each session has a saved current color for mud data.  we grab
        # that current color--or user our default if we don't have one
        # for the session yet.
        if self._currcolors.has_key(ses):
            color = self._currcolors[ses]
            # need a copy of the list and not a reference to the list itself.
            color = list(DEFAULT_COLOR)

        # some sessions have an unfinished color as well--in case we
        # got a part of an ansi color code in a mud message, and the other
        # part is in another message.
        if self._unfinishedcolor.has_key(ses):
            leftover = self._unfinishedcolor[ses]
            leftover = ""

        lines = line.splitlines(1)
        if lines:
            for i in range(0, len(lines)):
                mem = lines[i]
                acolor = ansi.convert_tuple_to_ansi(color)

                color, leftover = ansi.figure_color(mem, color, leftover)

                if pretext:
                    lines[i] = DEFAULT_ANSI + pretext + acolor + mem
                    lines[i] = DEFAULT_ANSI + acolor + mem

            sys.stdout.write("".join(lines) + DEFAULT_ANSI)

        self._currcolors[ses] = color
        self._unfinishedcolor[ses] = leftover
Example #14
def buffer_write(msg, txtbuffer, currentcolor, unfinishedcolor):
  Handles writing messages to a Tk Text widget taking into accound
  ANSI colors, message types, session scoping, and a variety of
  other things.

  @param msg: the ui.message.Message to write to the buffer
  @type  msg: ui.message.Message

  @param txtbuffer: the Tk Text buffer to write to
  @type  txtbuffer: Text

  @param currentcolor: the current color that we should start with
  @type  currentcolor: color (list of ints)

  @param unfinishedcolor: the string of unfinished ANSI color stuff
      that we'll prepend to the string we're printing
  @type  unfinishedcolor: string

  @returns: the new color and unfinished color
  @rtype: list of ints, string
    global myui
    line = msg.data
    ses = msg.session

    if msg.type == message.ERROR:
        if line.endswith("\n"):
            line = "%s%s%s\n" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1],
            line = "%s%s%s" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1],

    elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:
        if myui._do_i_echo == 1:
            if line.endswith("\n"):
                line = "%s%s%s\n" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1],
                line = "%s%s%s" % (ansi.get_color("b blue"), line[:-1],
            # if echo is not on--we don't print this
            return currentcolor, unfinishedcolor

    elif msg.type == message.LTDATA:
        if line.endswith("\n"):
            line = "# %s\n" % line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n# ")
            line = "# %s" % line.replace("\n", "\n# ")

    # now we go through and handle writing all the data
    index = 0
    start = 0

    # we prepend the session name to the text if this is not the
    # current session sending text and if the Message is session
    # scoped.
    if (ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session()):
        pretext = "[%s]" % ses.getName()

        if line.endswith("\n"):
            line = (pretext + line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n")
            line = pretext + line.replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n"

    # we remove all \\r stuff because it's icky
    line = line.replace("\r", "")

    tokens = ansi.split_ansi_from_text(line)

    # each session has a saved current color for MUDDATA.  we grab
    # that current color--or use our default if we don't have one
    # for the session yet.  additionally, some sessions have an
    # unfinished color as well--in case we got a part of an ansi
    # color code in a mud message, and the other part is in another
    # message.
    if msg.type == message.MUDDATA:
        color = currentcolor.get(ses, list(DEFAULT_COLOR))
        leftover = unfinishedcolor.get(ses, "")

        color = list(DEFAULT_COLOR)
        leftover = ""

    for mem in tokens:
        if ansi.is_color_token(mem):
            color, leftover = ansi.figure_color([mem], color, leftover)

            format = []
            fg = ""
            bg = ""

            # handle reverse
            if color[ansi.PLACE_REVERSE] == 0:
                if color[ansi.PLACE_FG] == -1:
                    fg = "37"
                    fg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_FG])

                if color[ansi.PLACE_BG] != -1:
                    bg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_BG])

                if color[ansi.PLACE_BG] == -1:
                    fg = "30"
                    fg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_BG] - 10)

                if color[ansi.PLACE_FG] == -1:
                    bg = "47"
                    bg = str(color[ansi.PLACE_FG] + 10)

            # handle bold
            if color[ansi.PLACE_BOLD] == 1:
                fg = "b" + fg

            # handle underline
            if color[ansi.PLACE_UNDERLINE] == 1:

            if bg:

            # insert the text using the formatting tuple we just generated
            txtbuffer.insert('end', _decode(mem), tuple(format))

    return color, leftover
Example #15
  def write(self, args):
    Handles writing information from the mud and/or Lyntin
    to the user.
    msg = args["message"]

    if type(msg) == types.StringType:
      msg = message.Message(msg, message.LTDATA)

    line = msg.data
    ses = msg.session

    if line == '' or self.showTextForSession(ses) == 0:

    # we prepend the session name to the text if this is not the 
    # current session sending text.
    pretext = ""
    if ses != None and ses != exported.get_current_session():
      pretext = "[" + ses.getName() + "] "

    if msg.type == message.ERROR or msg.type == message.LTDATA:
      if msg.type == message.ERROR:
        pretext = "error: " + pretext
        pretext = "lyntin: " + pretext

      line = pretext + utils.chomp(line).replace("\n", "\n" + pretext)
      if exported.get_config("ansicolor") == 1:
        line = DEFAULT_ANSI + line
      sys.stdout.write(line + "\n")

    elif msg.type == message.USERDATA:
      # we don't print user data in the textui

    if exported.get_config("ansicolor") == 0:
      if pretext:
        if line.endswith("\n"):
          line = (pretext + line[:-1].replace("\n", "\n" + pretext) + "\n")
          line = pretext + line.replace("\n", "\n" + pretext)

    # each session has a saved current color for mud data.  we grab
    # that current color--or user our default if we don't have one
    # for the session yet.
    if self._currcolors.has_key(ses):
      color = self._currcolors[ses]
      # need a copy of the list and not a reference to the list itself.
      color = list(DEFAULT_COLOR)

    # some sessions have an unfinished color as well--in case we
    # got a part of an ansi color code in a mud message, and the other
    # part is in another message.
    if self._unfinishedcolor.has_key(ses):
      leftover = self._unfinishedcolor[ses]
      leftover = ""

    lines = line.splitlines(1)
    if lines:
      for i in range(0, len(lines)):
        mem = lines[i]
        acolor = ansi.convert_tuple_to_ansi(color)

        color, leftover = ansi.figure_color(mem, color, leftover)

        if pretext:
          lines[i] = DEFAULT_ANSI + pretext + acolor + mem
          lines[i] = DEFAULT_ANSI + acolor + mem

      sys.stdout.write("".join(lines) + DEFAULT_ANSI)

    self._currcolors[ses] = color
    self._unfinishedcolor[ses] = leftover