def post_analysis_plot_actions(self):
        # reset the current figure to figure 1:
        # Introspect the figures that were produced:
        for identifier, fig in lyse.figure_manager.figuremanager.figs.items():
            window_state = None
            if not fig.axes:
                # Try and clear the figure if it is not in use
                    plot = self.plots[fig]
                    plot.set_window_title("Empty", self.filepath)
                except KeyError:
                # Skip the rest of the loop regardless of whether we managed to clear
                # the unused figure or not!
                plot = self.plots[fig]

                # Get the Plot subclass registered for this plot identifier if it exists
                cls = lyse.get_plot_class(identifier)
                # If no plot was registered, use the base class
                if cls is None: cls = Plot

                # if plot instance does not match the expected identifier,
                # or the identifier in use with this plot has changes,
                #  we need to close and reopen it!
                if type(plot) != cls or plot.identifier != identifier:
                    window_state = plot.get_window_state()

                    # Create a custom CloseEvent to force close the plot window
                    event = PlotWindowCloseEvent(True)
                        plot.ui, event)
                    # Delete the plot
                    del self.plots[fig]

                    # force raise the keyerror exception to recreate the window

            except KeyError:
                # If we don't already have this figure, make a window
                # to put it in:
                plot = self.new_figure(fig, identifier)

                # restore window state/geometry if it was saved
                if window_state is not None:
                if not plot.is_shown:
                plot.set_window_title(identifier, self.filepath)
                if plot.lock_axes:
    def new_figure(self, fig, identifier):
            # Get custom class for this plot if it is registered
            cls = lyse.get_plot_class(identifier)
            # If no plot was registered, use the base class
            if cls is None: cls = Plot
            # if cls is not a subclass of Plot, then raise an Exception
            if not issubclass(cls, Plot):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'The specified class must be a subclass of lyse.Plot')
            # Instantiate the plot
            self.plots[fig] = cls(fig, identifier, self.filepath)
        except Exception:
            traceback_lines = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())
            del traceback_lines[1]
            # Avoiding a list comprehension here so as to avoid this
            # python bug in earlier versions of 2.7 (fixed in 2.7.9):
            message = """Failed to instantiate custom class for plot "{identifier}".
                Perhaps lyse.register_plot_class() was called incorrectly from your
                script? The exception raised was:
            message = lyse.dedent(message)
            for line in traceback_lines:
                if PY2:
                    # errors='replace' is for Windows filenames present in the
                    # traceback that are not UTF8. They will not display
                    # correctly, but that's the best we can do - the traceback
                    # may contain code from the file in a different encoding,
                    # so we could have a mixed encoding string. This is only
                    # a problem for Python 2.
                    line = line.decode('utf8', errors='replace')
                message += line
            message += '\n'
            message += 'Due to this error, we used the default lyse.Plot class instead.\n'

            # instantiate plot using original Base class so that we always get a plot
            self.plots[fig] = Plot(fig, identifier, self.filepath)

        return self.plots[fig]