Example #1
def wrap_item(is_weapon, values, key):
    item = pack_item_values(is_weapon, values)
    header = struct.pack(">Bi", (is_weapon << 7) | 7, key)
    padding = "\xff" * (33 - len(item))
    h = lzo.crc32(header + "\xff\xff" + item + padding) & 0xffffffff
    checksum = struct.pack(">H", ((h >> 16) ^ h) & 0xffff)
    body = xor_data(rotate_data_left(checksum + item, key & 31), key >> 5)
    return header + body
Example #2
def wrap_item(is_weapon, values, key):
    item = pack_item_values(is_weapon, values)
    header = struct.pack(">Bi", (is_weapon << 7) | 7, key)
    padding = "\xff" * (33 - len(item))
    h = lzo.crc32(header + "\xff\xff" + item + padding) & 0xffffffff
    checksum = struct.pack(">H", ((h >> 16) ^ h) & 0xffff)
    body = xor_data(rotate_data_left(checksum + item, key & 31), key >> 5)
    return header + body
Example #3
def wrap_player_data(player, endian=1):
    crc = lzo.crc32(player) & 0xffffffff

    bitstream = WriteBitstream()
    tree = make_huffman_tree(player)
    write_huffman_tree(tree, bitstream)
    huffman_compress(invert_tree(tree), player, bitstream)
    data = bitstream.getvalue() + "\x00\x00\x00\x00"

    header = struct.pack(">I3s", len(data) + 15, "WSG")
    if endian == 1:
        header = header + struct.pack(">III", 2, crc, len(player))
        header = header + struct.pack("<III", 2, crc, len(player))

    data = lzo.compress(header + data)[1:]

    return hashlib.sha1(data).digest() + data
Example #4
def wrap_player_data(player, endian=1):
    crc = lzo.crc32(player) & 0xffffffff

    bitstream = WriteBitstream()
    tree = make_huffman_tree(player)
    write_huffman_tree(tree, bitstream)
    huffman_compress(invert_tree(tree), player, bitstream)
    data = bitstream.getvalue() + "\x00\x00\x00\x00"

    header = struct.pack(">I3s", len(data) + 15, "WSG")
    if endian == 1:
        header = header + struct.pack(">III", 2, crc, len(player))
        header = header + struct.pack("<III", 2, crc, len(player))

    data = lzo.compress(header + data)[1: ]

    return hashlib.sha1(data).digest() + data
Example #5
def unwrap_player_data(data):
    if data[:20] != hashlib.sha1(data[20:]).digest():
        raise BL2Error("Invalid save file")

    data = lzo.decompress("\xf0" + data[20:])
    size, wsg, version = struct.unpack(">I3sI", data[:11])
    if version != 2 and version != 0x02000000:
        raise BL2Error("Unknown save version " + str(version))

    if version == 2:
        crc, size = struct.unpack(">II", data[11:19])
        crc, size = struct.unpack("<II", data[11:19])

    bitstream = ReadBitstream(data[19:])
    tree = read_huffman_tree(bitstream)
    player = huffman_decompress(tree, bitstream, size)

    if (lzo.crc32(player) & 0xffffffff) != crc:
        raise BL2Error("CRC check failed")

    return player
Example #6
def unwrap_player_data(data):
    if data[: 20] != hashlib.sha1(data[20: ]).digest():
        raise BL2Error("Invalid save file")

    data = lzo.decompress("\xf0" + data[20: ])
    size, wsg, version = struct.unpack(">I3sI", data[: 11])
    if version != 2 and version != 0x02000000:
        raise BL2Error("Unknown save version " + str(version))

    if version == 2:
        crc, size = struct.unpack(">II", data[11: 19])
        crc, size = struct.unpack("<II", data[11: 19])

    bitstream = ReadBitstream(data[19: ])
    tree = read_huffman_tree(bitstream)
    player = huffman_decompress(tree, bitstream, size)

    if (lzo.crc32(player) & 0xffffffff) != crc:
        raise BL2Error("CRC check failed")

    return player
Example #7
import lzo
import sys
import struct

fc = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
cd = fc.read()
d_len, c_len, ecrc32 = struct.unpack("III", cd[24:36])
print("Compressed data size: %x" % c_len)
print("Decompressed data size: %x" % d_len)

dd = lzo.decompress(cd[36:c_len + 36], False, d_len)

print("Actual decompressed len: %x" % len(dd))
ccrc32 = lzo.crc32(dd)
print("Expected CRC32: %x" % ecrc32)
print("Computed CRC32: %x" % ccrc32)
print("CRC32 OK? ", ecrc32 == ccrc32)

fd = open(sys.argv[1] + '.elf', 'wb')

fmagic = struct.unpack("I", dd[:4])[0]
if fmagic == 0x464c457f:  #elf
elif fmagic == 0xb8b2bb81:  #xored elf
    for b in dd:
        fd.write(bytes([b ^ 0xfe]))
    print("Error: unknown magic 0x%x" % fmagic)
print("Saved as %s.elf" % sys.argv[1])
Example #8


        num_bytes += c['size_before']
        num_compressed_bytes += c['size_after']

    combined_data = ''.join(file_data)

    file_descriptors_path = options.output
    file_data_path = os.path.splitext(options.output)[0] + '.pak'

    output = {
        'version': 2,
        'file_descriptors': file_descriptors,
        'data_file_path': os.path.basename(file_data_path),
        'descriptors_file_path': os.path.basename(file_descriptors_path),
        'size': len(combined_data),
        'num_files': len(file_descriptors),
        'crc32': lzo.crc32(combined_data),
        'adler32': lzo.adler32(combined_data)

    data_json = json.dumps(output)

    open(file_data_path, "w").write(combined_data)
    open(file_descriptors_path, "w").write(data_json)

    if options.verbose:
        print("Total: %d bytes -> %d bytes (%.02f%%)" % (num_bytes, num_compressed_bytes, (float(num_compressed_bytes) / num_bytes) * 100.0))