def run(two_dice: bool) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Run the full analysis on all cards. """ # The factory cards depend on the other cards in your hand. # Analyze using one of each kind of card they depend on. hand = [cards.WheatField(), cards.Ranch(), cards.Forest()] return pd.DataFrame({ "Card": [ for card in cards.distinct_cards], "Expected coins per roll (2p)": [ gross_expected_value(card, hand, two_dice, num_players=2) for card in cards.distinct_cards ], "Expected coins per roll (3p)": [ gross_expected_value(card, hand, two_dice, num_players=3) for card in cards.distinct_cards ], "Expected coins per roll (4p)": [ gross_expected_value(card, hand, two_dice, num_players=4) for card in cards.distinct_cards ], "Minimum rolls for payoff (4p)": [ fastest_payoff(card, hand, num_players=4) for card in cards.distinct_cards ], "Expected rolls for payoff (4p)": [ expected_payoff(card, hand, two_dice, num_players=4) for card in cards.distinct_cards ] })
def highest_margin(): return Strategy( buy=_from_build_order([ cards.Ranch(), cards.WheatField(), cards.Ranch(), cards.Ranch(), cards.Stadium(), cards.WheatField(), cards.Ranch(), cards.WheatField(), cards.RadioTower(), cards.WheatField(), cards.ShoppingMall(), cards.TrainStation(), cards.AmusementPark(), ]), roll_two=roll_two_never)
def big_convenience_store(): return Strategy( buy=_from_build_order([ cards.WheatField(), cards.Ranch(), cards.Ranch(), cards.ConvenienceStore(), cards.ConvenienceStore(), cards.Ranch(), cards.ConvenienceStore(), cards.Forest(), cards.Bakery(), cards.ShoppingMall(), cards.ConvenienceStore(), cards.RadioTower(), cards.TrainStation(), cards.AmusementPark(), ]), roll_two=roll_two_never)
def buy_everything(): return Strategy( buy=_from_build_order([ cards.WheatField(), cards.Ranch(), cards.Bakery(), cards.Cafe(), cards.ConvenienceStore(), cards.Forest(), cards.Stadium(), # cards.TvStation(), # cards.BusinessCenter(), cards.CheeseFactory(), cards.FurnitureFactory(), cards.AppleOrchard(), cards.TrainStation(), cards.Mine(), cards.FruitVegetableMarket(), cards.ShoppingMall(), cards.Mine(), cards.AmusementPark(), cards.RadioTower() ]), roll_two=roll_two_always_after_train_station)
def __init__(self, num_players: int): # This is what each player gets for the start of the game. self.hand = [cards.WheatField(), cards.Bakery()] self.coins = 3 self.num_players = num_players