def editCPS(self): self.encoder_state_machine.set(value=self.cps * 10, min_val=100, max_val=200, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.tft.clear() text = "Set CPS" self.__textWrapper(67, 110, text) time.sleep(1.0) while True: self.cps = self.encoder_value / 100 text = "CPS: {}\r".format(round(self.cps, 2)) self.__textWrapper(67, 130, text, 0xec7d15) if not self.pin_menu.value(): print(self.pin_menu.value()) break time.sleep(0.1) machine.nvs_setint("cps", int(self.cps * 100)) self.encoder_state_machine.set(value=0, min_val=0, max_val=2, range_mode=Rotary.RANGE_WRAP) self.tft.clear() self.edit_cps = False self.pin_menu.init(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.switchState)
def setbrightness(brightness=(MAX_BRIGHTNESS - 2)): brightness = 1 if brightness < 1 else (MAX_BRIGHTNESS if brightness > MAX_BRIGHTNESS else brightness) hub75.brightness(brightness) # Allow non-visible brightness, but don't make it persistent across reboot if brightness >= 3: machine.nvs_setint('system', 'brightness', brightness)
def input_down(pressed): global current_index pm.feed() if pressed: current_index = (current_index + 1) % len(apps) machine.nvs_setint('launcher', 'index', current_index) render_current_app()
def save_current_mode(mode, calls=0): """TODO: Docstring for save_current_mode. :mode: TODO :returns: TODO """ print("Saving current mode: {}".format(mode)) machine.nvs_setint('current_mode', mode)
def __setCoffeGrindTime(self, pin): """Interrupt routine for set timer""" self.update_display = True if self.state == 0: self.single_sec = self.seconds / 10 self.print_s = self.single_sec machine.nvs_setint("single_sec", int(self.seconds)) elif self.state == 1: self.double_sec = self.seconds / 10 self.print_s = self.double_sec machine.nvs_setint("double_sec", int(self.seconds))
def next_check(): if(len(checklist) == 0): rgb.clear() rgb.background((0, 50, 0)) rgb.text("Done!", CYAN, (4, 1)) machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', 3) return background, textcolor, x_pos, text, gpio = checklist.pop(0) rgb.clear() rgb.background(background) rgb.text(text, textcolor, (x_pos, 1)) buttons.register(gpio, lambda pressed, gpio=gpio: (buttons.unassign(gpio), next_check()) if not pressed else None)
def available(update=False): if update: if not wifi.status(): wifi.connect() if not wifi.wait(): return machine.nvs_getint('system', 'OTA.ready') or 0 info = download_info() current_build = int(consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_BUILD) if info: if info["build"] > current_build: machine.nvs_setint('system', 'OTA.ready', 1) return True machine.nvs_setint('system', 'OTA.ready', 0) return machine.nvs_getint('system', 'OTA.ready') or 0
system.start = hijacked_start ## Make badge sleep in undervoltage conditions virtualtimers.activate(1000) # low resolution needed def _vcc_callback(): try: vcc = system.get_vcc_bat() if vcc != None: if vcc < 3300: __import__('deepsleep') deepsleep.vcc_low() finally: # Return 10000 to start again in 10 seconds gc.collect() return 10000, _vcc_callback, hfpm=True) ## Dirty fix for upgrade path of existing CZ19 badges if machine.nvs_getint("system", 'factory_checked') == 1: machine.nvs_setint("system", 'factory_checked', 2) del folders, uos gc.collect() gc.mem_free()
import machine, display, time, system, consts, easydraw, network, neopixel, mpr121, sndmixer, identification PREV_TGT = 2 CURR_TGT = 3 # 1) Introduction currentState = machine.nvs_getint('system', 'factory_checked') or 0 if currentState >= PREV_TGT: machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', CURR_TGT) system.home() easydraw.messageCentered( "FACTORY\n" + consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME + "\nBuild " + str(consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_BUILD), True) display.flush() time.sleep(1.5) # 2) Determine badge type easydraw.messageCentered(identification.getName(), True) display.flush() time.sleep(3) # 3) Calibrate the MPR121 import _mpr121calib # 4) Make sure that WiFi works easydraw.messageCentered("WiFi\nScanning...", True) display.flush() sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
def onTelnetChange(self, value): machine.nvs_setint("telnetEnabled", value and 1 or 0)
buttons.register(defines.BTN_UP, input_up) buttons.register(defines.BTN_DOWN, input_down) buttons.register(defines.BTN_LEFT, input_left) buttons.register(defines.BTN_RIGHT, input_right) populate_apps() render_current_app() start() init_power_management() # Install CZ countdown app to replace activities app if not machine.nvs_getint('system', 'czcount_inst'): import uinterface if uinterface.connect_wifi(): import woezel uinterface.loading_text('Installing CZ20 countdown') if woezel.is_installed('campzone_2020_countdown') or woezel.install( 'campzone_2020_countdown'): machine.nvs_setint('system', 'czcount_inst', 1) system.reboot() else: rgb.clear() uinterface.skippabletext('Installation failed') render_current_app() menu = term_menu.UartMenu(deepsleep.start_sleeping, pm) menu.main()
rgb.framerate(3) rgb.gif(data, (12, 0), size, frames) del data, size, frames, animation_connecting_wifi gc.collect() wifi.wait() wifi.connect() wifi.wait() if not wifi.status(): data, frames = icon_no_wifi rgb.gif(data, (12, 0), (8, 8), frames) time.sleep(3) system.reboot() ### rgb.clear() rgb.framerate(20) uinterface.loading_text('Installing %s' % to_install) del icon_no_wifi gc.collect() if woezel.install(to_install): # Reset launcher's selected index to newly installed app machine.nvs_setint('launcher', 'index', 0) rgb.clear() uinterface.skippabletext('Install succeeded') else: rgb.clear() uinterface.skippabletext('Failed to install "%s"' % to_install) system.reboot()
try: #Use the START button if available recovery_button = buttons.BTN_START except: #Else use the B button recovery_button = buttons.BTN_B __chk_recovery = machine.wake_reason() == ( 7, 0) and buttons.value(recovery_button) except: pass #Application starting if __chk_recovery: app = "dashboard.recovery" elif machine.nvs_getint('system', 'force_sponsors'): machine.nvs_setint('system', 'force_sponsors', 0) system.start("sponsors_disobey_2020") else: app = rtc.read_string() if not app: if not machine.nvs_getint("system", 'factory_checked') == 2: app = "factory_checks" else: app = machine.nvs_getstr("system", 'default_app') if not app: app = 'dashboard.home' if app and not app == "shell": try: print("Starting app '%s'..." % app) system.__current_app__ = app
import tasks.otacheck as otacheck, term, system, time, version, wifi, machine, consts current_build = int(consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_BUILD) current_name = consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME term.header(True, "Update check") print("Checking for updates...") print("") print("Currently installed:", current_name, "(Build " + str(current_build) + ")") print("Current version:", "Update check", True) print(str(current_build) + ") " + current_name) available = 0 machine.nvs_setint('badge', 'OTA.ready', 0) def start(pressed): if pressed: system.ota() if not wifi.status(): wifi.connect() if not wifi.wait(): print("Error: could not connect to WiFi!") title = "Update check" message = "?? Unknown state ??"
import machine, display, time, system, consts, easydraw, network PREV_TGT = 2 CURR_TGT = 3 # 1) Introduction currentState = machine.nvs_getint('system', 'factory_checked') or 0 if currentState >= PREV_TGT: machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', CURR_TGT) system.home() easydraw.messageCentered("FACTORY\n"+consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_NAME+"\nBuild "+str(consts.INFO_FIRMWARE_BUILD), True) display.flush() time.sleep(2) # 2) Make sure that WiFi works easydraw.messageCentered("WiFi\nScanning...", True) display.flush() sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) data = sta_if.scan() if len(data) > 0: easydraw.messageCentered("WiFi\nFound {}".format(len(data)), True) display.flush() for item in data: print("SSID: {}, BSSID: {}. CHANNEL: {}, RSSI: {}, AUTHMODE: {} / {}, HIDDEN: {}".format(item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3], item[4], item[5], item[6])) else: easydraw.messageCentered("WiFi\nNo network!", True) while True: time.sleep(1) #Sleep forever
def _set_last_updated(): try: return machine.nvs_setint('system', 'lastUpdate', int(time.time())) except: pass
def onFTPChange(self, value): machine.nvs_setint("ftpEnabled", value and 1 or 0)
def _show_progress(text, error=False): if error: machine.nvs_setint('system', 'lastUpdate', 0) if callable(_progress_callback): _progress_callback(text, error)
import machine tz = machine.RTC().timezone() print("Default timezone:", tz) machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', 1) # We have completed the factory script
ulp_pulse_count = ULP_MEM_BASE + 0 ulp_debounce = ULP_MEM_BASE + 4 machine.Pin(4, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) pin21 = machine.Pin(21, machine.Pin.OUT) print("\nLoading ULP...\n") binary = src_to_binary(source) ulp = machine.ULP() ulp.set_wakeup_period(0, 100) # use timer0, wakeup after ~100us ulp.load_binary(load_addr, binary) if machine.nvs_getint('pulse_count_nv') == None: machine.nvs_setint('pulse_count_nv', 0) init_count = machine.nvs_getint('pulse_count_nv') pulse_count = init_count # init pulse counts pulse_gen_count = init_count mem32[ulp_pulse_count] = init_count mem32[ulp_debounce] = 3 # 3 sample debounce print("\n\nPulse Count Test: \n----------------- \n") while True: pulse_countL = mem32[ulp_pulse_count] & ULP_DATA_MASK
legacy_mpr5 = machine.nvs_get_u16("badge", "mpr121.base.5") legacy_mpr6 = machine.nvs_get_u16("badge", "mpr121.base.6") legacy_mpr7 = machine.nvs_get_u16("badge", "mpr121.base.7") machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.0", legacy_mpr0) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.1", legacy_mpr1) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.2", legacy_mpr2) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.3", legacy_mpr3) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.4", legacy_mpr4) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.5", legacy_mpr5) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.6", legacy_mpr6) machine.nvs_set_u16("system", "mpr121.base.7", legacy_mpr7) except: print("Unable to move MPR121 calibration!") import _mpr121calib else: print("Badge has been freshly installed!") import _mpr121calib try: # Remove old settings from NVS machine.nvs_erase_all("badge") except: pass if currentState < 3: import dashboard.resources.png_icons as icons icons.install() # We have completed the factory script machine.nvs_setint('system', 'factory_checked', 3) system.home()
import machine machine.nvs_setint('system', 'splash_played', 1) try: import display, audio, keypad, time, system'/cache/boot/splash.mp3') sleeptime = 0.25 for _ in range(2): for i in range(7, 3, -1): display.drawFill(0x00) x, y = keypad.index_to_coords(i) display.drawPixel(x, y, 0x707070) x, y = keypad.index_to_coords(15 - i) display.drawPixel(x, y, 0x707070) display.flush() time.sleep(sleeptime) for i in range(0, 4): display.drawFill(0x00) x, y = keypad.index_to_coords(i) display.drawPixel(x, y, 0x707070) x, y = keypad.index_to_coords(15 - i) display.drawPixel(x, y, 0x707070) display.flush() time.sleep(sleeptime) for i in range(4): display.drawFill(0x00)
def onWiFiChange(self, value): machine.nvs_setint("wifiEnabled", value and 1 or 0)
def set_last_updated(): try: return machine.nvs_setint('activities', 'lastUpdate', int(utime.time())) except: pass
def tpcalib(self, save=False): if self.tft.getTouchType() == self.tft.TOUCH_XPT: self.tft.orient(display.TFT.LANDSCAPE) elif self.tft.getTouchType() == self.tft.TOUCH_STMPE: self.tft.orient(display.TFT.PORTRAIT) else: print("Touch not configured") return dispx, dispy = self.tft.screensize() self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Default, rotate=0, fixedwidth=False) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER,40,"Touch yellow point and release", self.tft.GREEN) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER,60,"Repeat for all calibration points", self.tft.GREEN) self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Default, rotate=0, fixedwidth=True) self.drawCrossHair(dispx-11, 10, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx//2, 10, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(10, 10, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx-11, dispy//2, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(10, dispy//2, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx-11, dispy-11, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx//2, dispy-11, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(10, dispy-11, self.tft.WHITE) if not self.calibrate(10, 10, 0): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(10, dispy//2, 1): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(10, dispy-11, 2): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(dispx//2, 10, 3): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(dispx//2, dispy-11, 4): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(dispx-11, 10, 5): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(dispx-11, dispy//2, 6): self.calibError() return False if not self.calibrate(dispx-11, dispy-11, 7): self.calibError() return False px = abs((((self.rx[3]+self.rx[4]+self.rx[7]) / 3) - ((self.rx[0]+self.rx[0]+self.rx[2]) / 3)) / (dispy-20)) clx = (((self.rx[0]+self.rx[1]+self.rx[2])/3)) crx = (((self.rx[5]+self.rx[6]+self.rx[7])/3)) if (clx < crx): clx = clx - (px*10) crx = crx + (px*10) else: clx = clx + (px*10) crx = crx - (px*10) py = abs((((self.ry[0]+self.ry[3]+self.ry[5])/3) - ((self.ry[2]+self.ry[4]+self.ry[7])/3))/(dispx-20)) cty = (((self.ry[0]+self.ry[3]+self.ry[5])/3)) cby = (((self.ry[2]+self.ry[4]+self.ry[7])/3)) if (cty < cby): cty = cty - (py*10) cby = cby + (py*10) else: cty = cty + (py*10) cby = cby - (py*10) calx = (math.ceil(clx) << 16) + math.ceil(crx) caly = (math.ceil(cty) << 16) + math.ceil(cby) self.tft.clear() self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Default, rotate=0, fixedwidth=False) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER, self.tft.CENTER, "Calibration completed\n") if save: self.tft.setCalib(calx, caly) machine.nvs_setint("tpcalibX", calx) machine.nvs_setint("tpcalibY", caly) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER, self.tft.LAST_Y, "Saved to NVS", self.tft.ORANGE) print("Calibration completed and saved to NVS memory.") else: print("Calibration completed.") print("X = ({},{}) Y = ({},{})".format(math.ceil(clx), math.ceil(crx), math.ceil(cty), math.ceil(cby))) return calx, caly
def tpcalib(self, tptype, save=False): if tptype == self.tft.TOUCH_XPT: self.tft.orient(display.TFT.LANDSCAPE) if tptype == self.tft.TOUCH_STMPE: self.tft.orient(display.TFT.PORTRAIT) else: print("Wrong touch type, use tft.TOUCH_XPT or TOUCH_STMPE") return dispx, dispy = self.tft.screensize() self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Default, rotate=0, fixedwidth=False) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER,40,"Touch yellow point and release", self.tft.GREEN) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER,60,"Repeat for all calibration points", self.tft.GREEN) self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Default, rotate=0, fixedwidth=True) self.drawCrossHair(dispx-11, 10, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx//2, 10, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(10, 10, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx-11, dispy//2, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(10, dispy//2, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx-11, dispy-11, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(dispx//2, dispy-11, self.tft.WHITE) self.drawCrossHair(10, dispy-11, self.tft.WHITE) self.calibrate(10, 10, 0) self.calibrate(10, dispy//2, 1) self.calibrate(10, dispy-11, 2) self.calibrate(dispx//2, 10, 3) self.calibrate(dispx//2, dispy-11, 4) self.calibrate(dispx-11, 10, 5) self.calibrate(dispx-11, dispy//2, 6) self.calibrate(dispx-11, dispy-11, 7) px = abs((((self.rx[3]+self.rx[4]+self.rx[7]) / 3) - ((self.rx[0]+self.rx[0]+self.rx[2]) / 3)) / (dispy-20)) # LANDSCAPE clx = (((self.rx[0]+self.rx[1]+self.rx[2])/3)) # LANDSCAPE crx = (((self.rx[5]+self.rx[6]+self.rx[7])/3)) # LANDSCAPE if (clx < crx): clx = clx - (px*10) crx = crx + (px*10) else: clx = clx + (px*10) crx = crx - (px*10) py = abs((((self.ry[0]+self.ry[3]+self.ry[5])/3) - ((self.ry[2]+self.ry[4]+self.ry[7])/3))/(dispx-20)) # LANDSCAPE cty = (((self.ry[0]+self.ry[3]+self.ry[5])/3)) # LANDSCAPE cby = (((self.ry[2]+self.ry[4]+self.ry[7])/3)) # LANDSCAPE if (cty < cby): cty = cty - (py*10) cby = cby + (py*10) else: cty = cty + (py*10) cby = cby - (py*10) calx = (math.ceil(clx) << 16) + math.ceil(crx) caly = (math.ceil(cty) << 16) + math.ceil(cby) self.tft.clear() self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Default, rotate=0, fixedwidth=False) self.tft.text(self.tft.CENTER, self.tft.CENTER, "Calibration completed") if save: self.tft.setCalib(calx, caly) machine.nvs_setint("tpcalibX", calx) machine.nvs_setint("tpcalibY", caly) print("Calibration completed and saved to NVS memory.") else: print("Calibration completed.") print("X:", math.ceil(clx), math.ceil(crx), "Y:", math.ceil(cty), math.ceil(cby)) return calx, caly