def near(self): id = int(str(self)[4:-1]) #unsafe! pin15=Pin(15,Pin.OUT) pin15.value(1) adc=ADC(Pin(id)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) approximate pin15.value(0) return approximate
class MPythonPin(Pin): def __init__(self, pin, mode=PinMode.IN): if mode not in [PinMode.IN, PinMode.OUT, PinMode.PWM, PinMode.ANALOG]: raise TypeError("mode must be 'IN, OUT, PWM, ANALOG'") if pin == 3: raise TypeError("pin3 is used for resistance sensor") if pin == 4: raise TypeError("pin4 is used for light sensor") if pin == 10: raise TypeError("pin10 is used for sound sensor") = pins_remap_esp32[pin] if mode == PinMode.IN: super().__init__(, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) if mode == PinMode.OUT: if pin == 2: raise TypeError('pin2 only can be set "IN, ANALOG"') super().__init__(, Pin.OUT) if mode == PinMode.PWM: if pin == 2: raise TypeError('pin2 only can be set "IN, ANALOG"') self.pwm = PWM(Pin(, duty=0) if mode == PinMode.ANALOG: if pin not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10]: raise TypeError('the pin can~t be set as analog') self.adc = ADC(Pin( self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.mode = mode def read_digital(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.IN: raise TypeError('the pin is not in IN mode') return super().value() def write_digital(self, value): if not self.mode == PinMode.OUT: raise TypeError('the pin is not in OUT mode') super().value(value) def read_analog(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.ANALOG: raise TypeError('the pin is not in ANALOG mode') return def write_analog(self, duty, freq=1000): if not self.mode == PinMode.PWM: raise TypeError('the pin is not in PWM mode') self.pwm.freq(freq) self.pwm.duty(duty)
# check MQTT_SERVER, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PSWD led_error(step=2) # chargement des bibliotheques try: from ccs811 import CCS811 from machine import Pin except Exception as e: print(e) led_error(step=3) # créer les capteurs try: i2c = get_i2c() adc = ADC(Pin(TMP36_PIN)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_2_5DB) # 1.5V max # Capteur temp CCS811 ccs = CCS811(i2c) if ccs.check_error: raise Exception("CCS811 ERROR_ID = %s" % ccs.error_id.as_text) except Exception as e: print(e) led_error(step=4) try: # annonce connexion objet sMac = hexlify(WLAN().config('mac')).decode() q.publish("connect/%s" % CLIENT_ID, sMac) # Annonce l'état except Exception as e: print(e)
def upd_send(data): print(data) s.sendto(data, ADD) return None s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) BUFF = 1024 HOST = "" PORT = 4001 ADD = (HOST, PORT) #Links Joystick p_l = Pin(33, Pin.IN) x_l = ADC(Pin(35)) x_l.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) x_l.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) y_l = ADC(Pin(32)) y_l.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) y_l.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) #Rechts Joystick p_r = Pin(34, Pin.IN) x_r = ADC(Pin(36)) x_r.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) x_r.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) y_r = ADC(Pin(39)) y_r.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) y_r.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) #Loop while True:
class ADCSensor: def __init__(self,pin): self.adc=ADC(Pin(pin)) self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) def read(self): return
def read_battery_voltage(pin=35): adc = ADC(Pin(pin)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) return 2 * ADC_to_voltage(adc, 11)
class gameOGO(): max_vol = 6 duty = {0: 0, 1: 0.05, 2: 0.1, 3: 0.5, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 70} tones = { 'c4': 262, 'd4': 294, 'e4': 330, 'f4': 349, 'f#4': 370, 'g4': 392, 'g#4': 415, 'a4': 440, "a#4": 466, 'b4': 494, 'c5': 523, 'c#5': 554, 'd5': 587, 'd#5': 622, 'e5': 659, 'f5': 698, 'f#5': 740, 'g5': 784, 'g#5': 831, 'a5': 880, 'b5': 988, 'c6': 1047, 'c#6': 1109, 'd6': 1175, ' ': 0 } def __init__(self): # True = SPI display, False = I2C display self.ESP32 = True self.useSPI = True self.displayTimer = ticks_ms() self.vol = int(self.max_vol) seed(ticks_us()) self.btnU = 1 << 1 self.btnL = 1 << 2 self.btnR = 1 << 3 self.btnD = 1 << 4 self.btnA = 1 << 5 self.btnB = 1 << 6 self.btnMenu = 1 << 7 self.btnVol = 1 << 8 self.btnSel = 1 << 9 self.btnSt = 1 << 10 self.btnUval = 0 self.btnDval = 0 self.btnLval = 0 self.btnRval = 0 self.btnAval = 0 self.btnBval = 0 self.btnMenuval = 0 self.btnVolval = 0 self.btnSelval = 0 self.btnStval = 0 self.frameRate = 30 self.maxBgm = 1 self.bgm = 1 self.songIndex = 0 self.songStart = -1 self.songEnd = -2 self.songLoop = -3 self.silence = 0 self.songSpeed = 1 self.timeunit = 1 self.notes = False self.songBuf = [] self.Btns = 0 self.lastBtns = 0 self.dac_pin = Pin(25, Pin.OUT, value=1) # switch speaker on self.PinBuzzer = Pin(26, Pin.OUT) self.beeper = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, 500, duty=0) self.beeper2 = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, 500, duty=0) self.timerInitialized = False self.tft = display.TFT() self.tft.init(self.tft.ILI9341, width=240, height=320, speed=40000000, backl_pin=14, backl_on=1, miso=19, mosi=23, clk=18, cs=5, dc=21, hastouch=False) self.tft.clear(self.tft.BLACK) self.tft.orient(self.tft.LANDSCAPE_FLIP) self.screenW, self.screenH = self.tft.screensize() ''' fonts available in ili9341 tft.FONT_Small, 8x12 tft.FONT_Default, 13x13 tft.FONT_7seg, 18x31 tft.FONT_Ubuntu, 15x16 tft.FONT_Comic, 25x28 tft.FONT_Tooney, 32x37 tft.FONT_Minya, 20x24 ''' self.tft.font(self.tft.FONT_Ubuntu, rotate=0) self.PinBtnA = Pin(BUTTON_A_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.PinBtnB = Pin(BUTTON_B_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.PinBtnMenu = Pin(BUTTON_MENU_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.PinBtnVol = Pin(BUTTON_VOLUME_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.PinBtnSel = Pin(BUTTON_SELECT_PIN, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.PinBtnSt = Pin(BUTTON_START_PIN, Pin.IN) self.adcX = ADC(BUTTON_JOY_X_PIN) self.adcY = ADC(BUTTON_JOY_Y_PIN) #self.adc = ADC(PADDLE_PIN) self.adcX.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.adcY.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) def deinit(self): #self.adc.deinit() self.beeper.deinit() self.beeper2.deinit() self.adcX.deinit() self.adcY.deinit() self.tft.deinit() self.songIndex = 0 if self.timerInitialized: self.timer.deinit() def getPaddle(self): return 512 # ESP32 - 142 to 3155 # return max ( min (int ( / 2.935) - 48, 1023),0) def pressed(self, btn): return (self.Btns & btn) def justPressed(self, btn): return (self.Btns & btn) and not (self.lastBtns & btn) def justReleased(self, btn): return (self.lastBtns & btn) and not (self.Btns & btn) def getBtn(self): self.btnAval = not self.PinBtnA.value() self.btnBval = not self.PinBtnB.value() self.btnMenuval = not self.PinBtnMenu.value() self.btnVolval = not self.PinBtnVol.value() self.btnSelval = not self.PinBtnSel.value() self.btnStval = not self.PinBtnSt.value() val = self.btnLval = 1 if val > 2500 else 0 self.btnRval = 1 if 1500 < val < 2000 else 0 val = self.btnUval = 1 if val > 2500 else 0 self.btnDval = 1 if 1500 < val < 2000 else 0 self.lastBtns = self.Btns self.Btns = 0 self.Btns = self.Btns | self.btnUval << 1 | self.btnLval << 2 | self.btnRval << 3 | self.btnDval << 4 | self.btnAval << 5 | self.btnBval << 6 self.Btns = self.Btns | self.btnMenuval << 7 | self.btnVolval << 8 | self.btnSelval << 9 | self.btnStval << 10 return self.Btns def setVol(self): if self.pressed(self.btnVol): if self.justPressed(self.btnU): self.vol = min(self.vol + 1, self.max_vol) self.playTone('c4', 100) return True elif self.justPressed(self.btnD): self.vol = max(self.vol - 1, 0) self.playTone('d4', 100) return True return False def setFrameRate(self): if self.pressed(self.btnSel): if self.justPressed(self.btnU): self.frameRate = self.frameRate + 5 if self.frameRate < 120 else 5 self.playTone('e4', 100) return True elif self.justPressed(self.btnD): self.frameRate = self.frameRate - 5 if self.frameRate > 5 else 120 self.playTone('f4', 100) return True return False def center_msg(self, msg, color_fg, color_bg): self.tft.set_bg(color_bg) self.tft.textClear((self.screenW - self.tft.textWidth(msg)) // 2, self.screenH // 2, msg, color_bg) self.tft.text((self.screenW - self.tft.textWidth(msg)) // 2, self.screenH // 2, msg, color_fg) def display_msg(self, x, y, msg, color_fg, color_bg): self.tft.set_bg(color_bg) self.tft.textClear(x, y, msg, color_bg) self.tft.text(x, y, msg, color_fg) def display_vol(self): fontW, fontH = self.tft.fontSize() self.tft.rect(self.screenW - fontW * self.max_vol, 0, self.max_vol * fontW, fontH, self.tft.GREEN, self.tft.BLACK) self.tft.rect(self.screenW - fontW * self.max_vol + 1, 1, self.vol * fontW - 2, fontH - 2, self.tft.RED, self.tft.RED) def playTone(self, tone, tone_duration, rest_duration=0): self.beeper = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, self.tones[tone], self.duty[self.vol]) sleep_ms(tone_duration) self.beeper.deinit() sleep_ms(rest_duration) def playSound(self, freq, tone_duration, rest_duration=0): self.beeper = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, freq, self.duty[self.vol]) sleep_ms(tone_duration) self.beeper.deinit() sleep_ms(rest_duration) def handleInterrupt(self, timer): self.beeper2.deinit( ) # note has been played logn enough, now stop sound if self.songBuf[self.songIndex] == self.songLoop: self.songIndex = 3 # repeat from first note if self.songBuf[self.songIndex] >= 0: if self.songBuf[self.songIndex] == 0: self.beeper2 = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, 100, 0) elif self.notes: self.beeper2 = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, self.tones[self.songBuf[self.songIndex]], self.duty[self.vol]) else: self.beeper2 = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, self.songBuf[self.songIndex], self.duty[self.vol]) self.timer.init(period=int(self.songBuf[self.songIndex + 1] * self.timeunit * self.songSpeed), mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=self.handleInterrupt) self.songIndex += 2 def startSong(self, songBuf=None): if self.bgm: if songBuf != None: self.songBuf = songBuf if self.songBuf[0] != self.songStart: print("Cannot start Song, Invalid songBuf") return False self.notes = self.songBuf[1] self.timeunit = self.songBuf[2] self.songIndex = 3 if not self.timerInitialized: self.timerInitialized = True self.timer = Timer(1) self.timer.init(period=100, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=self.handleInterrupt) def stopSong(self): self.songIndex = 0 def random(self, x, y): return randint(x, y) def wait(self): timer_dif = int(1000 / self.frameRate) - ticks_diff( ticks_ms(), self.displayTimer) if timer_dif > 0: sleep_ms(timer_dif) self.displayTtimer = ticks_ms()
vext = Pin(21, Pin.OUT) vext.value(0) sleep(0.2) rst = Pin(16, Pin.OUT) rst.value(1) sleep(1) scl = Pin(15, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP) sda = Pin(4, Pin.OUT, Pin.PULL_UP) i2c = I2C(scl=scl, sda=sda, freq=450000) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, addr=0x3c) Pin(21, Pin.OUT, value=1) adc = ADC(Pin(36, Pin.IN)) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_6DB) nmuestras = 10 i = 0 while 1: value = """ for x in range(1,nmuestras): value = value + value = value/10 """ oled.fill(value) """ oled.text(str(value),32,32)
# function to get average of a list return sum(lst) / len(lst) def ReadEC(voltage, temp): #rawEC = 1000*voltage/820.0/200.0 ecValue = voltage / (1.0 + 0.0185 * (temp - 25.0)) return ecValue # Pin definition and ADC initialization ec = ADC(Pin(34)) ec.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # Reading range: 3.3V # DS18B20 temperatur ds18_temp = 25 # Creat empty list for value storage buf = [] sample = range(5) for i in sample: buf.append( sleep(1) print(buf) avgValue = Average(buf)
#esp8266 ya göre çalıştık """ """ Bit kısmı okunan değeri map fonksiyonuna göre çevirtmek için yapılır """ """ ADC.width(ADC.WIDTH_9BIT)# 0 ile 511 arasında 2^9 ADC.width(ADC.WIDTH_10IT)# 0 ile 1023 arasında okuyabildiğmiz veri ADC.width(ADC.WIDTH_11BIT)#0 ile 2047 arasında""" ADC.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT)#0 ile 4095 " Esp32 ye göre yapıyoruz" pot = ADC(Pin(34)) """ pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_0DB) #1.2V analog değer okuyor pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_2_5DB)#1.5v değeri karşılıyor pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_6DB) #2.0V""" pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB)# 3.3v göre while True : print(str(pot_deger)+" okunan potasiyometre değeri") sleep(0.1)
i2c = I2C(id=0, scl=Pin(SCL), sda=Pin(SDA), freq=100000) imu = MPU9250(i2c) def imu_collect(): return { "accel": Vector3.from_imu_vector(, "gyro": Vector3.from_imu_vector(, "mag": Vector3.from_imu_vector(, "temp": imu.temperature } mic_adc = ADC(Pin(ADC6)) mic_adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) def calibrate(): print("calibrating...") total_noise = 0 total_temp = 0 total_accel = Vector3() total_gyro = Vector3() total_mag = Vector3() for _ in range(CALIBRATION_SIZE): total_noise += imu_values = imu_collect() total_accel += imu_values["accel"] total_gyro += imu_values["gyro"] total_mag += imu_values["mag"]
class gameESP(): max_vol = 6 duty = {0: 0, 1: 0.05, 2: 0.1, 3: 0.5, 4: 1, 5: 2, 6: 70} tones = { 'c4': 262, 'd4': 294, 'e4': 330, 'f4': 349, 'f#4': 370, 'g4': 392, 'g#4': 415, 'a4': 440, "a#4": 466, 'b4': 494, 'c5': 523, 'c#5': 554, 'd5': 587, 'd#5': 622, 'e5': 659, 'f5': 698, 'f#5': 740, 'g5': 784, 'g#5': 831, 'a5': 880, 'b5': 988, 'c6': 1047, 'c#6': 1109, 'd6': 1175, ' ': 0 } def __init__(self): # True = SPI display, False = I2C display self.ESP32 = True self.paddle2 = False self.useSPI = True self.timer = 0 self.vol = int(self.max_vol / 2) + 1 seed(ticks_us()) self.btnU = 1 << 1 self.btnL = 1 << 2 self.btnR = 1 << 3 self.btnD = 1 << 4 self.btnA = 1 << 5 self.btnB = 1 << 6 self.btnUval = 0 self.btnDval = 0 self.btnLval = 0 self.btnRval = 0 self.btnAval = 0 self.btnBval = 0 self.frameRate = 30 self.screenW = 128 self.screenH = 64 self.Btns = 0 self.lastBtns = 0 self.PinBuzzer = Pin(26, Pin.OUT) # configure oled display SPI SSD1306 self.spi = SPI(2, baudrate=14500000, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23), miso=Pin(19)) # display = Display(spi, rst=Pin(4), dc=Pin(21), cs=Pin(5), ) #DC, RES, CS self.display = SSD1306_SPI(128, 64, self.spi, Pin(21), Pin(4), Pin(5)) self.PinBtnA = Pin(32, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.PinBtnB = Pin(33, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.adcX = ADC(34) self.adcY = ADC(35) self.adc = ADC(39) self.adcX.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.adcY.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) def deinit(self): self.adc.deinit() self.adcX.deinit() self.adcY.deinit() if self.useSPI: self.spi.deinit() def getPaddle(self): # ESP32 - 142 to 3155 return max(min(int( / 2.935) - 48, 1023), 0) def pressed(self, btn): return (self.Btns & btn) def justPressed(self, btn): return (self.Btns & btn) and not (self.lastBtns & btn) def justReleased(self, btn): return (self.lastBtns & btn) and not (self.Btns & btn) def getBtn(self): self.btnAval = not self.PinBtnA.value() self.btnBval = not self.PinBtnB.value() val = self.btnLval = 1 if val > 2500 else 0 self.btnRval = 1 if 1500 < val < 2000 else 0 val = self.btnUval = 1 if val > 2500 else 0 self.btnDval = 1 if 1500 < val < 2000 else 0 self.lastBtns = self.Btns self.Btns = 0 self.Btns = self.Btns | self.btnUval << 1 | self.btnLval << 2 | self.btnRval << 3 | self.btnDval << 4 | self.btnAval << 5 | self.btnBval << 6 return self.Btns print(self.Btns) def setVol(self): if self.pressed(self.btnB): if self.justPressed(self.btnU): self.vol = min(self.vol + 1, self.max_vol) self.playTone('c4', 100) return True elif self.justPressed(self.btnD): self.vol = max(self.vol - 1, 0) self.playTone('d4', 100) return True return False def playTone(self, tone, tone_duration, rest_duration=0): beeper = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, freq=self.tones[tone], duty=self.duty[self.vol]) sleep_ms(tone_duration) beeper.deinit() sleep_ms(rest_duration) def playSound(self, freq, tone_duration, rest_duration=0): beeper = PWM(self.PinBuzzer, freq, duty=self.duty[self.vol]) sleep_ms(tone_duration) beeper.deinit() sleep_ms(rest_duration) def random(self, x, y): return getrandbits(20) % (y - x + 1) + x def display_and_wait(self): timer_dif = int(1000 / self.frameRate) - ticks_diff( ticks_ms(), self.timer) if timer_dif > 0: sleep_ms(timer_dif) self.timer = ticks_ms()
else: authmode=0 self.ap.config(essid=essid,password=password,authmode=authmode, channel=channel) def disable_APWiFi(self): print('disable AP WiFi...') # 3 rgb leds rgb = NeoPixel(Pin(17, Pin.OUT), 3, 3, 1, brightness=0.3) rgb.write() # light sensor light = ADC(Pin(39)) light.atten(light.ATTN_11DB) # sound sensor sound = ADC(Pin(36)) sound.atten(sound.ATTN_11DB) # buttons button_a = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) button_b = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) # touchpad touchPad_P = TouchPad(Pin(27)) touchPad_Y = TouchPad(Pin(14)) touchPad_T = TouchPad(Pin(12)) touchPad_H = TouchPad(Pin(13)) touchPad_O = TouchPad(Pin(15))
# 6-axies motion sensor:mpu6050 motion = Motion() accelerometer = motion.accelerometer gyroscope = motion.gyroscope # 3-axies megnetic sensor:MMC5983MA magnetic = Magnetic() # 3 rgb leds rgb = NeoPixel(Pin(17, Pin.OUT), 3, 3, 1) rgb.write() # light sensor light = ADC(Pin(39)) light.atten(light.ATTN_11DB) # sound sensor class sound(): @staticmethod def init(): audio.recorder_init() audio.set_volume(0) @staticmethod def deinit(): audio.recorder_deinit() @staticmethod def read():
from codes.autoconnect import * import socket import time from machine import UART, ADC, DAC, Pin pin = Pin(2, Pin.IN) light = ADC(Pin(35)) light.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) light.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) dac = DAC(Pin(25), bits=12) INIT = 0 uart = UART(2, 9600) while 1: while 1: connect_res, ipaddr = connect() uart.write(str(connect_res)) if connect_res: break time.sleep(10) if not INIT: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) addr0 = (ipaddr, 8080) s.bind(addr0) s.settimeout(30.0) s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
# Brandon Gant # Created: 2020-08-11 # Updated: 2020-09-09 from machine import Pin, ADC from time import sleep bright = ADC(Pin(38)) # 1K voltage divider resistor dark = ADC(Pin(37)) # 51K voltage divider resistor bright.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) bright.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) dark.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) dark.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) while True: print("%s %s" % (, sleep(1)
from machine import Pin from machine import ADC from dht import DHT11 from time import sleep import network # These two imports are local files from this folder from allthingstalk import AllThingsTalkDevice from config import config moisture = ADC(Pin(32)) moisture.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) temperature_humidity = DHT11(Pin(22)) # Create an object for the connection to AllThingsTalk cloud = AllThingsTalkDevice(config["device_id"], config["device_token"]) # Create an object for the wifi connection wifi = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # This is a function, it is called from the while-loop further down def connect_wifi(): if not wifi.isconnected(): print('connecting to network...') wifi.connect(config["wifi_ssid"], config["wifi_password"]) while not wifi.isconnected(): pass print('network config:', wifi.ifconfig())
from machine import UART, Pin, ADC from time import sleep, sleep_ms serial = UART(2, 9600, tx=17, rx=16) serial.init(baudrate=9600, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) sleep(1.5) ADC.width(ADC.WIDTH_10BIT) mea = ADC(Pin(34)) mea.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) led_indicate = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) led_indicate.on() tx_led = Pin(27, Pin.OUT) valve_led = Pin(33, Pin.OUT) pump_valve = Pin(22, Pin.OUT) pump_valve.on() def tx_blink(): # 750ms 0.75 tx_led.on() sleep_ms(150) sleep_ms(150) tx_led.on() sleep_ms(150) sleep_ms(150) tx_led.on() sleep_ms(150)
led_bleue = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) led_verte = Pin(18, Pin.OUT) led_jaune = Pin(19, Pin.OUT) led_rouge = Pin(23, Pin.OUT) tp1 = TouchPad(Pin(15)) tp2 = TouchPad(Pin(4)) bpA = Pin(25, Pin.IN) bpB = Pin(34, Pin.IN) bpC = Pin(39, Pin.IN) bpD = Pin(36, Pin.IN) p1 = ADC(Pin(35)) # cree l'objet ADC # CHANGEMENT ! p1.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # set 11dB input attenuation (range 0.0v - 3.6v) p1.width(ADC.WIDTH_9BIT) # set 9 bit return values (returned range 0-511) p2 = ADC(Pin(33)) # cree l'objet ADC p2.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # set 11dB input attenuation (range 0.0v - 3.6v) p2.width(ADC.WIDTH_9BIT) # set 9 bit return values (returned range 0-511) ldr = ADC(Pin(32)) # cree l'objet ADC ldr.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # set 11dB input attenuation (range 0.0v - 3.6v) ldr.width(ADC.WIDTH_9BIT) # set 9 bit return values (returned range 0-511) n = 8 # nombre de pixels p = 26 # pin de commande du neopixel np = NeoPixel(Pin(p), n) # creation de l'instance np buzzer = PWM(Pin(5))
print(">>> temp_init") from util.octopus import temp_init ts = temp_init() # ts := temp sensor if len(ts.ts) == 0: ts = None sensorsDisplay() if ios.get("mois"): print(">>> moisture_init") from machine import ADC from hydroponics.iot_garden import get_moisture pwM = Pin(pinout.PWM1_PIN, Pin.OUT) # moisture pin_adcM = Pin(pinout.I35_PIN, Pin.IN) adcM = ADC(pin_adcM) if ios.get("cmois"): adcM.atten(ADC.ATTN_2_5DB) if ios.get("relay"): print(">>> relay_init") from util.iot import Relay relayPump = Relay() relayPump.value(1) sleep(1) relayPump.value(0) if ios.get("fet"): print(">>> pwm_init") from hydroponics.iot_garden import pwm_init, pwm_fade_in pwmLed = pwm_init() pwm_fade_in(pwmLed, 1000) pwmLed.duty(0)
class LedShow: def __init__(self): self.led_number = 120 self.led_pin = 12 = NeoPixel(Pin(12,Pin.OUT),self.led_number) self.KEY1=Pin(27,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP) #麦克风 self.micc = ADC(Pin(34)) self.micc.atten(self.micc.ATTN_11DB) # 144led 变态RGB 实际为GRB self.color = [ (0,0,0),#黑 (255,0,0),#绿 (255,255,0),#黄 (255,255,0),#橙色 (0,255,0),#红 (255,0,255),#青色 (0,0,255),#蓝色 (0,255,255),#粉红 (255,255,255),#白 (247,238,214),#米黄 (0,0,128),#蓝色 ] #七彩 def clear(self): for i in range(self.led_number):[i] = (0, 0, 0) def Start(self): for x in range(6): for y in range(10):[x*10+y] = self.color[6][119-x*10-y] = self.color[6] time.sleep(0.1) for x in range(6): for y in range(10):[(x+6)*10+y] = self.color[0][59-x*10-y] = self.color[0] time.sleep(0.1) def PrintDot(self,eTxt,cr=6): ctext =aztxt.Zifu[eTxt] for x in range(0,8): for y in range(0,8): if ctext[x][y] is 1:[9-x+y*10]=self.color[cr] def SetColor(self,cc=6): for x in range(self.led_number):[x] = self.color[cc] def VuColor(self,val,cc=6): htt = val for x in range(12): for y in range(10): if y < htt[x]:[x*10+y] = self.color[cc] elif y==htt[x]:[x*10+y] = self.color[10] else:[x*10+y] = self.color[0] def sample(self): values = [] start = time.ticks_ms() for i in range(16): val = values.append(val) return (time.ticks_ms() - start, max(values) - min(values)) def getloudness(self): maxloudness = 0 for i in range(8): timetaken, loudness = self.sample() if loudness > maxloudness: maxloudness = loudness val = maxloudness*10/3000 return math.floor(val) def micphone(self): while True: tones = [] for i in range(12): t = self.getloudness() tones.append(t) print(tones) self.VuColor(tones) if self.KEY1.value() == 0: #按键被按下 time.sleep_ms(2) #消除抖动 if self.KEY1.value() == 0: #确认按键被按下 print("Key1 close") break
import machine import utime from machine import Pin from machine import ADC mosfet1 = Pin(13, Pin.OUT) mosfet2 = Pin(12, Pin.OUT) mosfet3 = Pin(27, Pin.OUT) bttn = ADC(Pin(33)) bttn.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) def triggerWaitH(pin, number): while < number: pass def triggerWaitL(pin, number): while > number: pass cont = True while cont: d1 = int(input()) d2 = int(input()) d3 = int(input()) triggerWaitH(bttn, 3500)
from machine import Pin, ADC import time adc = ADC(Pin(34)) # 設定進行 ADC 的腳位 adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # 設定最大電壓為3.6V while True: print( # 讀取 ADC 值 time.sleep(0.05) # 等候 0.05 秒
# Complete project details at # Created by Rui Santos from machine import Pin, ADC, PWM from time import sleep led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) button = Pin(15, Pin.IN) #Configure ADC for ESP32 pot = ADC(Pin(34)) pot.width(ADC.WIDTH_10BIT) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #Configure ADC for ESP8266 #pot = ADC(0) led_pwm = PWM(Pin(4), 5000) while True: button_state = button.value() led.value(button_state) pot_value = led_pwm.duty(pot_value) sleep(0.1)
from machine import Pin, ADC from time import sleep pot = ADC(0) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #Full range: 3.3v while True: pot_value = print(pot_value) sleep(0.1)
led_lef = Pin(18, Pin.OUT) light_dict = {1: led_lef, 2: led_down, 3: led_up, 4: led_down} led_up.value(0) led_down.value(0) led_lef.value(0) led_rig.value(0) "Joystick code" PINX = 34 # needs to be a pin that supports ADC PINY = 32 # needs to be a pin that supports ADC PINSW = 27 cx = ADC(Pin(PINX)) cx.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) cy = ADC(Pin(PINY)) cy.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) sw = Pin(PINSW, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) def button_pressed(p): print('Click') def joystick(adc): return max(6, min(120, int( / 32))) def check_joystick(dx, dy): "0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 3=up, 4=down, 5=up-left, 6=down-right, 7=up-right, 8=down-left"
import urequests import machine import json import gc import micropython SSID = "Xperia X" PASSWORD = "******" port = 500 wlan = None s = None #sensor pins are set here pot = ADC(Pin(34)) pot.width(ADC.WIDTH_10BIT) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_6DB) def connectWifi(ssid, passwd): # function to connect to the Web global wlan # declare a WLAN object wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) # create a wlan object # Activate the network interface wlan.disconnect() # Disconnect the last connected WiFi wlan.connect(ssid, passwd) # connect wifi while (wlan.ifconfig()[0] == ''): # wait for connection sleep_ms(1) sleep_ms(1000) # hold on for 1 second print("Connecting to WLAN") def main(): url = ""
from machine import ADC, Pin # machineモジュールのADCクラスとPinクラスをインポート import time # timeモジュールをインポート adc = ADC(Pin(35)) # 35番ピンを制御するADCオブジェクトを生成 adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) # 減衰率を11dBに設定 while True: val = [] # ADC値のリストを作る for i in range(20): # 複数回データを測定する val.append( # データを測定し、リストに追加 mean_val = sum(val) / len(val) # 平均値を求める temp = (mean_val / 4095 * 3.3 + 0.1132 - 0.6) / 0.01 # 温度を計算 print(temp) time.sleep(1) # 1秒待つ
authmode=4 else: authmode=0 self.ap.config(essid=essid,password=password,authmode=authmode, channel=channel) def disable_APWiFi(self): print('disable AP WiFi...') # 3 rgb leds rgb = NeoPixel(Pin(17, Pin.OUT), 3, 3, 1, brightness=0.3) rgb.write() # light sensor light = ADC(Pin(39)) light.atten(light.ATTN_11DB) # sound sensor sound = ADC(Pin(36)) sound.atten(sound.ATTN_11DB) # Potentiometer sensor Potentiometer = ADC(Pin(34)) Potentiometer.atten(sound.ATTN_11DB) # buttons class Button: def __init__(self, pin_num, reverse=False): self.__reverse = reverse (self.__press_level, self.__release_level) = (0, 1) if not self.__reverse else (1, 0) self.__pin = Pin(pin_num, Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP)
''' Smart LED 基于光敏电阻的智能照明 如果光照强度小于某个阈值,就开灯。 ''' from machine import ADC,Pin import utime led_pin = Pin(13) # 设置D33号引脚作为ADC采样引脚 pin_read = Pin(33) # 声明ADC对象 adc = ADC(pin_read) adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) adc.width(ADC.WIDTH_12BIT) # 设定阈值 boudary = 2000 while True: # 数据采样 模拟信号 -> 数字信号 # 读取光照强度 illumination intensity intensity = is_dark = intensity > boudary if is_dark: led_pin.value(1) else: led_pin.value(0) # 如果光照强度
class MPythonPin(): def __init__(self, pin, mode=PinMode.IN, pull=None): if mode not in [PinMode.IN, PinMode.OUT, PinMode.PWM, PinMode.ANALOG, PinMode.OUT_DRAIN]: raise TypeError("mode must be 'IN, OUT, PWM, ANALOG,OUT_DRAIN'") if pin == 4: raise TypeError("P4 is used for light sensor") if pin == 10: raise TypeError("P10 is used for sound sensor") try: = pins_remap_esp32[pin] except IndexError: raise IndexError("Out of Pin range") if mode == PinMode.IN: # if pin in [3]: # raise TypeError('IN not supported on P%d' % pin) self.Pin = Pin(, Pin.IN, pull) if mode == PinMode.OUT: if pin in [2, 3]: raise TypeError('OUT not supported on P%d' % pin) self.Pin = Pin(, Pin.OUT, pull) if mode == PinMode.OUT_DRAIN: if pin in [2, 3]: raise TypeError('OUT_DRAIN not supported on P%d' % pin) self.Pin = Pin(, Pin.OPEN_DRAIN, pull) if mode == PinMode.PWM: if pin not in [0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]: raise TypeError('PWM not supported on P%d' % pin) self.pwm = PWM(Pin(, duty=0) if mode == PinMode.ANALOG: if pin not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10]: raise TypeError('ANALOG not supported on P%d' % pin) self.adc = ADC(Pin( self.adc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) self.mode = mode def irq(self, handler=None, trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING): if not self.mode == PinMode.IN: raise TypeError('the pin is not in IN mode') return self.Pin.irq(handler, trigger) def read_digital(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.IN: raise TypeError('the pin is not in IN mode') return self.Pin.value() def write_digital(self, value): if self.mode not in [PinMode.OUT, PinMode.OUT_DRAIN]: raise TypeError('the pin is not in OUT or OUT_DRAIN mode') self.Pin.value(value) def read_analog(self): if not self.mode == PinMode.ANALOG: raise TypeError('the pin is not in ANALOG mode') return def write_analog(self, duty, freq=1000): if not self.mode == PinMode.PWM: raise TypeError('the pin is not in PWM mode') self.pwm.freq(freq) self.pwm.duty(duty)
class tempNTC3950(Sensor): ''' De NTC 3950 thermistor is een analoge sensor waarbij de weerstand daalt bij stijgende temperatuur. NTC staat voor Negatieve Temperatuur Coefficient ''' def __init__(self, pinADC, waardeWeerstand, waardeNTC, info, debug=False): super().__init__(info, debug) self.__pinADC = pinADC self.__weerstand = waardeWeerstand self.__waardeNTC = waardeNTC self.__ntc = None def start(self): try: self.__ntc = ADC(Pin(self.__pinADC)) self.__ntc.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) if self.debug: print("ntc3950 is gestart") Sensor.teller += 1 return (0, 1) except Exception as E: if self.debug == True: print("fout bij het starten van ntc3950") print(E) return (-1, -1) def meet(self): somV0 = 0 try: for j in range(0, 5): temp = if self.debug: print(temp) somV0 += temp utime.sleep_ms(20) gemV0 = 3.6 * float(somV0) / (5 * 4095) # spanning over weerstand if self.debug: print(somV0) print(gemV0) ntcWeerstand = self.__weerstand * (3.3 / gemV0 - 1 ) # Weerstand van de ntc if self.debug: print(ntcWeerstand) # weerstand omzetten naar temperatuur mbv formule van Steinhart 1/T = 1/T0 + 1/3950 * ln(R/R0) (met T in Kelvin) resSteinhart = 1.0 / (273.15 + 25.0) + (1 / 3950.0) * math.log( ntcWeerstand / self.__waardeNTC) temp = (1.0 / resSteinhart) - 273.15 return (1, temp) except Exception as E: if self.debug == True: print("fout bij meten van ntc3950") print(E) return (-1, -1) def stop(self): try: del self.__ntc if self.debug == True: print("ntc3950 is gestopt") if Sensor.teller > 0: Sensor.teller -= 1 return (0, 1) except Exception as E: print("fout bij stoppen van ntc3950") print(E) return (-1, -1)
# Complete project details at # Created by Rui Santos from machine import Pin, ADC, PWM from time import sleep led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) button = Pin(15, Pin.IN) #Configure ADC for ESP32 pot = ADC(Pin(34)) pot.width(ADC.WIDTH_10BIT) pot.atten(ADC.ATTN_11DB) #Configure ADC for ESP8266 #pot = ADC(0) led_pwm = PWM(Pin(4),5000) while True: button_state = button.value() led.value(button_state) pot_value = led_pwm.duty(pot_value) sleep(0.1)