from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * from machine import ModbusSlave import i2c_bus import unit from numbers import Number from micropython import const #ATOM_modbus_slave+RFID 14.07.2020 modbus_s = ModbusSlave(1, 1, 115200, 25, 21) fun = None REG_addr = None tmp_data = None var = None #sys vars run_cnt = None #RFID vars RFID_ID = None TAG_Reg0 = None TAG_near = None # ATOM PORT IO RS485_UART = (1, 25, 21) # TX,RX IIC_PORTA = (26, 32) # I2C for 16BV demo unit.PORTA = ( 26, 32 ) # seems used in the unit init!unit.get(unit.RFID, unit.PORTA) # fit ATOM? #i2c0 = i2c_bus.easyI2C((25, 21), 0x28) print('< Intelligent 16-BV connector with RS485 Port & NFC program v1.6 >' +
from m5ui import * from uiflow import * from machine import ModbusSlave from machine import UART import i2c_bus import unit from numbers import Number from micropython import const #V0.7 added Modbus_RTU_MasterMsg_parse function, test ok #SLave address+Func.code+Reg_addr(2B)+number of Words(2B)+CRC(lo first, 2B) = 8 B #V0.5, Modbus RTU slave is working, send 9 bytes: SL_add+funct_number+len+NUID_data(4B)+CRC(2B) #V0.4, Modbus slave is working, send 13 bytes: SL_add+funct_number+len+data(8B)+CRC(2B) #15.07.2020 author: ling ZHOU #(Slave_address, uart_port,tx,rx) #modbus_s = ModbusSlave(1, 1, 115200, 25, 21) modbus_s = ModbusSlave(1, 2, 115200, 22, 19) uart = machine.UART(1, tx=25, rx=21) # for 16BV module #uart = machine.UART(1, tx=26, rx=32) # for Tail485 module uart.init(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1) #RS485 modbus RTU Slave_add = 0x01 Func_readID = 0x03 fun = None REG_NUID = 0x01 ID_len = 0x04 REG_addr = None tmp_data = None var = None #sys vars
from m5stack import * from m5ui import * from uiflow import * from machine import Modbus from machine import ModbusSlave rgb.set_screen([]) modbus_s = ModbusSlave(_AF9_5EaoeXNU9_60_5E_BsS8_, 1, 115200, 26, 32) Slave_add = None RTU_funct = None value_rx_tmp = None REG_0 = None def modbus_recv_cb(x): global Slave_add, RTU_funct, value_rx_tmp, REG_0 Slave_add, RTU_funct, value_rx_tmp = label_Slave_add.setText(str(Slave_add)) Funct.setText(str(RTU_funct)) Data.setText(str(value_rx_tmp)) pass modbus.set_recv_cb(modbus_recv_cb) def buttonA_wasPressed(): global Slave_add, RTU_funct, value_rx_tmp, REG_0