def setup_screen(self): """ Set up the screen and the labels that display values on it. """ ugfx.init() width=ugfx.width() height=ugfx.height() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) style = ugfx.Style() style.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(0, 0, width, 60,"Air Quality", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) label_height=45 self.ppm10_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height, width, label_height,"PPM 10: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.ppm25_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*2, width, label_height,"PPM 2.5: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.temp_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*3, width, label_height,"Temp: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.humid_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*4, width, label_height,"Humid: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.error_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*5, width, label_height,"", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.message_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*6, width, label_height,"", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.error_count = 0 self.error_message = "" self.neopix = Neopix() self.p10_decode = ((100,0x00ff00),(250,0xffff00),(350,0xff8000),(430,0xff0000),(-1,0xcc6600)) self.p25_decode = ((60, 0x00ff00),(91, 0xffff00), (121,0xff8000),(251,0xff0000),(-1,0xcc6600))
___title___ = "EMFCamp Rainbow Homescreen" ___license___ = "MIT" ___categories___ = ["Homescreens"] ___dependencies___ = ["homescreen"] ___launchable___ = False ___bootstrapped___ = False import ugfx from homescreen import * import time from tilda import Buttons from machine import Pin from machine import Neopix torch = Pin(Pin.GPIO_FET) neo = Neopix() # Padding for name intro_height = 30 intro_text = "Hi! I'm" name_height = 60 status_height = 20 info_height = 30 logo_path = "emfcampqueer_home/pridelogo.png" logo_height = 150 logo_width = 56 # Maximum length of name before downscaling max_name = 8 torch_on = False
0xEBEBEB, 0xE8E8E8, 0xE5E5E5, 0xE3E3E3, 0xE0E0E0, 0xDEDEDE, 0xDBDBDB, 0xD9D9D9, 0xD6D6D6, 0xD4D4D4, 0xD1D1D1, 0xCFCFCF, 0xCCCCCC, 0xC9C9C9, 0xC7C7C7, 0xC4C4C4, 0xC2C2C2, 0xBFBFBF, 0xBDBDBD, 0xBABABA, 0xB8B8B8, 0xB5B5B5, 0xB3B3B3, 0xB0B0B0, 0xADADAD, 0xABABAB, 0xA8A8A8, 0xA6A6A6, 0xA3A3A3, 0xA1A1A1, 0x9E9E9E, 0x9C9C9C, 0x999999, 0x969696, 0x949494, 0x919191, 0x8F8F8F, 0x8C8C8C, 0x8A8A8A, 0x878787, 0x858585, 0x828282, 0x7F7F7F, 0x7D7D7D, 0x7A7A7A, 0x787878, 0x757575, 0x737373, 0x707070, 0x6E6E6E, 0x6B6B6B, 0x696969, 0x666666, 0x636363, 0x616161, 0x5E5E5E, 0x5C5C5C, 0x595959, 0x575757, 0x545454, 0x525252, 0x4F4F4F, 0x4D4D4D, 0x4A4A4A, 0x474747, 0x454545, 0x424242, 0x404040, 0x3D3D3D, 0x3B3B3B, 0x383838, 0x363636, 0x333333, 0x303030, 0x2E2E2E, 0x2B2B2B, 0x292929, 0x262626, 0x242424, 0x212121, 0x1F1F1F, 0x1C1C1C, 0x1A1A1A, 0x171717, 0x141414, 0x121212, 0x0F0F0F, 0x0D0D0D, 0x0A0A0A, 0x080808, 0x050505, 0x030303 ] n = Neopix() ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.text(5, 5, "PRESS B TO PARTY, A TO QUIT", ugfx.BLACK) def ledChange(): print("led change!") RedLEDNum = random.randint(0, 1) GreenLEDNum = random.randint(0, 1) if RedLEDNum == 0: LED(LED.RED).on() else: LED(LED.RED).off()
"""Scan for and display nearby bluetooth devices""" ___title___ = "Bluetooth Scan" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["sleep", "app", "sim800"] ___categories___ = ["Other", "System"] import ugfx, app from machine import Neopix np = Neopix() import sim800 from tilda import Buttons from time import sleep btrestore = False duration = 10 status_height = 20 ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_FIXED) def instructions(duration): ugfx.Label(5, 180, 240, 30, "Press A to start, B to change scan length or MENU to exit") ugfx.Label(5, 210, 240, 15, "Scan requires ~{0} seconds".format(duration)) if not sim800.btison():
class Air_Quality_Display(): def setup_screen(self): """ Set up the screen and the labels that display values on it. """ ugfx.init() width=ugfx.width() height=ugfx.height() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) style = ugfx.Style() style.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080), ugfx.html_color(0x800080)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x800080)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) ugfx.orientation(90) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_TITLE) ugfx.Label(0, 0, width, 60,"Air Quality", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) label_height=45 self.ppm10_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height, width, label_height,"PPM 10: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.ppm25_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*2, width, label_height,"PPM 2.5: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.temp_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*3, width, label_height,"Temp: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.humid_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*4, width, label_height,"Humid: starting", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.error_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*5, width, label_height,"", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.message_label = ugfx.Label(0, label_height*6, width, label_height,"", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) self.error_count = 0 self.error_message = "" self.neopix = Neopix() self.p10_decode = ((100,0x00ff00),(250,0xffff00),(350,0xff8000),(430,0xff0000),(-1,0xcc6600)) self.p25_decode = ((60, 0x00ff00),(91, 0xffff00), (121,0xff8000),(251,0xff0000),(-1,0xcc6600)) def get_reading_color(self, value, decode): for item in decode: if item[0] < 0: # reached the upper limit - return return item[1] if value < item[0]: return item[1] def new_readings(self,ppm10_value, ppm25_value): """ Called by the sensor to deliver new values to the screen. Will also trigger the reading of the temperature and humidity values. """ self.ppm10_label.text("PPM 10: "+str(ppm10_value)) self.ppm25_label.text("PPM 2.5: "+str(ppm25_value)) temp = Sensors.get_hdc_temperature() temp_string = "Temp: {0:2.1f}".format(temp) self.temp_label.text(temp_string) humid = Sensors.get_hdc_humidity() humid_string = "Humidity: {0:2.1f}".format(humid) self.humid_label.text(humid_string) # Calculate some colours self.neopix.display((self.get_reading_color(ppm25_value, self.p25_decode),self.get_reading_color(ppm10_value, self.p10_decode))) def error(self, error_message): """ Called by the sensor to deliver an error message. Args: error_message: error message string """ self.error_count = self.error_count + 1 self.error_label.text( "Errors: " +str(self.error_count)) self.message_label.text(str(error_message))
ugfx.width(), info_height, "Press MENU", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) status = ugfx.Label(0, ugfx.height() - info_height * 2 - status_height, ugfx.width(), status_height, "", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) from tilda import Sensors from machine import Neopix n = Neopix() # update loop while True: text = "" value_wifi_strength = wifi_strength() value_battery = battery() lux = Sensors.get_lux() if lux < 1000: n.display([0xffffff, 0xffffff]) elif lux < 2000: n.display([0xff00ff, 0xff00ff]) elif lux < 3000: n.display([0x0000ff, 0x0000ff]) elif lux < 4000: n.display([0x00ffff, 0x00ffff]) elif lux < 5000:
'''Party thing ''' ___author___ = 'Skybound - ECS' ___name___ = 'Party' ___license___ = 'MIT' ___categories___ = ['LEDs'] ___bootstrapped___ = False from app import restart_to_default import random from machine import Neopix from tilda import Buttons n = Neopix() mapping = {0: 0x000001, 1: 0x000100, 2: 0x010000} exit = False def breakout(x): global exit exit = True Buttons.enable_interrupt(Buttons.BTN_Menu, breakout, on_press=True, on_release=False)
import os, tilda from machine import Neopix n=Neopix() n.display([0,0,0]) n.display([0,0,0]) print("EMF:") os.sync() root = os.listdir() def app(a): if (a in root) and ("" in os.listdir(a)): return a + "/" def file(file, remove): try: a = None with open(file, 'r') as f: a = if remove: os.remove(file) return app(a) except Exception as e: print("Not found: %s" % file) def any_home(): h = [a for a in root if a.startswith("home")] return h[0] if len(h) else False if "no_boot" in root:
0x00FFFF, 0x0000FF, 0xFF00FF, 0xFA8072, ] ledColourCount = len(ledColours) logo_path = "shared/sw.png" logo_height = 121 logo_width = 240 mute = False # Setup init() neopix = Neopix() ugfx_helper.init() speaker.enabled(True) #################### #################### #################### notes = [ { "name": "G3", "midi": 55, "time": 1.5, "velocity": 0.6299212598425197, "duration": 0.1572916666666666 },
"""This app tests all the onboard sensors and system info""" ___title___ = "Memobadge" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["app", "sim800", "sleep", "ugfx_helper"] ___categories___ = ["Sound"] import ugfx, app, sim800, time from tilda import Buttons from machine import Neopix ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_FIXED) neopix = Neopix() def displayControls(): ugfx.Label(5, 0, 240, 15, "Controls:") ugfx.Label(5, 15, 240, 15, " A: Start / Stop recording") ugfx.Label(5, 30, 240, 15, " B: playback") ugfx.Label(5, 45, 240, 15, " Menu: exit") def displayStatus(status): ugfx.Label(5, 90, 240, 15, status) def setRecordingStatus(): global neopix, isRecording
def show_boot(): ugfx.display_image(0, 0, "holland/start.png") ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear() show_boot() import sim800 import time from tilda import Buttons sim800.poweron() n = Neopix() vip = False vip_inv = False strobe = False def cbButtonA(button_id): global vip vip = False show_flag() def cbButtonB(button_id): global vip vip = True
((1 - ((6 * angle) - 4)) * (intensity - 1)), (intensity - 1), 1) else: return (intensity, 0, intensity * 6 * (1 - angle)) if intensity < 1 else (1, (intensity - 1), (6 * (1 - angle)) + ((1 - (6 * (1 - angle))) * (intensity - 1))) ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear() maxHeight = ugfx.height() n = Neopix() # Draw colour swatch for x in range(ugfx.width()): intensity = x / ugfx.width() for y in range(maxHeight): (r, g, b) = getColour(intensity, y / ugfx.height()) colour = (int(31 * r) << 11) + (int(63 * g) << 5) + int(31 * b) ugfx.area(x, y, 1, 1, colour) i = 0 j = 0 ugfx.area((i - 1) if i > 0 else 0, (j - 1) if j > 0 else 0, 3 if (i > 0 and i < (ugfx.width() - 1)) else 2, 3 if (j > 0 and j < (maxHeight - 1)) else 2, ugfx.WHITE) while (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(
import ugfx_helper, os, wifi, ugfx, http, time, sleep, app import sim800 from tilda import Buttons from machine import Neopix import utime import random playback_start = 0 last_update = 0 ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear() # Clear LEDs leds = Neopix() YELLOW = 0xffff00 RED = 0xff0000 BLACK = 0x000000 CURRENT = YELLOW, RED db = ugfx.html_color(0x843c06) lb = ugfx.html_color(0xe1962d) PACKETSIZE = 1024 SPEED = 0 def setup_audio(): with open('robotnik/robotnik.amr', 'rb') as wavefile: