Example #1
def run(unfurl, node):
    if not node.data_type == 'mac-address':
        long_int = utils.long_int_re.fullmatch(str(node.value))
        m = utils.mac_addr_re.fullmatch(str(node.value))
        if m and not long_int:
            u = m.group('mac_addr')

            # Check if we need to add colons
            if len(u) == 12:
                pretty_mac = ':'.join([u[i]+u[i+1] for i in range(0, 12, 2)])

                pretty_mac = u.upper()

                data_type='mac-address', key=None, value=pretty_mac, label=f'MAC address: {pretty_mac}',
                parent_id=node.node_id, incoming_edge_config=uuid_edge)

    elif node.data_type == 'mac-address' and unfurl.api_keys.get('macaddress_io') and unfurl.remote_lookups:
        client = maclookup.ApiClient(unfurl.api_keys.get('macaddress_io'))
        vendor_lookup = client.get_vendor(node.value).decode('utf-8')

        if vendor_lookup:
                data_type="mac-address.vendor", key=None, value=vendor_lookup, label=f'Vendor: {vendor_lookup}',
                parent_id=node.node_id, incoming_edge_config=uuid_edge)
def run(unfurl, node):
    if not node.data_type == 'mac-address':
        m = re.match(r'(?P<mac_addr>[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}|([0-9A-Fa-f]:){6})$', str(node.value))
        if m:
            u = m.group('mac_addr')

            # Check if we need to add colons
            if len(u) == 12:
                pretty_mac = f'{u:0{12}X}'
                pretty_mac = ':'.join([pretty_mac[i]+pretty_mac[i+1] for i in range(0, 12, 2)])

                pretty_mac = u.upper()

            # TODO: add detection for randomly generated MACs (random 48-bit number with its eighth bit set to 1 as
            #  recommended in RFC 4122)
                data_type='mac-address', key=None, value=pretty_mac, label=f'MAC address: {pretty_mac}',
                parent_id=node.node_id, incoming_edge_config=uuid_edge)

    elif node.data_type == 'mac-address' and unfurl.api_keys.get('macaddress_io'):
        client = maclookup.ApiClient(unfurl.api_keys.get('macaddress_io'))
        vendor_lookup = client.get_vendor(node.value).decode('utf-8')

        if vendor_lookup:
                data_type="mac-address.vendor", key=None, value=vendor_lookup, label=f'Vendor: {vendor_lookup}',
                parent_id=node.node_id, incoming_edge_config=uuid_edge)