Example #1
def get_rad_from_obs(ab, dist):
    if dist == 'negbin':
        n, p = negbin_solver(ab)
        pred_rad = get_rad_negbin(len(ab), n, p)
    elif dist == 'pln':
        mu, sigma = pln_solver(ab)
        pred_rad = get_rad_pln(len(ab), mu, sigma)
    return pred_rad
Example #2
 def get_rad_from_obs(self):
     if self.dist == 'negbin':
         n, p = nbinom_lower_trunc_solver(self.obs)
         pred_rad = self.get_rad_negbin(len(self.obs), n, p)
     elif self.dist == 'pln':
         mu, sigma = pln_solver(self.obs)
         pred_rad = self.get_rad_pln(len(self.obs), mu, sigma)
     return (pred_rad, mu, sigma)
Example #3
def get_rad_from_obs(ab, dist):
    if dist == 'negbin':
        n, p = negbin_solver(ab)
        pred_rad = get_rad_negbin(len(ab), n, p)
    elif dist == 'pln':
        mu, sigma = pln_solver(ab)
        pred_rad = get_rad_pln(len(ab), mu, sigma)
    return pred_rad
Example #4
 def get_rad_from_obs(self):
     if self.dist == 'negbin':
         n, p = negbin_solver(self.obs)
         pred_rad = self.get_rad_negbin(len(self.obs), n, p)
     elif self.dist == 'pln':
         mu, sigma = pln_solver(self.obs)
         pred_rad = self.get_rad_pln(len(self.obs), mu, sigma)
     return pred_rad
def run_test(raw_data, dataset_name, data_dir='./data/', cutoff = 9):
    """Use data to compare the predicted and empirical SADs and get results in csv files
    Keyword arguments:
    raw_data : numpy structured array with 4 columns: 'site','year','sp','ab'
    dataset_name : short code that will indicate the name of the dataset in
                    the output file names
    data_dir : directory in which to store output
    cutoff : minimum number of species required to run - 1.
    usites = np.sort(list(set(raw_data["site"])))
    f1 = csv.writer(open(data_dir + dataset_name + '_obs_pred.csv','wb'))
    f2 = csv.writer(open(data_dir + dataset_name + '_dist_test.csv','wb'))
    for i in range(0, len(usites)):
        subsites = raw_data["site"][raw_data["site"] == usites[i]]        
        subab = raw_data["ab"][raw_data["site"] == usites[i]]
        N = sum(subab)
        S = len(subsites)
        if S > cutoff:
            print("%s, Site %s, S=%s, N=%s" % (dataset_name, i, S, N))
            # Generate predicted values and p (e ** -beta) based on METE:
            mete_pred = mete.get_mete_rad(int(S), int(N))
            pred = np.array(mete_pred[0])
            p = mete_pred[1]
            p_untruncated = exp(-mete.get_beta(S, N, version='untruncated'))
            obsab = np.sort(subab)[::-1]
            # Calculate Akaike weight of log-series:
            L_logser = md.logser_ll(obsab, p)
            L_logser_untruncated = md.logser_ll(obsab, p_untruncated)
            mu, sigma = md.pln_solver(obsab)
            L_pln = md.pln_ll(mu,sigma,obsab)        
            k1 = 1
            k2 = 2    
            AICc_logser = macroecotools.AICc(k1, L_logser, S)
            AICc_logser_untruncated = macroecotools.AICc(k1, L_logser_untruncated, S)
            AICc_pln = macroecotools.AICc(k2, L_pln, S)
            weight = macroecotools.aic_weight(AICc_logser, AICc_pln, S, cutoff = 4)
            weight_untruncated = macroecotools.aic_weight(AICc_logser_untruncated,
                                                     AICc_pln, S, cutoff = 4)
            #save results to a csv file:
            results = ((np.column_stack((subsites, obsab, pred))))
            results2 = ((np.column_stack((np.array(usites[i], dtype='S20'),
                                                   S, N, p, weight,
Example #6
def get_par_multi_dists(ab, dist_name):
    """Returns the parameters given the observed abundances and the designated distribution."""
    if dist_name == 'logser':
        beta = mete.get_beta(len(ab), sum(ab), version='untruncated')
        par = (np.exp(-beta), )
    elif dist_name == 'pln':
        par = md.pln_solver(ab)
    elif dist_name == 'geom':
        par = (len(ab) / sum(ab), )
    elif dist_name == 'negbin':
        par = md.negbin_solver(ab)
        if np.isnan(par[0]):
            par = None
    elif dist_name == 'zipf':
        par = (md.zipf_solver(ab), )
        print "Error: distribution not recognized."
        par = None
    return par
def get_par_multi_dists(ab, dist_name):
    """Returns the parameters given the observed abundances and the designated distribution."""
    if dist_name == 'logser':
        beta = mete.get_beta(len(ab), sum(ab), version = 'untruncated')
        par = (np.exp(-beta), )
    elif dist_name == 'pln':
        par = md.pln_solver(ab)
    elif dist_name == 'geom':
        par = (len(ab) / sum(ab), )
    elif dist_name == 'negbin':
        par = md.negbin_solver(ab)
        if np.isnan(par[0]):
            par = None
    elif dist_name == 'zipf':
        par = (md.zipf_solver(ab), )
        print "Error: distribution not recognized."
        par = None    
    return par
Example #8
def get_pln_from_obs(ab, dist):
    mu, sigma = pln_solver(ab)
    pred_rad = get_pln(len(ab), mu, sigma)
    return pred_rad
Example #9
 def get_rad_from_obs(self, ab):
     mu, sigma = pln_solver(ab)
     pred_rad = self.get_rad_pln(len(ab), mu, sigma)
     return pred_rad
Example #10
fig_example = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 4))
for i in range(3):
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1)
    ab = ab_array[i]

    x_values = np.array(range(max(ab) + 2)[1:])

    logser_p = md.logser_solver(ab)
    logser_values = md.trunc_logser.pmf(x_values, logser_p, upper_bound=float("inf"))
    lsll = md.logser_ll(ab, logser_p)

    nb_n, nb_p = md.nbinom_lower_trunc_solver(ab)
    nb_values = md.nbinom_lower_trunc.pmf(x_values, nb_n, nb_p)
    nbll = md.nbinom_lower_trunc_ll(ab, nb_n, nb_p)

    pln_mu, pln_sigma = md.pln_solver(ab)
    pln_values = md.pln.pmf(x_values, pln_mu, pln_sigma, lower_trunc=True)
    plnll = md.pln_ll(ab, pln_mu, pln_sigma)

    zipf_par = md.zipf_solver(ab)
    zipf_values = zipf.pmf(x_values, zipf_par)
    zll = md.zipf_ll(ab, zipf_par)

    ab_y = np.zeros(len(x_values) + 1)
    for j in range(len(ab)):
        ab_y[ab[j]] = ab_y[ab[j]] + 1/len(ab)

    ax.set_xlim([0,min(50, max(x_values))])

Example #11
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, i + 1)
    ab = ab_array[i]

    x_values = np.array(range(max(ab) + 2)[1:])

    logser_p = md.logser_solver(ab)
    logser_values = md.trunc_logser.pmf(x_values,
    lsll = md.logser_ll(ab, logser_p)

    nb_n, nb_p = md.nbinom_lower_trunc_solver(ab)
    nb_values = md.nbinom_lower_trunc.pmf(x_values, nb_n, nb_p)
    nbll = md.nbinom_lower_trunc_ll(ab, nb_n, nb_p)

    pln_mu, pln_sigma = md.pln_solver(ab)
    pln_values = md.pln.pmf(x_values, pln_mu, pln_sigma, lower_trunc=True)
    plnll = md.pln_ll(ab, pln_mu, pln_sigma)

    zipf_par = md.zipf_solver(ab)
    zipf_values = zipf.pmf(x_values, zipf_par)
    zll = md.zipf_ll(ab, zipf_par)

    ab_y = np.zeros(len(x_values) + 1)
    for j in range(len(ab)):
        ab_y[ab[j]] = ab_y[ab[j]] + 1 / len(ab)

    ax.set_xlim([0, min(50, max(x_values))])

Example #12
def get_rad_from_obs(ab, dist):
    mu, sigma = pln_solver(ab)
    pred_rad = get_rad_pln(len(ab), mu, sigma)
    return pred_rad
Example #13
def model_comparisons(raw_data, dataset_name, data_dir, cutoff=9):
    """ Uses raw species abundance data to compare predicted vs. empirical species abundance distributions (SAD) and output results in csv files. 
    Keyword arguments:
    raw_data: numpy structured array with 4 columns: 'site', 'year', 'sp' (species), 'ab' (abundance).
    dataset_name: short code to indicate the name of the dataset in the output file names.
    data_dir: directory in which to store results output.
    cutoff: minimum number of species required to run -1.
    SAD models and packages used:
    Logseries (macroecotools/macroecodistributions)
    Poisson lognormal (macroecotools/macroecodistributions)
    Negative binomial (macroecotools/macroecodistributions)
    Zipf (macroecotools/macroecodistributions)
    Neutral theory: Neutral theory predicts the negative binomial distribution (Connolly et al. 2014. Commonness and rarity in the marine biosphere. PNAS 111: 8524-8529. http://www.pnas.org/content/111/23/8524.abstract
    usites = np.sort(np.unique(raw_data["site"]))

    # Open output files
    f1 = open(data_dir + dataset_name + '_dist_test.csv', 'wb')
    output1 = csv.writer(f1)
    f2 = open(data_dir + dataset_name + '_likelihoods.csv', 'wb')
    output2 = csv.writer(f2)
    f3 = open(data_dir + dataset_name + '_relative_L.csv', 'wb')
    output3 = csv.writer(f3)

    # Insert header
        'site', 'S', 'N', 'AICc_logseries', 'AICc_pln', 'AICc_negbin',
        'site', 'S', 'N', 'likelihood_logseries', 'likelihood_pln',
        'likelihood_negbin', 'likelihood_zipf'
        'site', 'S', 'N', 'relative_ll_logseries', 'relative_ll_pln',
        'relative_ll_negbin', 'relative_ll_zipf'

    results = []
    for site in usites:
        subsites = raw_data["site"][raw_data["site"] == site]
        subabundance = raw_data["ab"][raw_data["site"] == site]
        N = sum(subabundance)  # N = total abundance for a site
        S = len(subsites)  # S = species richness at a site
        if (min(subabundance) > 0) and (S > cutoff):
            print("%s, Site %s, S=%s, N=%s" % (dataset_name, site, S, N))

            # Calculate Akaike weight of species abundance models:
            # Parameter k is the number of fitted parameters
            k1 = 1
            k2 = 2

            # Calculate log-likelihoods of species abundance models and calculate AICc values:
            # Logseries
            p_untruncated = md.logser_solver(subabundance)
            L_logser_untruncated = md.logser_ll(
                p_untruncated)  # Log-likelihood of untruncated logseries
            AICc_logser_untruncated = macroecotools.AICc(
                k1, L_logser_untruncated, S)  # AICc logseries untruncated
            relative_ll_logser_untruncated = AICc_logser_untruncated  # Relative likelihood untruncated logseries

            #Start making AICc list
            AICc_list = [AICc_logser_untruncated]
            likelihood_list = [L_logser_untruncated]
            relative_likelihood_list = [relative_ll_logser_untruncated]

            # Poisson lognormal
            mu, sigma = md.pln_solver(subabundance)
            L_pln = md.pln_ll(subabundance, mu,
                              sigma)  # Log-likelihood of Poisson lognormal
            AICc_pln = macroecotools.AICc(k2, L_pln,
                                          S)  # AICc Poisson lognormal
            relative_ll_pln = macroecotools.AICc(
                k1, L_pln, S)  #Relative likelihood, Poisson lognormal
            # Add to AICc list
            AICc_list = AICc_list + [AICc_pln]
            likelihood_list = likelihood_list + [L_pln]
            relative_likelihood_list = relative_likelihood_list + [

            # Negative binomial
            n0, p0 = md.nbinom_lower_trunc_solver(subabundance)
            L_negbin = md.nbinom_lower_trunc_ll(
                subabundance, n0, p0)  # Log-likelihood of negative binomial
            AICc_negbin = macroecotools.AICc(k2, L_negbin,
                                             S)  # AICc negative binomial
            relative_ll_negbin = macroecotools.AICc(
                k1, L_negbin,
                S)  # Relative log-likelihood of negative binomial
            # Add to AICc list
            AICc_list = AICc_list + [AICc_negbin]
            likelihood_list = likelihood_list + [L_negbin]
            relative_likelihood_list = relative_likelihood_list + [

            # Zipf distribution
            par = md.zipf_solver(subabundance)
            L_zipf = md.zipf_ll(subabundance,
                                par)  #Log-likelihood of Zipf distribution
            AICc_zipf = macroecotools.AICc(k1, L_zipf, S)
            relative_ll_zipf = AICc_zipf
            #Add to AICc list
            AICc_list = AICc_list + [AICc_zipf]
            likelihood_list = likelihood_list + [L_zipf]
            relative_likelihood_list = relative_likelihood_list + [

            # Calculate AICc weight
            weight = macroecotools.aic_weight(AICc_list, S, cutoff=4)

            #Calculate relative likelihood
            relative_likelihoods = macroecotools.aic_weight(
                relative_likelihood_list, S, cutoff=4)

            # Convert weight to list
            weights_output = weight.tolist()

            #Convert relative likelihoods to list
            relative_likelihoods_output = relative_likelihoods.tolist()

            # Format results for output
            for weight in weights_output:
                results1 = [[site, S, N] + weights_output]
            results2 = [[site, S, N] + likelihood_list]
            results3 = [[site, S, N] + relative_likelihoods_output]
            results.append([site, S, N] + weights_output + likelihood_list +

            # Save results to a csv file:

    results = DataFrame(results,
                            'site', 'S', 'N', 'AICc_logseries', 'AICc_pln',
                            'AICc_negbin', 'AICc_zipf', 'likelihood_logseries',
                            'likelihood_pln', 'likelihood_negbin',
                            'likelihood_zipf', 'relative_ll_logseries',
                            'relative_ll_pln', 'relative_ll_negbin',
                                dataset_name + '_likelihood_results.csv'),