Example #1
    def handle_MSG(self, data):
        sid, msg = data.split(" ", 1)

        if "NI" in self.inf:
            sid = self.inf["NI"]

        log.msg("%% <%s> %r" % (sid, unescape(msg)))
Example #2
 def test_unescape_ordering(self):
     i = "\\\\s"
     o = "\\s"
     self.assertEqual(unescape(i), o)
Example #3
 def test_unescape_space(self):
     i = "test\\sunescape"
     o = "test unescape"
     self.assertEqual(unescape(i), o)
Example #4
 def test_unescape_ordering(self):
     i = "\\\\s"
     o = "\\s"
     self.assertEqual(unescape(i), o)
Example #5
 def test_unescape_space(self):
     i = "test\\sunescape"
     o = "test unescape"
     self.assertEqual(unescape(i), o)
Example #6
 def handle_QUI(self, data):
     log.msg("%% %s quit: %r" % (self.sid, unescape(data)))
Example #7
 def handle_STA(self, data):
     code, description = data.split(" ", 1)
     log.msg("%% STA %% %r" % (code, unescape(description)))
Example #8
    def lineReceived(self, line):
        # Some clients occasionally send bare newlines as a form of keepalive.
        # Discard them immediately without logging; this is not a problem but
        # there is nothing that needs to be done.
        if not line:

        log.msg("%s > %r" % (self.sid, line))

            where, what, rest = split_line(line)
        except IndexError:
            log.msg("! Bad line %r" % line)

        # Dispatch and update our internal state first.
        attr = getattr(self, "handle_%s" % what, None)
        if attr is None:
            log.msg("! Can't handle %s" % what)

        if where == "B":
            # Rebroadcast to everybody, as long as this client's acutally
            # authenticated.
            if self.state != "NORMAL":

            if what == "INF":
                # INF needs to be rebuilt.
                inf = self.build_inf()
                self.factory.broadcast("INF", inf)
            elif what == "MSG":
                # It's chat; broadcast it using the chat interface.
                sender, message = rest.split(" ", 1)
                self.factory.chat(sender, unescape(message))
                self.factory.broadcast(what, rest)
        elif where == "D":
            # Send to just one specific SID.
            sender, receiver, chaff = rest.split(" ", 2)

            if not self.factory.direct(receiver, what, rest):
                # Couldn't send the message. Let's the sender know that the
                # receiver doesn't exist.
                # This particular trick is due to the curious way that DC++
                # and relatives have chosen to architect their list of peers.
                # DC++ insists that a peer is valid based on its CID, and will
                # ignore updates to that CID made under a new SID. So, if DC++
                # ever believes that a CID is already connected to the hub
                # under an old SID, it will *ignore* any other clients with
                # that same CID. Frustrating.
                # The only place in the DC++ code that we can get a user
                # removed from the peer list is in the handler for QUI, which
                # will discard a user if DI is set. This is definitely
                # overkill, and rude, but there's not much else we can do.
                self.sendLine("IQUI %s DI1" % receiver)
        elif where == "E":
            # Send it to a specific SID, and also echo it back to the sender.
            sender, receiver, chaff = rest.split(" ", 2)

            if self.factory.direct(receiver, what, rest):
                # Echo.
                # See comment above.
                self.sendLine("IQUI %s DI1" % receiver)