def check_events(self): """Check some basic property of the events file""" sum_of_weight = 0 sum_of_abs_weight = 0 negative_event = 0 positive_event = 0 start = time.time() for event_nb,event in enumerate(self.lhe_input): #control logger if (event_nb % max(int(10**int(math.log10(float(event_nb)+1))),10)==0): running_time = misc.format_timer(time.time()-start)'Event nb %s %s' % (event_nb, running_time)) if (event_nb==10001):'reducing number of print status. Next status update in 10000 events') event.check() #check 4 momenta/... sum_of_weight += event.wgt sum_of_abs_weight += abs(event.wgt) if event.wgt < 0 : negative_event +=1 else: positive_event +=1"total cross-section: %s" % sum_of_weight)"total abs cross-section: %s" % sum_of_abs_weight)"fraction of negative event %s", negative_event/(negative_event+positive_event))"total number of events %s", (negative_event+positive_event))"negative event %s", negative_event)
def do_launch(self, line): """end of the configuration launched the code""" args = self.split_arg(line) self.check_launch(args) model_line = self.banner.get('proc_card', 'full_model_line') if not self.has_standalone_dir: self.create_standalone_directory() ff = open(pjoin(self.me_dir, 'rw_me','Cards', 'param_card.dat'), 'w') ff.write(self.banner['slha']) ff.close() ff = open(pjoin(self.me_dir, 'rw_me','Cards', 'param_card_orig.dat'), 'w') ff.write(self.banner['slha']) ff.close() cmd = common_run_interface.CommonRunCmd.ask_edit_card_static(cards=['param_card.dat'], ask=self.ask, pwd=pjoin(self.me_dir,'rw_me')) new_card = open(pjoin(self.me_dir, 'rw_me', 'Cards', 'param_card.dat')).read() # Find new tag in the banner and add information if needed if 'initrwgt' in self.banner: if 'type=\'mg_reweighting\'' in self.banner['initrwgt']: blockpat = re.compile(r'''<weightgroup type=\'mg_reweighting\'\s*>(?P<text>.*?)</weightgroup>''', re.I+re.M+re.S) before, content, after = blockpat.split(self.banner['initrwgt']) header_rwgt_other = before + after pattern = re.compile('<weight id=\'mg_reweight_(?P<id>\d+)\'>(?P<info>[^<>]*)</weight>', re.S+re.I+re.M) mg_rwgt_info = pattern.findall(content) maxid = 0 for i, diff in mg_rwgt_info: if int(i) > maxid: maxid = int(i) maxid += 1 rewgtid = maxid else: header_rwgt_other = self.banner['initrwgt'] mg_rwgt_info = [] rewgtid = 1 else: self.banner['initrwgt'] = '' header_rwgt_other = '' mg_rwgt_info = [] rewgtid = 1 # add the reweighting in the banner information: #starts by computing the difference in the cards. s_orig = self.banner['slha'] s_new = new_card old_param = check_param_card.ParamCard(s_orig.splitlines()) new_param = check_param_card.ParamCard(s_new.splitlines()) card_diff = old_param.create_diff(new_param) if card_diff == '': raise self.InvalidCmd, 'original card and new card are identical' mg_rwgt_info.append((str(rewgtid), card_diff)) # re-create the banner. self.banner['initrwgt'] = header_rwgt_other self.banner['initrwgt'] += '\n<weightgroup type=\'mg_reweighting\'>\n' for tag, diff in mg_rwgt_info: self.banner['initrwgt'] += '<weight id=\'mg_reweight_%s\'>%s</weight>\n' % \ (tag, diff) self.banner['initrwgt'] += '\n</weightgroup>\n' self.banner['initrwgt'] = self.banner['initrwgt'].replace('\n\n', '\n') output = open( +'rw', 'w')'starts to compute weight for events with the following modification to the param_card:') #write the banner to the output file self.banner.write(output, close_tag=False) # prepare the output file for the weight plot if self.mother: out_path = pjoin(self.mother.me_dir, 'Events', 'reweight.lhe') output2 = open(out_path, 'w') self.banner.write(output2, close_tag=False) new_banner = banner.Banner(self.banner) if not hasattr(self, 'run_card'): self.run_card = new_banner.charge_card('run_card') self.run_card['run_tag'] = 'reweight_%s' % rewgtid new_banner['slha'] = s_new del new_banner['initrwgt'] #ensure that original banner is kept untouched assert new_banner['slha'] != self.banner['slha'] assert 'initrwgt' in self.banner ff = open(pjoin(self.mother.me_dir,'Events',self.mother.run_name, '%s_%s_banner.txt' % \ (self.mother.run_name, self.run_card['run_tag'])),'w') new_banner.write(ff) ff.close() # Loop over all events tag_name = 'mg_reweight_%s' % rewgtid start = time.time() cross = 0 os.environ['GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_ALL'] = 'y' if self.lhe_input.closed: self.lhe_input = lhe_parser.EventFile( for event_nb,event in enumerate(self.lhe_input): #control logger if (event_nb % max(int(10**int(math.log10(float(event_nb)+1))),1000)==0): running_time = misc.format_timer(time.time()-start)'Event nb %s %s' % (event_nb, running_time)) if (event_nb==10001):'reducing number of print status. Next status update in 10000 events') weight = self.calculate_weight(event) cross += weight event.reweight_data[tag_name] = weight #write this event with weight output.write(str(event)) if self.mother: event.wgt = weight event.reweight_data = {} output2.write(str(event)) running_time = misc.format_timer(time.time()-start)'All event done (nb_event: %s) %s' % (event_nb+1, running_time)) output.write('</LesHouchesEvents>\n') output.close() os.environ['GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_ALL'] = 'n' if self.mother: output2.write('</LesHouchesEvents>\n') output2.close() # add output information if hasattr(self.mother, 'results'): run_name = self.mother.run_name results = self.mother.results results.add_run(run_name, self.run_card, current=True) results.add_detail('nb_event', event_nb+1) results.add_detail('cross', cross) results.add_detail('error', 'nan') self.mother.create_plot(mode='reweight',, tag=self.run_card['run_tag']) #modify the html output to add the original run if 'plot' in results.current.reweight: html_dir = pjoin(self.mother.me_dir, 'HTML', run_name) td = pjoin(self.mother.options['td_path'], 'td') MA = pjoin(self.mother.options['madanalysis_path']) path1 = pjoin(html_dir, 'plots_parton') path2 = pjoin(html_dir, 'plots_%s' % self.run_card['run_tag']) outputplot = path2 combine_plots.merge_all_plots(path2, path1, outputplot, td, MA) #results.update_status(level='reweight') #results.update(status, level, makehtml=True, error=False) #old_name = self.mother.results.current['run_name'] #new_run = '%s_rw_%s' % (old_name, rewgtid) #self.mother.results.add_run( new_run, self.run_card) #self.mother.results.add_detail('nb_event', event_nb+1) #self.mother.results.add_detail('cross', cross) #self.mother.results.add_detail('error', 'nan') #self.mother.do_plot('%s -f' % new_run) #self.mother.update_status('Reweight %s done' % rewgtid, 'madspin') #self.mother.results.def_current(old_name) #self.run_card['run_tag'] = self.run_card['run_tag'][9:] #self.mother.run_name = old_name self.lhe_input.close(),'Event %s have now the additional weight' %'new cross-section is : %g pb' % cross) self.terminate_fortran_executables(new_card_only=True) #store result self.all_cross_section[rewgtid] = cross
def runIOTests(arg=[''],update=True,force=0,synchronize=False): """ running the IOtests associated to expression. By default, this launch all the tests created in classes inheriting IOTests. """ # Update the tarball, while removing the .backups. def noBackUps(tarinfo): if'.BackUp'): return None else: return tarinfo if synchronize: print "Please, prefer updating the reference file automatically "+\ "rather than by hand." tar =, "w:bz2") tar.add(_hc_comparison_files, \ arcname=path.basename(_hc_comparison_files), filter=noBackUps) tar.close() # I am too lazy to work out the difference with the existing tarball and # put it in the log. So this is why one should refrain from editing the # reference files by hand. text = " \nModifications performed by hand on %s at %s in"%(\ str(,misc.format_timer(0.0)[14:]) text += '\n MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v. %(version)s, %(date)s\n'%misc.get_pkg_info() log = open(_hc_comparison_modif_log,mode='a') log.write(text) log.close() print "INFO:: Ref. tarball %s updated"%str(_hc_comparison_tarball) return if len(arg)!=1 or not isinstance(arg[0],str): print "Exactly one argument, and in must be a string, not %s."%arg return arg=arg[0] # Extract the tarball for hardcoded comparison if necessary if not path.isdir(_hc_comparison_files): if path.isfile(_hc_comparison_tarball): tar =,mode='r:bz2') tar.extractall(path.dirname(_hc_comparison_files)) tar.close() else: os.makedirs(_hc_comparison_files) # Make a backup of the comparison file directory in order to revert it if # the user wants to ignore the changes detected (only when updating the refs) hc_comparison_files_BackUp = _hc_comparison_files+'_BackUp' if update and path.isdir(_hc_comparison_files): if path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): shutil.rmtree(hc_comparison_files_BackUp) shutil.copytree(_hc_comparison_files,hc_comparison_files_BackUp) IOTestManager.testFolders_filter = arg.split('/')[0].split('&') IOTestManager.testNames_filter = arg.split('/')[1].split('&') IOTestManager.filesChecked_filter = '/'.join(arg.split('/')[2:]).split('&') #print "INFO:: Using folders %s"%str(IOTestManager.testFolders_filter) #print "INFO:: Using test names %s"%str(IOTestManager.testNames_filter) #print "INFO:: Using file paths %s"%str(IOTestManager.filesChecked_filter) # Initiate all the IOTests from all the setUp() IOTestsInstances = [] start = time.time() for IOTestsClass in IOTestFinder(): # Instantiate the class IOTestsInstances.append(IOTestsClass()) # Run the setUp IOTestsInstances[-1].setUp() # Find the testIO defined and use them in load mode only, we will run # them later here. IOTestsFunctions = IOTestFinder() IOTestsFunctions.collect_function(IOTestsClass,prefix='testIO') for IOTestFunction in IOTestsFunctions: start = time.time() eval('IOTestsInstances[-1].'+IOTestFunction.split('.')[-1]+\ '(load_only=True)') setUp_time = time.time() - start if setUp_time > 0.5: print colored%(34,"Loading IOtest %s is slow (%s)"% (colored%(32,'.'.join(IOTestFunction.split('.')[-3:])), colored%(34,'%.2fs'%setUp_time))) if len(IOTestsInstances)==0: print "No IOTest found." return # runIOTests cannot be made a classmethod, so I use an instance, but it does # not matter which one as no instance attribute will be used. try: modifications = IOTestsInstances[-1].runIOTests( update = update, force = force, verbose=True, testKeys=IOTestManager.all_tests.keys()) except KeyboardInterrupt: if update: # Remove the BackUp of the reference files. if not path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): print "\nWARNING:: Update interrupted and modifications already "+\ "performed could not be reverted." else: shutil.rmtree(_hc_comparison_files) mv(hc_comparison_files_BackUp,_hc_comparison_files) print colored%(34, "\nINFO:: Update interrupted, existing modifications reverted.") sys.exit(0) else: print "\nINFO:: IOTest runs interrupted." sys.exit(0) tot_time = time.time() - start if modifications == 'test_over': print colored%(32,"\n%d IOTests "%len(IOTestManager.all_tests.keys()))+\ "successfully tested in %s."%(colored%(34,'%.2fs'%tot_time)) sys.exit(0) elif not isinstance(modifications,dict): print "Error during the files update." sys.exit(0) if sum(len(v) for v in modifications.values())>0: # Display the modifications text = colored%(34, " \nModifications performed on %s at %s in"%(\ str(,misc.format_timer(0.0)[14:])) text += colored%(34, '\n MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v. %(version)s, %(date)s\n'%misc.get_pkg_info()) for key in modifications.keys(): if len(modifications[key])==0: continue text += colored%(32,"The following reference files have been %s :"%key) text += '\n'+'\n'.join([" %s"%mod for mod in modifications[key]]) text += '\n' print text try: answer = Cmd.timed_input(question= "Do you want to apply the modifications listed above? [y/n] >",default="y") except KeyboardInterrupt: answer = 'n' if answer == 'y': log = open(_hc_comparison_modif_log,mode='a') log.write(text) log.close() if IOTestManager._compress_ref_fodler: tar =, "w:bz2") tar.add(_hc_comparison_files, \ arcname=path.basename(_hc_comparison_files), filter=noBackUps) tar.close() print colored%(32,"INFO:: tarball %s updated"%str(_hc_comparison_tarball)) else: print colored%(32,"INFO:: Reference %s updated"%\ str(os.path.basename(_hc_comparison_files))) if len(modifications['created'])>0: print colored%(31,"Some ref. files have been created; add "+\ "them to the revision with\n "+ "bzr add tests/input_files/IOTestsComparison") # Make sure to remove the BackUp files filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(_hc_comparison_files, '*','*','*.BackUp')) for f in filelist: os.remove(f) else: if path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): shutil.rmtree(_hc_comparison_files) shutil.copytree(hc_comparison_files_BackUp,_hc_comparison_files) print colored%(32,"INFO:: No modifications applied.") else: print colored%(31, "ERROR:: Could not revert the modifications. No backup found.") else: print colored%(32,"\nNo modifications performed. No update necessary.") # Remove the BackUp of the reference files. if path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): shutil.rmtree(hc_comparison_files_BackUp)
def runIOTests(arg=[''], update=True, force=0, synchronize=False): """ running the IOtests associated to expression. By default, this launch all the tests created in classes inheriting IOTests. """ # Update the tarball, while removing the .backups. def noBackUps(tarinfo): if'.BackUp'): return None else: return tarinfo if synchronize: print "Please, prefer updating the reference file automatically "+\ "rather than by hand." tar =, "w:bz2") tar.add(_hc_comparison_files, \ arcname=path.basename(_hc_comparison_files), filter=noBackUps) tar.close() # I am too lazy to work out the difference with the existing tarball and # put it in the log. So this is why one should refrain from editing the # reference files by hand. text = " \nModifications performed by hand on %s at %s in"%(\ str(,misc.format_timer(0.0)[14:]) text += '\n MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v. %(version)s, %(date)s\n' % misc.get_pkg_info( ) log = open(_hc_comparison_modif_log, mode='a') log.write(text) log.close() print "INFO:: Ref. tarball %s updated" % str(_hc_comparison_tarball) return if len(arg) != 1 or not isinstance(arg[0], str): print "Exactly one argument, and in must be a string, not %s." % arg return arg = arg[0] # Extract the tarball for hardcoded comparison if necessary if not path.isdir(_hc_comparison_files): if path.isfile(_hc_comparison_tarball): tar =, mode='r:bz2') tar.extractall(path.dirname(_hc_comparison_files)) tar.close() else: os.makedirs(_hc_comparison_files) # Make a backup of the comparison file directory in order to revert it if # the user wants to ignore the changes detected (only when updating the refs) hc_comparison_files_BackUp = _hc_comparison_files + '_BackUp' if update and path.isdir(_hc_comparison_files): if path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): shutil.rmtree(hc_comparison_files_BackUp) shutil.copytree(_hc_comparison_files, hc_comparison_files_BackUp) IOTestManager.testFolders_filter = arg.split('/')[0].split('&') IOTestManager.testNames_filter = arg.split('/')[1].split('&') IOTestManager.filesChecked_filter = '/'.join(arg.split('/')[2:]).split('&') #print "INFO:: Using folders %s"%str(IOTestManager.testFolders_filter) #print "INFO:: Using test names %s"%str(IOTestManager.testNames_filter) #print "INFO:: Using file paths %s"%str(IOTestManager.filesChecked_filter) # Initiate all the IOTests from all the setUp() IOTestsInstances = [] start = time.time() for IOTestsClass in IOTestFinder(): # Instantiate the class IOTestsInstances.append(IOTestsClass()) # Run the setUp IOTestsInstances[-1].setUp() # Find the testIO defined and use them in load mode only, we will run # them later here. IOTestsFunctions = IOTestFinder() IOTestsFunctions.collect_function(IOTestsClass, prefix='testIO') for IOTestFunction in IOTestsFunctions: start = time.time() # Add all the tests automatically (i.e. bypass filters) if the # specified test is the name of the IOtest. the [7:] is to # skip the testIO prefix name_filer_bu = None if IOTestFunction.split('.')[-1][7:] in \ IOTestManager.testNames_filter: name_filer_bu = IOTestManager.testNames_filter IOTestManager.testNames_filter = ['ALL'] existing_tests = IOTestManager.all_tests.keys() eval('IOTestsInstances[-1].'+IOTestFunction.split('.')[-1]+\ '(load_only=True)') if name_filer_bu: new_tests = [test[0] for test in IOTestManager.all_tests.keys() \ if test not in existing_tests] IOTestManager.testNames_filter = name_filer_bu + new_tests name_filer_bu = None setUp_time = time.time() - start if setUp_time > 0.5: print colored % ( 34, "Loading IOtest %s is slow (%s)" % (colored % (32, '.'.join(IOTestFunction.split('.')[-3:])), colored % (34, '%.2fs' % setUp_time))) if len(IOTestsInstances) == 0: print "No IOTest found." return # runIOTests cannot be made a classmethod, so I use an instance, but it does # not matter which one as no instance attribute will be used. try: modifications = IOTestsInstances[-1].runIOTests( update=update, force=force, verbose=True, testKeys=IOTestManager.all_tests.keys()) except KeyboardInterrupt: if update: # Remove the BackUp of the reference files. if not path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): print "\nWARNING:: Update interrupted and modifications already "+\ "performed could not be reverted." else: shutil.rmtree(_hc_comparison_files) mv(hc_comparison_files_BackUp, _hc_comparison_files) print colored % ( 34, "\nINFO:: Update interrupted, existing modifications reverted." ) sys.exit(0) else: print "\nINFO:: IOTest runs interrupted." sys.exit(0) tot_time = time.time() - start if modifications == 'test_over': print colored%(32,"\n%d IOTests "%len(IOTestManager.all_tests.keys()))+\ "successfully tested in %s."%(colored%(34,'%.2fs'%tot_time)) sys.exit(0) elif not isinstance(modifications, dict): print "Error during the files update." sys.exit(0) if len(modifications['missing']) > 0: text = '\n' text += colored % ( 31, "The following files were not generated by the tests, fix this!") text += '\n' + '\n'.join( [" %s" % mod for mod in modifications['missing']]) print text modifications['missing'] = [] if sum(len(v) for v in modifications.values()) > 0: # Display the modifications text = colored%(34, " \nModifications performed on %s at %s in"%(\ str(,misc.format_timer(0.0)[14:])) text += colored % ( 34, '\n MadGraph5_aMC@NLO v. %(version)s, %(date)s\n' % misc.get_pkg_info()) for key in modifications.keys(): if len(modifications[key]) == 0: continue text += colored % ( 32, "The following reference files have been %s :" % key) text += '\n' + '\n'.join( [" %s" % mod for mod in modifications[key]]) text += '\n' print text try: answer = Cmd.timed_input( question= "Do you want to apply the modifications listed above? [y/n] >", default="y") except KeyboardInterrupt: answer = 'n' if answer == 'y': log = open(_hc_comparison_modif_log, mode='a') log.write(text) log.close() if IOTestManager._compress_ref_fodler: tar =, "w:bz2") tar.add(_hc_comparison_files, \ arcname=path.basename(_hc_comparison_files), filter=noBackUps) tar.close() print colored % (32, "INFO:: tarball %s updated" % str(_hc_comparison_tarball)) else: print colored%(32,"INFO:: Reference %s updated"%\ str(os.path.basename(_hc_comparison_files))) if len(modifications['created']) > 0: print colored%(31,"Some ref. files have been created; add "+\ "them to the revision with\n "+ "bzr add tests/input_files/IOTestsComparison") # Make sure to remove the BackUp files filelist = glob.glob( os.path.join(_hc_comparison_files, '*', '*', '*.BackUp')) for f in filelist: os.remove(f) else: if path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): shutil.rmtree(_hc_comparison_files) shutil.copytree(hc_comparison_files_BackUp, _hc_comparison_files) print colored % (32, "INFO:: No modifications applied.") else: print colored % ( 31, "ERROR:: Could not revert the modifications. No backup found." ) else: print colored % (32, "\nNo modifications performed. No update necessary.") # Remove the BackUp of the reference files. if path.isdir(hc_comparison_files_BackUp): shutil.rmtree(hc_comparison_files_BackUp)