def sendMessage(bridgeNode, bridgePort, nodes, docks, method, args): # Join the overlay at the specified bridge node. messaging = api.ClientConnection(CLIENT_NAME, bridgeNode, bridgePort) # Create a ping message and send on the overlay # All node on the overlay will receive it and the daemon will respond with a pong message msg = MAGIMessage(nodes=nodes, docks=docks, contenttype=MAGIMessage.YAML, data=yaml.safe_dump({ 'method': method, 'args': args, 'version': 1.0 })) log.debug("Sending msg: %s" % (msg)) messaging.send(msg) return messaging
def doMainLoop(): # create the message handler handler = MessageHandler() handler.loadRoutes(options.routeFile) # Connect to network as node "watcheri" conn = api.ClientConnection("watcheri",, 18808) # Request to receive messages to group "data" conn.join("data") # Run forever done = False while not done: # block until next message msg = conn.nextMessage(True) # if the destination dock indicates a worm message if 'worm' in msg.dstdocks: # do something with the lines of text here textlines = if options.verbose: print "incoming data:" print textlines lines = textlines.split('\n') for l in lines: data = parseLine(l) if len(data) != 4: print "Parse error on line: %s" % l continue handler.handleMessage(data[2], data[0], data[1], data[3])
def getMessenger(node, port): global msgrCache if msgrCache.get(node + str(port)) == None: msgrCache[node + str(port)] = api.ClientConnection(srcdock, node, port) return msgrCache[node + str(port)]
optparser.add_option( "-c", "--control", dest="control", help="The control node to connect to (i.e. control.exp.proj)") optparser.add_option( "-l", "--level", dest="level", help="The log level to use, 10=debug, 20=info, 30=warning, 40=error", default=20) #optparser.add_option("-t", "--thread", dest="thread", help="The thread to restrict to", default=None) (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) messaging = api.ClientConnection("pylogs", options.control, 18808) messaging.join("loglis") # same group as we ask log agent to stream to doStartup(level=int(options.level)) #, thread=options.thread) while not done: msg = messaging.nextMessage( True, sys.maxint ) # without at least some timeout main thread stops receiving signals if msg is not None and type( msg) is not str and 'loglis' in msg.dstdocks: logdata = yaml.load( for nodename in logdata: for record in logdata[nodename]: logdisplay(nodename, record) doShutdown()
if not options.trigger: log.critical('Must give the trigger via -t or --trigger.') sys.exit(1) # Connect to backend"Connecting to %s" % options.control) p = None if options.tunnel: localport = 18803 p = subprocess.Popen("ssh -L " + str(localport) + ":" + options.control + ":18808 -N", shell=True) time.sleep(2) connection = api.ClientConnection("sendTrigger", "", localport) else: connection = api.ClientConnection("sendTrigger", options.control, 18808) # get/send trigger events connection.join('trigger') # Should wait for some type of confirmation here instead # of assuming it worked. time.sleep(2) args = dict() if options.args: args = dict([pair.split('=') for pair in options.args.split(',')])
# Give the ability to just display the events file if options.justparse: exit(0) try: tunnel_cmd = None if options.tunnel: tunnel_cmd = create_tunnel('', 18808, options.control, 18808) bridge = '''Tunnel setup done') else: bridge = options.control try: messaging = api.ClientConnection(, bridge, 18808) except gaierror as e: logging.critical('Error connecting to %s: %s', options.control, str(e)) exit(3) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sigusr1_handler) orch = Orchestrator(messaging, aal, dagdisplay=options.display, verbose=options.verbose, exitOnFailure=options.exitOnFailure, useColor=(not options.nocolor))
import time from magi.orchestrator import * from magi.messaging import api logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == '__main__': optparser = optparse.OptionParser() optparser.add_option("-c", "--control", dest="control", help="The control node to connect to (i.e. control.exp.proj)", default="") optparser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="size", type="int", help="The size of the message packet. Default 1000Bytes ", default="1000") optparser.add_option("-r", "--rate", dest="rate", type="float", help="The rate of the packets in packets per second. Default 100messages/sec", default="0.01") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) messaging = api.ClientConnection("pystresser", options.control, 18808) #messaging = api.SSLClientConnection("pystresser", options.control, 18810, "DeterTest", "bwilson-orch") messaging.join("data") time.sleep(2) options.rate = 1/options.rate print options.size, options.rate req = { 'version': 1.0, 'method': 'loadAgent', 'args': { 'name':'stress1', 'code':'stress', 'dock':'stress1', 'args':[],
"-n", "--tunnel", dest="tunnel", help= "Tell orchestrator to tunnel data through Deter Ops (", default=False, action="store_true") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) if options.tunnel: localport = 18802 p = subprocess.Popen("ssh -L " + str(localport) + ":" + options.control + ":18808 -N", shell=True) messaging = api.ClientConnection("pypassive", "", localport) else: messaging = api.ClientConnection("pypassive", options.control, 18808) if ':' in for grp in':'): print "Joining group:", grp messaging.join(grp) else: print "Joining group:", messaging.join( engine = create_engine('sqlite:////tmp/magi.db') metadata = MetaData() countertable = Table('pktdata', metadata, Column('timestamp', Integer), Column('eth0_pkts', Integer),
optparser.add_option( "-C", "--columns", dest="columns", help= "If given, only stream the data from the given columns. Requires knowledge of counter data. If not given all columns are streamed. Columns must be given as comma separated string." ) (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() clientId = 'listener_' + ''.join( choice(ascii_lowercase) for x in range(10)) agentId = options.agent streamId = 'stream_' + options.agent signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) messaging = api.ClientConnection(clientId, options.control, 18808) cols = None if not options.columns else options.columns.split(',') doStartup(options.agent, cols) messaging.join(streamId) while not done: msg = messaging.nextMessage( True, sys.maxint ) # without at least some timeout main thread stops receiving signals if msg is not None and type( msg) is not str and streamId in msg.dstdocks: streamData = yaml.load( for nodename in streamData: for record in streamData[nodename]: print "%s: %s" % (nodename, record) doShutdown(options.unload)
optparser.add_option( "-c", "--control", dest="control", help="The control node to connect to (i.e. control.exp.proj)") optparser.add_option( "-g", "--group", dest="group", help= "List one of more groups to listen to (ie \"control:data:trigger\") ", default="control") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) messaging = api.ClientConnection("grcat", options.control, 18808) sleep(3) groups =':') for group in groups: messaging.join(group) sleep(20) while not done: line = sys.stdin.readline() if not line: break msg = MAGIMessage(groups=groups, contenttype=MAGIMessage.YAML,
done = False messaging = None def handler(signum, frame): global done print "shutting down ..." done = True messaging.poisinPill() if __name__ == '__main__': optparser = optparse.OptionParser() optparser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file", help="file with events to send") (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) messaging = api.ClientConnection("orchTesterClient", "", 18808) messaging.join('control') print "messaging up and ready" while not done: print "waiting for a message" try: msg = messaging.nextMessage(block=True, timeout=1) if msg: print "HELLO GOT", msg except Queue.Empty: pass nmsg = MAGIMessage(groups='control', contenttype=MAGIMessage.YAML, data=yaml.safe_dump({'data': 'lovely sent from client'})) messaging.send(nmsg)
"--nodes", dest="nodes", help= "One or more nodes that should should join the group (node0:node1:control)." ) optparser.add_option( "-x", "--exit", action='store_true', help= "If given, tell everyone to leave the group when this script exits.", default=False) (options, args) = optparser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) messaging = api.ClientConnection("group_joiner", options.control, 18808) time.sleep(3) # This sets up the negihtbors for the clientConnection transport if ':' in for grp in':'): print "Joining group:", grp messaging.join(grp) else: print "Joining group:", messaging.join( nodes = options.nodes.split(':') # This sets up the negihtbors for the experiment network transport
sys.exit(2) nodeset = set() if options.file is not None: aaldata = yaml.load(open(options.file, 'r')) for name, nodes in aaldata['groups'].iteritems():"Adding nodes from group %s", name) nodeset.update(nodes) # Terminate if the user presses ctrl+c signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # Join the overlay at the specified bridge node. #Port is hard coded :( #TODO: read the msdl to find a bridge messaging = api.ClientConnection("ping", options.bridge, 18808) # Create a ping message and send on the overlay # All node on the overlay will receive it and the daemon will respond with a pong message msg = MAGIMessage(groups=['__ALL__'], docks='daemon', contenttype=MAGIMessage.YAML, data=yaml.safe_dump({ 'method': 'ping', 'version': 1.0 })) messaging.send(msg) # Wait for timeout seconds before stoppping start = time.time() stop = start + int(options.timeout)
nodeSet=nodeSet, timeout=10) if status: break"Magi daemon on one or more nodes not up")"Did not receive reply from %s", sorted(list(nodeSet - set(result.keys())))) nodeSet = nodeSet - set(result.keys()) except:"Magi daemon on one or more nodes not up") time.sleep(5)"All magi daemons are up and listening") try: messaging = api.ClientConnection(, bridgeNode, bridgePort) except gaierror as e: logging.error("Error connecting to %s: %d" % (bridgeNode, bridgePort)) exit(3) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) orch = Orchestrator(messaging, aal, dagdisplay=options.display, verbose=options.verbose, exitOnFailure=options.exitOnFailure, useColor=(not options.nocolor), dbHost=dbHost, dbPort=dbPort)