Example #1
def detect_blobs(roi, channel, exclude_border=None):
    """Detects objects using 3D blob detection technique.
        roi: Region of interest to segment.
        channel (Sequence[int]): Sequence of channels to select, which can
            be None to indicate all channels.
        exclude_border: Sequence of border pixels in x,y,z to exclude;
            defaults to None.
        Array of detected blobs, each given as 
            (z, row, column, radius, confirmation).
    time_start = time()
    shape = roi.shape
    multichannel, channels = plot_3d.setup_channels(roi, channel, 3)
    isotropic = config.get_roi_profile(channels[0])["isotropic"]
    if isotropic is not None:
        # interpolate for (near) isotropy during detection, using only the 
        # first process settings since applies to entire ROI
        roi = cv_nd.make_isotropic(roi, isotropic)
    blobs_all = []
    for chl in channels:
        roi_detect = roi[..., chl] if multichannel else roi
        settings = config.get_roi_profile(chl)
        # scaling as a factor in pixel/um, where scaling of 1um/pixel  
        # corresponds to factor of 1, and 0.25um/pixel corresponds to
        # 1 / 0.25 = 4 pixels/um; currently simplified to be based on 
        # x scaling alone
        scale = calc_scaling_factor()
        scaling_factor = scale[2]
        # find blobs; sigma factors can be sequences by axes for anisotropic 
        # detection in skimage >= 0.15, or images can be interpolated to 
        # isotropy using the "isotropic" MagellanMapper setting
        min_sigma = settings["min_sigma_factor"] * scaling_factor
        max_sigma = settings["max_sigma_factor"] * scaling_factor
        num_sigma = settings["num_sigma"]
        threshold = settings["detection_threshold"]
        overlap = settings["overlap"]
        blobs_log = blob_log(
            roi_detect, min_sigma=min_sigma, max_sigma=max_sigma,
            num_sigma=num_sigma, threshold=threshold, overlap=overlap)
        if config.verbose:
            print("detecting blobs with min size {}, max {}, num std {}, "
                  "threshold {}, overlap {}"
                  .format(min_sigma, max_sigma, num_sigma, threshold, overlap))
            print("time for 3D blob detection: {}".format(time() - time_start))
        if blobs_log.size < 1:
            libmag.printv("no blobs detected")
        blobs_log[:, 3] = blobs_log[:, 3] * math.sqrt(3)
        blobs = format_blobs(blobs_log, chl)
    if not blobs_all:
        return None
    blobs_all = np.vstack(blobs_all)
    if isotropic is not None:
        # if detected on isotropic ROI, need to reposition blob coordinates 
        # for original, non-isotropic ROI
        isotropic_factor = cv_nd.calc_isotropic_factor(isotropic)
        blobs_all = multiply_blob_rel_coords(blobs_all, 1 / isotropic_factor)
        blobs_all = multiply_blob_abs_coords(blobs_all, 1 / isotropic_factor)
    if exclude_border is not None:
        # exclude blobs from the border in x,y,z
        blobs_all = get_blobs_interior(blobs_all, shape, *exclude_border)
    return blobs_all
Example #2
def export_rois(db,
    """Export all ROIs from database.
    If the current processing profile includes isotropic interpolation, the 
    ROIs will be resized to make isotropic according to this factor.
        db: Database from which to export.
        image5d: The image with the ROIs.
        channel (List[int]): Channels to export; currently only the first
            channel is used.
        path: Path with filename base from which to save the exported files.
        padding (List[int]): Padding in x,y,z to exclude from the ROI;
            defaults to None.
        unit_factor (float): Linear conversion factor for units (eg 1000.0
            to convert um to mm).
        truth_mode (:obj:`config.TruthDBModes`): Truth mode enum; defaults
            to None.
        exp_name (str): Name of experiment to export; defaults to None to
            export all experiments in ``db``.
        :obj:`pd.DataFrame`: ROI metrics in a data frame.
    if padding is not None:
        padding = np.array(padding)

    # TODO: consider iterating through all channels
    channel = channel[0] if channel else 0

    # convert volume base on scaling and unit factor
    phys_mult = np.prod(detector.calc_scaling_factor())
    if unit_factor: phys_mult /= unit_factor**3

    metrics_all = {}
    exps = sqlite.select_experiment(db.cur, None)
    for exp in exps:
        if exp_name and exp["name"] != exp_name:
            # DBs may contain many experiments, which may not correspond to
            # image5d, eg verified DBs from many truth sets
        rois = sqlite.select_rois(db.cur, exp["id"])
        for roi in rois:
            # get ROI as a small image
            size = sqlite.get_roi_size(roi)
            offset = sqlite.get_roi_offset(roi)
            img3d = plot_3d.prepare_roi(image5d, size, offset)

            # get blobs and change confirmation flag to avoid confirmation
            # color in 2D plots
            roi_id = roi["id"]
            blobs = sqlite.select_blobs(db.cur, roi_id)
            blobs_detected = None
            if truth_mode is config.TruthDBModes.VERIFIED:
                # verified DBs use a truth value of -1 to indicate "detected",
                # non-truth blobs, including both correct and incorrect
                # detections, while the rest of blobs are "truth" blobs
                truth_vals = detector.get_blob_truth(blobs)
                blobs_detected = blobs[truth_vals == -1]
                blobs = blobs[truth_vals != -1]
                # default to include only confirmed blobs; truth sets
                # ironically do not use the truth flag but instead
                # assume all confirmed blobs are "truth"
                blobs = blobs[detector.get_blob_confirmed(blobs) == 1]
            blobs[:, 4] = -1

            # adjust ROI size and offset if border set
            if padding is not None:
                size = np.subtract(img3d.shape[::-1], 2 * padding)
                img3d = plot_3d.prepare_roi(img3d, size, padding)
                blobs[:, 0:3] = np.subtract(blobs[:, 0:3],
                                            np.add(offset, padding)[::-1])
            print("exporting ROI of shape {}".format(img3d.shape))

            isotropic = config.roi_profile["isotropic"]
            blobs_orig = blobs
            if isotropic is not None:
                # interpolation for isotropy if set in first processing profile
                img3d = cv_nd.make_isotropic(img3d, isotropic)
                isotropic_factor = cv_nd.calc_isotropic_factor(isotropic)
                blobs_orig = np.copy(blobs)
                blobs = detector.multiply_blob_rel_coords(
                    blobs, isotropic_factor)

            # export ROI and 2D plots
            path_base, path_dir_nifti, path_img, path_img_nifti, path_blobs, \
                path_img_annot, path_img_annot_nifti = make_roi_paths(
                    path, roi_id, channel, make_dirs=True)
            np.save(path_img, img3d)
            print("saved 3D image to {}".format(path_img))
            # WORKAROUND: for some reason SimpleITK gives a conversion error
            # when converting from uint16 (>u2) Numpy array
            img3d = img3d.astype(np.float64)
            img3d_sitk = sitk.GetImageFromArray(img3d)
            print("orig img:\n{}".format(img3d[0]))
            img3d_back = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(img3d_sitk)
            print(img3d.shape, img3d.dtype, img3d_back.shape, img3d_back.dtype)
            print("sitk img:\n{}".format(img3d_back[0]))
            sitk.WriteImage(img3d_sitk, path_img_nifti, False)
            roi_ed = roi_editor.ROIEditor(img3d)

            # export image and blobs, stripping blob flags and adjusting
            # user-added segments' radii; use original rather than blobs with
            # any interpolation since the ground truth will itself be
            # interpolated
            blobs = blobs_orig
            blobs = blobs[:, 0:4]
            # prior to v.0.5.0, user-added segments had a radius of 0.0
            blobs[np.isclose(blobs[:, 3], 0), 3] = 5.0
            # as of v.0.5.0, user-added segments have neg radii whose abs
            # value corresponds to the displayed radius
            blobs[:, 3] = np.abs(blobs[:, 3])
            # make more rounded since near-integer values appear to give
            # edges of 5 straight pixels
            # https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/issues/2112
            #blobs[:, 3] += 1E-1
            blobs[:, 3] -= 0.5
            np.save(path_blobs, blobs)

            # convert blobs to ground truth
            img3d_truth = plot_3d.build_ground_truth(
                np.zeros(size[::-1], dtype=np.uint8), blobs)
            if isotropic is not None:
                img3d_truth = cv_nd.make_isotropic(img3d_truth, isotropic)
                # remove fancy blending since truth set must be binary
                img3d_truth[img3d_truth >= 0.5] = 1
                img3d_truth[img3d_truth < 0.5] = 0
            print("exporting truth ROI of shape {}".format(img3d_truth.shape))
            np.save(path_img_annot, img3d_truth)
                            path_img_annot_nifti, False)
            # avoid smoothing interpolation, using "nearest" instead
            with plt.style.context(config.rc_params_mpl2_img_interp):

            # measure ROI metrics and export to data frame; use AtlasMetrics
            # enum vals since will need LabelMetrics names instead
            metrics = {
                config.AtlasMetrics.SAMPLE.value: exp["name"],
                config.AtlasMetrics.CONDITION.value: "truth",
                config.AtlasMetrics.CHANNEL.value: channel,
                config.AtlasMetrics.OFFSET.value: offset,
                config.AtlasMetrics.SIZE.value: size,
            # get basic counts for ROI and update volume for physical units
            vols.MeasureLabel.set_data(img3d, np.ones_like(img3d,
            _, metrics_counts = vols.MeasureLabel.measure_counts(1)
            metrics_counts[vols.LabelMetrics.Volume] *= phys_mult
            for key, val in metrics_counts.items():
                # convert LabelMetrics to their name
                metrics[key.name] = val
            metrics[vols.LabelMetrics.Nuclei.name] = len(blobs)
            metrics_dicts = [metrics]
            if blobs_detected is not None:
                # add another row for detected blobs
                metrics_detected = dict(metrics)
                    config.AtlasMetrics.CONDITION.value] = "detected"
                metrics_detected[vols.LabelMetrics.Nuclei.name] = len(
            for m in metrics_dicts:
                for key, val in m.items():
                    metrics_all.setdefault(key, []).append(val)

            print("exported {}".format(path_base))

    #_test_loading_rois(db, channel, path)

    # convert to data frame and compute densities for nuclei and intensity
    df = df_io.dict_to_data_frame(metrics_all)
    vol = df[vols.LabelMetrics.Volume.name]
    df.loc[:, vols.LabelMetrics.DensityIntens.name] = (
        df[vols.LabelMetrics.Intensity.name] / vol)
    df.loc[:, vols.LabelMetrics.Density.name] = (
        df[vols.LabelMetrics.Nuclei.name] / vol)
    df = df_io.data_frames_to_csv(df, "{}_rois.csv".format(path))
    return df