def plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels, output_path=None): """ Display a binary image that shows the given pixel mask. A black image with `w` x `h` pixels is created and the `pixels` are marked with white. Parameters ---------- h : int The height of the image in pixels. w : int The width of the image in pixels. pixels : ndarray The 2D array of pixels that make up the mask. Each row is a coordinate pair (x, y), such that `coords` has size len(`pixels`) x 2. output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). Notes ----- The resulting image is displayed in a figure using `magni.imaging.visualisation.imshow`. Examples -------- For example, >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import plot_pixel_mask >>> h = 3 >>> w = 3 >>> pixels = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels) """ _validate_plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels, output_path) mask = np.zeros((h, w)) mask[pixels[:, 1], pixels[:, 0]] = 1 fs = (np.abs([h, w])).min() / 10 _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': (h / fs, w / fs)}}, cmap='gray') fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) _imshow(mask, ax=axes, show_axis='top') axes.set_xlabel('width [pixels]') axes.set_ylabel('height [pixels]') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path)
def plot_pattern(l, w, coords, mode, output_path=None): """ Display a plot that shows the pattern given by a set of coordinates. The pattern given by the `coords` is displayed on an `w` x `l` area. If `mode` is 'surface', `l` and `w` are regarded as measured in meters. If `mode` is 'image', `l` and `w` are regarded as measured in pixels. The `coords` are marked by filled circles and connected by straight dashed lines. Parameters ---------- l : float or int The length/height of the area. If `mode` is 'surface', it must be a float. If `mode` is 'image', it must be an integer. w : float or int The width of the area. If `mode` is 'surface', it must be a float. If `mode` is 'image', it must be an integer. coords : ndarray The 2D array of pixels that make up the mask. Each row is a coordinate pair (x, y). mode : {'surface', 'image'} The display mode that dertermines the axis labeling and the type of `l` and `w`. output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). Notes ----- The resulting plot is displayed in a figure using `matplotlib`'s `pyplot.plot`. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import plot_pattern >>> l = 3 >>> w = 3 >>> coords = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> mode = 'image' >>> plot_pattern(l, w, coords, mode) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _generic('mode', 'string', value_in=('surface', 'image')) if mode == 'surface': _numeric('l', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_l)) _numeric('w', 'floating', range_='[{};inf)'.format(_min_w)) _numeric('coords', 'floating', shape=(-1, 2)) _numeric('coords[:, 0]', 'floating', range_='[0;{}]'.format(w), shape=(-1,), var=coords[:, 0]) _numeric('coords[:, 1]', 'floating', range_='[0;{}]'.format(l), shape=(-1,), var=coords[:, 1]) elif mode == 'image': _numeric('l', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('w', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('coords', ('integer', 'floating'), shape=(-1, 2)) _numeric('coords[:, 0]', ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;{})'.format(w), shape=(-1,), var=coords[:, 0]) _numeric('coords[:, 1]', ('integer', 'floating'), range_='[0;{})'.format(l), shape=(-1,), var=coords[:, 1]) _generic('output_path', 'string', ignore_none=True) validate_input() figsize = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] if w / l > figsize[0] / figsize[1]: figsize_local = [figsize[0], figsize[0] * l / w] else: figsize_local = [figsize[1] * w / l, figsize[1]] _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': figsize_local}}) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) axes.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], marker=_plotting.markers[0], ls=_plotting.linestyles[1], ms=6) axes.set_xlim([0, w]) axes.xaxis.tick_top() axes.invert_yaxis() axes.set_ylim([l, 0]) axes.xaxis.set_label_position('top') axes.set_aspect('equal') if mode == 'surface': axes.set_xlabel('width [m]') axes.set_ylabel('length [m]') axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) # Fix position of exponential multipliers in scientific notation exp_texts = [axes.xaxis.get_children()[1], axes.yaxis.get_children()[1]] vert_aligns = ['bottom', 'center'] hori_aligns = ['center', 'right'] xy_texts = [(0, 25), (-35, 0)] xys = [(1, 1), (0, 0)] annos = [None, None] for k, text in enumerate(exp_texts): text.set_visible(False) annos[k] = axes.annotate('', xys[k], xytext=xy_texts[k], xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', va=vert_aligns[k], ha=hori_aligns[k]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'draw_event', lambda event: annos[0].set_text( exp_texts[0].get_text())) fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'draw_event', lambda event: annos[1].set_text( exp_texts[1].get_text())) elif mode == 'image': axes.set_xlabel('width [pixels]') axes.set_ylabel('height [pixels]') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path) _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': figsize}})
def plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels, output_path=None): """ Display a binary image that shows the given pixel mask. A black image with `w` x `h` pixels is created and the `pixels` are marked with white. Parameters ---------- h : int The height of the image in pixels. w : int The width of the image in pixels. pixels : ndarray The 2D array of pixels that make up the mask. Each row is a coordinate pair (x, y), such that `coords` has size len(`pixels`) x 2. output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). Notes ----- The resulting image is displayed in a figure using `magni.imaging.visualisation.imshow`. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import plot_pixel_mask >>> h = 3 >>> w = 3 >>> pixels = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('h', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('w', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('pixels', 'integer', shape=(-1, 2)) _numeric('pixels[:, 0]', 'integer', range_='[0;{}]'.format(w - 1), shape=(-1,), var=pixels[:, 0]) _numeric('pixels[:, 1]', 'integer', range_='[0;{}]'.format(h - 1), shape=(-1,), var=pixels[:, 1]) _generic('output_path', 'string', ignore_none=True) validate_input() mask = _util.construct_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels) figsize = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] if w / h > figsize[0] / figsize[1]: figsize_local = [figsize[0], figsize[0] * h / w] else: figsize_local = [figsize[1] * w / h, figsize[1]] _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': figsize_local}}) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) _imshow(mask, ax=axes, show_axis='top') axes.set_xlabel('width [pixels]') axes.set_ylabel('height [pixels]') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path) _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': figsize}})
def imshow(X, ax=None, intensity_func=None, intensity_args=(), show_axis='frame', **kwargs): """ Display an image. Wrap `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` to display a possibly intensity manipulated version of the image `X`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray The image to be displayed. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes on which the image is displayed (the default is None, which implies that the current axes is used). intensity_func : FunctionType, optional The handle to the function used to manipulate the image intensity before the image is displayed (the default is None, which implies that no intensity manipulation is used). intensity_args : list or tuple, optional The arguments that are passed to the `intensity_func` (the default is (), which implies that no arguments are passed). show_axis : {'none', 'top', 'inherit', 'frame'} How the x- and y-axis are display. If 'none', no axis are displayed. If 'top', the x-axis is displayed at the top of the image. If 'inherit', the axis display is inherited from `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. If 'frame' only the frame is shown and not the ticks. Returns ------- im_out : matplotlib.image.AxesImage The AxesImage returned by matplotlibs imshow. See Also -------- matplotlib.pyplot.imshow : Matplotlib's imshow function. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.visualisation import imshow >>> X = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2) >>> add_k = lambda X, k: X + k >>> im_out = imshow(X, intensity_func=add_k, intensity_args=(2,)) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('X', ('boolean', 'integer', 'floating'), shape=(-1, -1)) _generic('ax', mpl.axes.Axes, ignore_none=True) _generic('intensity_func', 'function', ignore_none=True) _generic('intensity_args', 'explicit collection') _generic('show_axis', 'string', value_in=('none', 'top', 'inherit', 'frame')) validate_input() _plotting.setup_matplotlib() # Handle ax keyword argument ca = plt.gca() if ax is not None: # Intensity manipulation if intensity_func is not None: im_out = plt.imshow(intensity_func(X, *intensity_args), **kwargs) else: im_out = plt.imshow(X, **kwargs) # Display of axis axes = plt.gca() if show_axis == 'none': axes.axis('off') elif show_axis == 'top': axes.xaxis.tick_top() axes.xaxis.set_label_position('top') elif show_axis == 'frame': xlabels = axes.get_xticklabels() ylabels = axes.get_yticklabels() empty_xlabels = ['']*len(xlabels) empty_ylabels = ['']*len(ylabels) axes.set_xticklabels(empty_xlabels) axes.set_yticklabels(empty_ylabels) axes.tick_params(length=0) return im_out
def plot_phase_transitions(curves, plot_l1=True, output_path=None): r""" Plot of a set of phase transition boundary curves. The set of phase transition boundary curves are plotted an saved under the `output_path`, if specified. The `curves` must be a list of dictionaries each having keys *delta*, *rho*, and *label*. *delta* must be an `ndarray` of :math:`\delta` values in the phase space. *rho* must be an `ndarray` of the corresponding :math:`\rho` values in the phase space. *label* must be a `str` describing the curve. Parameters ---------- curves : list A list of dicts describing the curves to plot. plot_l1 : bool, optional Whether or not to plot the theoretical :math:`\ell_1` curve (the default is True). output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). Notes ----- The plotting is done using `matplotlib`, which implies that an open figure containing the plot will result from using this function. Tabulated values of the theoretical :math:`\ell_1` phase transition boundary is available at Examples -------- For example, >>> from magni.cs.phase_transition.plotting import plot_phase_transitions >>> delta = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.9]) >>> rho = np.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.8]) >>> curves = [{'delta': delta, 'rho': rho, 'label': 'data1'}] >>> output_path = 'phase_transitions.pdf' >>> plot_phase_transitions(curves, output_path=output_path) """ _validate_plot_phase_transitions(curves, plot_l1, output_path) _plotting.setup_matplotlib() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) for curve in curves: axes.plot(curve['delta'], curve['rho'], label=curve['label']) if plot_l1: _plot_theoretical_l1(axes) axes.legend(loc='upper left') axes.set_xlabel(r'$\delta = m/n$') axes.set_ylabel(r'$\rho = k/m$') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path)
def plot_phase_transition_colormap(dist, delta, rho, plot_l1=True, output_path=None): r""" Create a colormap of the phase space reconstruction probabilities. The `delta` and `rho` values span a 2D grid in the phase space. Reconstruction probabilities are then calculated from the `dist` 3D array of reconstruction error distances. The resulting 2D grid of reconstruction probabilites is visualised over the square centers in this 2D grid using a colormap. Values in this grid at lower indicies correspond to lower values of :math:`\delta` and :math:`\rho`. If `plot_l1` is True, then the theoretical l1 curve is overlayed the colormap. The colormap is saved under the `output_path`, if specified. Parameters ---------- dist : ndarray A 3D array of reconstruction error distances. delta : ndarray :math:`\delta` values used in the 2D grid. rho : ndarray :math:`\rho` values used in the 2D grid. plot_l1 : bool Whether or not to plot the theoretical :math:`\ell_1` curve. (the default is True) output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). See Also -------- : Loading phase transitions from an HDF database. Notes ----- The plotting is done using `matplotlib`, which implies that an open figure containing the plot will result from using this function. The values in `delta` and `rho` are assumed to be equally spaced. Due to the *centering* of the color coded rectangles, they are not necessarily square towards the ends of the intervals defined by `delta` and `rho`. Tabulated values of the theoretical :math:`\ell_1` phase transition boundary is available at Examples -------- For example, >>> from magni.cs.phase_transition.plotting import ( ... plot_phase_transition_colormap) >>> delta = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.8]) >>> rho = np.array([0.3, 0.6]) >>> dist = np.array([[[1.35e-08, 1.80e-08], [1.08, 1.11]], ... [[1.40e-12, 8.32e-12], [8.57e-01, 7.28e-01]], [[1.92e-13, 1.17e-13], ... [2.10e-10, 1.12e-10]]]) >>> out_path = 'phase_transition_cmap.pdf' >>> plot_phase_transition_colormap(dist, delta, rho, output_path=out_path) """ _validate_plot_phase_transition_colormap(dist, delta, rho, plot_l1, output_path) probs = np.sum(dist < 1e-4, axis=-1, dtype=float) / np.size(dist, -1) d_delta = (delta[1] - delta[0]) / 2 d_rho = (rho[1] - rho[0]) / 2 x = np.hstack((np.array([0]), delta[1:] - d_delta, np.array([1]))) y = np.hstack((np.array([0]), rho[1:] - d_rho, np.array([1]))) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) _plotting.setup_matplotlib() fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) p_mesh = axes.pcolormesh(X, Y, probs.T, vmin=0, vmax=1, edgecolor='face') c_bar = plt.colorbar(p_mesh) c_bar.set_label('Estimated probability of reconstruction') # Apply vector graphics render workaround to avoid white gaps in colorbar # See: c_bar.solids.set_edgecolor("face") if plot_l1: _plot_theoretical_l1(axes) axes.legend(loc='upper left') axes.set_xticks(np.arange(11) / 10) axes.set_yticks(np.arange(11) / 10) axes.set_xlabel(r'$\delta = m/n$') axes.set_ylabel(r'$\rho = k/m$') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path)
def plot_pattern(l, w, coords, mode, output_path=None): """ Display a plot that shows the pattern given by a set of coordinates. The pattern given by the `coords` is displayed on an `w` x `l` area. If `mode` is 'surface', `l` and `w` are regarded as measured in meters. If `mode` is 'image', `l` and `w` are regarded as measured in pixels. The `coords` are marked by filled circles and connected by straight dashed lines. Parameters ---------- l : float or int The length/height of the area. If `mode` is 'surface', it must be a float. If `mode` is 'image', it must be an integer. w : float or int The width of the area. If `mode` is 'surface', it must be a float. If `mode` is 'image', it must be an integer. coords : ndarray The 2D array of pixels that make up the mask. Each row is a coordinate pair (x, y). mode : {'surface', 'image'} The display mode that dertermines the axis labeling and the type of `l` and `w`. output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). Notes ----- The resulting plot is displayed in a figure using `matplotlib`'s `pyplot.plot`. Examples -------- For example, >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import plot_pattern >>> l = 3 >>> w = 3 >>> coords = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1]], dtype=np.float) >>> mode = 'image' >>> plot_pattern(l, w, coords, mode) """ _validate_plot_pattern(l, w, coords, mode, output_path) fs = (np.abs([l, w])).min() / 10 _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': (l / fs, w / fs)}}) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) axes.plot(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], marker=_plotting.markers[0], ls=_plotting.linestyles[1], ms=6) axes.set_xlim([0, w]) axes.xaxis.tick_top() axes.invert_yaxis() axes.set_ylim([l, 0]) axes.xaxis.set_label_position('top') axes.set_aspect('equal') if mode == 'surface': axes.set_xlabel('width [m]') axes.set_ylabel('length [m]') axes.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) # Fix position of exponential multipliers in scientific notation exp_texts = [axes.xaxis.get_children()[1], axes.yaxis.get_children()[1]] vert_aligns = ['bottom', 'center'] hori_aligns = ['center', 'right'] xy_texts = [(0, 25), (-35, 0)] xys = [(1, 1), (0, 0)] annos = [None, None] for k, text in enumerate(exp_texts): text.set_visible(False) annos[k] = axes.annotate('', xys[k], xytext=xy_texts[k], xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', va=vert_aligns[k], ha=hori_aligns[k]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'draw_event', lambda event: annos[0].set_text( exp_texts[0].get_text())) fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'draw_event', lambda event: annos[1].set_text( exp_texts[1].get_text())) elif mode == 'image': axes.set_xlabel('width [pixels]') axes.set_ylabel('height [pixels]') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path)
def imshow(X, ax=None, intensity_func=None, intensity_args=(), show_axis='none', **kwargs): """ Display an image. Wrap `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` to display a possibly intensity manipulated version of the image `X`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray The image to be displayed. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes on which the image is displayed (the default is None, which implies that the current axes is used). intensity_func : FunctionType, optional The handle to the function used to manipulate the image intensity before the image is displayed (the default is None, which implies that no intensity manipulation is used). intensity_args : list or tuple, optional The arguments that are passed to the `intensity_func` (the default is (), which implies that no arguments are passed). show_axis : {'none', 'top', 'inherit'} How the x- and y-axis are display. If 'none', no axis are displayed. If 'top', the x-axis is displayed at the top of the image. If 'inherit', the axis display is inherited from `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns ------- im_out : matplotlib.image.AxesImage The AxesImage returned by matplotlibs imshow. See Also -------- matplotlib.pyplot.imshow : Matplotlib's imshow function. Examples -------- For example, >>> from magni.imaging.visualisation import imshow >>> X = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2) >>> add_k = lambda X, k: X + k >>> im_out = imshow(X, intensity_func=add_k, intensity_args=(2,)) """ _validate_imshow(X, ax, intensity_func, intensity_args, show_axis) _plotting.setup_matplotlib() # Handle ax keyword argument ca = plt.gca() if ax is not None: # Intensity manipulation if intensity_func is not None: im_out = plt.imshow(intensity_func(X, *intensity_args), **kwargs) else: im_out = plt.imshow(X, **kwargs) # Display of axis axes = plt.gca() if show_axis == 'none': xlabels = axes.get_xticklabels() ylabels = axes.get_yticklabels() empty_xlabels = ['']*len(xlabels) empty_ylabels = ['']*len(ylabels) axes.set_xticklabels(empty_xlabels) axes.set_yticklabels(empty_ylabels) axes.tick_params(length=0) elif show_axis == 'top': axes.xaxis.tick_top() axes.xaxis.set_label_position('top') return im_out
def imshow(X, ax=None, intensity_func=None, intensity_args=(), show_axis='frame', **kwargs): """ Display an image. Wrap `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` to display a possibly intensity manipulated version of the image `X`. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray The image to be displayed. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axes on which the image is displayed (the default is None, which implies that the current axes is used). intensity_func : FunctionType, optional The handle to the function used to manipulate the image intensity before the image is displayed (the default is None, which implies that no intensity manipulation is used). intensity_args : list or tuple, optional The arguments that are passed to the `intensity_func` (the default is (), which implies that no arguments are passed). show_axis : {'none', 'top', 'inherit', 'frame'} How the x- and y-axis are display. If 'none', no axis are displayed. If 'top', the x-axis is displayed at the top of the image. If 'inherit', the axis display is inherited from `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. If 'frame' only the frame is shown and not the ticks. Returns ------- im_out : matplotlib.image.AxesImage The AxesImage returned by matplotlibs imshow. See Also -------- matplotlib.pyplot.imshow : Matplotlib's imshow function. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.visualisation import imshow >>> X = np.arange(4).reshape(2, 2) >>> add_k = lambda X, k: X + k >>> im_out = imshow(X, intensity_func=add_k, intensity_args=(2,)) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('X', ('boolean', 'integer', 'floating'), shape=(-1, -1)) _generic('ax', mpl.axes.Axes, ignore_none=True) _generic('intensity_func', 'function', ignore_none=True) _generic('intensity_args', 'explicit collection') _generic('show_axis', 'string', value_in=('none', 'top', 'inherit', 'frame')) validate_input() _plotting.setup_matplotlib() # Handle ax keyword argument ca = plt.gca() if ax is not None: # Intensity manipulation if intensity_func is not None: im_out = plt.imshow(intensity_func(X, *intensity_args), **kwargs) else: im_out = plt.imshow(X, **kwargs) # Display of axis axes = plt.gca() if show_axis == 'none': axes.axis('off') elif show_axis == 'top': axes.xaxis.tick_top() axes.xaxis.set_label_position('top') elif show_axis == 'frame': xlabels = axes.get_xticklabels() ylabels = axes.get_yticklabels() empty_xlabels = [''] * len(xlabels) empty_ylabels = [''] * len(ylabels) axes.set_xticklabels(empty_xlabels) axes.set_yticklabels(empty_ylabels) axes.tick_params(length=0) return im_out
def plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels, output_path=None): """ Display a binary image that shows the given pixel mask. A black image with `w` x `h` pixels is created and the `pixels` are marked with white. Parameters ---------- h : int The height of the image in pixels. w : int The width of the image in pixels. pixels : ndarray The 2D array of pixels that make up the mask. Each row is a coordinate pair (x, y), such that `coords` has size len(`pixels`) x 2. output_path : str, optional Path (including file type extension) under which the plot is saved (the default value is None which implies, that the plot is not saved). Notes ----- The resulting image is displayed in a figure using `magni.imaging.visualisation.imshow`. Examples -------- For example, >>> import numpy as np >>> from magni.imaging.measurements import plot_pixel_mask >>> h = 3 >>> w = 3 >>> pixels = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 1]]) >>> plot_pixel_mask(h, w, pixels) """ @_decorate_validation def validate_input(): _numeric('h', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('w', 'integer', range_='[2;inf)') _numeric('pixels', 'integer', shape=(-1, 2)) _numeric('pixels[:, 0]', 'integer', range_='[0;{}]'.format(w - 1), shape=(-1,), var=pixels[:, 0]) _numeric('pixels[:, 1]', 'integer', range_='[0;{}]'.format(h - 1), shape=(-1,), var=pixels[:, 1]) _generic('output_path', 'string', ignore_none=True) validate_input() mask = np.zeros((h, w)) mask[pixels[:, 1], pixels[:, 0]] = 1 figsize = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] if w / h > figsize[0] / figsize[1]: figsize_local = [figsize[0], figsize[0] * h / w] else: figsize_local = [figsize[1] * w / h, figsize[1]] _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': figsize_local}}) fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1) _imshow(mask, ax=axes, show_axis='top') axes.set_xlabel('width [pixels]') axes.set_ylabel('height [pixels]') plt.tight_layout() if output_path is not None: plt.savefig(output_path) _plotting.setup_matplotlib({'figure': {'figsize': figsize}})